Also, every mention of playable High Elves (including the one made by Ion, wherein the "Blood Elves are basically High Elves" statement was made) has explicitly avoided saying they aren't going to happen, or won't happen -- instead, they say they've got no current plans for them.
When WotLK started, they probably didn't have plans for a Monk Class. That happened.
When Cataclysm started, they probably didn't have plans for Player Housing (Garrisons). That happened.
When Mists of Pandaria started, they probably didn't have plans for a Demon Hunter Class. That happened.
The semantics being what they are, I'd much prefer if High Elves were integrated into the Void Elves. It'd be especially great if this happened as the factions officially end their decades-long conflict with each other, with all members more-or-less agreeing to a policy of free travel for all -- who wouldn't like to see Blood Elves and Void Elves both living in Quel'thalas (obviously, with Quel'danas being sealed off from the Void Elves).
Yes, it does. It's very SC heavy. I chose that because the SC is the largest group of high elves we know of at the moment, and a new high elf faction would most likely be heavily influenced by the SC. Also, the other groups of high elves don't really have symbols that I've found. I've placed a shape on the inside of the sun that alters it sightly, and potentially moves it slightly towards Quel'Danil. But yes. It's all in all very Silver Covenanty.
I love how you guys try to talk yourselves into hopeful delusions.
I also love how you treat every person who disagrees with you, not worthy of your time, abusers harassing you for simply disagreeing.
But I guess the funniest thing is how you ask why they disagree with you knowing full well you would never accept any answer to that question. That's why you keep up this circus even after you heard the answer to that question countless times from many perspectives, including the developer perspective and yet you insist telling yourselves you are "fighting" for a cause. You are not fighting, you are not risking anything, you are just complaining non-stop even after Blizzard did their best to comply to your demands. I really wish you'd see that.
This is like asking how would Wildhammer Dwarf fans feel if they joined the Horde while Mok'nathal or Ogres joined the Alliance?
Is it really something that you already don't know the answer to? Or is it one of those moments where you just want to see a fan of something answer something they'd dislike seeing and makes no sense which you already admit to?
Plus, Void Elves are the "Blood Elves on Alliance" bit that you've mentioned and I'm pretty sure a lot of the High Elf fans here have given their opinions on that. I don't see how that's a good "thought exercise" really but I would say it is better than both sides bickering who is being more petty/condescending to the other.
Well damn son, This is next level grasping at straws.
They did say you have to play horde to be a fair skinned elf sorry. In other words you can rewatch it.. I defo means no.
The same way he said: hmm zandalari paladin.. we have to wait and see how they will use their power etc.. means yes.
reading between lines is hard, but I clearly got a no out of it, also not the first time he says no to this, why should you believe there is hope for this when you even got void elves instead of high elves.
Last edited by Alanar; 2018-08-06 at 10:22 PM.
At the end of the day, Blizz said NO. And you and plenty of other pro-high elfers are reaching deep to find any excuse as to why they should be playable. Blizz and the sensible playerbase both agree that asking for playable high elfs on the Alliance is just detrimental to the game as a whole and detrimental to faction identity (which is a CORE part of this game, no disputing that).
So cry all you want, you've been told no and you've told why. If you or other pro-high elfers want to disregard the reasons that have been given and act like entitled kids then go right ahead...don't expect to be taken serious though.
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
I don't believe it is hard to see that High Elves aren't happening at the moment. It's also not hard to see why the opposition to the request are saying the things they are:
- They already exist in a form on the Horde
- They now exist in a form on the Alliance
- They just don't want others to make that group playable for Alliance
- It is to preserve a "faction wall" idea of unique races per each faction
And I guess whatever other reasons, but these are the main ones I keep seeing.
I think what isn't needed but keeps happening is the condescending attitude that some posters keep carrying into here. And I don't mean once, I mean the issue is that it's occurring repeatedly. Even the Mods of this thread/forum have spoken about it multiple times.
