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  1. #21
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    No new race, no player housing.

    There's literally no reason for RPers to come back to the game, especially since the megaserver tech ruined the entire community and they've not even made an attempt at fixing it.

  2. #22
    Scarab Lord Triggered Fridgekin's Avatar
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    Weapon swapping annoys me more than it should and classes which don't require you to weapon swap are brain-dead easy such as the Hammer Guardian.

    I wish they would fix the level tokens as well where they would auto-complete the story up until that level.
    Last edited by Triggered Fridgekin; 2017-10-10 at 11:36 PM.
    A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.

  3. #23
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinnamohn View Post
    Too expensive and time-consuming to consider returning. 125g to my name and barely any inventory or bank space. Don't even know where I'd begin, as I quit long before HoT came out. $100 wouldn't even get me out of the ditch, nor would I pay that sort of price to see if I'd even like to return.
    The 2 xpacs and living story packs are less than $100.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    Weapon swapping annoys me more than it should and classes which don't require you to weapon swap are brain-dead easy such as the Hammer Guardian.

    I wish they would fix the level tokens as well where they would auto-complete the story up until that level.
    The two classes without weapon swapping have anything but easy rotations.

  4. #24
    Warchief Notshauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    Because there's no "reset" in terms of expansion like in WoW, so you are literally 4 years behind everyone else.
    But you aren't at all. By simply purchasing the expansion and using the free level 80 boost you are put on par with the majority of players in regards to the expansion. Sure, you don't have all the fluff that comes from being an established character but frankly the difference between a player who's been playing from launch and a player who has just started is primarily cosmetic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cinnamohn View Post
    Too expensive and time-consuming to consider returning. 125g to my name and barely any inventory or bank space. Don't even know where I'd begin, as I quit long before HoT came out. $100 wouldn't even get me out of the ditch, nor would I pay that sort of price to see if I'd even like to return.
    I have never spent any gems on expanding inventory or bank space, it's just a matter of salvaging gear and storing or selling crafting materials. Seriously, $50 USD will get you Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, and if you really want to experience the story from start to end you can just pick up Living World Season 3 with gems (either earned in game or bought). You really aren't missing much of anything by skipping Season 2, you'll get the full experience via a youtube video.

  5. #25
    Scarab Lord Triggered Fridgekin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    The two classes without weapon swapping have anything but easy rotations.
    Let me clarify this because I forgot to mention an important part and that is I don't own HoT let alone the new expansion so I'm not referring to Elite specs. If there are Elite specs which perform well and can be done without a weapon swap then that peaks my interest especially if one is a Necromancer.

    When HoT gets baked in to the free GW2 experience I'll likely give it another honest try.
    Last edited by Triggered Fridgekin; 2017-10-10 at 11:57 PM.
    A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.

  6. #26
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Another thing that kills it for me is really poor optimization. My PC is more than capable of running this at 60 in some zones yet it dips.

    Not a full on killer but irritating knowing that I could get more out of this game and the devs are too lazy to fix it or make it a tad more bearable.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Races aren't a dealbreaker for me personally but if this had player housing I would consider coming back. Not Guild Halls but full on housing.

    Housing is actually the reason I play a few MMOs that have it.
    I wouldn't care about new races if they did make player and guild housing, as that would bring some of the RP community back tbh

  7. #27
    that they didn't make Heart of Thorns free when the new expac was released.

    When the game transitioned to Free2Play, they said that only the newest content would be paid for, and as content became obsolete, it'd be made available to the general public.

    Being able to play the necromancer specialization would be a strong enough incentive to make me go back. Until they do it (if they ever do), I'm gonna pass.

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  8. #28
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    Let me clarify this because I forgot to mention an important part and that is I don't own HoT let alone the new expansion so I'm not referring to Elite specs. If there are Elite specs which perform well and can be done without a weapon swap then that peaks my interest especially if one is a Necromancer.
    I was referring to Ele and Engi who dont have access to weapon swapping.

    Things are actually a lot more complicated when it comes to elite spec though (my other post assumed you didnt have access to them).

    HoT specs: Ele and Engi still have fairly complex rotations, no weapon swap. Druid (Ranger) can get away without weapon swapping in both condition and healing rolls but its rotation isnt simple at all.Chronomaner (Mesmer) you always use sword (in meta situations) and swap back your offhands (shield and focus) your rotation is tight. Reaper (Necro) camps greatsword but its rotation isnt complex imo, its not just auto attacks but its easy to get down.

