Moiraine is not Black Ajah, and if they make it that way that's just another thing they're fucking up.
Not disagreeing, but the story and the prophecy from the books is that it's a male, that's what Moiraine herself believes. If SHE specifically is insinuating that a woman could become the dragon, she's lying. But as @Kreuger said, if all her words are conveying is that they're fighting against the Dark One and is not necessarily saying they could be the Dragon Reborn, it's not really a lie, just a half truth.And a women potentially becoming a Dragon is possible. *hint its one of the Heroes of the Horn*. RJ actually did hint theres female Dragons sometimes. But if they make the TV-series with a female Dragon Reborn, they destroy the series.
I'm personally not inclined to believe that's what is being insinuated there, but I haven't seen the show yet, could be.
I'm not hopeful they'll be true to the source material at this point, which is disappointing. But again, we'll have to see the show before making a final determination.
Silly change.
It probably swings the dynamic of the story entirely on to the Aes Sedai. Change the prophecy, change the world concept enough. Mess with the dynamic.
It’s a different Wheel of Time story, still close enough. But it will piss off a lot of fans needlessly. Unless they want the rage bait to try and get more viewers because the production was overall weak.
Maybe someone down the line will do a film that would do it justice. Capture the suspense, the mystery, the threat in the way the author distort hat sold millions worldwide
It says outright that the dragon may be a woman. Disappointing change, and in my opinion totally unnecessary.
Yeah that trailer was really bad and made it very clear they are both changing the prophecies and possibly even the dragon with how little rafe respects the original books
So read a little blurb-article today (sorry at work laptop so I can't link the story itself!) - where the director (or maybe it was a producer) was talking about how it will be a 'refreshing change' because there are going to be more naked men shown than women. They were comparing it to the 'soft porn' level of GoT (their phrase not mine) nudity and how this one will be 'nice change for the women' (was a woman saying this, director, producer, someone) because it will be the men walking around being displayed instead.
Um. Ok.
Throwing out how that's not really progressive or anything, nor that 'showing naked men' is somehow better or improved on 'naked women' - and I'm *guessing* its because of the "more Feminist" (or Matriarchal) stance of the world in the books that they are including this in the "story" at ALL; as I don't remember reading about scantily clad nude male prostitutes in all that Jordan exposition (Nyneave pulling her braid for 234722 times but not /that/ lol)
All I could think was, "...and none of this matters to the story at all.."
So we get three paragraphs in an article about the show -that only talks about how its also going to be soft-porn. (if you consider GoT soft porn I guess)
I wasn't so concerned about all the 'female dragon' phrasing because I'm ok waiting to see how it plays out. (to see how much this is a thing or if its corrected within the first episode and that's the end of it, whatever,).
But This - this actually makes me more concerned. Just for the whole purpose of the show and the purpose of them going with this IP. About them perhaps wanting more of a GoT clone than anything else and thus the entire idea of this show being 'book based' is under a bigger ???? for myself.
Just... weird article. Weird thing to bring up. Weird thing to 'flaunt' or 'spin' as a positive. Weird way of doing that. Just... huh? why talk about this at all?
Just...odd. :/
Koriani - Guardians of Forever - BM Huntard on TB; Kharmic - Worgen Druid - TB
Koriani - none - Dragon of Secret World
Karmic - Moirae - SWTOR
inactive: Frith-Rae - Horizons/Istaria; Koriani in multiple old MMOs. I been around a long time.
If you could find the article it would be interessting to read.
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Another teaser dropped today aswell
Man, I was really hyped for this when they initially released they were doing it, but every bit of news/trailers since then has really pulled the rug out from my enthusiasm. Again and again every adaptation I ask why directors/screen writers feel the need to change so many things from the source, I really don't give a shit about your message/story, I am interested in the film adaption because of the authors original message/story.
I know it's not on LOTR levels, but is there even any nudity or explicit sexual descriptions in the WoT books? All that comes to mind right now is a vague recolection of Perrin describing his gf/wife's fierce nature in bed.
Edit: Oh and of course Rand's women chasing after him, and feeling in them when the others are having sex and all that.
Also, this whole "time to see men naked now" is just the recycling of the garbage about "it's just not the same when it's men". They must've forgotten that GoT starts out, on the very first episode, with the Stark boys being clean shaved and having their six packs shown on screen. I supposed they also forgot that behind Daenerys, there's a big buffed dude ramming away, but it doesn't matter cause...... boobs? Christ...
There's just no pleasing this crowd. Here's arguably one of the most progressive pieces of fantasy - in the sense that the scales of power are reversed - and what do they do? Let's make it even MORE "progressive". What a bunch of insipid, hypocritical fools.
If the article actually says what he claims, would like to read it. Havent come across anything on this topic on WOTs subreddit and they usually have most if not all news in there
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Must have been this article mentioned earlier, managed to find it on reddit:
"Rosamund Pike has revealed that her new feminist fantasy series The Wheel of Time will show 'more naked men than women'.
The actress, 42, said it was 'quite pleasing' to readdress the nudity imbalance 'since women have been asked to expose themselves forever and a day.'"
"She told The Radio Times: 'You see many more naked men than you see naked women, which is quite pleasing, since women have been asked to expose themselves forever and a day.
'We've got all the boys frantically dieting and working out hard for their naked scenes and all of the women going out for lovely dinners.'"
If theres nothing more then this, doesnt really rile me up much.
Jesus christ...
That view only works if you start with the false premise that men's bodies aren't showcased in media as well. As I said, it's the whole thing about it not mattering because apparently men aren't sexualized in the same way. What in the world is it then, when their bodies are plastered all over media?
That's because all this side is interested is in tit for tat, not true progression, just reversal. It was never true racism free, just race reversal, gender reversal not equality or progressing past objectification - male or female. And media is sexualised enough, it would have been nice to have a great show where that wasn't a focus at all.
And according to the appendices on a new spring, they are pronouncing some of the names wrongly... Moiraine is Moy-rain but rather Mwah (as in French moi)-raine.
She isn't Ee-gwene, it's actually Eh-gwaine , if I remember correctly. At least Nynaeve's name is pronounced how the author intended it. I only picked this up because I read the pronunciations rather differently until I saw that Appendices in New Spring novel. It wasn't easy reversing years of reading their names differently, but I did.