Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionAtal'Dazar
For millennia, the Zandalari kings were laid to rest within the tombs of Atal'Dazar, secluded high atop the mountain Mugamba. These pyramids grew more elaborate with each passing ruler, as new rooms were constructed to house the deceased's vast wealth. Now, these once pristine halls have been corrupted by the Prophet Zul and his trusted lieutenant, Yazma, who seek to twist the power of these ancient kings for their own dark machinations.
Priestess Alun'za
As a fanatical defender of Atal'Dazar's golden sanctum, Priestess Alun'za has come to cleanse the temple of all corruption at any cost.
- Overview - Pools of Tainted Blood will appear at random locations around the cauldrons, step into a pool to taint your blood just before Priestess Alun'za casts Transfusion.
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- Corrupted Gold - During the encounter, the golden cauldrons expel their corruption slowly outwards. Players who come into contact with this corruption are afflicted with Corrupted Gold.
In life Vol'kaal was a trusted bodyguard of Yazma. Since his untimely death, she has used her newfound powers to reanimate the corpse of her former lieutenant who can now serve for eternity.
- Overview - Vol'kaal is empowered by Yazma's Bad Voodoo until all of the Reanimation Totems are destroyed. Once all of the totems are destroyed, Vol'kaal begins to Rapid Decay.
- Section 6 - $[!2,8,23
In Heroic and Mythic difficulty, when a Reanimation Totem is slain it begins to cast Reanimate.
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- Fixate - A Molten Slag will periodically fixate on a random enemy target, moving to attack only that target for 10 sec.
- Molten Shield - A Molten Slag only takes 50% damage from magical sources, and will deal 6,000 Fire damage to all nearby targets within 10 yards every 2 sec.
- Fixate - A Molten Slag will periodically fixate on a random enemy target, moving to attack only that target for 10 sec.
- Molten Shield - A Molten Slag only takes 50% damage from magical sources, and will deal 6,000 Fire damage to all nearby targets within 10 yards every 2 sec.
- Fixate - A Molten Slag will periodically fixate on a random enemy target, moving to attack only that target for 10 sec.
- Molten Shield - A Molten Slag only takes 50% damage from magical sources, and will deal 6,000 Fire damage to all nearby targets within 10 yards every 2 sec.
- Fixate - A Molten Slag will periodically fixate on a random enemy target, moving to attack only that target for 10 sec.
- Molten Shield - A Molten Slag only takes 50% damage from magical sources, and will deal 6,000 Fire damage to all nearby targets within 10 yards every 2 sec.
Rezan, once a loa to the Zuldazar kings, had his soul torn from his body during a ritual. Now, only a twisted husk remains, bent on devouring anyone who enters his hunting grounds.
- Overview - Rezan inflicts severe Physical damage with his Serrated Teeth, Devours players at random, and frightens all players with his Terrifying Visage.
- Section 5 - $[!2,23 In Heroic and Mythic difficulties, if Rezan will also cause bone piles to awaken as he walks over them.
- Pursuite -
- Section 8 -
- Section 7 -
- Section 10 - $[!2,23 This ability is used when Rezan reaches 50% health remaining.
Having consumed the might of Shadra, the spider loa, Yazma is now tasked with holding the sacred temple of Atal'Dazar for her master, the Prophet Zul.
- Overview - Upon reaching 100 Energy, Yazma's calls forth the souls of players affected with Soulrend, creating a Soulspawn that moves towards her.
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- Section 13 -
- Section 9 -
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionFreehold
Freehold has traditionally served as a haven for pirates, scoundrels, and those who wish to live free of Kul Tiran control. Now, the Irontide Raiders have brought the city under their harsh rule and are coercing the various pirate crews under their banner. While the pirates gather, a small group of heroes must infiltrate the town and eliminate their leadership to dissolve this growing alliance of cutthroats.
Skycap'n Kragg
Skycap'n Kragg and his faithful mount Sharkbait are the guardians of Freehold, continously patrolling the sky on the lookout for intruders. At least, that is what their supposed to be doing. Instead, these two are often found snoozing in their crow's nest or dropping guano on unsuspecting victims from above.
- Overview - Skycap'n Kragg charrrrrges into combat mounted on his giant parrot, Sharkbait. At 75% health Kragg will dismount and Sharkbait will take to the sky, raining Vile Bombardment.
- Stage: Mounted Assualt -
- Stage: Death Rains from Above -
Council o' Captains
Captains Raoul, Eudora, and Jolly meet within Freehold to drink and confer. They lead the Blacktooth Brawlers, Bilge Rats, and Cutwater Corsairs crews, currently gathered under the banner of the Irontide by Harlan Sweete.