    PoF specs: Scourge (Necro) you only weapon swap if you have a specific sigil, rotation is dynamic and positioning is very crucial, my favorite spec of the expansion. Holosmith (Engineer) has the best animations in any MMO short of korean MMOs, rotation revolves around managing "heat levels"...overheat and you hurt yourself, very fun spec. Renegade (Revanant) you camp axe/mace and summon ghost allies. condition damagdamage allstar in 5 man content. Weaver (ele) anyone who says its a simple spec is lying. No weapon otherwise.

  9. #29
    Banned Jaylock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Time, Other games and to be honest I've watched and read up enough to know that I won't be interested for now.
    I'm playing GW2 right now, but VERY casually. I mainly will log in, and try to full complete a zone and its discoverys and vistas and such. But I usually only play for like maybe 1-2 hours a week, since WoW and other games / RL stuff takes up most of my time.

    I like GW2, just don't find / make time to play it much. :/

  10. #30
    I wanted to get 100% map completion but objectives were bugged and it was a massive pain in the ass getting around Orr (I think that's what the end zone was called). Tried again to go back a long time ago, went for another map objective and by the time I was finished fighting a couple mobs the ones behind me respawned and ended up killing me, not sure if it was just a bug with how fast they spawned. That stuff combined with how in dungeons I never figured out why mobs would stay aggroed onto me until I died no matter how many defensive CDs I used made me just lose interest.
    Quote Originally Posted by True Anarch View Post
    Never claimed I was a genuis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Furitrix View Post
    I don't give a fuck if cops act shitty towards people, never have.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    Let me clarify this because I forgot to mention an important part and that is I don't own HoT let alone the new expansion so I'm not referring to Elite specs. If there are Elite specs which perform well and can be done without a weapon swap then that peaks my interest especially if one is a Necromancer.
    The necro spec with HoT is Reaper, which is greatsword and you can weapon swap but don't need to.

    I think you and pacox are speaking about different things though. There are two classes without weapon swapping (Elementalist, which still has element swapping, and Engineer which has kits but optional), but I think you meant spec's within classes that don't "need" weapon swapping even if they still can? Like Guardian-Hammer is your example, but they still have weapon swapping.

    Also, the level-skip story thing. The only story tied to level is the original personal story vs Zhaitan which you can just skip at this point. Everything else is designed for level 80. You can always just do the current stuff.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    I still dont get it. What do other players have that you dont? If its masteries, you dont need HoT masteries for PoF, in fact I almost never glide on PoF maps.

    The few masteries needed for raiding take 2 days if that to get.

    - - - Updated - - -

    2. Not sure what you mean by that one. Guilds level through upgrades. Anyone can contribute to said upgrades by donating to the guild. Guild missions have always been part of the equation.

    3. Huh? The game is as casual or hardcore as you want its always been.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Most stuff isnt a."skill shot" (i know what youre referring to" and theres auto targeting even for AOE skills that you have to place.
    when was the last time you contributed to the guild? I used to be able to buy contributions etc. but the only way to level a guild last i checked ONLY way, not as one of the options that yes were always there, but not its the only option. i cannot. contribute. to guild. leveling. solo. unless that has changed again recently.

    the game is a lot less casual, or feels a lot less casual. I mean... I've always had a decently ok time playing my ranger with a longbow/double axes combination with a bear pet. but I tried the new expac during one of the open weekends and I had an awful time just surviving the initial scenario. there is a difficulty spike and that spike was added back with HoT. soloing as a casual mediocre player is far less accessible. that and the changes in meta and guild contributions are a part of overall feel of the game being streamlined into a much more linear experience.

    your mileage may vary and all that, I'm merely expressing MY experiences with the game that at one point I played a LOT. I didn't actualy finish been there done that in part because I hit 70% around the time they did their game rework and I started losing interest in playing, but 70% of full completion as well as small dents here and there on elementalist and engi alts - is quite a bit of time invested nonetheless. the game doesn't feel as open and welcoming anymore.

