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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i'm not talking about sex before marriage, i'm talking about being a rampant mongrel, to the point you don't know who the hell's kid you even have.

    that's degenerate.
    Once again, you sound just like the people who say that about gay people. You remind me exactly of Pagan Fears, so you have that going for you. Shall I provide you some of his quotes about degeneracy?

    You called forr the beating of people who have sex with more than one person in a short amount of time...
    Last edited by Machismo; 2018-04-29 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #102
    While no doubt a 17 year old knows about sex in this day and age who the fuck would get any questions about it from a teacher and not have the creeper alarm bells ringing?

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Glnger View Post

    also, can I get Ursala's number?
    Careful she's fertile.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Bennett View Post
    Don't matter who the daddy was, the BF ain't with a crazy anymore
    Aha! A fail on your bio exam.

    So much for being a STEMlord. Off to a liberal arts college with you!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    Look Batman really isn't an accurate source by any means
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    It is a fact, not just something I made up.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by elaina View Post
    Careful she's fertile.
    But, you know she puts out.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Once again, you sound just like the people who say that about gay people. You remind me exactly of Pagan Fears, so you have that going for you. Shall I provide you some of his quotes about degeneracy?

    You called forr the beating of people who have sex with more than one person in a short amount of time...
    i'm bisexual, and have only actually ever had sex with a female before in my life. so don't try that crap. no, we weren't married either(hard to be married when you're 15/16)

    i take issue with rampant behavior though. usually, it is also accompanied by behaving in a similar manner to danielle bregoli. i actually wouldn't care about someone being a bit of a slut, as long as they don't also espouse that rap/hip hop lifestyle. that lifestyle is what i mainly take issue with, that is true degeneracy, eating at the minds of youth.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    it's appalling because it normalizes behaving like a degenerate profligate.

    fucking disgusting is all i have to say about it. wretched subhuman mongrels need beaten.


    Disarm now correctly removes the targets’ arms.

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i'm bisexual, and have only actually ever had sex with a female before in my life. so don't try that crap. no, we weren't married either(hard to be married when you're 15/16)

    i take issue with rampant behavior though. usually, it is also accompanied by behaving in a similar manner to danielle bregoli. i actually wouldn't care about someone being a bit of a slut, as long as they don't also espouse that rap/hip hop lifestyle. that lifestyle is what i mainly take issue with, that is true degeneracy, eating at the minds of youth.
    And you are calling for their beating. Let me introduce you to the user "Pagan Fears," your twin:

    "It'a a well known fact I oppose all kinds of degeneracy so I got nothing to hide. If you are one then at least have some decency and keep it to yourself and within your 4 walls."

    "An act of desperation...since the "progressive" left are killing men all over western civilization they resort to recruiting gays and now people with mental issues. Your proud American army in couple of years will indeed be "proud" and filled with degenerates and lunatics."

    "The amount of low testosterone beta leftist degenerates on this board is amazing. Equating real man with some knuckle dragging caveman shows how much your brain and body is rotten at this time from all that degenerate propaganda you think equals to progress. Keep on being lethargic, pathetic excuse of a "man" and enjoy being told what to do by even bigger degenerates than yourselves."

    "So, the globalist treacherous rats that call themselves EU leaders want to put more restrictions on free speech so degenerates that they sponsor (and are mostly part of them as well) can spew their toxic propaganda inside their rainbow bubble. "

    "Rap is a degenerate form of "music" made by simpletons who steal other people's work to layer their verbal diarrhea on top of it. It's one of the causes responsible for creating hordes of compulsive parasitic masturbators you call western society which only degrades further into degeneracy and decadence. Therefore, simpletons are more likely to commit crime than intelligent person."

    "At least one country is fighting degeneracy, we need more." On China banning gay content

    "I had hopes for you until you used word 'cis'...why are you victimizing yourself and using fabricated words created by degenerates that hold no meaning what so ever?"

    "Despite considering gays and their lifestyle utterly disgusting and damaging, bigger problem is their agenda being constantly pushed through the media and entertainment industry. Playing a victim card, being called "brave", parading around and trying to persuade others what to think is what anti-gay people have a problem with.

    "Nobody cares what you do inside your 4 walls as long as you're not breaking any laws. You don't see coprophiliacs parading around and throwing feces around, do you? And what's even worse on top of that, they are actually allowed to have children which enables them to shape minds of the youngest to accept their degenerate views / acts."

    Let's not forget their rampant promiscuity and the fact that they are one of the main reasons for AIDS spreading around."

    "You do realize that gays cannot reproduce when they engage in their degenerate sexual activities? Having a surrogate or being grown in the lab is not natural way to reproduce."

    "Another score for degeneracy, sad day for humanity...Let's see what's next on the menu" (Legalizing gay marriage)

    "I didn't mention conspiracy anywhere, it's actually part of an ancient method of ruling over stupid masses (it's even easier if they are degenerates) that continues to this day.

    Since you are so hell bent on jews here's some food for the thought:

    They dominate porn industry and setting trends within it which is one of the reasons porn is getting to put it mildly "disturbing" and content readily available for free. Not to mention all trafficking and snuff production that are happening behind the scenes which comes from people supporting the porn industry." (That was actually you arguing with him)

    "Instead of proudly waving that degenerate flag on your avatar, may I suggest reading books with proper themes that will give you a more open outlook on global politics?"

