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    Patch 7.3 - Seat of the Triumvirate and Antorus, the Burning Throne

    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Seat of the Triumvirate

    Zuraal the Ascended
    Description Here

    • Overview - Zuraal uses the void to empower himself and injure his opponents. Decimate creates pools of damaging void energy, while Coalesced Void empowers all of Zuraal's abilities.

      Every once in awhile, Zuraal will cast Umbra Shift on a random target, sending them to the Void realm. While the party member is in the Void realm, Zuraal the Ascended will fixate on random targets and chase them down, casting Maddened Strike if he gets too close. The party member in the Void realm can kill Dark Abberations to gain void energy in order to cast Void Tear. Casting Void Tear stuns Zuraal and removes Maddened Frenzy, causing him to no longer fixate.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • Kill off Coalesced Voids before they reach the boss.
        • While in the Void Realm, make sure to kill Dark Abberations as quick as possible to build up your void energy.
        • Void Tear stun the boss and causes him to take additional damage when cast, so use this opportunity to deal as much damage as you can.
        • Make sure the boss does not reach you while he is Fixated on you.
      • Healers -
        • Damage from Void Sludge will stacks on every party member who stands in it.
        • Make sure the boss does not reach you while he is Fixated on you.
      • Tanks -
        • Make sure to move the boss away from void energy left behind by Decimate and Null Palm, otherwise he will be empowered by Void Infusion .
        • While in the Void Realm, make sure to kill Dark Abberations as quick as possible to build up your void energy.
        • Void Tear stun the boss and causes him to take additional damage when cast, so use this opportunity to deal as much damage as you can.
    • Void Brute -
      • Null Palm - A cresting wave of chaotic magic splashes over enemies in front of the caster, dealing 229,000 at each impact point.
        • Void Sludge - Volatile void seeps in to the target, inflicting 45,500 Shadow damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.
        • Void Infusion - Infused by the void leaking out of the Twisting Nether, increase damage done by 100%.
      • Decimate - Infuses the caster's fist with void energy, inflicting 455,000 Shadow damage to their target and creating a pool of void energy that expands outwards from the impact point.
        • Void Sludge - Volatile void seeps in to the target, inflicting 45,500 Shadow damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Coalesced Void - Coalesced Void forms within the center pool throughout the fight, and makes their way towards the Void Brute. If they reach him, the Coalesced Void casts Dark Expulsion.
        • Dark Expulsion - Explodes in a shower of void energy, inflicting 325,000 Shadow to all enemies.
        • Umbral Ejection - Void energy wicks off the Coalesced Void, leaving pools of void energy at their location every 1 sec. These pools inflict 45,500 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
      • Umbra Shift - Infuses the target with void energy, inflicting 125,000 Shadow damage and knocking them backwards in to void realm.
        • Fixate - Fixates on a target, attacking them to the exclusion of other targets.
        • Maddened Frenzy - Maddened by the void, reducing Zuraal the Ascended's movement speed by 25%. Additionally, melee attacks cause knockback.
    • The Void Realm -
      • Dark Abberation - Dark Abberations wander the void, attacking anyone who appears in their realm.
        • Release Void Energy - Upon death, the caster explodes, inflicting 97,500 Shadow damage and infusing nearby targets with void energy. At 100 Energy, the target can cast Void Tear.
      • Void Infusion - While in the Void Realm, void energy can be gathered by killing Dark Abberations. After gathering 100 energy, Void Tear can be cast.
        • Void Tear - Tear a whole in the Void, bringing the caster back to the real world. Additionally, Void Tear stuns Zuraal the Ascended for 20 sec and increases damage taken by 200%.

    • Overview - Saprish, in conjunction with his pets, works to debilitate his targets before eliminating them for good.

      Saprish uses Void Trap to stun his enemies, while Darkfang will teleport behind a random and cast Ravaging Darkness. Party members hit by Ravaging Darkness gives Saprish stacks of Hunter's Rush, increasing the damage done to the tank.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • Avoid being trapped by Saprish's Void Trap.
        • Darkfang's Ravaging Darkness empowers Saprish with every player hit. Avoid standing it to keep the tank from being hit too hard.
      • Healers -
      • Tanks -
        • Focus on acquiring threat on the main boss; his pet can not be tanked.
        • Hunter's Rush gives Saprish's melee attacks a chance to deal additional damage. Watch how many stacks he has to gauge how much and how long additional damage will be coming in.
    • Void Hunter -
      • Hunter's Rush - Empowers the hunter, causing melee attacks to have a chance to cause Dark Slash.
        • Dark Slash - The caster's weapon bursts with dark energy, inflicting 125,000 Shadow damage.
      • Dark Hatchet - Throws a void-infused axe at the target, inflicting 97,500 Shadow damage
      • Void Trap - Creates a void trap, which inflicts 200,000 Shadow damage and stuns the first target that enters its radius.
      • Overload Trap - Sets a series of placed traps to explode, inflicting 250,000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
      • Umbral Flanking - Saprish marks multiple players. After a short time he dashes between them, inflicting 85,000 Physical damage. Additionally, all players hit by Umbral Flanking give Saprish a stack of Hunter's Rush.
    • Darkfang -
      • Ravaging Darkness - Teleports to a player and executes a series of attacks for 6 sec. Each attack inflicts 200,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec. Additionally, all players hit by Ravaging Darkness give Saprish a stack of Hunter's Rush.
    • Duskwing -
      • Swoop - Swoops down on random target, inflicting 0 Physical damage to all enemies near the impact.
        • Dread Screech - Lets out a piercing screech, inflicting 260,000 Shadow damage and disorienting all enemies for 4 sec.

    Viceroy Nezhar
    • Overview - At the beginning of the fight, Viceroy Nezhar creates a ring of Collapsing Void, which slowly closes in around the arena until it covers the majority of the space. During the fight, Viceroy Nezhar will make multiple attempts to push the party outwards in to the Collapsing Void, using both Howling Dark and Entropic Force to do so.

      Viceroy Nezhar also summons Umbral Tentacles to assist him. These tentacles cast Void Lashing at a random target.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • Umbral Tentacles need to be a priority in to avoid the party being overrun with extra damage.
        • Howling Dark should be interrupted as much as possible.
        • Use any movement speed increases you have during Entropic Force to avoid being pushed in to Collapsing Void.
      • Healers -
        • Umbral Tentacle's Void Lashing stacks a healing debuff on each target.
        • Party members pushed into Collapsing Void should take priority until they are capable of moving out of it.
      • Tank -
    • Dark-Viceroy Nezhar -
      • Dark Blast - Hurls a bolt of void energy at the target, inflicting 400,000 Shadow damage.
        • Empowered Dark Blast - Hurls an empowered bolt of void energy at the target, inflicting 600,000 Shadow damage.
      • Umbral Tentacles - Summons 3 Umbral Lashers, which cast Void Lashing at random targets.
        • Umbral Lasher -
          • Unstable Entrance - The caster tears into reality from the void, inflicting 109,000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them back
          • Void Lashing - Fires a beam of void energy at the target, inflicting 150,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Additionally, Void Lashing reduces healing taken by 5% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
            • Void Lashing - Void Lashing leaves a scar on your psyche, reducing healing received by 5%. This effect stacks.
      • Entropic Force - Void winds flow out of the caster, inflicting 150,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec and additionally pushing all enemies away.
      • Howling Dark - Fills all nearby enemies with dread, causing them to flee in fear for 4 sec.
      • Insanity - During the course of the fight, Viceroy Nezhar continuously gains Insanity. At 100 Insanity, Viceroy Nezhar summons 2 Shadowguard Voidtenders and starts to cast Eternal Twilight.
        • Shadowguard Voidtender - When summoned, the Shadowguard Voidtenders cast Dark Bulwark on Viceroy Nezhar.
          • Dark Bulwark - Enshrines the target in dark energy, making them immune to damage and interrupts.
        • Eternal Twilight - Releases a cataclysmic blast of void energy, inflicting 13,000,000 Shadow damage to all enemies.
    • Collapsing Void - At the start of the fight, a ring of void energy coalesces around Dark-Viceroy Nezhar, which collapses inwards. Standing in this void energy inflicts Collapsing Void to the target.
      • Collapsing Void - Dark energy whips at the target, inflicting 325,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.

