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  1. #21
    Most players don't have the will to win. They play rnd bgs because they want to have "fun".
    They stay away from objectives and are the first people who cry when they get steamrolled because the others do objectives.
    And yes, most of the time that are the "elite" pvp'ers.

    In my eyes only wins should award rewards. With that maybe more people start to do objectives instead of having "fun" killing people on pointless locations.
    You can have "fun" and play objectives, but that is 1500 rating people play.
    You as the glorious 1500+ elites don't have to play for the team, you are the team.

    I will never understand this "kill, kill, kill" mentality. You want to kill? Guess what where most of the people are. Yes, near objectives.
    Winning objectives even grants more kills, but that is a 1500 rating secret, so psssstttt.

    But so am i and i am the person that hates losing more than anything else.
    Last edited by Critical92; 2018-02-18 at 04:46 AM.
    Dying could endanger your health!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    It's hard to do BG objectives when you're not doing BGs at all.
    Yerp. Im not doing objectives because im not doing PvP refularly, for the first time ever in WoW. Legion PvP managed to make quit bothering, a feat no previous depth of failure on Blizzards part ever managed to do.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Cruor View Post
    Something that has not changed in BG's since they were released in 2005. If you aren't luck enough to have a premade and join a PUG, 3/4 of people flat out refuse to do objectives. Why? I know some of you are out there, explain it to me.

    1) "I just want to dps people" Ok, fine, can you please dps the damn flag carrier or his healer? Why do you need to attack some random and let the EFC run RIGHT by you?

    2) "Guarding a capture point is boring" Ok, fine. Can you please kill people at a point that is being attacked, or kill people on an enemy owned point and stop fighting on the road?

    3) "I just came in to test a spec, F--K you guys" Ok, great. See above.

    First, I would like to ask why so many people refuse to do the objectives? Winning is good, and you can still have fun doing the objectives. Second, I propose changes. For example, WSG, if you have not hit the enemy flag carrier, hit someone healing the enemy flag carrier, healed your flag carrier, or healed someone hitting the enemy flag carrier, or carried the flag in the last two minutes, you get a debuff that begins to stack. If it stacks far enough, you get no honor, no reward, and can't que bgs for the next hour.
    I am not doing BGs currently, but generally there was one reason not to do objectives: farming honor kills. So, normally, I'd form a party and queue in order to do objectives and win, but sometimes I'd (form a party and) queue to farm kills and in the latter case, we'd prevent the BG from ending for as long as possible because of the kills. That's not much fun though (and certainly not fun for the other team / the remainder of your own team unless they are also farming kills) so I think the last I did something like this was late Cata.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Cruor View Post
    Something that has not changed in BG's since they were released in 2005. If you aren't luck enough to have a premade and join a PUG, 3/4 of people flat out refuse to do objectives. Why? I know some of you are out there, explain it to me.

    1) "I just want to dps people" Ok, fine, can you please dps the damn flag carrier or his healer? Why do you need to attack some random and let the EFC run RIGHT by you?

    2) "Guarding a capture point is boring" Ok, fine. Can you please kill people at a point that is being attacked, or kill people on an enemy owned point and stop fighting on the road?

    3) "I just came in to test a spec, F--K you guys" Ok, great. See above.

    First, I would like to ask why so many people refuse to do the objectives? Winning is good, and you can still have fun doing the objectives. Second, I propose changes. For example, WSG, if you have not hit the enemy flag carrier, hit someone healing the enemy flag carrier, healed your flag carrier, or healed someone hitting the enemy flag carrier, or carried the flag in the last two minutes, you get a debuff that begins to stack. If it stacks far enough, you get no honor, no reward, and can't que bgs for the next hour.
    The only reason why I run BGs is to kill as many people as I can. My happiness is when I click the "Execute" button. Not when I win a BG.

  5. #25
    Because people are shit at the game, why are you even asking?

    1)You have the type "YOU DARED 1V1 ME AND WON?I WILL CHASE YOU ALL BG NOW"



    4)"But waiting at flag is boring, i wanna pew pew!"