    I used to be able to get away with not going higher then exotic armor, and now I feel like I have to grind for upgrades and HAVE to play specific builds and maybe some of the difficulty spike is there to account for masteries, but when you don't have the masteries unlocked yet, it makes for a harrowing experience if you god forbid don't happen to be an elite player.

    between that and the whole funneling into a more linear experience if you want to get those daily points and.. yeah. the game is making it more and more difficult to catch up. and like I said, focus on raiding is probably awesome for some people, but for me its a turnoff.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    your mileage may vary and all that, I'm merely expressing MY experiences with the game that at one point I played a LOT. I didn't actualy finish been there done that in part because I hit 70% around the time they did their game rework and I started losing interest in playing, but 70% of full completion as well as small dents here and there on elementalist and engi alts - is quite a bit of time invested nonetheless. the game doesn't feel as open and welcoming anymore.
    You can still play the old zones if you want to keep going where you were, since you already have the game and all. The intro quest to PoF is easier than the demo, I think, though it just be due to me using my characters rather than there pregen.

    I used to be able to get away with not going higher then exotic armor, and now I feel like I have to grind for upgrades and HAVE to play specific builds
    I literally have 20 characters, almost all are Exotic gear. There's just certain spots that are cheezier than others, it's not really a gear thing. Builds haven't really changed a whole lot, and you probably wouldn't be running a speed-fractal metabuild anyway, so wouldn't worry.

    between that and the whole funneling into a more linear experience if you want to get those daily points and.. yeah. the game is making it more and more difficult to catch up. and like I said, focus on raiding is probably awesome for some people, but for me its a turnoff.
    Yeah, I don't like the new(ish) daily system. Especially now, since some if PoF or HoT based, if you lack the expacs you may lack a means to complete it. But, I mean, it's not really a requirement either if it gets in the way of the gameplay. I don't raid, nor care about raiding. I like the world and gameplay, and sometimes the story.

    I think the main point I'm trying to make is, you can enjoy the game you already got. Sure it may seem like their future decisions go in directions you don't like, but don't worry about it, you never have to give them another dime. Just do what you like.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  14. #34
    I've always utterly despised the combat in Guild Wars 2, and the fact that your main abilities were tied to the weapon that you were using. In regards to the former, the combat always felt like it's awkwardly stuck between actual action combat (like Tera or Vindictus) and more traditional, hotkey combat, giving it a "floaty" feeling to me that never felt satisfying. Meanwhile, when it comes to weapons, I hated the fact that, even when I found a weapon I liked using, there would still be one or two abilities that I'd never use for one reason or the other (usually because they seemed like they'd be more useful in PVP than PVE), and in general, I didn't like having abilities "locked" to my hotbar based on the weapon I was using, since I usually prefer having the option to customize what abilities are mapped where.

    I also wasn't fond of the presentation of the main quests and story. Maybe things got more cinematic in the recent expansions, but having two characters stand around and talk in front of a moving background always seemed rather...uninspired. Especially when you've got games like The Secret World or The Old Republic, that essentially have full blown cutscenes for nearly all their quests. I don't necessarily mind a more traditional or minimalist approach to story presentation, with only text and limited or no voice acting, but much like with the combat, the fact that the presentation seemed stuck halfway between full blown cutscenes and more traditional quest text just felt awkward. And perhaps, even a tad lazy.

    I did enjoy the art style of the game, and the feeling of exploration when running around completing Renown Hearts and Vistas and such, and I also liked the race and class options, but outside of exploring and creating characters, I simply did not enjoy the core gameplay of Guild Wars 2. And I sincerely doubt that the expansions have done much to address the issues I have with the game.
    "Go back...I just want to go back...!"

  15. #35
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    when was the last time you contributed to the guild? I used to be able to buy contributions etc. but the only way to level a guild last i checked ONLY way, not as one of the options that yes were always there, but not its the only option. i cannot. contribute. to guild. leveling. solo. unless that has changed again recently.

    the game is a lot less casual, or feels a lot less casual. I mean... I've always had a decently ok time playing my ranger with a longbow/double axes combination with a bear pet. but I tried the new expac during one of the open weekends and I had an awful time just surviving the initial scenario. there is a difficulty spike and that spike was added back with HoT. soloing as a casual mediocre player is far less accessible. that and the changes in meta and guild contributions are a part of overall feel of the game being streamlined into a much more linear experience.

    your mileage may vary and all that, I'm merely expressing MY experiences with the game that at one point I played a LOT. I didn't actualy finish been there done that in part because I hit 70% around the time they did their game rework and I started losing interest in playing, but 70% of full completion as well as small dents here and there on elementalist and engi alts - is quite a bit of time invested nonetheless. the game doesn't feel as open and welcoming anymore.