    • Section 1 - L'ura begins the fight by open portals to the Void, calling in Greater Rift Wardens for defense. While the portals are open, L'ura channels Naaru's Lament, inflicting Shadow damage to all party members. Killing the Greater Rift Warden gives Alleria Windrunner the opportunity to close the portal, and use the void energy she receives to cast Dark Torrent.

      After opening two waves of portals, L'ura continues to to channel Naaru's Lament, but also engages the party directly, gaining new abilities.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • Make sure to spread to catch all bolts fired by Greater Rift Warden's Fragment of Despair.
        • Prioritize eliminating the Greater Rift Wardens when they are present in order for Alleria to close the rifts.
        • L'ura is vulnerable and takes additional damage while affected by Backlash. Use this time as an opportunity to deal the most damage to L'ura.
      • Healers -
        • L'ura's Naaru's Lament causes party-wide damage, while Void Blast deals strong single-target damage to random party member.
        • The longer L'ura can channel Naaru's Lament, the more damage each of their other attacks can do.
      • Tanks -
        • Greater Rift Warden's Sorrow Shock can cause a spike in damage taken, so be prepared for it.
        • Active portals will constantly spawn Waning Voids, which will need to be picked up when available.
    • L'ura -
      • Call to the Void - L'ura calls out to the void, opening a series of void portals. Once opened, L'ura begins draining energy from the portals and starts channeling Naaru's Lament.
      • Naaru's Lament - Sings a wailing dirge, inflicting 100,000 Shadow damage to all enemies every 2 sec until cancelled. Additionally, L'ura's casts Growing Darkness every 2 sec.
        • Growing Darkness - Lura gains energy from void, increasing damage done by 5% every 2 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Void Blast - Hurls a bolt of void energy at the target, inflicting 75,000 Shadow damage and an additional 50,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
      • Final Dirge - Once L'ura has been severed from all available portals, it enters the fight, becoming mobile and capable of attacking players directly. L'ura continues to channel Naaru's Lament and cast Void Blast, and also gains the ability Umbral Cadence.

        On Mythic Difficulty, L'ura also gains the ability Grand Shift.
        • Umbral Cadence - L'ura releases pent up void energy in all directions, inflicting 75,000 Shadow damage to all enemies.
        • Grand Shift - L'ura calls out to all Remnants of Anguish, causing them jump to random enemies, inflicting 163,000 Shadow damage to all enemies near the impact point and knocking them back.
    • Greater Rift Warden -
      • Void Bound - Binds the caster to the portal that summoned, protecting the portal from being destroyed.
      • Fragment of Despair - Hurls a bolt of shadow energy at random locations, which inflict 650,000 Shadow damage to enemies at the target location.
        If no players are hit, Fragment of Despair inflicts 1,300,000 Shadow damage to all players.
      • Sorrow Shock - Shocks the target with dark energy, inflicting 125,000 Shadow damage.
    • Waning Void -
      • Remnant of Anguish - Leaves a remnant of the Waning Void's essence behind, which inflicts 163,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec to all nearby enemies.
    • Alleria - Alleria appears at the beginning of the fight, and casts Void Sever at any unprotected Void Portals.
      • Void Sever - Drains an unprotected Void Portal of its energy, severing its connection to L'ura and closing it permanently.

    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Antorus, the Burning Throne

    Garothi Worldbreaker
    Constructed deep within the core of Argus and outfitted with an arsenal to decimate worlds, this war machine has been designed to bring the Army of Light to its knees.

    • Overview - The fel reaver's cannons continously alternate between Annihilation and Decimation.

      Upon reaching 50% and 25% health, the fel reaver activates its Apocalypse Drive exposing its weapon platforms. Unless one of these weapons is destroyed before the cast can complete, the party will be eradicated.

      On Mythic difficulty, the cannons can no longer be destroyed, but instead go haywire, granting the cannons additional effects.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • When the Fel Reaver activates Apocalypse Drive, destroy a Fel Cannon interrupt its cast.
        • Move to the target areas to absorb Annihilation.
        • Move away from your allies when targted by Decimation.
      • Healers -
        • When a weapon platform is destroyed, the fel reaver continuously damages the raid with Searing Barrage.
      • Tanks -
        • Run away from the boss when targeted by Locked On.
        • While the boss is not being melee attacked, it channels Carnage.
    • Locked On - The Fel Reaver locks onto its current target. When the aura expires, missiles bombard the target's destination every 1 sec for 5 sec, inflicting 428,500 Fire damage to enemies within 7 yards of impact.
    • Searing Barrage - Repeatedly fires a searing barrage, inflicting 426,500 Fire damage to random targets every 2 sec.
    • Luring Destruction - The fel reaver inflicts 805,500 Fire damage to all enemies every 1 sec while drawing them closer for 6 sec.
    • Apocalypse Drive - The fel reaver powers up its Apocalypse Drive, that will inflict 7,145,000 Fire damage to everyone unless one of the reaver's weapons is destroyed.
    • Surging Fel - As the Apocalypse Drive powers up, energy erupts across the landscape inflicting 9,000,000 Fire damage to all enemies caught in the blast.
    • Eradication - Smashes the ground, inflicting 6,610,000 Physical damage and knocking back targets within 60 yards. Damage decreases the further targets are from the point of impact.
    • Empowered - After Apocalypse Drive, the fel reaver empowers all weapon systems, increasing damage inflicted by 35% per stack.
    • Carnage - Continuously smashes the ground when not engaged in melee combat, inflicting 643,000 Fire damage to everyone every 1 sec for 10 sec.
    • Decimator - Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
      • Decimation - Hurls fel energy at random enemies that places an aura on the targets. When the aura expires, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 2,855,000 Fire damage to enemies within 17 yards and 71,450 Fire damage to everyone.
      • Haywire - Random enemies are targeted and stunned. When the aura expires, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 2,855,000 Fire damage to enemies within 17 yards and 71,450 Fire damage to everyone.
    • Annihilator - Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
      • Annihilation - The Fel Reaver calls annihilation missiles down, inflicting 2,145,000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards. Enemies hit also receive 228,500 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.
        Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 1,430,000 Fire damage to everyone.
      • Haywire - While haywire, the Fel Reaver's annihilation impacts the target area twice. The primary blast inflicts 3,000,000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards and inflicts 320,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 sec to all enemies hit. Target's also receive 200% more damage from Annihilate's secondary blast.
        Impacts from either explosion that are not absorbed inflict 1,430,000 Fire damage to everyone.

