1. #37161

  2. #37162

  3. #37163

  4. #37164
    + 18

    Beat Greedier mode as Keeper!

  5. #37165


  6. #37166
    + 20

    I guess this is something Afterbirth+?

  7. #37167

  8. #37168

  9. #37169

  10. #37170
    + 20

    Yes, it is in Afterbirth+. What makes Keeper difficult is that you have a maximum of two health - you cannot upgrade this. While you can collect money to restore your health with this character, it is very random to get money, so in theory you could fight the final boss (who in some runs has lasted longer than ten minutes) and die in two hits without any recourse.

  11. #37171

    Why is it so?

  12. #37172

  13. #37173

  14. #37174

  15. #37175

  16. #37176

  17. #37177

  18. #37178

  19. #37179

  20. #37180

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