    I used to be able to get away with not going higher then exotic armor, and now I feel like I have to grind for upgrades and HAVE to play specific builds and maybe some of the difficulty spike is there to account for masteries, but when you don't have the masteries unlocked yet, it makes for a harrowing experience if you god forbid don't happen to be an elite player.

    between that and the whole funneling into a more linear experience if you want to get those daily points and.. yeah. the game is making it more and more difficult to catch up. and like I said, focus on raiding is probably awesome for some people, but for me its a turnoff.
    I actually run a max level guild. The way guilds level now is by completing upgrades. Each upgrade requires x amount of y items(s) to be placed in a guild storage of sort (not tje guild bank). Theres two other currency items needed but their are fairly trival (one is time gated and the other is tied to guild missions with a weekly cap on how much you can earn) Completing these upgrades grant certain perks to the guild and are the only way to advance the level of a guild. Fullfilling the upgrades is a guild wide effort, I personally gave my members inventives for particapting.

    My guild is also pretty casual. I realize HoT was a difficulty jump, people say it all them in guild chat. I also understand that people have various skill levels, seek various challenges. I can assure you that most of the content in PoF is built with solo players in mind.
    HoT was very linear and you could only do certain things at certain times because of the stupid meta events. PoF encourage exploration (except the story, its linear, and except Desolation...that map is practically are warzone full of mines)

    All lvl 80 content is is built with rare gear in mind (well in the core game and PoF) with the exception of raids and fractals. Raids are built around having exotic gear, high level fractals require ascended gear fot agony resist checks, thats it.

    With all that said you know what you like better than me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    You can still play the old zones if you want to keep going where you were, since you already have the game and all. The intro quest to PoF is easier than the demo, I think, though it just be due to me using my characters rather than there pregen.

    I literally have 20 characters, almost all are Exotic gear. There's just certain spots that are cheezier than others, it's not really a gear thing. Builds haven't really changed a whole lot, and you probably wouldn't be running a speed-fractal metabuild anyway, so wouldn't worry.

    Yeah, I don't like the new(ish) daily system. Especially now, since some if PoF or HoT based, if you lack the expacs you may lack a means to complete it. But, I mean, it's not really a requirement either if it gets in the way of the gameplay. I don't raid, nor care about raiding. I like the world and gameplay, and sometimes the story.

    I think the main point I'm trying to make is, you can enjoy the game you already got. Sure it may seem like their future decisions go in directions you don't like, but don't worry about it, you never have to give them another dime. Just do what you like.
    Your point about not having particular xpacs when it comes to dailies is wrong. Dailies are based on the xpacs you have and the highest level toon on you have. Theres a set of alternate "hidden" dailies for people who dont have the content for a particular daily unlocked or dont have toons high enough to do the content.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    You can still play the old zones if you want to keep going where you were, since you already have the game and all. The intro quest to PoF is easier than the demo, I think, though it just be due to me using my characters rather than there pregen.

    I literally have 20 characters, almost all are Exotic gear. There's just certain spots that are cheezier than others, it's not really a gear thing. Builds haven't really changed a whole lot, and you probably wouldn't be running a speed-fractal metabuild anyway, so wouldn't worry.

    Yeah, I don't like the new(ish) daily system. Especially now, since some if PoF or HoT based, if you lack the expacs you may lack a means to complete it. But, I mean, it's not really a requirement either if it gets in the way of the gameplay. I don't raid, nor care about raiding. I like the world and gameplay, and sometimes the story.

    I think the main point I'm trying to make is, you can enjoy the game you already got. Sure it may seem like their future decisions go in directions you don't like, but don't worry about it, you never have to give them another dime. Just do what you like.
    oh i realize that. it just doesn't feel the same anymore, I guess. there's all that stuff in achievement panel I cannot get to, story I cannot really pursue and difficulty aside i almost ALMOST bought path of fire, becasue holy cow, beautiful - they really outdone themselves with art there. and then a friend of mine who IS playing the game and enjoying it, told me what it takes to get the mounts and that you HAVE to have the mounts to do parts of new content and that just completely soured me on it. maybe if I didn't have another MMO I'm enjoying right now with very few caveats and while a part of active guilds, maybe I'd feel differently. but I don't know maybe its just a matter of "you cannot get back that new game feeling". who knows.