    Hounds of Sargeras
    • Overview -
      • Damage Dealers -
      • Healers -
      • Tanks -
    • F'harg -
      • Molten Touch - Pulls targets through the Twisting Nether, stunning them for 1.8 sec while rapidly swiping. Each swing applies Singed and triggers a Molten Flare.
        • Singed - Inflicts 125,000 Fire damage every second for 9 sec. This effect stacks.
        • Molten Flare - Ejects a pulse of flame, sending it flying towards a ground location inflicting 893,000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards.
      • Desolate Gaze - Gazes at a target, casting Desolate Path in their direction upon expiration.
        • Desolate Path - A manifestation of flame charges forward, knocking back and inflicting 1,785,000 Fire damage to enemies in a frontal line.
          • Burning Remnant - Targets struck by Desolate Path leave behing a Burning Remnant, setting the ground ablaze for 3 min. Contact with the singed ground inflicts 650,000 Fire damage every second.
      • Enflame Corruption - Incinerates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, afflicting them with Enflamed.
        • Enflamed - Pulses for 250,000 Fire damage and an additional 250,000 Fire damage every 2 sec over 4 sec, to the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
        • Lingering Flames - Manifests a crystal of flame for 30 sec which blasts the nearest player every 1 sec, inflicting 20,000 Fire damage and increasing damage taken Lingering Flames by 30% for 5 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Shatug -
      • Consuming Sphere - Ejects a sphere of shadow magic towards a targeted location, inflicting 250,000 Shadow damage every second upon contact.
        • Consumed - Increases damage taken by Consuming Sphere by 75%. This effect stacks.
        • Consuming Obliteration - The sphere detonates, obliterating targets within 15 yards, inflicting 2,000,000 Shadow damage.
        • Consuming Detonation - The sphere's detonation sends out a shockwave, inflicting 1,000,000 Shadow damage to all enemies plus up to 1,000,000 additional Shadow damage to all enemies based on distance from the detonation.
      • Weight of Darkness - Crushes a target under the weight of darkness, progressively slowing targets over 5 sec, then fearing targets within 8 yards for 20 sec, dividing the duration amongst targets.
      • Siphon Corruption - Detonates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, afflicting them with Siphoned.
        • Siphoned - Pulses for 1,540,000 Shadow damage and an additional 1,540,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec over 4 sec, divided evenly amongst the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
        • Siphoned Soul - Siphons soul fragments from targets which move towards the caster.
          If they reach the caster, they trigger a Soul Determination and enhance the target with Soul Empowerment.
          • Soul Empowerment - Empowers the target, increasing all damage done by 25% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
          • Soul Determination - Erupts corrupt magic, inflicting 1,000,000 Shadow damage to all enemies.
    • Hungry Maw - Viciously bites at a target, inflicting 20,000,000 Physical damage and additionally bleeding targets for 400,000 Physical damage every 1 sec for 9 sec to enemies in a 25 yard frontal cone.
      This applies Flametouched or Shadowtouched.
      • Flametouched - Touched by a smouldering essence of Sargeras, reducing Fire damage taken by 30%.
        Receiving Shadow damage triggers a Flareout.
        • Flareout - After a short delay, a targeted location explodes for 1,500,000 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards.
      • Shadowtouched - Touched by a corrupting essence of Sargeras, reducing Shadow damage taken by 30%.
        Receiving Fire damage triggers a Shadowscar.
        • Shadowscar - Blasts the nearest ally for 1,000,000 Shadow damage, drawing the ally to the Shadowtouched player's location.
    • Destroyer's Boon - Sargeras' blessing imbues the Hounds with Rage of the Destroyer while in proximity to each other.
    • Soul Link - 100% of all damage taken is shared between linked targets.
    • Dark Reconstitution - Upon reaching 1 health, attempts to create a link with the Twisting Nether, restoring 15% of the caster's health while both F'harg and Shatug live.

    War Council
    A trio of demon commanders.

    • Overview - The War Council's three commanders attack their enemies both face to face and from inside their command pods. Only one commander is out of their pod at any given time, and commanders still in their pods attack their enemies using the might of the Legion military.

      While a commander is attacking directly, their command pod is empty and can be commandeered. After a period attacking their enemies face to face, commanders will Assume Command and return to their pod.
    • In Pod - Each commander has powerful abilities they can only access while they inhabit their command pod.
      • Admiral Svirax -
        • Fusillade - A legion cruiser appears overhead and barrages the arena, inflicting 1,500,000 Fire damage.
          Each Fusillade applies Zeroing In on Admiral Svirax, increasing the damage inflicted by subsequent Fusillades by 25%.
          • Zeroing In - Admiral Svirax hones her aim, increasing Fusillade damage by 25% per stack of Zeroing In.
        • Withering Fire - Powerful guns shoot into the arena from above, inflicting 0 Fire damage and increasing damage taken from all sources by 25% for 10 sec.
      • Chief Engineer Ishkar -
        • Entropic Mine - Creates 6 Entropic Mines in the vicinity of a target enemy. After 3 seconds the mines become armed, triggering Entropic Blast on any enemies that come within 6 yards.
          Entropic Mines will explode when a Summoning Beacon is placed nearby.
          • Entropic Blast - A violent explosion is triggered by coming into proximity with an Entropic Mine, inflicting 2,750,000 Fire damage to all targets within 6 yards. Also inflicts 450,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
      • General Erodus -
        • Summoning Beacon - Creates a beacon that calls Legion forces into the fight.
          • Legion Pyromancer -
            • Pyroblast - Hurls an immense ball of flame at an enemy, inflicting 4,000,000 Fire damage.
          • Legion Defender -
    • Out of Pod - While out of their command pod, each commander fights their enemies more directly.
      • Assume Command - The caster takes command of their command pod, ejecting any interlopers who may have entered in their absence.
      • Admiral Svirax -
        • Shock Grenade - Hurls Shock Grenades at 2 targets, inflicting 1,200,000 Fire damage on impact. After 5 sec, the target and all allies within 8 yards are Shocked, stunning them for 3 sec.
          • Shocked - Stuns an enemy for 3 sec.
      • Chief Engineer Ishkar -
        • Warp Field - Creates a powerful gravity well, drawing all enemies toward Chief Engineer Ishkar. Inflicts 1,200,000 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for until cancelled. This damage decreases with distance, with minimum damage occurring beyond 40 yards.
      • General Erodus -
        • Sundering Claws - Slashes with razor sharp claws at all enemies in a frontal cone within 10 yards, inflicting 1,250,000 Physical damage and reducing armor by 50% for 16 sec.
    • Stealing Power - While a commander is out of their pod and attacking directly, players can commandeer the pod and use its powerful abilities... for a price!
      • Psychic Assault - The Legion commanders still in their command pods assault the player's mind directly, inflicting 350,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Each tick will do more than the last, until the player's mind is overcome.
        • Psychic Scarring - The mental strain of commandeering the Legion's power rendering the occupant unable to enter a Legion command pod for 3 min.
      • Chaos Pulse - Fires a pulse of Fel energy at an enemy, inflicting 50,000 Fire damage per shot in bursts of 3 missiles. Each missile also causes the affected enemy to take 1% extra damage from all sources for 6 sec, up to a maximum of 15%.
      • Admiral's Pod -
        • Withering Fire - Powerful guns shoot into the arena from above, inflicting 250,000 Fire damage and increasing damage taken from all sources by 25% for 10 sec.
          Withering Fire is only effective against summoned demons.
      • Engineer's Pod -
      • General's Pod -
        • Summoning Beacon - Creates a beacon that calls Legion forces into the fight.
          The beacon triggers nearby Entropic Mines, destroying the beacon in the process.

    Portal Keeper Hasabel
    Temp text here

    • Overview - Portal Keeper Hasabel commands the portal nexus for the Burning Legion, transporting demons to and from the frontlines.

      At 90% health remaining, Hasabel opens a portal to Xoroth to burn her enemies. Baron Vulcanar arrives through the portal and empowers it until his death.

      At 70% health remaining, Hasabel opens a portal to Rancora to liquify her enemies. Lady Dacidion arrives through the portal and empowers it until her death.