    "So did pedophiles and host of other sexual degenerates...Does that mean we should include them as well?" (also talking about gay people)

    I can go on, if you like.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    And you are calling for their beating. Let me introduce you to the user "Pagan Fears," your twin:

    I can go on, if you like.
    i don't care that some people have similar views as me? he hates gays, obviously has a problem with jews, i don't share either of those views.

    i have my beliefs, degenerates should be punished for being so. what i view as a degenerate differs greatly from what people usually think of. i'm actually ok with a lot of sexual shit that disgusts other people(scat fetish, bestiality, whatever) as long as it's kept in the home and out of view(and nobody is being hurt).

    rampant behavior(this is ok as long as it's not too extreme), cuckoldry, criminal activity, hiphop/rap culture, alcoholism, use of drugs like cocaine and meth(pot and mushrooms, lsd, and DMT are ok imo), are what classes as degenerate for me.
    Last edited by derpkitteh; 2018-04-29 at 03:18 PM.

  10. #110
    My maths teacher taught differentials using the trajectory of a cat thown off a cliff.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Posting here is primarily a way to strengthen your own viewpoint against common counter-arguments.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i don't care that some people have similar views as me? he hates gays, obviously has a problem with jews, i don't share either of those views.

    i have my beliefs, degenerates should be punished for being so. what i view as a degenerate differs greatly from what people usually think of. i'm actually ok with a lot of sexual shit that disgusts other people(scat fetish, bestiality, whatever) as long as it's kept in the home and out of view(and nobody is being hurt).

    rampant behavior, hiphop/rap culture, alcoholism, use of drugs like cocaine and meth(pot and mushrooms, lsd, and DMT are ok imo), are what classes as degenerate for me.
    Well, it's a good thing you want to have people beaten for having multiple sexual partners... just like millions of other people would do the same to you, just for your wanting to have sex with people of the same gender as you.

    Ahh, the classic authoritarian... it's totally fine, so long as you don't have to see it or think about it. And if you do, then those people need to be beaten until they come to their senses. The moral relativism is quite real. I'm currently trying to figure out how much violence you are willing to inflict on others to stop their degeneracy. Is it simply beatings like Russian homophobes who beat up gay people for kissing, or are you full-on ISIS with supporting beheadings and the like?

  12. #112
    1) it is a biology related class
    2) it's a 17 year old, if she hasn't herd of the term being thrown around in her school from peers, then we have found the holy grail of perfect acting teenagers
    3) You can't just ignore an issue because it's not comfortable to talk about
    4)the assignment is not saying "go do it", it's giving a possible real world example of why this knowledge is actually used

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Gotta ask a general question: did none of you have homework questions that involved some police investigator solving a murder or something like that?

    I mean, there's murder and nobody bats an eye.

    Sex gets mentioned and everyone goes insane.
    Welcome to dealing with bible thumpers, the especially bat shit crazy ones tend to live in the South.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by AeneasBK View Post
    My maths teacher taught differentials using the trajectory of a cat thown off a cliff.
    I also had that question.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Well, it's a good thing you want to have people beaten for having multiple sexual partners... just like millions of other people would do the same to you, just for your wanting to have sex with people of the same gender as you.

    Ahh, the classic authoritarian... it's totally fine, so long as you don't have to see it or think about it. And if you do, then those people need to be beaten until they come to their senses. The moral relativism is quite real. I'm currently trying to figure out how much violence you are willing to inflict on others to stop their degeneracy. Is it simply beatings like Russian homophobes who beat up gay people for kissing, or are you full-on ISIS with supporting beheadings and the like?
    i would go with beatings, lashings, non-lethal crucifixions(reserved for only the worst of the worst offenders, such as neocons, rappers, gang members and the like) in my empire.

    anything non-lethal. the death penalty should not be enacted upon anyone, because we can't know what the afterlife is. so we shouldn't send people to it(quite the opposite even, we should be seeking a method to stop death entirely. the apotheosis of the human race.)

  16. #116
    A teacher gives a scenario question to his/her class. As with everything else today, half the people will think it's no big deal, while the other half will be appalled by it. Let me create a thread on MMO-Champ's website to see if that is indeed the case.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i would go with beatings, lashings, non-lethal crucifixions(reserved for only the worst of the worst offenders, such as neocons, rappers, gang members and the like) in my empire.

    anything non-lethal. the death penalty should not be enacted upon anyone, because we can't know what the afterlife is. so we shouldn't send people to it(quite the opposite even, we should be seeking a method to stop death entirely. the apotheosis of the human race.)
    So... not quite the extreme of ISIS, but worse than many dictatorships and Russian homophobes... got it. Congratulations on being not quite as bad as ISIS. Enjoy the thought policing.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Its not just the sex thing. A question involving hereditary blood types involving a mention of procreation is fine. Its the rest of the story around it about sluts and revenge sex that is utterly unnecessary and imo inappropriate.
    It isn't, sorting information given in questions into the categories relevant and irrelevant is what tests if students have understood the material or just trained themselves to answer multiple choice questions by comparison to a matrix without any understanding whatsoever. The latter of which is something on a level fit for a pet, not a human being.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    it's appalling because it normalizes behaving like a degenerate profligate.

    fucking disgusting is all i have to say about it. wretched subhuman mongrels need beaten.
    So, Trump?

    Also, how fascist of you, to want someone beaten, over a biology question.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    So, Trump?

    Also, how fascist of you, to want someone beaten, over a biology question.
    Actually, the beating is for anyone who practices "degenerate" behavior. Apparently, she is not willing to actually murder people, but non-fatal crucifixions are fine.

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