So as much as again you want to call this a circus or what not and internally laugh about it or whatever gets whoever rocking, it's kind of like this: Talking condescendingly about people who can't let of go something and into a "hopeful delusion" or whatever yet consistently coming in here to also regurgitate the same "lol look at these misguided fools" narrative isn't really all that different.
I think in the end, it's interesting that for both sides there are the same few people who keep coming back. Trying to talk as if it's only the pro side who cling onto some hope and keep it from falling away in yesteryear or can't move on or something is painfully ignorant.
One side is hoping to get something added to the game and another that hopes to keep it out. Both types of posters can't move on from the topic if they have the urge to keep returning to it.
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I would begrudgingly let go of "add High Elves to Alliance" if this happens to be the case. I won't stop asking for Alliance Elf Paladins though, whatever form that happens to come in, that's my all-time perfect Faction/Race/Class choice.
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They did say this and the greater WoW community realized how much of a BS answer that was and the memes of "Alliance are waiting for you" and "Purple Elves on Horde are okay" began as well.
It was, as always, a controversial answer given to a long-time request. I'm sure probably the 2005 post had controversy, when Blood Elves were added to Horde had controversy, when the MoP/Purge storyline happened had controversy, and now as well the "retake Silvermoon" ideas are having controversy about em.
Blizzard's riding this idea as much as the players who continually keep requesting it.
The existence of the Silver Covenant explicitly contradicts such an statement being read that way. On the least it means the Silver Covenant is merely a fraction of the remaining HE people hence why they can't be considered a race wide effort, but it is evidently clear through several expansions that the Silver Covenant is obviously a coordinated military organization. Which either way grants their mileage.
That Ion failed to acknowledge the SC, even as a private paramilitar organization, after years of then showing up in the world, it's is mistake, not of the people that can see the SC literally in game, doing coordinated stuff al over the world.
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I firmly believe that if VE -looking exactly as they do now- were made out of High Elves rather than turn coat Blood Elves, it would have made the whole High Elf debacle so much lesser and short lived.
Because even I would be "We are getting High Elf lore on the alliance, we are getting the continuation of the story we wanted, lead by Alleria; if you want just to be a blond elf, go horde" Because that was my first instinct last years Blizzcon.
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Do not worry, people will continue to discuss High Elves regardless of your input.
Also?? Discussions are opinion based. If you want to be right, then you do not want a discussion on the first place.
Problem with that is High Elves wouldn't be Quel'dorei if they turned into Void Elves. To be honest I much would rather see Half Elves that is a mix of Human and High Elf than simply turning every elf into a void elf. Honestly if Blizzard added more to void elves like lighter skin tunes of two forums feature, More Customization options, War Paint Tattoos, and etc. I wouldn't mind them at all. But since they don't have that. I rather not. Its already bad enough Alliance has two blue/purple skin Elves and don't even need to see more generic blueberries.
At first I thought Half Elves seems kind of random because they wouldn't make sense. But after going through Cinematic of how Elisande of how she told the Quel'dorei that they were close with their human/dwarven allies than their own high elven kin AKA Blood Elves now. If Blizzard added more customization to Half Elves Aka High Elves Quel'dorei like War Paint Tattoos, Beards, Wood Elf Hairstyles and Etc. Then Half Elves wouldn't be that bad. Heck if players starts whinnying and complained about them having a Precious Thalassian model so much then there's Human Model but ten times better looking. I have seen what the High Elf Artists have done and it look very nicely modeled and good. While I'm unsure about the whole Half Ogre/Half Elf idea. As long as They look like the True High Elves and Ogres. Then maybe perhaps the long wait for both of them will be over.
Well Let's see maybe its because Pro HEers as you Antis like to call them really don't have time to deal with the harassment, insulting, and false flagging down high elf posts/threads in order to get a raise of out of them that you people do on a daily basis.