      At 50% health remaining, Hasabel opens a portal to Nathreza to confuse the minds of her enemies. Lord Eilgar arrives through the portal and empowers it until his death.
    • Platform: Nexus - A central platform that connects Legion portals.
      • Reality Tear - Tears open a ripping portal upon a target, inflicting 254,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
        Upon expiration, the portal detonates with a Blazing Tear.
        • Bursting Darkness - Inflicts 267,500 Shadow damage to all players for each stack of Reality Tear. This damage is reduced the further targets are away from the detonation.
      • Collapsing World - Creates a portal to a collapsing world, inflicting 4,285,000 Fire damage and knocking back all players on the nexus platform. This effect is decreased the further the player is away from the portal.
      • Felstorm Barrage - Opens a portal for a massive fel barrage, inflicting 4,285,000 Fire damage in a line and knocking back all players struck.
      • Transport Portal - Opens a portal to ferry various demons to assist the caster. The rift remains open for 10 sec.
        • Felblaze Imp -
          • Fiery Detonation - Explodes in a fiery blaze, inflicting 562,500 Fire damage to all players within 100 yds, destroying the caster. This causes players to suffer an additional 100% damage from subsequent detonations for 6 sec.
        • Venomous Skitterer -
          • Acidic Web - Fires webs at a player's feet, immobilizing them for 3 sec. The target also suffers 196,000 Nature damage every 1 sec.
        • Hungering Stalker -
          • Howling Shadows - Inflicts 857,500 Shadow damage to all players within 60 yds, interrupting spellcasting for 6 sec.
      • Catastrophic Implosion - When no players are on the nexus platform, all portals within the citadel implode, inflicting 10,000,000 Fire damage to all players.
        This effect increases all cast speeds by 100% and damage done by 25% for 12 sec and stacks.
      • Living Stalker -
        • Hypnotize - Hypnotizes the mind of all healers within 35 yds, reducing their healing and absorbs done by 100%. This lucid dream slows movement speed by 70% and restores 2% maximum mana every 1 seconds and lasts 10 min.
        • Corrupt - Corrupts players within 20 yds, inflicting 607,000 Shadow damage and increasing all damage they suffer by 25% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Felwalker -
        • Felsilk Wrap - Blasts a player with webbing, inflicting 937,500 Nature damage and knocking them back. This stuns the target within the webbing and inflicts 188,000 Nature damage every 1 sec until it is destroyed.
        • Leech Essence - Leeches health from the 5 nearest players within 70 yds, inflicting 15% of their current health as Nature damage. The caster is healed for 5 times this amount.
      • Watcher of Flame -
        • Aegis of Flames - A shell of fire reduces damage taken by 75%.
        • Flames of Xoroth - Unleashes the Flames of Xoroth on players within 10 yds, inflicting 714,000 Fire damage immediately with an additional 357,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
        • Supernova - Marks a location for a supernova, which explodes after a short duration. This detonation inflicts 2,860,000 Fire damage to all players within 6 yds and knocks them into the air.
    • Platform: Xoroth - Flames and fiery demons pour forth from Xoroth.
      • Empowered Portal: Xoroth - Baron Vulcanar empowers a burning portal to Xoroth, inflicting 201,000 Fire damage to all players in the Nexus every 2 sec.
        This effect increases in intensity by 4% every 2 sec.
        • Portal: Xoroth - Flames continue to stream out of the portal upon Baron Vulcanar's death, inflicting 121,000 Fire damage to all players in the Nexus every 4 sec.
      • Baron Vulcanar -
        • Aegis of Flames - A shell of fire reduces damage taken by 90%.
        • Flames of Xoroth - Unleashes the Flames of Xoroth on players within 10 yds, inflicting 714,000 Fire damage immediately with an additional 357,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
        • Supernova - Marks a location for a supernova, which explodes after a short duration. This detonation inflicts 2,860,000 Fire damage to all players within 6 yds and knocks them into the air.
      • Everburning Flames - Everburning Flames stick to players, inflicting 500,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 10 sec. Upon being removed, the flames fall and remain on the ground.
        • Everburning Light - Players within 10 yards of Everburning Flames are provided with Everburning Light, protecting them from the shadows of Nathreza.
    • Platform: Rancora - Many skittering demons originate from the fel infused Rancora.
      • Empowered Portal: Rancora - Lady Dacidion empowers a fel portal to Rancora, inflicting 187,500 Nature damage to all players in the Nexus every 2 sec.
        This effect increases in intensity by 10% every 2 sec.
        • Portal: Rancora - Fel magic continues to stream out of the portal upon Lady Dacidion's death, inflicting 112,500 Nature damage to all players in the Nexus every 4 sec.
        • Fel Miasma - Fel magic periodically shoots out from the portal to Rancora, inflicting 571,000 Nature damage every 1 sec.
          This rate is faster when the portal to Rancora is empowered and loses effectiveness upon Lady Dacidion's death.
      • Lady Dacidion -
        • Felsilk Wrap - Blasts a player with webbing, inflicting 937,500 Nature damage and knocking them back. This stuns the target within the webbing and inflicts 188,000 Nature damage every 1 sec until it is destroyed.
        • Leech Essence - Leeches health from the 5 nearest players within 70 yds on the Rancora platform, inflicting 15% of their current health as Nature damage. The caster is healed for 5 times this amount.
        • Poison Essence - Poisons the health of all players within 70 yds on the Rancora platform, inflicting 15% of their current health as Nature damage.
      • Caustic Slime - Coming into contact with the fel pools of Rancora inflicts 279,000 Nature damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
        Upon being removed, triggers a Caustic Detonation.
        • Caustic Detonation - Inflicts 857,500 Nature damage to all players within 10 yds.
          Caustic Detonation can be used to remove a stack of Aegis of Flames.
    • Platform: Nathreza - Latent shadows and deception is core to the homeworld of Nathreza.
      • Empowered Portal: Nathreza - Lord Eilgar empowers a shadowy portal to Nathreza, inflicting 187,500 Shadow damage to all players in the Nexus every 2 sec.
        This effect increases in intensity by 10% every 2 sec.
        • Portal: Nathreza - Shadows continue to stream out of the portal upon Lord Eilgar's death, inflicting 112,500 Shadow damage to all players in the Nexus every 4 sec.
        • Oppressive Gloom - Shadows pour from the gateway portal and fills the area with gloom, reducing healing received by 100%.
          This rate is faster when the portal to Nathreza is empowered and slows down upon Lord Eilgar's death.
          Gloom can be prevented by standing near Everburning Light.
      • Lord Eilgar -
        • Hypnotize - Hypnotizes the mind of all healers within 35 yds, reducing their healing and absorbs done by 100%. This lucid dream slows movement speed by 70% and restores 2% maximum mana every 1 seconds and lasts 10 min.
        • Corrupt - Corrupts players within 20 yds, inflicting 607,000 Shadow damage and increasing all damage they suffer by 25% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Mind Fog - The shadows of Nathreza cloud the mind and reduces the ability to see longer distances.
        Players with Everburning Light are provided with vision to clear their minds.
        • Cloying Shadows - Magic clings to players that step within the heart of Nathreza, reducing healing received by 50% for 30 sec.
          Upon expiration, that player triggers Hungering Gloom.
        • Hungering Gloom - Inflicts 1,070,000 Shadow damage to all other creatures and players within 8 yds, reducing all healing received by 100% for 60 sec. This duration is reduced on players.
          This effect will devour all instances of Fel Miasma it comes into contact with.
      • Mind Fog - The neverending darkness of Nathreza reduces movement speed by 50%.
        Players with Everburning Light are immune to this effect.
        • Cloying Shadows - Magic clings to players that step within the heart of Nathreza, reducing healing received by 50% for 30 sec.
          Upon expiration, that player triggers Hungering Gloom.
        • Hungering Gloom - Inflicts 1,070,000 Shadow damage to all other creatures and players within 8 yds, reducing all healing received by 100% for 60 sec. This duration is reduced on players.
          This effect will devour all instances of Fel Miasma it comes into contact with.

