Yeah, maybe read more than a quarter of my posts instead of selectively quoting tangential points you're more comfortable engaging with and then I will write a response to your argument (even though I basically already adressed most of it which you would know if you read my posts). You also refused to answer even a single question I posed to you (both in the last post and the one before that) so it is pretty obvious that you're not willing to seriously engage with the argument.
Hardly an excuse. House of the Dragon looks much better, has better dialogue, superior acting (and actors), costumes etc. while costing a fraction of Rings of Power.
The absolute state of Warcraft lore in 2021:
Kyrians: We need to keep chucking people into the Maw because it's our job.
Also Kyrians: Why is the Maw growing stronger despite all our efforts?
Weirdly that's a big issue for me. Almost everything looks overdone beyond function. Things aren't looking cheap, a lot of it should probably look cheaper though.
The quality of the VFX though. it's certainly not up to par with the money thrown at it. But that's another thing.
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You can't please everyone, but if it was of the exceptionally high quality that Jackson's movies were, then the nay sayers would be distinct minority.. compare it to woke House of Dragons, people seem to love that a lot more and care far less about racial changes, female masculinization and male denigration, which it has. But then despite all these things, it's staying true to what Game of Thrones is, and RoPs biggest criticism is that it isn't staying true to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings world it keeps associating itself with.
Would that have mattered nearly as much if the production was top class and expertly done ? No, that's not to say it won't have mattered, but , it would have , to enough people, but no where near as much as it does now. They needed a top notch production all round, and this sadly isn't it. It's got some good things, but well - marketed all wrong, went heavy on less important things while going cheap on absolute fundamentals. This lies squarely on the production
You continually are not writing a response to my arguments. You further deflect in saying it is my problem when this is entirely on your end. At least own up to you no longer wanting to engage. A person doesn't always have to word for word refute an argument in order to point out its failings. You've continually missed the mark on everything to do with the discussion and refuse to now engage on anything unless it accepts your words as undisputed facts. Strange, right?
I've never refused to answer a single thing you've asked. You just haven't liked the answers you were given. Stop putting this on me when you are the only one refusing things here. Your last post didn't even include a question yet you still accuse me of not answering Lol. While you explain where the question was in that post maybe follow its advice?
Last edited by rhorle; 2022-09-11 at 10:08 PM.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Indeed, when a production is great, we usually don't care at all that women are focused on or racial inclusion - i mean we may be sick of how they are all doing it, but at the end of the day, omen can be great and there are other ethnicities around.
it wasn't that woke either. Galadriel, like she is written and portrayed doesn't carry this show to the heights, i have heard it mentioned in circles that if we had a more charismatic actress or main cast, it could have been a different story - I'm not so sure, the way they wrote Galadriel is also a huge part of why this fails, but then a charismatic actor tends to change how characters are written, because they just bring an excellent version that is just impossible to turn away for a worse version in the original script. or they bring out the best bits.
I did not like Galadriel being picked on by the other children elves in the beginning - that felt very un elf like - and i often wonder if there was more to the scene than to set her up as an angry man longing to prove herself -a s if she's some human twenty something year old, instead of part of a race of very wise and immortal beings that would certainly have very different and far better standards. Whiles you could say elves could be have like that, it doesn't fit the race, but it's there to set up this female character's motivations and it's just all wrong - that's not the Noldor high elves, nor Galadriel as Tolkien would present them.
But then I saw the same in wow, and use to praise tolkien's LotR for how you correctly portray immortal wise beings - these writers seem to simply forget they made them another race that is immortal and extremely wise, - why not exemplify that in your early example - because they have to set Galadriel as angry man-woman - and it just doesn't work..
So far in this series there have been numerous egregious changes to the lore and those changes aren't really adding up to anything compelling. And really most of this series is nothing but made up characters, invented by Amazon, surrounded by a bunch of weird mysteries and no singular main plot or story. So it is all over the place in that sense and none of those story lines in and of themselves are really important to the big picture which should be obvious by 3 episodes in. And this is where people begin to jump ship because it becomes tedious and uninteresting to follow these separate narratives that aren't leading to anything that anybody cares about in Tolkien or are interesting in their own right.
- Where is Sauron
- Who is Meteor Man
- Who is Halbrand
- What is this mark Galadriel found
- What is in the dwarven box
- Who is Theo's father
- Where is Tar Palantir and why is he in exile
- Who are the faithful
- What is the sword handed to Elendil
- Who is Adar
- Who are the 3 mysterious people
- What is this constellation shown by meteor man
- Why are the Elves and Numenor not on good terms
- and so on
And this show just keeps adding more questions and not answering any of them.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Can we get a thread for people who actually want to discuss the show without a bunch of people getting offended about their head canon?
