Thread: Fel dog help.

  1. #1

    Fel dog help.

    We seem to be having some issues on dogs after being able to kill them twice and for the life of me I just can't figure it out. I know that some of our DPS are very mechanically challenged and are dying early, and am aware that our monk seems to be having trouble dealing with the magic DMG. Is there any insight you guys could offer by looking at our logs.
    Last edited by slikvik; 2018-01-25 at 06:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Is your monk using the talent that reduces magic damage with ironskin brew? Also, most fights they are only keeping that up ~55% of the fight. That ability should have 100% uptime while holding a boss, and considering you hold a boss for this entire fight they should be near 100% uptime of the buff.

    Edit: Just looked up his toon on the armory and he is not using Mystic Vitality (or at least he isn't specced it on last logout). For magic intensive fights he needs to run that to help stagger the magic dmg as well. That and make sure he Ironskin Brews constantly (typically i cast it on my monk right before the previous application runs out). He should not have to worry about saving brew charges for purifying if that is his concern, it takes a bit before you have to purify or risk dying.

    If he isn't running any weak auras or addons to give him better info than the standard UI, he may want to look into them at least for the stagger dmg to help better gauge the right times to purify.
    Last edited by wilster; 2018-01-25 at 04:42 PM.

  3. #3
    You only had 19 people on your best attempts? That doesn't help.

    But yeah I mean you just need people to not die early. Tons of deaths from dps just standing in fire or getting hit by the big purple orb. You know this, obviously, but the boss won't die until it happens. And every death without a b rez means fears/siphons are harder to deal with.

    RE the brewmaster... I'm not super experienced with bm, but I think mystic vitality is a little better and easier to use vs magic damage. Legendaries might not be optimal either if it's the sustained damage causing him trouble. EDIT: and as the above poster noted he needs to do better at keeping his ironskin brew up or he's gonna get trucked.

    Taking a quick look at the replay as well, I'd recommend trying to keep the bosses closer together. Makes healing easier, and makes multi dotting easier. Your lock and shadow priest are often way in the middle of nowhere.
    Last edited by Sxq; 2018-01-25 at 04:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Brewmaster Monk:
    Running Dampen Harm instead of Mystic Vitality (Main Tank Debuff is Magic Damage, so tsk tsk)
    6 Ironbrew Skins on the last pull...Seriously what the fuck? Horrendous uptime of 51.54% there

    Healing Looking pretty low/weak for the number of healers your running.
    Going to sift through some more of the pulls and see what other info I can find for you

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sxq View Post
    You only had 19 people on your best attempts? That doesn't help.

    But yeah I mean you just need people to not die early. Tons of deaths from dps just standing in fire or getting hit by the big purple orb. You know this, obviously, but the boss won't die until it happens. And every death without a b rez means fears/siphons are harder to deal with.

    RE the brewmaster... I'm not super experienced with bm, but I think mystic vitality is a little better and easier to use vs magic damage. Legendaries might not be optimal either if it's the sustained damage causing him trouble.
    His leggos are ok, obviously not BIS (Pyrdaz and AHR, good for absorb at least) but his biggest issue is no Mystic Vitality and 50% of ironskin. Those 2 alone will probably drop his overall damage taken on this fight by at least 30% I would imagine.

    If your monk needs some guides or resources to look at here are a couple of starters (don't take them as gospel but they will help i think):
    Last edited by wilster; 2018-01-25 at 05:06 PM.

  6. #6
    Any thing from the healers stand out? I believe our CD's are not being utilized very effectively.

  7. #7
    Immortal Ealyssa's Avatar
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    Holy shit that monk is actually garbage, and I don't use that word lightly.

    He simply doesn't know how to tank with a brewmaster, period.
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    nazi is not the abbreviation of national socialism....
    When googling 4 letters is asking too much fact-checking.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by slikvik View Post
    Any thing from the healers stand out? I believe our CD's are not being utilized very effectively.
    I don't see anything specific with the healers, though i will admit I have not really kept up too much with healers since Nighthold. If you feel CD's are not being done right, have them call out a CD rotation for times you know you are going to take higher raid dmg (orb for example). The shaman and pally don't look too bad on numbers alone, but the druid and priest are pretty low imo.

    Biggest issue I can see without watching vids is 1. your BrM dying early (would expect a pally before a BrM) and 2. your dps is dying to way too many avoidable mechanics and in quite a few cases early in the fight. Get your BrM playing better and your DPS to do mechanics and not worry so much about numbers and you will finish even with the healer numbers.

  9. #9
    As others have said, Monks mitigation is the issue, monks (like druids) can have 100% uptime on their mitigation and they should when tanking something. Fix that and if you're still having issues i suggest more direct heals, (looking at the best pull, specifically Hpala).

    Also Mystic vitality is easier as said, Dampen `can` be better for reducing threatening burst attacks, but based on his usage of mitigation just tell him to go mystic vitality.

  10. #10
    If your dps are doing because they're not reacting to the mechanics well, it might be worth having someone focusing on the dog's energy bars more than their rotation and calling out what abilities are coming 5 seconds before they come.

  11. #11
    I looked at the lock because that's the one I know how to play, at least relatively speaking. Your guy has two level 100 talents (one selected, one with the ring), but he's missing the best one: Siphon Life. I am a very mediocre mythic raider with a lower ilvl and we are sloppy enough with this encounter that it is not possible to keep up agony and siphon on the 2nd dog for more than about 60% of the time and I'm still pulling an extra 150-400k over your guy. It also hurts him not to be using Sarcolash, either because he doesn't have it or he thinks the DE from the Netherlord ring is worth it, even though DE is the worst parsing of the 100 talents on this fight.

    Seems like maybe everyone in your crew needs to spend a few minutes figuring out what the best parsing talents and legendaries are for this fight. All the data is out there, you just have to look.

  12. #12
    It's fun how everytime i see (in pug) or hear from a brm been hard to keep up for healers, and i look the logs, the guy has horrible uptime on ironskin brew+ as a bonus doesn't use MV if the fight is magic damage heavy. Been like that since good ol' Krosus.

  13. #13
    How did that brewmaster ever get through heroic let alone get started on mythics? 10 ISB casts in almost 4 mins of fighting with 100% tanking up time? What in the actual fuck, he has the most reliable tank AM in the game and isn't even using it.

    MV will help, but it's not going to fix flat out terrible play. ISB needs to be 100% up time period.
    Last edited by Tech614; 2018-01-26 at 06:19 PM.

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