    Eonar, the Lifebinder
    • Overview - The forces of the Legion will warp in and charge at Eonar's Essence and attempt to destroy her outright. Players must defend Eonar until she can gather her energies and strike back at her attackers.
      • Tanks -
      • Damage Dealers -
      • Healers -
    • The Paraxis - The Paraxis spearheads the Legion's invasion against Eonar, launching several different attacks at players to cover the insertion of Legion forces.
      • Artillery Strike - The Paraxis fires several bolts of Fel energy at random players, inflicting 1,000,000 Fire damage to the target.
      • Spear of Doom - The Paraxis focuses a beam of intense Fel energy that chases after a nearby player, leaving Fel Wakes in its path.
        Creates a zone of smoldering Fel that will burn all players for 423,500 Fire damage every second and increases the movement speed of all Legion forces by 30%.
        If the target is currently standing in a Fel Wake, then a Fel Detonation occurs, killing the victim instantly.
      • Annihilation - The Paraxis fires several orbs of volatile Fel energy that will explode if not absorbed by a player. The explosion inflicts 1,325,000 Fire damage to all players. Absorbing the orb inflicts the damage to the absorbing player instead.
      • Rain of Fel - The Paraxis charges its batteries for a massive strike, inflicting 1,585,000 Fire damage in a 8 yard radius centered on several players.
      • Final Doom - The Paraxis begins charging its weapons to unleash a catastrophic wave of Fel energies, killing all life in the instance.
    • Feedback - Foul Steps - The target is infected with a disease that inflicts 0 Shadow damage to the victim every 1 sec. while moving. This damage ramps up the more the victim moves.
    • Feedback - Burning Embers - The target is afflicted with continuously burning embers that will burn all players within 8 yards of the victim every 30 sec.
    • Feedback - Targeted - The target is permanently locked into the Paraxis' targeting schema. Every time the Paraxis uses one of its abilities, the victim is always added to the list of targets.
    • Feedback - Arcane Singularity - The target is afflicted with a field that causes a pulse of Arcane energy every 20 sec. that interrupts all spells being cast within 10 yards of the victim.

    Imonar the Soulhunter
    Temp description here.

    • Overview - Imonar the Soulhunter is called forth by the Legion to hunt down and capture high priority targets. He starts out utilizing controlling and suppressing effects to defeat his enemies.

      At 66% health remaining, Imonar backs up to a secondary platform, dropping several traps along the way. He then begins to use more lethal effects on enemies, calling in Legion ships to assist him.

      At 33% health remaining, Imonar leaps back to the primary platform, once more planting traps along the way. His weapons are now empowered and fully operational.
      • Damage Dealers -
      • Healers -
      • Tanks -
    • Stage One: Attack Force -
      • Shock Lance - Fel energy courses through the caster's weapon, causing the target to suffer 2,545,000 Nature damage and take 15% increased damage for 18 sec. This effect stacks.
        In addition, the target shocks an additional player for 1,575,000 Nature damage every 3 seconds for each stack.
        • Electrify - Shocks another player for 1,575,000 Nature damage.
      • Sleep Canister - Hurls a sleep canister at a player, causing them to fall into a slumber for 20 sec.
        When this effect is removed, it causes an explosion of Slumber Gas.
        • Slumber Gas - Violent gas erupts from the canister, putting all other players within 10 yds to sleep for 8 sec.
        • Slumber Gas - Violent gas erupts from the canister, putting all other players within 10 yds to sleep for 8 sec.
      • Pulse Grenade - Hurls Pulse Grenades at nearby targets. Coming into proximity with one causes it to explode, inflicting 1,640,000 Nature damage and knocking back all players within 5 yds.
        • Shocked - Being struck by a Pulse Grenade increases Nature damage taken by 50% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Stage Two: Contract to Kill -
      • Sever - Slashes at a target, inflicting 4,715,000 Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for 438,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 18 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Charged Blasts - The caster calls upon Legion ships to track a player. After 5.5 sec, the ship fires in a line, striking all targets for 1,785,000 Fire damage, burning them for an additional 650,000 Fire damage every 3 sec for 18 sec.
      • Shrapnel Blast - Stepping near a shrapnel mine causes it to trigger, inflicting 1,785,000 Physical damage and causing targets within 7 to bleed for 821,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Stage Three: The Perfect Weapon -
      • Empowered Shock Lance - Fel energy courses through the caster's weapon, causing the target to suffer 2,543,625 Nature damage and take 10% increased damage until the caster dies. This effect stacks.
        In addition, the target shocks an additional player for 1,575,000 Nature damage every 4 seconds for each stack.
      • Empowered Pulse Grenade - The caster hurls out several Empowered Pulse Grenades at players. Those struck inflict 650,000 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds and knock them away.
      • Empowered Shrapnel Blast - The caster calls upon a large Legion ship to bombard players. Each empowered blast strikes the ground, inflicting 1,610,000 Fire damage to players within 3 yds, causing them to burn for 321,000 Fire damage every 2 sec until they die.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Stage Three: Marked For Death -
      • Shock Lance - Fel energy courses through the caster's weapon, causing the target to suffer 2,545,000 Nature damage and take 15% increased damage for 18 sec. This effect stacks.
        In addition, the target shocks an additional player for 1,575,000 Nature damage every 3 seconds for each stack.
        • Electrify - Shocks another player for 1,575,000 Nature damage.
      • Sleep Canister - Hurls a sleep canister at a player, causing them to fall into a slumber for 20 sec.
        When this effect is removed, it causes an explosion of Slumber Gas.
        • Slumber Gas - Violent gas erupts from the canister, putting all other players within 10 yds to sleep for 8 sec.
      • Empowered Shrapnel Blast - The caster calls upon a large Legion ship to bombard players. Each empowered blast strikes the ground, inflicting 1,610,000 Fire damage to players within 3 yds, causing them to burn for 321,000 Fire damage every 2 sec until they die.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Stage Four: Kill Switch -
      • Sever - Slashes at a target, inflicting 4,715,000 Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for 438,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 18 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Empowered Pulse Grenade - The caster hurls out several Empowered Pulse Grenades at players. Those struck inflict 650,000 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds and knock them away.
      • Charged Blasts - The caster calls upon Legion ships to track a player. After 5.5 sec, the ship fires in a line, striking all targets for 1,785,000 Fire damage, burning them for an additional 650,000 Fire damage every 3 sec for 18 sec.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Stage Five: The Perfect Weapon -
      • Empowered Shock Lance - Fel energy courses through the caster's weapon, causing the target to suffer 2,543,625 Nature damage and take 10% increased damage until the caster dies. This effect stacks.
        In addition, the target shocks an additional player for 1,575,000 Nature damage every 4 seconds for each stack.
      • Empowered Pulse Grenade - The caster hurls out several Empowered Pulse Grenades at players. Those struck inflict 650,000 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds and knock them away.
      • Empowered Shrapnel Blast - The caster calls upon a large Legion ship to bombard players. Each empowered blast strikes the ground, inflicting 1,610,000 Fire damage to players within 3 yds, causing them to burn for 321,000 Fire damage every 2 sec until they die.
      • Infernal Rockets - Blasts players who stray from the platform with rockets, inflicting 1,425,000 Fire damage and increasing their Fire damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Intermission: On Deadly Ground -
      • Stasis Trap - Stepping upon a Stasis Trap causes it to trigger, inflicting 1,070,000 Fire damage and stunning all players within 5 yds for 8 sec.
      • Pulse Grenade - Coming into proximity with a Pulse Grenade causes it to explode, inflicting 1,640,000 Nature damage and knocking back all players within 5 yds.
        • Shocked - Being struck by a Pulse Grenade increases Nature damage taken by 50% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Blastwire - Triggering a Blastwire causes it to explode, inflicting 928,500 Fire damage to all players.
      • Shrapnel Blast - Stepping near a shrapnel mine causes it to trigger, inflicting 928,500 Physical damage and causing targets within 7 to bleed for 821,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
      • Conflagration - Hurls bombs, creating burning orbs that slowly travel down the walkway. Coming into contact with a flaming orb inflicts 1,425,000 Fire damage and knocks the target back. When Imonar enters a lethal stance, these orbs burn for an additional 575,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
        The intermission ends when Conflagration is interrupted.
      • Gathering Power - Inflicts 214,500 Fire damage to all players and increases all damage done by 2% for 20 sec. This effect continues to grow in intensity until Conflagration is interrupted.

