I'd like to discuss, ask for tips, and learn how to improve as an affliction warlock running with a friend which plays a resto shaman in 2v2 arena.

It's been some time since we've both played the game, and I can't help but feel we're "rusty".

Barely reaching 1500ish in 2v2 now, with somewhat of a 65% winrate so far. Some of the games just go smooth, played with our eyes closed, yet some games are a loss no matter the effort and play. I am sure there is much room for improvement.

So on with the question and discussion I guess.

Often it happens that we manage to successfully aling our cc's, double fear into hex into Felhunter silence into wind shear, and most of the times that secures as a kill and we win. However, there are times when the person just won't die. He stays on the 5-15% margin and somehow survives, be it LOS, cooldowns and etc. Now, our gear is pretty good, 725-6 in pvp -- so what are we doing wrong here? Back when I played Drain Soul was somewhat of an execute spell, but it feels so lackluster now.

For healer + dps matchups, if it's a melee class we're talking about and it's feral or rogue, we never win.

In general, if there is a feral or rogue in the mix, perhaps togther, with a mage or frost DK you can count it as a loss.
What is the general idea to facing these matchups. How the game seems to go is, the Shaman pops all his cd's trying to survive the inital burst, now they either outdmg ( i.e. DK+Rogue // Feral + Rogue ) or they have to many cc's ( i.e. Mage + Rogue ) for me to do anything. And the shaman just can't keep living that long, and eventually dies.

The same story is against Balanace and Mage, we just die. One of us, before there's anything anyone can do.

I am really open and welcome any discussion regarding the topic.
Even to some extent understand that there are simply better players and more favored match-ups against us, but that doesn't mean someone should give up, so here I am looking for ways to improve.

Once again I welcome any discussion.
Regards, Edenath

P.S. Armory link : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...Edenath/simple