Instead of actually agreeing with something that is wrong with Allied Race System of how Alliance Players getting treated like shit by Blizzard for not giving them the real high elves aka Void Elves the False High Elves and the expansion as a whole. You guys instead have a agenda of harassing people who wanted high elves, You Bully them and force them to ether play the Void Elf and Blood Elf, You silence them when one Developer is wrong and needs to be called out for his false bias towards one playerbase faction, You keep on saying Blood Elves are High Elves to shut people up, and of course have a agenda of getting blue eyes for no lore reasons other than we deserve them because we are Blood Elf Players we are the High Elves and Alliance Players can go screw themselves.
Heck even trying to show many different ways of how High Elves can be playable and even more to them and yet you people the Antis continue to act self entitled and don't even a single shit about what other faction wants. Why should we even form a discussion with you if you guys continue to shove in the same stupid quote from one developer, continually forcing people to play 2 elves where no one wanted to, and simple haven't really cared or really didn't play on the alliance at all to see why people want to play high elves, why people wanted to play wildhammer dwarves, etc, etc, and etc.
But you know why brother because you guys obvious don't care about the other side of the community. You just care about you. Yourself, and Horde only. Because honestly at this point I really wish Anti Hate Band Wagon can just die. Like I said few comments back before I got ignored and insulted again. If Blizzard actually give the real High Elves for the Alliance Players. Then all of this 7 months of pure drama wouldn't happen. But Blizzard screwed up royally and because the horde side doesn't give any fucks about what the other side wants. It already happened.
One Developer doesn't make up for the rest of Blizzard. There are other Devs that wanted High Elves too and understand why people still want them. I mean seriously asking for playable High Elves doesn't detrimental the game as a whole and Faction Identity. In fact Blood Elves, Nightborne and Undead are already ruining the Horde Identity. I mean where's the Ogres? "Oh No We don't want more Ugly Races!" Where's the Forest Trolls? No! If they added Forest Trolls any thing I have given to WoW Lore will be Gone!"
Honestly Adding High Elves wouldn't ruin WoW. Give me break. Before you say that Blood Elf Players make up the Horde Faction as whole for population reasons. No. Stop. If they want to play elves that SHOULD have been on the Alliance then the faction is waiting for them. If they want to play the guys in red. There's Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, and Etc. I mean you horde players need to stop asking for pretty looking races to make yourselves feel better. World of Warcraft isn't a Anime fulled with Barbie doll Blood elves and pretty looking races. So adding High Elves to the Alliance wouldn't ruin the Game as a whole nor the population. With the upcoming Mag'har Orcs, and Hopeful other horde races that truly deserves to be playable like Ogres, and Forest Trolls. Horde population would be fine.
Last edited by Hawkknight97; 2018-08-07 at 12:40 AM. Reason: editing.
High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD
I am not Pro-Helfer ... I am I don't care either way ... playable or not doesn't matter to me. The problem I have is with Anti-helfers that feel the need to make arguments against Helfers whose only real argument is "Blizzard said no."
Faction identity ... you mean like Horde gets Shaman only no Paladins and Alliance only has Paladins and no shamans? Or that no races cross faction, despite Pandaren and the elf skeleton swap? Faction identity is whatever Blizzard decides it is. At this time, they have decided that Horde gets Blood Elves and Alliance gets Void Elves and High Elves are an unplayable faction. Hell there are other games where races don't define factions, it is possible Blizzard could decide that for WoW (and it is arguable they are setting that up given the hints dropped since MoP.)
I do enjoy how you realized your last argument was crap and decided to just revert to the insult. My post was merely that CORE is subjective, not an objective standard.
Last edited by Darththeo; 2018-08-07 at 12:27 AM.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Yea sorry but I can't take you serious. The part I bolded shows that its your own head cannon and fantasizing that your request for high elfs is founded on. Sorry to break it to you kiddo, but the LORE is that the blood elfs SHOULD and DID join the Horde.... that's the established lore. It's set in stone. Anyone who disputes that it shouldn't have happened is purely just arguing to satisfy their own head cannon. And you my friend are doing just very that.