    • Overview -
    • Unsocketed -
      • Forging Strike - Kin'garoth smashes a target inflicting 12,150,000 Physical damage to everyone in a 5 yard radius and increases damage taken from Forging Strike by 500% for 30 sec.
      • Reverberating Strike - Kin'garoth smashes a target inflicting 1,075,000 Physical damage to everyone in a 5 yard radius. The attack leaves a behind a Fire Mine in the ground that explodes, inflicting 2,140,000 Fire damage to nearby enemies any time Forging Strike is cast.
        • Reverberating Decimation - Reverberating Strike, when empowered, causes multiple enemies to explode, inflicting 2,500,000 Fire damage to all players in an 18 yard radius.
      • Diabolic Bomb - Kin'garoth creates a bomb of fel energy that explodes when touched by a player, inflicting 2,505,000 Shadow damage to all players within 200 yard radius.
        • Diabolic Demolition - Any player detonating an empowered Diabolic Bomb, will decrease movement over 5 sec until rooted. Once rooted the unit explodes, splitting 12,000,000 Shadow damage among all players within 10 yards of the rooted player.
      • Ruiner - Expels a beam of fel energy, inflicting 1,900,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec.
        • Ruiner Annihilation - Ruiner, when empowered, calls annihilation missiles down, inflicting 2,500,000 Fire damage to players within 4 yards.
          Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 2,500,000 Fire damage to everyone.
      • Incinerating Flames - Flames purge the construction bays, inflicts 429,000 Fire damage every 1 sec.
      • Shattering Strike - Kin'garoth pounds the ground, inflicting 428,500 Nature damage to all enemies.
    • Socketed -
      • Apocolypse Protocol - Kin'garoth inserts himself into his construction console, and starts creating Fel Reavers, decreasing all damage taken by 99%.

        • Weapons Upgrade - The last Void Reaver created during Apocolypse Protocol that is destroyed will empower one of Kin'garoth's abilities.
          Garothi Annihilator empowers Ruiner.
          Garothi Decimator empowers Reverberating Strike.
          Garothi Demolisher empowers Diabolic Bomb.
          If any weapon is ever empowered twice, Overcharge is triggered.
        • Overcharge - Empowers Kin'garoth, increases all damage done by 25%.
      • Apocalypse Blast - Embers rain from the forge, inflicting 1,070,000 to all enemies within 8 yards.
      • Flames of the Forge - Kin'garoth stokes the flames of the forge inflicting 464,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 40 sec.
    • Molten Annihilator -
      • Annihilation - The Fel Reaver calls annihilation missiles down, inflicting 1,790,000 Fire damage to players within 4 yards.
        Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 1,790,000 Fire damage to everyone.
    • Searing Decimator -
      • Decimation - Hurls fel energy at random enemies that places an aura on the targets. When the aura expires, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 1,790,000 Fire damage to enemies within 100 yards and 71,450 Fire damage to everyone.
    • Abyssal Demolisher -
      • Demolish - The Fel Reaver targets enemies with void energy, splitting 6,000,000 Shadow damage among all players within 10 yards of a target and increasing the Shadow damage taken by 6,000,000% for until cancelled.

    • Overview - Varimathras uses the darkness of his cell to stalk his prey, attacking them with Alone in the Darkness.
      • Damage Dealers -
      • Healers -
        • Torments of the Shivarra inflict constant raid wide damage.
      • Tanks -
    • Torments of the Shivarra - The Coven of Shivarra designed Varimathras' cell to torture him for all time.
      • Torment of Flames - Flames fill Varimathras' cell, inflicting 179,000 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec.
      • Torment of Frost - Frigid air fills Varimathras' cell, inflicting 179,000 Frost damage to all players every 1 sec. In addition, this effect reduces movement speed by 40%.
      • Torment of Fel - Fel flames fill Varimathras' cell, inflicting 179,000 Fire damage every 1 sec. The damage of this effect increases by 5% every tick.
      • Torment of Shadows - Dark magic fills Varimathras' cell, inflicting 179,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
    • The Fallen Nathrezim -
      • Misery - The darkness of Varimathras' cell weakens any player that suffers Shadow damage. This effect prevents all healing effects for 7 sec. In addition, all Physical damage taken is increased by 200%.
      • Alone in the Darkness - Varimathras steps through the darkness, inflicting 1,140,000 Shadow damage to any player if they ever aren't within 8 yards of another player.
      • Shadow Strike - Varimathras stikes all players in front of him, inflicting 3,570,000 Shadow damage in a 15 yard cone.
      • Dark Fissure - Varimathras tears open 3 rifts under random players. Each rift inflicts 357,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. When the rift expires it inflicts 2,860,000 Shadow damage to all players within its radius.
      • Marked Prey - Varimathras marks his prey, charging through the darkness towards them after 5 sec. As he charges, Varimathras will hunt the first target he hits, inflicting 1,070,000 Shadow damage and knocking the target back.
      • Necrotic Embrace - Varimathras corrupts a random player, inflicting 1,070,000 Shadow damage after 4 sec. When Necrotic Embrace expires, it spreads to all players within 10 yards.
      • Shadow of Varimathras - Whenever Varimathras moves through the darkness, his shadow lingers and attacks players until killed.
        • Echoes of Doom - Marks a random player with Echoes of Doom for 5 sec. When this effect expires, dark magic lingers at the target's location for the remainder of the fight. Inflicting 2,000,000 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards every 3 sec.

    The Coven of Shivarra
    Shivarra Priestesses, tasked with torturing and brainwashing the souls of the mighty Titans, assault the raid together from within their temple, deep within the core of Argus.

    • Overview -
      • Damage Dealers -
      • Healers -
      • Tanks -
    • Noura, Mother of Flames -
      • Fiery Strike - Sister Ignix sets her sabers ablaze, inflicting 2,145,000 Fire damage in a cone in front of her, and increasing damage taken by Fiery Strike by 50%. This effect stacks.
      • Whirling Saber - Ignix throws a flaming sword towards a random player, inflicting 1,190,000 Physical damage upon landing. The blade then begins to spin and return to Ignix, inflicting 393,000 Physical damage every 1 sec to all nearby enemies as it moves.
    • Asara, Mother of Night -
      • Touch of Darkness - Sister Ombra hurls darkness made manifest at her enemies, inflicting 2,312,500 Shadow damage to each target.
      • Shadow Blades - The Priestess conjures three blades of shadow and sends them flying forward. Enemies that collide with the blades are knocked back and take 500,000 Shadow damage.
      • Storm of Darkness - Ombra conjures a swirling storm of darkness, inflicting increasing Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec. Moving to the eye of the storm will prevent the damage.
    • Diima, Mother of Gloom -
      • Flashfreeze - The Sister freezes her current enemy, inflicting [ 1,000,000 + 42.9% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and stunning the target for 6 sec.
      • Chilled Blood - Glacia applies a healing absorb to random enemy players. When the effect ends, the target is frozen for a duration based on the amount of heal absorbtion remaining.
    • Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos -
      • Touch of Sargeras - The Fel-infused touch of Sargeras flows from Thu'raya, inflicting 1,430,000 Fire damage to each target.
      • Cosmic Glare - Thu'raya's watchful eye casts its gaze upon two targets, then conjures a beam of the purest fel, inflicting 1,000,000 Fire damage to anyone in the area and knocking them back. This damage ignores armor.
    • Torment of the Titans -
      • Torment of Aman'thul -
        • Machinations of Aman'thul - Aman'thul's torment manipulates and collapses time around itself and the raid, restoring the caster to full health and inflicting 35,700 Arcane damage to all players every 1 sec. for 21 sec.
          This effect stacks.
      • Torment of Golganneth -
        • Fury of Golganneth - A furious storm is summoned by the call of Golganneth's horn. Each Torment of Golganneth inflicts 1,000,000 Nature damage to players when they stand next to each other.
      • Torment of Khaz'goroth -
        • Flames of Khaz'goroth - Khaz'goroth's torment burns with the intensity of the Titan's mighty forge. A wide line of flames inflicts 1,000,000 Fire Damage every second to any players within.
      • Torment of Norgannon -
        • Spectral Army of Norgannon - An army of arcane visages manifests from Norgannon's torment. Each inflicts 7,250,000 Arcane damage, and an additional 214,500 Arcane damage every 214,500 Arcane damage every 1 sec to nearby players.


