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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Trassk View Post
    Does anyone else think BfA is a pretty emasculating expansion?

    Look at the voice clips, all the major players in it, Jaina, Sylvanas, Mia, Taelia, Talanji, Garona, also major player Katherine Proudmoore.

    Now look at the major male roles. Anduin, Genn and Saurfang.

    Saurfang is being reduced to just giving up, having no fight left him in and surrending to his fate as a prisoner, which for an orc is one of the worst things given how he was a prisoner once before.

    Anduin is a soy boy, completely effeminate, lacking the clout his father had.

    Genn has yet to show any real purpose in the lore.

    BFA is doing what warcraft lore what Cartoon Network does to animation, makes cartoons that emasculates strong male role models.

    It doesn't surprise me, since thats the way western franchises are going these days.


    Let's try not to engage in alt-right nonsense, yes? There's plenty about BfA's storywriting to worry about, but nonsense about there being some nefarious agenda against men is most certainly not one of them.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterHamster View Post
    If you can't be bothered to get something Legion-specific throughout Legions entire lifespan, maybe it's not important enough for you anyway. And maybe realize that you don't actually have a right to attain everything in an MMORPG just because you want it.

    People love to pretend that prestige has 0 impact in WoW nowadays, and they are sorely mistaken. If I see someone on a mount that only dropped or was attainable when you couldn't two-shot a boss 20 levels ago, that actually means something when I see it. If I see someone on the Kor'Kron Wolf at least I know they didn't go into SoO 25 levels higher and accidentally killed Garrosh with an AoE spell due to the laughable "fix" Blizzard has made to old raids.
    I'm pretty sure how you feel about someones ability IS the definition of something having 0 impact lol.
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  3. #63
    The Patient Castrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhru View Post
    No, you cannot if you are a normal player. You have to have fast reaction time otherwise you have no chance. Most of the 30years + cannot do that. their are too slow.
    LUL. Mage Tower was never meant for "normal players." If you're too old to do it, get your kids to help you. Or buy an account-share boost. Or admit to yourself that you don't deserve it because you suck.
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  4. #64
    Warchief Alayea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venziir View Post
    Saurfang doesn't sound overly orcish now, hmm. Kinda lacks some "gruffness" to it.
    It sounds like they've chosen a different voice actor from the one we're used to.
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  5. #65
    I just imagined some weird thing withat pendulum belt, gnomes and gold shire.

  6. #66
    mage tower is a joke with at least half of the specs

  7. #67
    How to keep Mage Tower balanced in future expansions? Easy as fuck. If you can't program it (and I think this has been done before) you should quit your job (programmer perspective). A simple downscale (which is active anyway for some scenarios) and fixed gear which is equipped for this event. Done...

  8. #68
    Pit Lord
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    This day in wow history Cosmetic class accessories.. something we never fucking got

  9. #69
    High Overlord AmazonDruid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daedius View Post
    Waist of Time belt's pendulum removed due to perverted minds probably...
    Yah for Truck nuts reasons lol

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZazuuPriest View Post
    This day in wow history Cosmetic class accessories.. something we never fucking got
    I know... really frustrating that we seem to be no closer to getting these things. I mean, yes, we kind of had them in Legion in a limited capacity. Marksmanship hunters had quivers and Holy Paladins had librams... but that concept art is just way more impressive than anything in-game. And they’ve clearly elected to not do anything with these in BFA. No quivers, librams, ammo pouches, poison vials... nothing.

    Add to that the fact that there is no indication of Retribution being able to use the Holy artifact for transmogrification. Or Beast Mastery being able to use the Marksmanship one (assuming Blizzard fixes it before BFA launches (the quiver on the Marksmanship skin is glitched to not be on your back, but underneath your feet currently in the beta)).

    With the game becoming more and more focused on cosmetic rewards and progression, now would have been a great time to add little flavor items like these. But no. Just another thing on the very long list of things Blizzard would “like to do someday!” Translation: “We’re holding this idea just in case sub numbers drop to dangerously low levels. If that happens we’ll announce a bunch of new features to lure players back, including cosmetic class accessories.”
    Last edited by Kilperch; 2018-05-28 at 02:09 AM.
    Concerning the No-Fly issue, it's really a question of what kind of player you are. Did you enjoy the pre-Wrath Zombie Invasion or did you hate it? If everyone loved it, flying would be allowed and Draenor's skies would be filled with tons of mount-eating monsters. That would be truly savage. But instead we are stuck. Blizzard is trying to please every type of player at the same time, leaving us with what we have today: something not-quite awesome.

