1. #1

    What trinket to use?

    Hello fellow priests, a newbie seeks your guidance!

    Right now I have:

    900 Sea Star of Depth Mother
    900 Darkmoon Deck: Promise
    925 Deceiver's Grand Design
    920 Haste Stat Stick with a socket
    930 Faith's Crucible with a socket

    My main concern is Faith's Crucible and Sea Star. The two effectively does the same thing, which is healing injured allies within 15 yards. Sea Star in theory has stronger output, but it's RNG and relies on PoH. Faith's Crucible has lower output, but it's a guarantee when we actually need the heal, plus the fact that it's 30ilvl higher than my Sea Star.

    Now, I know there's no point using two on-use trinkets since they put each other on cooldown. But I would like to hear people's opinion. What trinkets should I use for my Disc/Holy Spec?

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    For Holy, Promises + Sea Star

    For Disc, Promises + Haste stat stick

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