    • Overview - Over the course of the encounter Aggramar passively generates energy. Upon reaching 100 Energy, his sword, Taeshalach, unleashes fiery energy and he begins Taeshalach Technique, devastating combo attack, alternating between Foe Breaker and Flame Rend, ending with a Searing Tempest.

      Upon reaching 80% and 40% Aggramar activates his Corrupt Aegis, preventing all damage and the elemental forces within Taeshalach are unleashed. Several smaller Embers of Taeshalach erupt from the blade along with two Flames of Taeshalach. The Embers slowy move towards Aggramar causing a Blazing Eruption. Killing both Flames of Taeshalach causes Aggramar to resume his attacks.
    • Stage One: Wrath of Aggramar -
      • Taeshalach's Reach - All melee attacks made by the caster strike the next closest target. If no target is found, the primary target is struck again.
        Each melee strike also increases Physical damage taken by the main target by 5% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Scorching Blaze - Aggramar unleashes portion of Taeshalach's power, causing random players to ignite with flame. Each afflicted player pulses 607,000 Fire damage to all allies within 6 yards every 0.5 sec for 1.5 sec.
      • Wake of Flame - Aggramar calls forth waves of flame that cascade away from him, inflicting 2,320,000 Fire damage to all players caught in its wake and an additional 464,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
        • Scorched Earth - The intense heat generated byWake of Flame melts the platform causing pools of molten rock to form that inflict 1,750,000 Fire damage every 1 sec while standing within it.
      • Taeshalach Technique - At 100 Energy, Aggramar unleashes a devastating combination of attacks.
        • Foe Breaker - Inflicts 17,850,000 Physical damage to all targets in a cone in front of the caster. In addition, the damage of Foe Breaker is increased by 500% for 30 sec.
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 17,900,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 37,500,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck, increasing damage taken by Flame Rend by 500% for 30 sec.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Searing Tempest - Aggramar unleashes a blast of flame inflicting 3,750,000 Fire damage to all players caught within the radius, disorienting them for 5 sec.
    • Intermission: Fires of Taeshalach -
      • Corrupt Aegis - Aggramar places a shield around himself making him immune to damage.
      • Meteor Swarm - Aggramar periodically pulls burning debris down onto a player's location, inflicting 2,140,000 Fire damage to all players in the caught within the area.
      • Flame of Taeshalach -
        • Catalyzing Presence - Embers of Taeshalach within 15 yards have their movement speed increased by 50% and becomes immune to crowd control effects.
          In addition, catalyzed creatures have their attack speed increased by 50% while within the area.
        • Unchecked Flame - The Flames of Taeshalach burn with fervent intensity, inflicting increasing Fire damage every 2.5 sec.
      • Ember of Taeshalach - These fragments of Taeshalach's essence move towards Aggramar. Upon reaching him they recombine with Taeshalach, causing a Blazing Explosion.
        • Wrought in Flame - Embers of Taeshalach generate energy over 180 sec. Upon reaching 100 energy the Ember triggers a Blazing Eruption
        • Blazing Eruption - Inflicts 1,070,000 Fire damage to all players and increases damage taken from Blazing Eruption by 100% for 15 sec.
        • Molten Remnants - Upon being slain, the Ember errupts into a pool of fiery residue that lasts for 18 sec. Standing within the pool inflicts 750,000 Fire damage every 1.5 sec.
          After 18 sec, the Ember reforms and continues towards Aggramar.
    • Stage Two: Champion of Sargeras -
      • Taeshalach's Reach - All melee attacks made by the caster strike the next closest target. If no target is found, the primary target is struck again.
        Each melee strike also increases Physical damage taken by the main target by 5% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Scorching Blaze - Aggramar unleashes portion of Taeshalach's power, causing random players to ignite with flame. Each afflicted player pulses 607,000 Fire damage to all allies within 6 yards every 0.5 sec for 1.5 sec.
      • Flare - Aggramar marks up to 3 locations that explode after 4 sec inflicting 2,500,000 Fire damage to all targets within the radius.
      • Flare - Aggramar unleashes a blast of flame inflicting 4,730,000 Fire damage to all players caught within the radius.
        • Catalyzed - Embers of Taeshalach that are hit by Flare or Empowered Flare have their movement speed increased by 50% and become immune to crowd control effects for 20 sec.
      • Taeshalach Technique - At 100 Energy, Aggramar unleashes a devastating combination of attacks.
        • Foe Breaker - Inflicts 17,850,000 Physical damage to all targets in a cone in front of the caster. In addition, the damage of Foe Breaker is increased by 500% for 30 sec.
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 17,900,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 37,500,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck, increasing damage taken by Flame Rend by 500% for 30 sec.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Searing Tempest - Aggramar unleashes a blast of flame inflicting 3,750,000 Fire damage to all players caught within the radius, disorienting them for 5 sec.
    • Intermission: Taeshalach's Rage -
      • Corrupt Aegis - Aggramar places a shield around himself making him immune to damage.
      • Meteor Swarm - Aggramar periodically pulls burning debris down onto a player's location, inflicting 2,140,000 Fire damage to all players in the caught within the area.
      • Wake of Flame - Aggramar calls forth waves of flame that cascade away from him, inflicting 2,320,000 Fire damage to all players caught in its wake and an additional 464,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
      • Flame of Taeshalach -
        • Catalyzing Presence - Embers of Taeshalach within 15 yards have their movement speed increased by 50% and becomes immune to crowd control effects.
          In addition, catalyzed creatures have their attack speed increased by 50% while within the area.
        • Unchecked Flame - The Flames of Taeshalach burn with fervent intensity, inflicting increasing Fire damage every 2.5 sec.
      • Ember of Taeshalach - These fragments of Taeshalach's essence move towards Aggramar. Upon reaching him they recombine with Taeshalach, causing a Blazing Explosion.
        • Wrought in Flame - Embers of Taeshalach generate energy over 180 sec. Upon reaching 100 energy the Ember triggers a Blazing Eruption
        • Blazing Eruption - Inflicts 1,070,000 Fire damage to all players and increases damage taken from Blazing Eruption by 100% for 15 sec.
        • Molten Remnants - Upon being slain, the Ember errupts into a pool of fiery residue that lasts for 18 sec. Standing within the pool inflicts 750,000 Fire damage every 1.5 sec.
          After 18 sec, the Ember reforms and continues towards Aggramar.
    • Stage Three: The Avenger -
      • Taeshalach's Reach - All melee attacks made by the caster strike the next closest target. If no target is found, the primary target is struck again.
        Each melee strike also increases Physical damage taken by the main target by 5% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Scorching Blaze - Aggramar unleashes portion of Taeshalach's power, causing random players to ignite with flame. Each afflicted player pulses 607,000 Fire damage to all allies within 6 yards every 0.5 sec for 1.5 sec.
      • Empowered Flare - Aggramar marks up to 3 locations that explode after 4 sec inflicting 2,500,000 Fire damage to all targets within the radius.
        In addition, Aggramar summons forth several Wake of Flame that radiate out from each marked location.
        • Wake of Flame - Aggramar calls forth waves of flame that cascade away from him, inflicting 2,320,000 Fire damage to all players caught in its wake and an additional 464,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
          • Scorched Earth - The intense heat generated byWake of Flame melts the platform causing pools of molten rock to form that inflict 1,750,000 Fire damage every 1 sec while standing within it.
        • Catalyzed - Embers of Taeshalach that are hit by Flare or Empowered Flare have their movement speed increased by 50% and become immune to crowd control effects for 20 sec.
      • Taeshalach Technique - At 100 Energy, Aggramar unleashes a devastating combination of attacks.
        • Foe Breaker - Inflicts 17,850,000 Physical damage to all targets in a cone in front of the caster. In addition, the damage of Foe Breaker is increased by 500% for 30 sec.
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 17,900,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Flame Rend - Inflicts a total of 37,500,000 Fire damage in a frontal cone, divided evenly among all players struck, increasing damage taken by Flame Rend by 500% for 30 sec.
          This attack also knocks all victims away, and the force of the knockback is also divided among all players struck
        • Searing Tempest - Aggramar unleashes a blast of flame inflicting 3,750,000 Fire damage to all players caught within the radius, disorienting them for 5 sec.

