1. #1

    wanted to ask somthing about shadow since im new to palying it

    i change spec on my alt priest to shadow recently and i almost figure everything +- the only problem i still has and not sure what to do
    is with aoe,does i use mind seer? does i just keep applying shadow word pain and Vampiric Touch ?,should i get into Voidform and use mind seer(does it give bonus?)?

    help me figure it out
    thank you very much

  2. #2
    There's no great answer here - it depends on how many targets, how long they live, your talents/stats, etc. And even if you did know all that I don't think much math has been done on it yet. And our aoe sucks anyway.

    As a sort of general rule you can quickly hit everything with shadow word pain and then mind sear on short packs.

    On targets that live longer you probably want to focus on maintaining both dots as much as possible.

    On extremely high numbers of mobs, or mobs that die very fast, you can just mind sear

    If you can guarantee that you can hit ~4 targets on cooldown then shadow crash is a good option to talent into

    And yes voidform increases all of your damage by 20% (plus haste stacks) so you want to go into voidform whenever possible.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sxq View Post
    If you can guarantee that you can hit ~4 targets on cooldown then shadow crash is a good option to talent into
    To be honest I can't imagine a situation where I'd want to spec Shadow Crash over the other two. For trash packs maybe ? But switching talents for trash, meh.

    On any kind of boss you'd rather want the Insanity generation anyway. I don't know if there are a lot of bosses with many adds up at the same time in Legion though. But even then, they would all have to be bunched up, the CD is large and on top of all that it has a travel time too.

    I wish it were better somehow, if only to get away from Mind Sear which is so boring.

  4. #4
    Well it's a good choice for mythic+ dungeons where you can't swap talents and trash is important. It's also alright for fights like mannaroth where a wave of 10 targets spawns regularly. Dunno about Legion raid fights.

  5. #5
    If the mobs live long enough, put up dots, single target the priority target, maintain dots and use Void Eruption with the dots UP.

    Short lived mobs, not a fucking thing you can do, I just Mind Sear, doesn't really matter, mobs are already dying.
    I'm just trying to get Insanity stored up for longer living mobs or boss etc.

  6. #6
    Without SC our aoe is almost non existent. If it's raid trash, I usually just spam dots as a filler, if mobs die too quickly I pretend there are no mobs.

  7. #7
    In relevant dungeons like Legion you will probably be multidotting trash, since it will live for quite a bit in hc dungeons while you got normal dungeon gear on, so multidot, nuke main mob and try to keep dots rolling with void bolt whenever possible.

    In something like timewalking I just put on swp and mind sear trash.

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