Thread: Low DPS?

  1. #1

    Low DPS?

    So guys recently i get geared not badly. 920 eq 922 ilvl. But when in raids my dmg is constantly getting lower so much. Like i start with 1.3m and decending to 700k's in fights. Is my gear wrong or do i have mistakes in my rotation? BTW im destro.

    I'm not allowed to link url but if you guys want to check my armory: Caladrìeda

  2. #2
    I look at your logs on goroth, I can give you some tips that are overall mandatory.
    If you using empowered life tap make sure u have at least 95% uptime, you have to use this talent on AOE fights.
    On single target fight always use eradication, keep this at least at 70% uptime, try every chaos bolt cast before debuff runs out.
    If you have legendary shoulders that never use every rift at once, you have to chain them, always stay at 1 stack of rift to combine it with some CD (soul harvest, Doomguard, grimoare imp ect.)
    Never sit on 3 stack of your rifts.
    As pet always use imp because of weapon trait. And always use talent grimoare of service and use it only for summon imp it's nice 1,5 min CD.
    Keep yout immolate rolling on target at 100% up time.
    And use your CD when they come available (unless you have to wait for some burst, but usually on HC its not needed)

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