    I will say though, after playing ESO for a while, GW2 combat feels... clunky. just something about the way abilities fire and my characters move... it has this... awkwardness to it, despite in general combat being fairly similar with the aiming and ground abilities and dodging out of bad stuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    I actually run a max level guild. The way guilds level now is by completing upgrades. Each upgrade requires x amount of y items(s) to be placed in a guild storage of sort (not tje guild bank). Theres two other currency items needed but their are fairly trival (one is time gated and the other is tied to guild missions with a weekly cap on how much you can earn) Completing these upgrades grant certain perks to the guild and are the only way to advance the level of a guild. Fullfilling the upgrades is a guild wide effort, I personally gave my members inventives for particapting.

    My guild is also pretty casual. I realize HoT was a difficulty jump, people say it all them in guild chat. I also understand that people have various skill levels, seek various challenges. I can assure you that most of the content in PoF is built with solo players in mind.
    HoT was very linear and you could only do certain things at certain times because of the stupid meta events. PoF encourage exploration (except the story, its linear, and except Desolation...that map is practically are warzone full of mines)

    All lvl 80 content is is built with rare gear in mind (well in the core game and PoF) with the exception of raids and fractals. Raids are built around having exotic gear, high level fractals require ascended gear fot agony resist checks, thats it.

    With all that said you know what you like better than me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Your point about not having particular xpacs when it comes to dailies is wrong. Dailies are based on the xpacs you have and the highest level toon on you have. Theres a set of alternate "hidden" dailies for people who dont have the content for a particular daily unlocked or dont have toons high enough to do the content.
    the point is.. unless I'm misunderstanding something? i HAVE to be in a guild group in order to make any progress towards building upgrades. I didn't have to be, before. i could contribute while playing completely, 100% solo.

  17. #37
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post

    the point is.. unless I'm misunderstanding something? i HAVE to be in a guild group in order to make any progress towards building upgrades. I didn't have to be, before. i could contribute while playing completely, 100% solo.
    Nope, it has nothing to do with groups.

    Same were having a picnic, we need needs plates, various food, drinks, etc. You want to help make the picnic happen so you donate the plates. I contribute the food. Our organization gets XP for completing the picnic. Thats how guild upgrades work. Nothing to do with groups. I do ask why youd want to be in a guild if you dont want to play with them.

  18. #38
    I can't get over the fact that they removed everything that made Guild Wars great. GW2 is a good game in its own rights, it just has nothing to do with GW aside from the World and some easter eggs here and there.

    Also, I despise the combat and the zones, while beautiful, are boring honestly. And last nail in the coffin, deciding to use conquest for the main PvP mode while never really bringing GvG (which they promised they would). I just don't trust Anet at all. They spit on the GW community, and everytime I play GW2, I wonder what it could have been if they made a true follow-up to GW with that engine.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    Nope, it has nothing to do with groups.

    Same were having a picnic, we need needs plates, various food, drinks, etc. You want to help make the picnic happen so you donate the plates. I contribute the food. Our organization gets XP for completing the picnic. Thats how guild upgrades work. Nothing to do with groups. I do ask why youd want to be in a guild if you dont want to play with them.
    it has everything to do with groups. I used to be able to contribute plates and food to the picnic, to use your analogy by earning them via solo activity. I cannot do so anymore, the only way to EARN those plates and food is to complete guild activities - specific guild activities which i cannot complete solo, those have to be done with a group.

    and there is a huge difference between wanting to play with the guild and being forced into specific activities with the guild. some times I just want to run around the world, while still chatting in guild chat. i know... its an odd concept and all for you in seems, but I have played this way in every MMO. its possible to want to be social without being forced to group all the time. especially when its limited to specific few activities, in a way GW2 has been doing it with everything. including daily Meta. I used to be able to play in any zone that I wanted to, do whatever I felt like and still be able to work towards the meta, but nowadays? I have to go to specific zones and do specific limited things and hope for the best that there are enough non fractal things for me to do to complete the meta. so don't complete the meta, you say? yeah, I stopped doing it after realizing how much I hated trying to get a hit or two in during event that ends in 30 seconds becasue of all the zerging people. and then I just lost interest in completing the map all together.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    I still dont get it. What do other players have that you dont? If its masteries, you dont need HoT masteries for PoF, in fact I almost never glide on PoF maps.
    It's all psychological. If you never hard reset the progression, whether it's gear or simply cosmetics/events then you will feel like you're behind everyone else. I feel this and even my GF mentioned the same thing.

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