    Argus the Unmaker
    • Overview -
      • Tanks -
      • Healers -
      • DPS -
    • Section 5 -

  2. #2
    Where is Sargeras?

    or maybe Sargeras = Argus the Unmaker
    Last edited by Crossjaw; 2017-06-29 at 09:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Titans are reborn? :O

  4. #4
    Oh my gods, we're fighting our gods! Well, defending one and fighting another, but HOLY SH*T! Either Argus the Unmaker is a code name for Sargeras (the Destroyer?) or else maybe we're fighting the world-soul of Argus, which would be a new Titan

    And hey, look who's back, Varimathras! Sylvanas will be so thrilled!
    Last edited by Bormec; 2017-06-29 at 10:21 AM.

  5. #5
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Argus the unmaker is definitely Sargeras.
    We're going there to end them once and for all, which is probably why they choose to not spoil the biggest baddie we've ever had in Warcraft

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen Gremlin View Post
    Argus the unmaker is definitely Sargeras.
    We're going there to end them once and for all, which is probably why they choose to not spoil the biggest baddie we've ever had in Warcraft
    It also explains why they refused to show Sargeras's body for the entire expansion.
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  7. #7
    I'm gonna hold on to the theory that Argus the Unmaker is the new body for Sargeras. How it was made is up for debate but I'd be surprised if we ended our Argus experience without finishing off Sargeras, it just seems logical to me that we'd do our best to never deal with him again.

    But overall I'm liking the lineup in both the dungeon and raid. Some intriguing individuals we'll be fighting. ^_^

  8. #8
    Mechagnome intrinsc's Avatar
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    I know this may sound corny, but when I saw aggramar and argus as bosses my jaw literally hit the floor. That sounds soo hecking cool.

  9. #9
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheramoreIsTheBomb View Post
    It also explains why they refused to show Sargeras's body for the entire expansion.
    Yeah, Sargeras probably became the fel itself by fusing with the world soul. I do hope we get to see his face though.
    But to me it is as obvious as day that Argus the unmaker, it's abilities being locked away and all, that it is Sargy.

    It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it might be cool. I still wonder what they're going to use the Exodar for though, the
    repairs did after all begin at the start of this expansion. Glad they chose to use Varimathras though, he is the one dreadlord I was waiting for all along.

    So I hope Sylvanas comes along with us, especially since Alleria is there. Though I must say I did not like what I saw in terms of her void form.
    There's actually a ton of void stuff in this patch, it kinda worries me that we might not get the expansion we all thought we'd get after all.

  10. #10
    Well to see the titans (presumably dead) on argus is jaw-dropping. The question rises what happened to aggromar, who were cut in half by sargeras and how on earth is he alive and a foe. Why is Eonar there, how did she survive, did the rest of the pantheon survive? Why would they hire writers to write the lore encyclopedia and dismantle the outcome of it in a game.
    Last edited by Airigal; 2017-06-29 at 12:13 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen Gremlin View Post
    Yeah, Sargeras probably became the fel itself by fusing with the world soul. I do hope we get to see his face though.
    But to me it is as obvious as day that Argus the unmaker, it's abilities being locked away and all, that it is Sargy.

    It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it might be cool. I still wonder what they're going to use the Exodar for though, the
    repairs did after all begin at the start of this expansion. Glad they chose to use Varimathras though, he is the one dreadlord I was waiting for all along.

    So I hope Sylvanas comes along with us, especially since Alleria is there. Though I must say I did not like what I saw in terms of her void form.
    There's actually a ton of void stuff in this patch, it kinda worries me that we might not get the expansion we all thought we'd get after all.
    Veressa is there so Sylvanas is definitely coming and I also presume Anduin shall too.
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  12. #12
    Did Agrammar really survive being almost cleanly cleaved in two?
    Jesus christ. I mean he took a clean full on swing from Sargeras with fel powers, and still fine and dandy to fight us?

    Ohh well fellmagiclol

  13. #13
    And why is Aggramar the champion of sargeras? Was he so angry at sargy, that he became corrupted or what? The end fight i presume, that Sargeras fuses with the world soul of argus and we get azeroth and eonar at our side to fight him.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Losullus View Post
    And why is Aggramar the champion of sargeras? Was he so angry at sargy, that he became corrupted or what? The end fight i presume, that Sargeras fuses with the world soul of argus and we get azeroth and eonar at our side to fight him.
    Maybe their bodies were remade by Sargeras.

  15. #15
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psykee View Post
    Did Agrammar really survive being almost cleanly cleaved in two?
    Jesus christ. I mean he took a clean full on swing from Sargeras with fel powers, and still fine and dandy to fight us?

    Ohh well fellmagiclol
    he didnt, its an avatar.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen Gremlin View Post
    Argus the unmaker is definitely Sargeras.
    We're going there to end them once and for all, which is probably why they choose to not spoil the biggest baddie we've ever had in Warcraft
    I think it's more likely that Argus is the void-corrupted world soul of the planet and that we're actually going to work with Sargeras to kill it.

  17. #17
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Quote Originally Posted by kabshiel View Post
    I think it's more likely that Argus is the void-corrupted world soul of the planet and that we're actually going to work with Sargeras to kill it.
    Dude, I am going to lose it if Sargeras gets a redemption story, how many millions of lives did he destroy in his grand crusade against the void?
    Can't let that slip!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by TheramoreIsTheBomb View Post
    It also explains why they refused to show Sargeras's body for the entire expansion.
    Or maybe we've been looking at his body all along. *points to the big round thing in the sky*

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen Gremlin View Post
    Dude, I am going to lose it if Sargeras gets a redemption story, how many millions of lives did he destroy in his grand crusade against the void?
    Can't let that slip!
    Yeah.. Illidan was already stretching it, but sargeras .. lol no. Even Gul'dan was more deserving of one than him. Heck I would be majorly pissed if we just ended up cleansing Sargeras, but completely redeeming him is a total no-go. Not sure we kill him though, I wouldn't be surprised if someone else snatched victory from us once again.

  20. #20
    I can't believe it. We're going to see the TITANS in World of Warcraft. FINALLY. This is the most jaw-dropping news in my last 10 years of WoW. Just unbelievable.

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