Also, Horde never asked for Blood Elfs. Blizzard decided to take the story in that direction. Head canon folks like yourself chose to get upset about that and to this day request that you get the same elfs on your side...despite the fact that those same high elfs in WCI and WCII ended up leaving the Alliance in WCIII and joining the Horde in BC. A few stragglers with no real purpose remained behind, a few of which formed the SC which serves no purpose but to counter the BE story arcs. The void elfs exist now to be that counter (light elfs vs shadow elfs, ergo light vs void). At this stage, there isn't really much going on for the high elfs and I think people need to learn to let go of the past and accept that the thallasian elf story is being progressed via blood elfs and void elfs.
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You just countered yourself in your own response.. that's incredible.
Also, in response to the bolded, WoW is not other games. WoW is a game where races do define factions. An integral part of the upcoming expansion is to literally recruit races into your faction. So I'm sorry but your point doesn't really stand.
Pandaren and shaman/paladins pushed the faction boundaries. In the case of Pandarens, Blizz attempted something new by implementing a shared faction race. Blizz also stated that they recognized it didn't work out they way they hoped and would likely not take that avenue again. In the case of shaman/paladin, gameplay wise there were a lot of issues revolving around balancing (especially for raiding). The most logical course of action was to allow both factions to play these classes and change the lore a bit to justify it. Blizz recognize the blurring of faction lines in the past and I would say don't want to jeopardize that boundary again, where possible.
In the case of high elfs, its a request from pro-high elfers purely based on a desire to have the aethestic... which is an unreasonable request as it blurs faction lines even further all so someone can play the pretty light skinned elf on the alliance. If the request was lore related (as in to see their story progress) then it should suffice to have high elf story via NPC, without the need to make them playable. Given the request is purely aethestic, and unfortunately factions on this game are by large defined by specific races, Blizz decided that a "the Horde is waiting for you" response was necessary. The response emphasized the importance of race/faction identity being integral to one another. If you can't see that then I don't know what else to say, except to stop demanding something and calling anybody stupid if they disagree with your demand.
Last edited by Strippling; 2018-08-07 at 01:32 AM.
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
You know something. I really can't take you serious ether. I mean your so blinded by One Developer that goes to sure your only making WoW as a whole no longer Warcraft in general. First off High Elves do have a purpose. Like seriously what is the silver covenant or other high elf factions going to do? Are they just going to sit around and do nothing while no lore Void Elves takes the spot light against the most generic story writing in history. God you antis have terrible headcanons in terms of the story and I'm sick of it..
Oh Light vs Void, Light Elf vs Shadow Elf. What kind of a response is that? Also to say that letting go past of Warcraft is like saying "Oh hey let's completely forget everything that made Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 likeable and just take out Warcraft 2 like it didn't happen. If there's one group of people that is to blame for being so blinded and entitled to reject high elves towards alliance players who wanted them is probably you Antis. Yea you think the Pro HEers bad. But atleast they have every proof about high elves and the story itself unlike this arc of light vs void story. I say Dungeons and Dragons Lore was better and even Legion itself. Because atleast we have something to fight then Darkness Bad! No wait Light is Bad! Stop defending Blizzard on this terrible writing of light vs void and void elves in general. Because I could see WoW turning into a generic final fantasy game than a Warcraft game that actually has REAL Fantasy Races than Fox people, than Emo Void Elves, than any other random races that just screams bad writing and bad game design.
Void Elves are bad game design. Light vs Void and Morally Grey are bad writing as well.
High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD
It's not grasping at anything, simply regurgitating what they've said without any inferences.
I'm not arguing that this is proof that they're adding anything. You, however, are arguing that their statement is proof-positive that they won't be adding something -- which is simply untrue, and would be entirely out of character for Blizzard (and video game developers, generally) to promise.
