1. #1

    Best leveling and legendary combo for BfA?

    I'm not sure what spec I want to level with in BfA, but I thought about going Feral with Cinidaria and Charoyant

    Cinidaria increases damage by 30% on mobs above 90% and heals for 100% amount of that damage, goes good with Shred in stealth

    Charoyant increases energy by 100 and energy regen by 5%, should make for good openers and an extra boost if taking on more than one target

    Cinidaria with Resto affinity should make it easy to never have to worry about health, plus the extra initial damage is nice

    I thought about Soul of the Archdruid so I could get Soul of the Forest along with Jagged Wounds, but I'm not too sure on that yet

  2. #2
    Pit Lord
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    United Kingdom
    Wouldn't sephuz be a prio to use? Basically procs on your rake stun (if feral still has it lol) and extra haste/movement speed is always nice.

  3. #3
    level as boomkin and pull 10 mobs at once and aoe them down

  4. #4
    Level as guardian and pull 10 mobs but unlike boomkin you'll have crazy good sustain so minimal out-of-combat down time.
    I'll be playing as feral at max. It just isn't great to level as.
    If you insist on feral levelling. I'd say probably sephuz (procced from stealth+rake as mentioned above). And then potentially prydaz for the stats and a good amount of survivability or kj trinket.
    When levelling you have to take 3 things into account,
    1. Damage output
    2. Damage input
    3. Out of combat (eatint, drinking etc)

    Some times losing damage for more survivability. Or for reducing out of combat time can still increase your speeds.

  5. #5
    Prydaz is a good thought, but flawed as you get a neck as the first thing in BFA.
    I suggest to have a look at Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish for nearly every spec, if you don't have two very good trinket aoe options already. Short cooldown (1m15), big aoe, good stats even after level 115.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Psybearslat View Post
    Level as guardian and pull 10 mobs but unlike boomkin you'll have crazy good sustain so minimal out-of-combat down time.
    I'll be playing as feral at max. It just isn't great to level as.
    If you insist on feral levelling. I'd say probably sephuz (procced from stealth+rake as mentioned above). And then potentially prydaz for the stats and a good amount of survivability or kj trinket.
    When levelling you have to take 3 things into account,
    1. Damage output
    2. Damage input
    3. Out of combat (eatint, drinking etc)

    Some times losing damage for more survivability. Or for reducing out of combat time can still increase your speeds.
    moonkin with boots has incredible sustain though, probably similar to bear overall

  7. #7
    You're going to get trucked once the the inflated gear ilvls stop carrying you. We don't have artifact quests holding us back so the best way is going bear. You have an instant tag with moonfire and can easily run through quests. Boomkins aren't as tanky as people are thinking.

    If you have a group with you then boomkin it up. Bear is just great for solo.

  8. #8
    Sephuz for the baseline +10% movement speed, even without the proc it will make leveling quicker. Then it depends on spec, but I like the chest because +75% to your affinities is great. Especially for feline swiftness and ysera’s Gift.

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