  11. #71
    The "exclusivity" argument quickly fades when you add in the constant inconsistency (kek) from the Blizzard. Because why did they not remove Dragonwrath and it's chain? Just like with transmog rules, same crap...
    And indeed, who the hell cares that someone played in Legion?
    Whats more, the cut legendary quest lines leaves story progress in the old continents with quite big holes, which are noticable. All that content is wasted...

  12. #72
    The Patient
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    that pendulum is actually cool tbh. it can be a symbol for people who brags themselves on topping DPS meter??

  13. #73
    Pendulum removed due to PC Blizzard taking too much outcry from the left due to it being "sexual".

  14. #74
    If you can't complete the mage tower you're a scrub and just don't deserve that appearence. Simple as that.
    Instead on complaining, just learn how to play the damn game, you lazy plebs.

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    If I could get MT on 120, I would just unsubscribe and later smash them during BfA
    So you'll subscribe later rather than today ? That's still 13 dollars in Blizzard's pocket right ?

    I can get both sides though. I don't really like removed stuff, for obvious MMORPGs reasons - some guy who made a break during MoP and WoD will never understand what happens there because legendary quests are heavily lore-oriented. But I get that some cosmetics must remain as "exclusive" to give people an incentive to play. But for this, I think the Titles should be enough (along with the mounts going from 100% to 1%, that's enough to create rarity). Titles (Fearless, Chosen, Titanslayer etc) should be Prestige titles and get completely removed while obsolete.
    Transmogs, on the other hands, should not be removed imo. Especially when they're already easy to obtain with minimum involvement during the expansion (like Mage Tower are or previous expacs Challenges).

    Honestly, there are a few classes I've not played during Legion because I don't care. But if in BfA, those classes are lit and I'd like to play them, I would hate that some transmogs are not accessible just because I didn't bother farming AP, Leggos, Tier Sets etc during Legion.

    At least, they should unlock transmogs once you've done the same Mage Tower on one char (for example if you've done the Twins on a Frost Mage, all Twins transmog - Afflock, Boomkins, SP, MM - are unlocked for you once BfA hits).

  16. #76
    Ooooh you touch my tralala... my ding ding dong

  17. #77
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    So you'll subscribe later rather than today ? That's still 13 dollars in Blizzard's pocket right ?

    I can get both sides though. I don't really like removed stuff, for obvious MMORPGs reasons - some guy who made a break during MoP and WoD will never understand what happens there because legendary quests are heavily lore-oriented. But I get that some cosmetics must remain as "exclusive" to give people an incentive to play. But for this, I think the Titles should be enough (along with the mounts going from 100% to 1%, that's enough to create rarity). Titles (Fearless, Chosen, Titanslayer etc) should be Prestige titles and get completely removed while obsolete.
    Transmogs, on the other hands, should not be removed imo. Especially when they're already easy to obtain with minimum involvement during the expansion (like Mage Tower are or previous expacs Challenges).

    Honestly, there are a few classes I've not played during Legion because I don't care. But if in BfA, those classes are lit and I'd like to play them, I would hate that some transmogs are not accessible just because I didn't bother farming AP, Leggos, Tier Sets etc during Legion.

    At least, they should unlock transmogs once you've done the same Mage Tower on one char (for example if you've done the Twins on a Frost Mage, all Twins transmog - Afflock, Boomkins, SP, MM - are unlocked for you once BfA hits).
    Ehm, in current system I subscribe both now (for Legion stuff) and later (for BfA stuff). If MT would be obtainable at 120, I would subscribe only later (for BfA stuff) and smash MT in 5 minutes (similar like I clear old raids by transmog, but they won't keep me in game alone). Logic is not your strong point, am I right? ;P

    And for the rest of post - yeah, just quests (including Mage Tower) should be available all the time for lore reasons, I don't know anybody that is against it.

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhru View Post
    No, you cannot if you are a normal player. You have to have fast reaction time otherwise you have no chance. Most of the 30years + cannot do that. their are too slow.
    I am older than 30 and did all 36 challenges months ago. I don't raid, I don't have a mythic+ group for my characters, it's all casual play and determination. Probably also over 20 years of gaming experience (not only WoW, of course).
    Last edited by mmoceb1073a651; 2018-05-28 at 08:30 PM.

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Actually, Affliction is one of the easiest. You can use Mortal Coil trick that will completely cheese the fight. Blizzard never fixed it, so I guess they are fine with that.
    As someone rather low on ilvl (915) and struggling to complete the affliction lock challenge, I would love to know the "Mortal Coil Trick" that blizzard had never fixed.

  20. #80
    Pretty sure the Tundra Yak was over 100 grand when it went live. I don't remember it ever being 60k, maybe in beta?

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