It's rich to be accused of fanaticism from a representative of a community that has attempted to affect a change in the game for over fifteen years now and still won't take the hint.
And Blizzard never said that regarding High Elf skins on Void Elves. This is the kind of wilful misinterpretation of the facts that leads the pro High Elf community to think they are making progress only to crash against the hard rocks of reality.
Firstly, Blizzard didn't volunteer that information themselves. That was a question asked by the Lost Codex guys who asked if it was possible and got the response, yes it's possible. ANYTHING is possible. Possible is not a promise. And Ion also said 'anything is possible in future' so why Alex saying 'Anything is possible, don't give up hope' is more diplomatic than what Ion said just seems to be feeding a false narrative of progress. This is exactly the same thing that happened this time last year where the pro High Elf community worked itself into a collective frenzy in thinking they were making actual progress and then they smashed into the wall of the April Q and A.
Secondly, they didn't say High Elf exact. They said High Elf like. That could easily led to a monkey paw of a result.
Thirdly, why would they even do it? The reasons they didn't give Void Elves High Elf skins still stand, that that infringes the aesthetic of a Horde race and blurs the faction boundaries. If they attempt to give a halfway house, such as void mottled skin, that still won't satisfy the hardcore and it undermines what is unique about the Void Elves.
I wouldn't be surprised that if they did give Void Elves a second look...and there is absolutely no promise or indication that that is on the cards...they'd leave them well enough alone on the grounds that no changes to the Void Elves could satisfy you and their own internal red lines regarding faction diversity.
- - - Updated - - -
That is such a sad and tired counter-point, and an example of blind, deranged faith. That Blizzard gave in to one demand they will inevitably give in to yours (You should talk to the people who want flying at all times without having to earn it and see how successful they've been).
These are not the same things. Classic servers were conceded due to unprecedented demand, due to a movement within the MMO industry to bring back older versions of MMOs and because they twigged they could tie classic to the current subscription model and considerably boost both revenue and the value of their product.
Take a look at this.
This is the petition for classic servers.
This was signed by 280,000 people.
This is the petition for Alliance High Elves.
This was signed by 704 people.
Both of these petitions have been regularly linked in wow forums. One of them was successful.
Your demand, your community, is vastly smaller than the movement that successfully achieved classic.
It's like arguing a random pebble had as much chance of wiping out the dinosaurs as the several kilometre wide asteroid that actually did because they are both rocks.
Oh, and as a comparison
That was signed by over three thousand people. Four times as many people cared about making a seasonal mount permanent.
Not only that, Blizzard gave the Alliance a thalassian elf model in the Void Elves. That they aren't what you wanted is irrelevant, they are now there and just as Blood Elves pretty much ensured the addition of Alliance High Elves was impossible, Void Elves made it unlikelier still. So once again, they provided a solution to the problem.
You didn't like the solution.
That's a you issue.