I've been watching the forum discussion praise and disregard the Classic WoW-announcement the past few days, and I'm baffled by the ignorance some people show towards the other opinion. If you're concerned with the state of retail, and refrain from playing it due to various reasons then fine, but bashing it isn't necessary; vice versa for those who enjoy retail but won't play Classic. Most people who wish to play Classic has either played it years back, dabbled in private servers or already watched videos/guides of it enough to understand what it is, and even if they don't.. so? - Let them figure it out themselves.

I'm positive towards the release of Classic and will most likely play it aswell, yet follow the story of retail for different reasons, without playing it. Does this make me biased? I doubt it.

I do the same with most Legend of Zelda-games these days. I love Ocarina of Time, and alot of people enjoy it aswell, but it's a different game than Breath of the Wild. Does this make Breath of the Wild more complete, and in turn Ocarina of Time flawed/less complete? Perhaps, but I'd say no. The same goes for ClassicVsRetail; it might be the same game by name, but all the elements have been warped and changed to make it something different. Exchange all the boards of a house, yet it's the same house by name, but not by physical content.

Fewer ingredients in a dish can enhance flavor or allow further exploration of the components that exists. However, this does not fit each tongue, so let each person try out what their favorite flavor is; cookie dough, vanilla, pistachio.. or perhaps a combination?
