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  1. #81
    This all could of been avoided if we just pretended to like Holinka's ugly baby Ashran.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormspellz View Post
    It was how it was implemented and that they didn't design the game with pvp from the start, which was also verified at a later interview.
    I wouldnt believe a single word they say when it comes to these things. The devteam has been notorious about twisting words around just so their current decisions appear in a better light. They do this EVERY time around, when another expansion is about to hit. It is always the same calming words. And then they make the same stupid decisions again. It will never change. All they seem to be good at is taking away diversity, and it has been like that since Cata. The beginning of the decline...

  3. #83
    People seem to think that having less meaningless buttons to press will make the game will somehow "easy" or "casual"

    PVP is not PVE.

    PVP is not memorizing an exact rotation or having tons of abilities to use. It's about teamwork, positioning, burst, and coordination. Pruning makes PVP better because you spend more time on movement and planning rather then making sure you have your "1% bonus to crit" debuff on your target.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by XangXu View Post
    People seem to think that having less meaningless buttons to press will make the game will somehow "easy" or "casual"

    PVP is not PVE.

    PVP is not memorizing an exact rotation or having tons of abilities to use. It's about teamwork, positioning, burst, and coordination. Pruning makes PVP better because you spend more time on movement and planning rather then making sure you have your "1% bonus to crit" debuff on your target.
    You forgot the most important one, counterplay.

    Pruning gets rid of all counterplay, all these "meaningless buttons" might be meaningless to you, because you don't know any better.

    You're damn right PvP isn't PvE, they're completely different and that's why pruning is bad for PvP.

    Some examples: Warrior Spell Reflects, a good mage would Fire Blast that off and start casting, a bad mage would cast into it.
    Now? Fire Blast was pruned in WoD, in Legion Spell Reflection reflects all spells for 3 sec. Fire Blast as a counter was pruned, and Reflect was dumbed down to not have counters.

    Scatter Trap. When Traps had an arming time you'd have to set up traps either with teammates CC, or your Scatter Shot. Scatter Shot was removed in WoD and traps were dumbed down to activate instantly.

    Even the small decision makings were good for the game, like a Warlock choosing between using Fel or Demon armor, Mages armors, and using your Arcane Brilliance for dispel protection... All of these are now gone.

    So no, pruning doesn't make PvP better, you couldn't be more wrong.
    Last edited by Aceveda; 2016-05-23 at 02:31 PM.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by XangXu View Post
    People seem to think that having less meaningless buttons to press will make the game will somehow "easy" or "casual"

    PVP is not PVE.

    PVP is not memorizing an exact rotation or having tons of abilities to use. It's about teamwork, positioning, burst, and coordination. Pruning makes PVP better because you spend more time on movement and planning rather then making sure you have your "1% bonus to crit" debuff on your target.
    No. Pruning is bad because you spend more time spamming damage and less time planning skillful moves.

  6. #86
    Blizzard with its actions / and lack of action has announced the casual PvP player is meaningless and go to hell .. They pretty much only care about the shortest queue time and put no focus in improving solo game play ..

    I'd like to see a lot of work put into solo BG's .. Many of us never even want to step foot in rated game play .. You can come up with lots of cool things for the solo player ..

  7. #87
    The player base hopefully learned to be careful what they wish for. The amount of times I've read, heard or saw people say " my healer gets stuck in a cc chain and me or my team mate dies " or " man I miss old pvp, those were the days ". Well guess what, all Blizz sees is what they want and cuts and cuts and what's left, strait up damage or heals(pve'ish no?) depending or your spec. And how about that old school pvp, where, for example, rogues would destroy someone without that person being able to do anything about it. Damage and death, maybe a little exaggerated but I hope my point still gets across. I'm not on the Blizz wagon either don't get me wrong. What they're doing are not good choices. Class homogenization is fucking awful and has only been getting worse and worse. And rather than them simply taking away the things people are complaining about, it would be nice to see them replace them with new shit. Classes have been complaining forever about what other classes have and what they don't. Welcome, come on in homogenization. What's Blizz supposed to do there, tell the complaining class to stfu, deal with it, l2p. No, instead everyone has fuck loads of cd's (offensive and defensive) cc's, instant casts, mobility, self heals etc etc. I guess my point is, Blizz isn't innocent here but, the players have been complaining since day one, and guess what, Blizz HAS been listening. So everyone that's posted complaints about " rock is op compared to my scissors " , give yourself a pat on the back because we wouldn't have class homogenization without you XD
    Last edited by Pvp guy; 2016-05-24 at 03:50 AM.

  8. #88
    There has never been a point where PvP was balanced, I don't know why they're doing all of this ability pruning or why they gave out niche class abilities to other classes in the first place. (shaman and paladin buffs etc.) Instead of simplifying everything so it's easy to balance and more accessible, or easier to watch for Esports, I think they should give classes their niche back and focus on abilities heavily countering each other so we can play more with team compositions. Every class would have to show up with significant strengths so the meta takes time to shape, but of course they would update and buff/nerf things so it doesn't get stale.

    Also, I know this is something they're working on, but I think the ability animations need more transparency so the casual viewer who may have played the game a while ago but is a little rusty can still kind of know (or guess) what's going on. From what I've seen the new ability animations are something I'm looking forward to, but I still think they could be a little more cinematic.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by RelaZ View Post
    No. Pruning is bad because you spend more time spamming damage and less time planning skillful moves.
    What "Skillful" moves?

    Complex PVP is not necessarily fun pvp.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by XangXu View Post
    What "Skillful" moves?

    Complex PVP is not necessarily fun pvp.
    Removed / Changed into retardedness:
    Spell Reflection
    Grounding Totem / Wind Shear
    Scatter Trap

    etc etc (just some of the top of my head):

    Implemented in Legion:
    Casting Circle
    Burning Determination
    New Spell Reflection (3sec duration, reflects everything).
    Frozen Arrow

    End result:

    More damage spam and less thought put into outplaying your opponent. That's not to say pruning in general can't possibly lead to more skillful gameplay, but Blizzard does not know how to do it properly.
    Last edited by RelaZ; 2016-05-26 at 07:08 AM.

  11. #91
    It would be nice if they would tune some numbers already.
    Bandwagon sports fans can eat a bag of .

  12. #92
    Complexity/simplicity aside. I think pruning might prove good assuming it was used to balance classes
    Tanks seem to be working as intended.

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