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  1. #21
    Hans'gar and Franzok’s Crippling Suplex ability no longer deals damage based on maximum health of the tank who was picked up. It deals a flat amount of Physical damage to both tanks who are thrown together. (200,000 damage on Raid Finder, 450,000 damage on Normal, 600,000 damage on Heroic, and 700,000 damage on Mythic)

    Known issues that will be fixed in Patch 6.1:
    When grabbed by Hans’gar or Franzok in advance of Crippling Suplex, tanks are currently unable to use abilities. They will be able to use abilities while grabbed in 6.1.

    Looking at logs thats exactly the damage I take if I remove any defensives used and passive DR from blood pres. Exactly 700k x the % dmg buff they are at(which builds up the lower HP they are). I also looked at all 3 of my tanks logs. Both tanks in each run all take the same damage. We have every kinda of tank except a bear combined if you count all 3 runs. The damage intake is 100% the same around 715-720k for first one, 730-735k for 2nd one and around 750-755k for 3rd. Obviously damage intake will vary a little due to the percent of the boss when it actually finished the cast(main raid pushes them stupid fast).

    It has never been % HP except for that day and a half before the hotfix went in.

    Otherwise both tanks wouldn't be taking the exact same damage before passive DR/Externals. It would look really skewed with blood dk who has over 800k constant hp vs a 450k hp monk.
    Last edited by Jellospally; 2015-04-08 at 12:11 PM.

  2. #22
    You are right. Don't have a lot time now in work to check logs. But it is still crazy to have 1M HP when other tanks have +/-500k.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Ikrekot View Post
    You are right. Don't have a lot time now in work to check logs. But it is still crazy to have 1M HP when other tanks have +/-500k.
    Eh I mean it works with how our class takes damage. The hits we receive(before blood shield absorbs) its pretty damn high in comparison. Though tbh our HP buff from spending RP probably shouldn't be at 44% at all times due to 100% Breath since only using DC it rarely would go over 25% thats quite a bit of HP difference.

    Though you are using a stam trinket... I only hit around 870k with Vamp Blood and sustain like 755k without it once breath brings it to 44%.

    Also... why do you have outbreak glyphed and using breath /sadpanda

  4. #24
    With RC from warrior and VP I can hit 1.2M HP and Stamina Flask. With VP I have 980k HP.
    I want to change Stamina trinket but always dps get trinket from Maidens
    Both other tanks have trinket from Blast Furnace even on alts.

    When I unlucky with proc and Breath falloff it is good to have that glyph. I sometimes change it for shorter AMS cd glyph when there is a lot of magic dmg.
    Last edited by Ikrekot; 2015-04-08 at 12:41 PM.

  5. #25
    Bloodsail Admiral Saybel's Avatar
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    I think the blue MS/BA trinket would be better than battering talisman.
    RIP Breath of Sindragosa - 23/06/2015 - The day fun died.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Saybel View Post
    I think the blue MS/BA trinket would be better than battering talisman.
    I'd tank with an engineering trinket from MoP, and a heart full of dreams before the blackhand trinket.

  7. #27
    I've recently been "forced" into a mas/vers build. My guild is 4/10 mythic and still progressing, so obviously people are making mistakes and I want to take as much pressure off healers as possible. I have used BoS in the past during heroic, where obviously the stakes aren't as high and the hits aren't as hard. Recently, though, I've been getting shitloads of mastery/vers gear...specifically, mythic gear. 15 ilvls makes it pretty appealing, so I've equipped these pieces and lost a ton of MS. Since the mastery gear kept rolling in, I decided to just go all the way and enchant/gem/spec towards a mastery build (at one point reaching 82% mas raid buffed when I ranked heroic all-star status for KRSI), playing around with either NP or defile (also worth noting is that I've always used runic corruption - I find that plague leech serves the same purpose as an "oh shit" button and I pop off WAY more death strikes than the typical DK, mainly because I rationalize it with the insane size of the resulting blood shield and the availability of RT/AMS).

    To start, here's my armory. [This is where the link would be if this forum wasn't shit - Oft-Tichondrius]
    And guild logs: [You'll have to look these up as well, thanks MMOC] My logs from this week are hardly worth looking at since our usual OT was gone and we had a DPS filling in, so our kills were extremely sloppy. The week before I was running the same build, so those logs are a bit better - bear in mind, this is my third week in mythic.

    So, the question is, should I take a considerable hit to ilvl (3-4 drop) to go for BoS? I picked up the mythic ore neck and the haste/BA ring last night, which I've enchanted with MS in anticipation of this. If I were to equip the ~4 MS pieces I have in my bank and re-enchant/gem my gear, my MS unbuffed would be around ~38%, which is quite a bit lower than what I've seen people requiring for decent BoS uptime. Mastery would probably drop to ~50-55%. To retain my 2-piece when making this change, I'd need to sacrifice a few pieces of mythic gear. I do have set pieces to fill in (heroic chest, helm, legs, shoulders). I would end up replacing: bracers w/ crafted 685 mas/ms (-15 ilvl), shouders w/ H BH shoulders (-6 ilvl), neck w/ mythic ore neck (-6 ilvl), helm w/ H tier to maintain 2-set (-15 ilvl), ring of same ilvl but w/ haste rather than mas. I also have H tier legs and could downgrade my mythic legs rather than helm to maintain 2-set. What do your guys recommend? Should I continue being tanky until I get my hands on some mythic quality MS gear (obv. trinket from maidens is huge as well, we've stopped running heroic though and I don't have tons of time to pug) or should I make the change now for gruul progression and beyond? I am kinda finding it hard to believe that adding 5-10k DPS at the cost of a fat chunk of survivability won't hinder the raid's progress.

    Also, I'd like someone to really sell me on the idea of getting good with Blood Tap. As it stands, I'm almost never hurting for death strikes, especially with PL as an "Oh-shit" button. My main issue with the talent is that I see myself holding on to BT stacks too long and wasting them, making even RE a better talent option (which, by the way, I'd never take - don't worry, I'm not that delusional). I guess it synergizes well with the BoS playstyle, which I'll admit, I hate - spending death runes on CoI (which would be necessitated by my low MS even if I were to wear my MS gear) just feels wrong. Not to mention, as much as people harp about the 'control' that BT gives, its effectiveness is largely tied to RP gen, which is tied directly to multistrike. So, let's say you bust 10 charges to DS (a DS that could also come from PL), then find yourself in immediate need of a second DS - if your MS isn't supplying you with RP, you're just as fucked as you'd've been with RC. It's also much easier to end up with "orphan runes" with BT, especially if you're using it in a defensive situation when you can't wait to refresh the correct rune pair. Seems like there's no escaping RNG no matter what T4 talent you choose. Regardless, I'd like to try it out, since mastery stacking is getting a bit stale. If you guys think I can hack it, let me know. Thanks for reading, sorry if I rambled.
    Last edited by Oft; 2015-04-08 at 11:36 PM.

  8. #28
    I wouldn't drop your ilvls to do it necessarily. Especially if you aren't comfortable with it.

    Gear will still drop, so pick up what you can as it comes. Let the Multi-strike come to you naturally as you work with it.

    Not sure what you're envisioning, but I really don't think you'd be dropping as much survivability as you think. Not to mention, I'd hazard to say you'd be gaining more than 5-10k worth of dps.

    As for Blood Tap, don't know why you'd need to be sold on it. It's pretty much the standard since before WoD because it gives you something that the others don't. Control. You have no control over if/when Corruption procs. As a tank, it sucks to be subject to RNG gods, and having more control, and not less of it, should be the selling point right there.

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