    I dont really mind it, i win because of it when i am farming essences and dont have to waste more time doing shit PvP.

    Best part is basically being on the Tauren + Warrior + huge weapons + 3 leaps + Piercing Howl.

    Leap in 10/charge while in air for Rage, Piercing Howl, trinket first stun if you have to, leap leap-->Watch the idiots all chase -->Watch your flag run behind them cause PEOPLE HAVE TO DO THE ABOVE.

    I do the same with sin rogue, run in many-->Crippling Poison and Wound Poison for everyone, yay! Now try to catch our flag!.

    Or you know, when you catch a healer alone, and he just stands there, trying to survive, or along with 2nd healer saving him, so you basically have 2 healers trying to kill a class that outheals their DPS (Happened to be DH and Meta is <3) and you win because your 9 remaining players are cleaving down the now no healer 8 of them.

    Once every now and then if i am not queued with friends i will lose because there are too many tunnel visioners and 1-4 players on my side too, but its rare i would ever go BG without 3-4 people at least.
    Last edited by potis; 2018-02-20 at 12:53 AM.

  6. #26
    Herald of the Titans MrKnubbles's Avatar
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    Maybe they don't really know what to do and would follow leadership rather than some irate, whiny baby. I don't PvP much but whenever I do, people just complain about how bad everyone is instead of giving any kind of direction.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Killigrew View Post
    I always gets tons of kills while doing objectives. I always try to win. Which means doing objectives. But if you're this upset then just do rbg's?

    Tbh I haven't done much bg's in Legion as 3v3 is much more fun.
    lmao...said not a single soul ever.

    I guess, at least one said now =B

    - - - Updated - - -

    Honestly, randoms were fun when you could outgear the crap out of people and crush all the small fries by yourself...those were good times.

  8. #28
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    Well for me before Legion I wanted to win due to the rewards. I wanted the conquest for the gear if I wasn't doing arena, so it was something to work towards. In Legion, I thankfully care a lot less, because PVP is infuriating. I generally do objectives, but I'm not someone who likes to defend or carry flags. I'm quite happy to focus healers and kill objectives and defend oncoming attackers.

    The problem right now is a very bot mentality for most players. They hit the nearest target, no matter what it is. Most don't have the brain cells to realise their is a healer stood behind the prot warrior who is casually casting their cheapest heal and not even struggling. It's rather impressive sometimes to watch how bad it is when people play like that. I've had battlegrounds where people will keep ressing in WSG despite being GY Camped for 10 minutes straight (64-0 WSG in MoP, thanks Alliance braindeads).

    I want to win, but I want to have fun. Standing at a capture point doing nothing is not why I joined a battleground. I want to find something (preferably Tauren) and turn it into dust (Steak). I enjoy close games, with it potentially going either way, compared to the complete faceroll of some groups.

    Alas, Random BGs are the LFR on PVP. You're stuck in there with whatever idiots you have the misfortune of being grouped with. I'll play objectives, but I'll get into super rage if people ignore healers. Expect some sort of insults by the end of the BG.
    Dristereau - Axxolentus - Infernus - Sequentia - Nulo - Desterrar

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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Sosua View Post
    Agreed, It is depressing, cause if they just wanna go for kills, go World PvP and rack up all you want, all day, have at it... But a BG has a goal aside from the kills, hence the reason the bloody flag is there!!!
    They should remove HKs from BGs so there's no point to ignoring mechanics.
    The most difficult thing to do is accept that there is nothing wrong with things you don't like and accept that people can like things you don't.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by cparle87 View Post
    They should remove HKs from BGs so there's no point to ignoring mechanics.
    From a guy who was farming HKs in BGs: they should remove *achievements* for HKs and maybe also stop displaying total HKs in various places in the armory. If it wasn't for these things there would be no farming whatsoever. Any ignoring objectives after that would be related to people genuinely not caring about them - and perhaps that's a significant proportion now, but I assure you that pre-Legion (can't speak for Legion) most of the ignoring objectives was certainly due to farming. A single farmer is worth a hundred of non-farmers in terms the effect.
    Last edited by rda; 2018-02-20 at 06:16 AM.