- Overview - The three leaders of Freehold's crews enter combat together. Joining one of the Captains and his or her crew prior to engaging with the Council willl earn you an ally, drastically improving your chances and negating the effects of Under One Banner.
- Captain Raoul -
- Captain Eudora -
- Captain Jolly -
Ring of Booty
Within Freehold, there is a fighting tournament where the fiercest brigands from across the seas test their might. This rogue's gallery consists of a strange assortment of contenders, but none so fearsome as the current champion, Shark Puncher. Countless challengers have sought to topple the powerful pugilist, but all of them have ended up as chum.
- Overview - Trothak, the Champion of the Ring of Booty, enters battle using the two sharks strapped to his arms as weapons. Alternating between swinging sharks at nearby enemies and throwing sharks at far away enemies, Trothak is a danger to anyone in his arena.
- Section 5 -
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Harlan Sweete
Harlan Sweete is the leader of the Irontide Raiders, and his vast wealth is only exceeded by his sliminess. Currently bankrolled by the Lady Ashvane, Sweete has been tasked with uniting the crews of those who sail the seas of Kul Tiras.
- Overview - Harlan Sweete rolls his magically loaded dice at 60% and 30% health remaining, gaining advantages via Loaded Dice: All Hands! and Loaded Dice: Man-O-War. Be sure to observe how his abilities are modified!
- Loaded Dice - Harlan Sweete rolls his magically loaded dice at 60% and 30% health remaining, gaining an advantage in combat via the dices' effects.
- Section 6 -
- Section 5 -
- Section 9 -
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionShrine of the Storm
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Ability - Abilities
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Ability - Abilities
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Ability - Abilities
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Ability - Abilities
- Ice Shards - Lord Walden releases Ice Shards all over his laboratory for 5 sec. Each Ice Shard arcs through the air then lands, dealing 9,900 Frost damage to all enemy targets within 2 yards.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
- Ice Shards - Lord Walden releases Ice Shards all over his laboratory for 5 sec. Each Ice Shard arcs through the air then lands, dealing 9,900 Frost damage to all enemy targets within 2 yards.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionKezan
Coin-operated Crowd Pummeler
When goblins fight, the winner of the argument is the one with the deepest purse. Why? Because they can afford to pay the Pummeler.
- Overview - The Coin-operated Crowd Pummeler's Skyscorcher allies will drop barrels of azerite catalyst as bombs near their enemies. Kick these back at the Pummeler, making it more susceptible to damage.
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- Pain and Suffering - Baron Ashbury channels on a random player, initially dealing 450 Shadow damage every 0.5 second for 6 sec. The damage dealt increases as the spell continues to channel.
- Wracking Pain - Baron Ashbury enjoys causing Wracking Pain on all players within 60 yards, inflicting 3,000 Shadow damage and increasing the Shadow damage dealt to players by 20% for until cancelled. This effect stacks.
- Calamity - At 25% health, Baron Ashbury takes the form of a Dark Archangel and unleashes his true power. Baron Ashbury inflicts 1,500 Shadow damage and increases the Shadow damage enemies take by 1% every 1 second until either Baron Ashbury or his enemies die. This effect stacks.
- Pain and Suffering - Baron Ashbury channels on a random player, initially dealing 450 Shadow damage every 0.5 second for 6 sec. The damage dealt increases as the spell continues to channel.
- Wracking Pain - Baron Ashbury enjoys causing Wracking Pain on all players within 60 yards, inflicting 3,000 Shadow damage and increasing the Shadow damage dealt to players by 20% for until cancelled. This effect stacks.
- Calamity - At 25% health, Baron Ashbury takes the form of a Dark Archangel and unleashes his true power. Baron Ashbury inflicts 1,500 Shadow damage and increases the Shadow damage enemies take by 1% every 1 second until either Baron Ashbury or his enemies die. This effect stacks.
- Pain and Suffering - Baron Ashbury channels on a random player, initially dealing 450 Shadow damage every 0.5 second for 6 sec. The damage dealt increases as the spell continues to channel.
- Wracking Pain - Baron Ashbury enjoys causing Wracking Pain on all players within 60 yards, inflicting 3,000 Shadow damage and increasing the Shadow damage dealt to players by 20% for until cancelled. This effect stacks.
- Calamity - At 25% health, Baron Ashbury takes the form of a Dark Archangel and unleashes his true power. Baron Ashbury inflicts 1,500 Shadow damage and increases the Shadow damage enemies take by 1% every 1 second until either Baron Ashbury or his enemies die. This effect stacks.