The problem is, this "defo" isn't what was said. It may come as a surprise to you, but words and the order they're arranged in has a fairly large impact on their meaning; in this case, what Ion said was that Blood Elves kind of are High Elves (and he added, "with slightly different eye color, different backstory in terms of their relationship with magic and the Sunwell...", which is mildly amusing because this applies equally for Void Elves), and that if that's what you're looking for then you can currently get that fix by playing Horde.
You can link every interview Ion has ever given and you'll never once find an instance of him saying, "we'll never add High Elves". It simply isn't stated, so you can't claim anything as being "defo" proof.
I mean, I couldn't care less about playable High Elves in the sense that I wouldn't roll one even if it were added. I just don't like people (thousands of people, even, by the looks of this particular thread) throwing around off-the-cuff statements that are themselves intentionally vague and open-ended as if they're "proof of intent" from Blizzard. They're not.
I never said Blizz's writing was good...Not sure how you came up with that conclusion. But given that you did conclude that, I think your head canon will influence the way you read my post (or any "anti's" post). On that note, I'm not going to respond.
p.s here's the definition of headcanon fyi: headcanon. Noun. (uncountable) (fandom slang) Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual fan, but not found within or supported by the official canon.
Kind of sums up a lot of "pro's" posts quite well don't you say?
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
I don't see them harassed, flagged or insulted, I do see them acting like all those things were done to them when someone simply said no not to mention someone who goes past a simple no and points out the obvious hypocrisy and collective hate in these threads aimed at people who don't comply with this "vision". I get it, some of them might think that the people who disagree are in fact to blame for not having playable Helfs. But that's not true. If that were true you wouldn't even have Velfs.
And honestly, as far as I'm concerned the Allied races are great, I love the addition of the NB, HM tauren and the LF draenei since they actively participated to the story of the Legion expansion. It makes more sense to get them as to resurrect some by-gone elves just cause some guys in the Alliance can't handle playing a dark-skinned helf. It might come as a shock to you but there are some Belf players that are NOT just waiting for the Alliance to "save" them from the Horde and they enjoy their position in the Horde. Having the race of their choice FULLY cloned would be quite disappointing to them. But you fellas don't care about that. No matter what they say, they are the bullies and you are always the victims. No other way. But you are the ones trying to take. You are the ones trying to steer everyone on the other side of your "argument" into a guilt-trip. You are not victims, just people trying to weaponize pity.
But this amuses me a lot. You guys simply don't want to accept that the whole Helf idea is unacceptable but you expect everyone to understand why you won't accept Velfs as the only compromise. Another example of hypocrisy to add to the very large pile. But you are right. Why attempt to discuss something with people who won't accept anything less than exactly what they keep demanding, no matter what consequences there might be. No need to point out the hypocrisy in this as well, I guess.
And it's ironic you would say what you said in the end, you know how you can "kill" the Anti-Helf Hate Band Wagon? Stop asking for Helfs. And if you think that anyone is going to forget how long and hard you cried should you ever get these Helfs, then you are deluding yourselves once again. But that seems to be your thing I suppose.
I am starting to think you maybe functionally illiterate. There isn't a counter in my own argument ... you just don't understand that this isn't a black and white issue.
Yes, WoW isn't other games, but you seem to ignore the hints the have dropped since MoP that the faction "wall" so to speak isn't really as strong as they are portraying it. In fact, this is why people believe a "traitor expansion" may follow BfA where the factions allow some if not all races to switch factions. Pandaren was an experiment that didn't work out the way they wanted in order to continue to tell a story involving that race ... it wasn't because they are neutral but rather how they were made neutral (where it is up to the player to pick the faction). They could easily make another neutral race (say Vrykul) where truly distinct factions one goes Horde and one goes Alliance (ie like Northrend goes Horde while Valajar goes Alliance.)
You don't get to assert why another person wants something especially when they have given reasons other than aethestics, even if you disagree with said reason or believe the person is being dishonest. You don't have a right to tell people the reason they want something. Here let me do this to you ... you don't want high elves playable not because blizzard said no or that it blurs faction identity ... you don't want them playable because you just want to troll those that do. Is that fair for me to say? No.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code