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
This story isn't that complex. These meandering side stories and mysteries are not building some kind of interesting or compelling story at least for me. Some people may care but I really don't because the show hasn't given me a reason to. And this has absolutely nothing to do with Tolkien vs just basic story telling.
For example, there should be no mystery at this point that Sauron is present. Sylvan elves have been captured and killed. Other Sylvan elves should be aware of this. Adar should not be a mystery to any elf as such a thing would be well known among the elves that one of their own sided with Sauron openly and not due to deception. The purpose and reason for the meteor man should be obvious by now because these Maiar are basically like angels and can talk. No reason why we shouldn't know who he is and what he is doing by now. So a lot of this just becomes filler and distracts from the ultimate point which is the confrontation with Sauron. Not to mention nobody else mentions this meteor even though many of the main characters saw it.
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Lost was designed to be a story that had a long series of unfolding questions. It was relatively unique. Most television series are not written like that. Episodic TV definitely doesn't do that as each episode resolves any questions or mysteries before it ends.
This show is called Rings of Power. It is supposed to be telling us about how the rings of power got created by Sauron. There isn't any real mystery to that as everyone knows the story if they have seen Lord of the Rings or read the LOTR books. Technically that is a single story line unto itself and could fill multiple seasons without all this other stuff.
Last edited by InfiniteCharger; 2022-09-11 at 10:48 PM.
Your words make sense, but don't you think it is a very nifty trick for both defenders and showrunners to refute all the critique?
Take the Halo series for example: its chockfull of so-called cliffhangers.
Does it mean we should patiently wait for s2, or does it mean the plot was utter garbage and the scriptwriter was an incompetent senile potato?
This reviewer actually liked the show in general, but disliked Galadriel's portrayal thus far. Again, I think that Clark should have portrayed a female human character, perhaps even the Queen of Numenor (the only female human I recall seeing at this point), but not Galadriel. Galadriel setup as the show’s primary protagonist and five seasons planned, I admit I’m starting to worry. There’s much to love about Rings Of Power and the third episode had plenty that I enjoyed, but I’m really concerned that Galadriel will sink the ship if major changes aren’t made to her character—and it might simply be too late for that. Which is a shame. Once again, a massively expensive, beautifully shot TV show is slipping because despite all that money, the writing quality just isn’t there.
I’m still enjoying The Rings Of Power, and the massive campaign against it is silly and largely manufactured by people who made up their minds long before it ever came out. Lamentations that it is somehow overly-woke or agenda driven are clearly contrived and enormously nonsensical. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t legitimate problems with the show and Galadriel, unfortunately, is one of them. Hopefully that changes.
P.S. No, I’m not suggesting that Galadriel smile more. I only brought up her moment of smiling because the slow-motion scene was so jarring. Galadriel is always very stony-faced in this show, and then suddenly we have this agonizingly long shot of her grinning ear to pointy ear. I think the problem is more about how they’ve written her to be so headstrong and brash that she lacks other basic social skills like diplomacy, patience and so forth, that could make her feel like a more well-rounded and convincing character.
"You see, there is balance in all things. Wisdom etched in our very fur: Black and white. Darkness and light. When the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world, he also preserved...our ancient enemy, the mantid. So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They are not strong despite one another; they are strong BECAUSE of one another. You mistake your greatest strength for weakness. Do you see this?"
Lol. So if the story of how the rings were created is known wouldn't a show having nothing to tell? There are a lot of blanks in Tolkiens work because he only told the story of a specific time and left the rest up to "trivia" about people, places, and things. There would still be questions unanswered even if they tell it like you say because we would be learning things as they happen.
Weird that the same criticism would exist but you accept one over the other.
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A trick? No. It is just the way things work. Sometimes things get answered quickly and other times they do not. It has no relevance to the plot being utter garbage or the greatest thing ever. Even books do this as different plot threads come and go. I'm not talking about terrible books either as Wheel of Time, for example, has some things that get left unanswered. It just happens.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Most television shows are able to tell single stories quite fine over multiple seasons. This isn't new or original at all. What is happening here is they are mixing and matching other stuff from Tolkien's second age with their own made up characters and stories, producing a convoluted narrative. And the 'mysteries' are just to make these new narratives seem important when they really aren't.
I'm not sure if you're trolling or just being wilfully obtuse. By last posts I obviously meant the last posts that were still dedicated to the argument. You've deliberately cropped the questions out of your quotes and refused to address them. Why would you lie about this when anyone can just go back and read it?![]()
The absolute state of Warcraft lore in 2021:
Kyrians: We need to keep chucking people into the Maw because it's our job.
Also Kyrians: Why is the Maw growing stronger despite all our efforts?