- Pain and Suffering - Baron Ashbury channels on a random player, initially dealing 450 Shadow damage every 0.5 second for 6 sec. The damage dealt increases as the spell continues to channel.
- Wracking Pain - Baron Ashbury enjoys causing Wracking Pain on all players within 60 yards, inflicting 3,000 Shadow damage and increasing the Shadow damage dealt to players by 20% for until cancelled. This effect stacks.
- Calamity - At 25% health, Baron Ashbury takes the form of a Dark Archangel and unleashes his true power. Baron Ashbury inflicts 1,500 Shadow damage and increases the Shadow damage enemies take by 1% every 1 second until either Baron Ashbury or his enemies die. This effect stacks.
- Pain and Suffering - Baron Ashbury channels on a random player, initially dealing 450 Shadow damage every 0.5 second for 6 sec. The damage dealt increases as the spell continues to channel.
- Wracking Pain - Baron Ashbury enjoys causing Wracking Pain on all players within 60 yards, inflicting 3,000 Shadow damage and increasing the Shadow damage dealt to players by 20% for until cancelled. This effect stacks.
- Calamity - At 25% health, Baron Ashbury takes the form of a Dark Archangel and unleashes his true power. Baron Ashbury inflicts 1,500 Shadow damage and increases the Shadow damage enemies take by 1% every 1 second until either Baron Ashbury or his enemies die. This effect stacks.
Goblins drilling for Azerite have disturbed a powerful earth spirit, Tik'ali, who has taken physical form to exact vengance!
- Overview - Tik'ali's Earthrager allies are dangerous if left uncontrolled, and can inflict heavy damage even to the sturdiest foes. Control them with crowd control or with Fracking Totem as left behind by the Venture Co. Seismologists.
- Section 9 -
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- Section 11 -
Rixxa Fluxflame
Overseeing the creation of the Venture Co's supply of Agent Azerite, Rixxa is a reknowned chemist and known pyromaniac.
- Overview - The Coin-operated Crowd Pummeler's Skyscorcher allies will drop Azerite Barrels as bombs near their enemies. Kick these back at the Pummeler to give him a taste of his own medicine!
- Section 5 -
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- Section 9 -
- Section 9 -
Mogul Razzdunk
Never able to ascend to Trade Prince, Mogul Razzdunk is certain that becoming the world's foremost Azerite baron will let him bridge the gap.
- Overview - Mogul Razzdunk's azerite-powered war machine can attack players at ground level with guns, as well as from the air with a powerful drill.
- Section 10 -
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- Section 11 -
- Death from Above! - Frustrated with attacking on an even playing field, Mogul Razzdunk takes to the skies and deploys a mining drill to attack his enemies. He also calls Venture Co. Skyscorchers to his aid.
If Razzdunk's war machine drills a barrel of Agent Azerite, it will trigger an explosion and damage the war machine.
- Section 11 -
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionTol Dagor
The Sand Queen
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Call of the Sand Queen - Each of the Sand Queen's abillities call forth a Buzzing Drone to assist her.
- Ability -
- Ability -
- Section 6 -
- Section 7 -
- Buzzing Drone - If a Buzzing Drone dies nearby The Sand Queen, she gains a stack of Enrage.
- Section 11 -
Jes Howlis
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Ability -
- Section 6 -
- Section 7 -
- Section 8 -
- Section 13 -
Ignition Mage Valyri
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Section 9 -
- Ability -
- Section 6 -
- Section 7 -
Overseer Korgus
Temp description here
- Overview - Temp description here
- Section 8 -
- Load Azerite Ammunition -
- Section 9 -
- Section 10 -
- Section 11 -
- Section 13 -
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionSiege of Boralus
Lady Ashvane has unleashed her endgame and set her forces against Boralus. As the city burns, a small group of heroes must quell the rising choas and put an end to Ashvane's plan to dominate the region.
Chopper Redhook
Chopper Redhook's brutality is feared throughout Kul Tiras. Supported by Irontide forces, Chopper is free to rampage through Boralus, relishing the choas rampant in the streets.
- Overview - Chopper Redhook fixates on a random enemy and attempts to catch them with his Meat Hook.
As the fight progresses, Irontide forces engage the party while the area is bombarded by a continual Cannon Barrage.
- Section 5 -
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- Section 18 -
- Section 17 -
- Irontide Cleaver - A Irontide bruiser with a heavy melee attack.
- Irontide Powdershot - An Irontide marksman capable of inflicting damage to the party.
- Irontide Grappleshot - An Irontide marksman capable of inflicting damage to the party and is able to root their target.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
Sergeant Bainbridge
Sergeant Bainbridge is a devout officer that vehemently enforces the will of the Kul Tiran church. Believing that his faith places him above all others, Bainbridge is quick to send those who oppose him to the noose.