  11. #31
    They should just bring back Tarren Mill vs Southshore. A perfect battleground because it has no objectives

  12. #32
    Banned MechaCThun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    As a tank, Defending in PvP is one of the funnest things you can do, not sure how fighting 3-4 guys at a time and winning is not fun lol.
    The "and winning" part is the clincher here.

    Because most non-tanks are doing this already in the middle of the BG (WSG, Twin Peaks) or on the roads/beach (everything else) and not doing objective, lol.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by barrsftw View Post
    This is an amazing point. Similarly I can't tell you how many times I've ran to the far corner of the map in WSG only to have 3 alliance chase me for 2+ minutes. I just essentially negated 3 people by myself for 2-3 minutes, which I consider a win for my team.
    To be honest, I do that all the time, such tings. Since BGs exist. Fact of the matter is, even if I run around with 4 people in Warsong, kite them around and CC them etc. for 2+ minutes, my team does nothing... and let them even cap when 9:6.

    But the point stands, there are to many *backseat gamer* out there, typing and talking too much in chat. Acting like they have a clue about everything that is going on and about every player that is on the BG in every single situation. Acting like they never do mistakes are always right and need to command all other players in their team what they should do etc... it is annoying as fuck. People should learn to focus on their own damn gameplay and stop talking that much instead of wasting time and kill the motivation of other players with their demoralizing bullshit talking.

    Also, the biggest problem nowadays is those who leave the BGs on the first single thing they see that is not like they want it to be, like little cry babys, that whine when something doesnt go they way they want it to be and just that particular way, no other options allowed.

    Then, you are in queue for 5-10 min as horde and join this effin already lost BG because 40% of that BG left... so now, you either leave too, and put someone else into the same position to get into that stupid BG and get pissed and waste their time. Or you stay, take the lose and waste your own time.

    If Blizzard doesn't change anything about that particular problem, this will get really really annoying in the future because more and more do it, since getting honor is not relevant anymore to anyone. So staying in a BG doesn't give you anything at all, actually even if the BG is won it doesn't give you something good at the end.
    Last edited by nodq; 2018-02-24 at 02:39 PM.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Cruor View Post
    Something that has not changed in BG's since they were released in 2005. If you aren't luck enough to have a premade and join a PUG, 3/4 of people flat out refuse to do objectives. Why? I know some of you are out there, explain it to me.

    1) "I just want to dps people" Ok, fine, can you please dps the damn flag carrier or his healer? Why do you need to attack some random and let the EFC run RIGHT by you?

    2) "Guarding a capture point is boring" Ok, fine. Can you please kill people at a point that is being attacked, or kill people on an enemy owned point and stop fighting on the road?

    3) "I just came in to test a spec, F--K you guys" Ok, great. See above.

    First, I would like to ask why so many people refuse to do the objectives? Winning is good, and you can still have fun doing the objectives. Second, I propose changes. For example, WSG, if you have not hit the enemy flag carrier, hit someone healing the enemy flag carrier, healed your flag carrier, or healed someone hitting the enemy flag carrier, or carried the flag in the last two minutes, you get a debuff that begins to stack. If it stacks far enough, you get no honor, no reward, and can't que bgs for the next hour.
    Sometimes Map Control is more important than objectives. Even if your team is behind objective wise if you manage to gain map control you can easily catch up on objectives.

    It is a common misconception that the real threat is the flag carrier or the enemy healer. Even though most of the times it is, often it can very well be an exceptional enemy dps, that is destroying your own healer/team and contributes the most in his team gaining map control. If you can somehow intentionally destroy the gameplay of that enemy exceptional dps, you are allowing your team to shine and excel and focus on objectives.

    Although I highly agree with the consensus to fight on flags and objectives, there are cases that the objective is guarded by someone who would lose it 1v1. If the opportunity arises to kill someone on the road, before he even reach the objective, why waste 30 or 60 seconds to follow him to the objective, that is already guarded, and not demoralise him on the road instead, so you can move to the next objective faster?

