<Really Bad Players> is a longstanding, semi-hardcore guild on Blackrock seeking dedicated raiders to bolster our roster for Antorus. We are a group of players who have retired from the hardcore 4-night raiding schedule and instead channel our efforts into only two nights. We seek players with personality, competitive drive, and a desire to become part of a family.

The difficulty of balancing time between real life and WoW is what brought us together on a short raiding schedule. Despite this, you'll find many of our raiders running mythic+ all day long, pushing arena rating, or leveling alts for our occasional alt runs.

Since we raid only two nights a week for eight hours total, we insist on high attendance (90% or better) from all of our raiders barring real life situations. We will never add another mandatory raid night. Many of our raiders already get sh!t from their wives about playing too much, and have no desire to add to that pain.

About Us

  • US - Horde - Blackrock
  • Raids Sunday & Monday from 7:00 - 11:00 PM PST
  • [7/7M EN] [3/3M ToV] [10/10M NH] [8/9M ToS] [2/11M ABT]
  • Loot Council
  • Discord Voice

Recruitment Goals
Our primary recruitment goals are core positions for a restoration shaman and restoration druid, and exceptional DPS.

If you have a question about our recruitment goals you can contact us or visit our website to see our logs and current roster. Excellent players should always apply as our raid spots are based on player performance. Our composition is currently melee heavy, so ranged raid spots will be easier to compete for.


Contact Us
Solemnity#1999 (Healing Officer)