- Overview - Sergeant Bainbridge fixates on a random enemy and attempts to catch them with his Hangman's Noose.
As the fight progresses, Kul Tiran forces engage the party while the area is bombarded by a continual Cannon Barrage.
- Section 5 -
- Section 6 -
- Section 7 -
- Section 8 -
- Section 9 -
- Section 10 -
- Section 11 -
- Section 12 -
- Kul Tiran Vanguard -
- Kul Tiran Footman -
- Kul Tiran Grappleshot -
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
- Lupine Spectre - This creature has low health.
Hadal Darkfathom
Hadal Darkfathom is an ancient sea giant called from the depths to unleash his fury on Boralus. Using his powerful strength he crushes buildings, statues and civilians alike.
- Overview - Hadal Darkfathom causes water eruptions at random enemy destinations. These eruption form brine pools throughout the area.
As the fight progresses, Hadal hurls dehydrated creatures aaround the area. If these creatures come into contact with a brine pool, they hydrate and trasform into an additional monster.
- Section 5 -
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- Section 7 -
- Dehydrated Venomspine - As the fight progresses, Hadal hurls these creatures throughout the area, that begin moving towards brine pools in order to hydrate.
- Venomspine - After hydrating, Venomspines emerge and attack the group.
Lady Ashvane
Lady Ashvane is the powerful Matron of House Ashvane and seeks to bring Boralus under her control. With an arsenal of azerite weapons at her command, she will obliterate anyone who stands in her path.
- Overview - Lady Ashvane utilizes azerite empowered weaponry to fire Exploding Shells at random enemy destinations and a Seeker Shot that chases its target.
When she falls beneath 10% of her health, Lady Ashvane becomes empowered with darkness allowing her to use Dark Swell and Choking Vortex.
- Section 5 -
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- Section 7 -
- Stage 02: Dark Boon - Upon reaching 10% health, Lady Ashvane becomes empowered with dark energy and heals herself to full.
- Word of Shame - When Commander Springvale has three charges of Unholy Power, he can consume the charges and cast this spell on a random enemy player. Word of Shame deals 5% of a player's maximum health as Shadow damage every 3 seconds. The effect lasts until either the targeted player or Commander Springvale dies.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Word of Shame - When Commander Springvale has three charges of Unholy Power, he can consume the charges and cast this spell on a random enemy player. Word of Shame deals 5% of a player's maximum health as Shadow damage every 3 seconds. The effect lasts until either the targeted player or Commander Springvale dies.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Word of Shame - When Commander Springvale has three charges of Unholy Power, he can consume the charges and cast this spell on a random enemy player. Word of Shame deals 5% of a player's maximum health as Shadow damage every 3 seconds. The effect lasts until either the targeted player or Commander Springvale dies.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Word of Shame - When Commander Springvale has three charges of Unholy Power, he can consume the charges and cast this spell on a random enemy player. Word of Shame deals 5% of a player's maximum health as Shadow damage every 3 seconds. The effect lasts until either the targeted player or Commander Springvale dies.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Word of Shame - When Commander Springvale has three charges of Unholy Power, he can consume the charges and cast this spell on a random enemy player. Word of Shame deals 5% of a player's maximum health as Shadow damage every 3 seconds. The effect lasts until either the targeted player or Commander Springvale dies.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionTemple of Sethraliss
Adderis and Aspix
- Overview - Aspix begins the fight with a Lightning Shield, making him immune to damage. Once Adderis has been defeated, Aspix will transfer the shield to Adderis to revive him. Players win by defeating Aspix.
- Section 8 -
- Phase 1 - Aspix begins the fight with a Lightning Shield. When players defeat Adderis, Aspix will transfer the shield to Adderis.
- Intermission - Aspix attacks all players with a Static Shock and then transfers his Lightning Shield to Adderis.
- Phase 2 - Adderis gains a Lightning Shield and continues to Arc Dashing periodically. Defeating Aspix ends the encounter.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Wailing Guardsman - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
- Tormented Officer - Commander Springvale starts with a Wailing Guardsman and Tormented Officer next to him, and periodically two more will enter the fray.
Boss 2
- Overview - Upon reaching 100 Energy, Yazma's calls forth the souls of players affected with Soulrend, creating a Soulspawn that moves towards her.
- Unholy Empowerment - A Wailing Guardsman attempts to empower Commander Springvale. If the spell is successfully cast, Commander Springvale is healed for 4% of his maximum health and gains one charge of Unholy Power.