    Also allow me to clear this out once and for all, a group of players with 30 Kills 0 deaths, when they keep busy more opponents than their own size, in the middle of nowhere, is contributing more than a bad player with 0 kills 5 deaths at an objective. Just clearing this out.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    As a tank, Defending in PvP is one of the funnest things you can do, not sure how fighting 3-4 guys at a time and winning is not fun lol.
    actual tanking in BGs is quite fun,you're not going to kill people,but they sure as hell aren't going to take YOUR point

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ONCHEhap View Post
    actual tanking in BGs is quite fun,you're not going to kill people,but they sure as hell aren't going to take YOUR point
    until you meet me and trinket the first cc and get your node capped sitting in a full fear because you sit on top of the node instead of keeping your distance

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by xindralol View Post
    until you meet me and trinket the first cc and get your node capped sitting in a full fear because you sit on top of the node instead of keeping your distance
    This is why you use Relentless instead of a trinket as a BG tank

  18. #38
    The same reason why people can't avoid Kin'garoth's Ruiner (the big gigantic beam that slowly rotates around the room) in LFR...they're too lazy to find out the mechanics of the fight despite them being very clearly presented to them in the default WoW UI.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Cruor View Post
    1) "I just want to dps people" Ok, fine, can you please dps the damn flag carrier or his healer? Why do you need to attack some random and let the EFC run RIGHT by you?
    The EFC isn't always the best target. If I have an opportunity to seperate the EFC from the entire team via a nice AoE, hamstringing everyone or otherwise slow/stunning/sapping/etc. as many people as I can, especially the healers, that is going to be my goal. If I can kill the EFC, sure. If I can't, I'll focus on what I find to be the most useful.

    2) "Guarding a capture point is boring" Ok, fine. Can you please kill people at a point that is being attacked, or kill people on an enemy owned point and stop fighting on the road?
    Depends on a lot of things. Sometimes fighting on the road is right. Sometimes it's not. I'll rez up with full health & mana. If I can weaken the offensive force(or force a cooldown or two), I'll fight. If I get caught out by the offending force, I'll fight & call out potential Incs. Delaying for my team to gather to a point is incredibly useful, afterall.

    3) "I just came in to test a spec, F--K you guys" Ok, great. See above.

    First, I would like to ask why so many people refuse to do the objectives? Winning is good, and you can still have fun doing the objectives. Second, I propose changes. For example, WSG, if you have not hit the enemy flag carrier, hit someone healing the enemy flag carrier, healed your flag carrier, or healed someone hitting the enemy flag carrier, or carried the flag in the last two minutes, you get a debuff that begins to stack. If it stacks far enough, you get no honor, no reward, and can't que bgs for the next hour.
    If 10 people go to the flag, in WSG, 10 people meet in the middle, 10 people fight it out, you have a coinflip's odds, of winning or losing and much better odds that both flags get returned. That works if you build your team around it: EG an old strat would be to bring 4-5 boomkin/afflic locks and just rot the enemy team down or bring a VERY mobile FC and a bursty setup to just cap the flag and not care about anything else. When you have a strategy, that's fine. When you don't, you have to look at ALL of the objectives of the map. There are five "control" points in WSG. The center, Horde's side, Alliance's side, and the two flag rooms. Not recognizing the importance of mid control is a great way to allow large man rushes into your flag room without any way to stop them.

    In a pug team, if a tank + 2 healers get the flag, you've probably lost that point. It's better to keep that from happening.

    Your change kills all strategic decisions.
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  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Clearcut View Post
    You do know alliance have had 2 minute que times for YEARS without the enlistment bonus right?
    First of all that only supports the point he was making. There are short queue times because there are fewer alliance players queuing up than horde players and even fewer would mean longer horde queues.
    Second, your statement is absolutely not true as a majority of PvPer went alliance in WoD and the alliance had 10-15 min queue times on average and we had to queue as mercenaries and join the horde side to get shorter queues.

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