- Screams of the Past - The Wailing Guardman emits a terrible scream, interrupting nearby enemy spellcasting within 5 yards. Interrupted enemies cannot cast spells of the same spell school for 2 sec.
- Mortal Strike - The Wailing Guardsman instantly attacks his enemy, inflicting 120% of their normal weapon damage and leaving the enemy wounded. This mortal wound reduces the effectiveness of any healing on the target by 25%.
Boss 3
- Overview - Upon reaching 100 Energy, Yazma's calls forth the souls of players affected with Soulrend, creating a Soulspawn that moves towards her.
- Screams of the Past - The Wailing Guardman emits a terrible scream, interrupting nearby enemy spellcasting within 5 yards. Interrupted enemies cannot cast spells of the same spell school for 2 sec.
- Mortal Strike - The Wailing Guardsman instantly attacks his enemy, inflicting 120% of their normal weapon damage and leaving the enemy wounded. This mortal wound reduces the effectiveness of any healing on the target by 25%.
Boss 4
- Overview - Upon reaching 100 Energy, Yazma's calls forth the souls of players affected with Soulrend, creating a Soulspawn that moves towards her.
- Mortal Strike - The Wailing Guardsman instantly attacks his enemy, inflicting 120% of their normal weapon damage and leaving the enemy wounded. This mortal wound reduces the effectiveness of any healing on the target by 25%.
Originally Posted by MMO-ChampionThe Underrot
Elder Leaxa
- Overview -
- Section 7 -
- Section 5 -
- Section 6 -
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every 1 seconds while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture - Lord Walden conjures a bottle of poisonous mixture then throws it at the location of a random player. When the bottle lands on the ground it erupts.
The poison immediately inflicts 7,500 Nature damage to players within 4 yards, and continues to inflict 1,800 Nature damage every second while decreasing the movement speed of players by 40% for 15 sec.
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.
Infested Crawg
An ancient crawg has inadvertently been corrupted by the Blood God. It roams the Underrot, bloodthirsty and infested with his spawn.
- Overview - Infested Crawg's abilities shed Blood Ticks and Blood Tick Larvae throughout the arena. Deal with Infested Crawg's attacks while quickly dispatching Blood Ticks and stomping on Blood Tick Larvae before their Metamorphosis can complete.
- Infested -
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- Section 7 -
- Claw - Nandos rakes his current target, dealing 125% of his normal melee attack in Physical damage.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Claw - Nandos rakes his current target, dealing 125% of his normal melee attack in Physical damage.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Claw - Nandos rakes his current target, dealing 125% of his normal melee attack in Physical damage.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Claw - Nandos rakes his current target, dealing 125% of his normal melee attack in Physical damage.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
- Claw - Nandos rakes his current target, dealing 125% of his normal melee attack in Physical damage.
- Summon Lupine Spirit - When Wolf Master Nandos enters combat, he summons three Lupine Spectres to fight at his side for 30 sec.
Sporecaller Zancha
In life, Zancha warded the Nazmani from the physical and mental corruptions of the Blood God. In death, Zancha has succumbed to the Blood God, forever spreading his rot and echoing his dark whispers.
- Overview - Boundless Rot summons spore pods throughout the area. Upon reacing 100 Energy, Zancha will castFestering Harvest to destroy any remaining spore pods and apply the effects of Rotting Spores to all party memebers.
- Section 8 -
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- Wolf Master Nandos -
- Wolf Master Nandos -
- Wolf Master Nandos -
- Wolf Master Nandos -
- Wolf Master Nandos -
Taloc the Corrupted
- Section 1 -
- Conjure Frost Mixture - Lord Walden summons a frosty mixture and breaks it on the ground. The chemicals immediately deal 7,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies within 45 yards.
- Conjure Mystery Toxin - Lord Walden summons a cauldron of Mystery Toxin for 10 seconds. The concoction inside is usually a Toxic Coagulant, but when Lord Walden reaches 35% health he summons a cauldron of Toxic Catalyst instead.
- Toxic Coagulent - Every 3 seconds the Toxic Coagulent toxin is applied to nearby enemy players from Lord Walden's cauldron. The Toxic Coagulent inflicts 3,600 damage every second, and decreases the movement speed of the affected player by 10% for 6 sec.
This effect can stack up to 3 times, and if it does then the toxin fully coagulates and the player is stunned for 5 sec. However, whenever a player moves or jumps the toxin becomes unable to coagulate and a stack is removed.
- Toxic Catalyst - The Toxic Catalyst pours out of Lord Walden's cauldron, inflicting 4,500 Fire damage every 2 seconds but increasing the target's critical chance by 100% for 10 sec.