Thread: Revenge was fun

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  1. #1

    Post Revenge was fun

    Farming in a zone and get jumped by a retarded rogue when mining a node - he laugh and kills you again when you respawn, just because he can. He might even spit and /sit on your face

    I remember the joy, when spotting that f*cker later on and killing him on sight (because you could actually remember nicknames) and camping him until he escape. I also remember the embarrassment, when trying to kill him (even got the opener) and failed.

    Revenge was a lot of fun - can't wait.

  2. #2

    One of my most important addons was Vanas KoS - i.e., a "kill on sight" addon that allowed you to add players, which would be marked + you'd get an alert if the addon noticed that player is nearby.
    It always used to be quite well populated for each toon I leveled up by the end of it....

  3. #3
    Epic! Pejo's Avatar
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    Yes, it can be a very good feeling. I remember there was this rogue in Lakeshire that used to kill us all the time as I was trying to level; however, I was passing through at 56 to go to BRD and saw him ganking again, spent the next 30 minutes killing him and ruining that for him. Another memorable was a rogue Ebonslash in Searing Gorge - we fought so much back and forth to the point where we both gave each other passes until we attacked one of the friends of the other. Ended up chatting with him on Vent a bit while ganking.

    It’s interesting though - it was this ganking that really caused these feelings - when our group was doing the GM/HWL grind against Nightmare’s Asylum, it never really brought up the same feelings. Hell, even when we fought against them and KISS for the world dragons, I never got that same feeling. Still memorable in its own way though

  4. #4
    I honestly was just annoyed by PvP outside of BGs. Only reason I didn't switch to a PvE server was that my friends were on the PvP one. But I never understood why people have fun ganking and doing the things you described. To me that sounds extremely unfun.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
    I honestly was just annoyed by PvP outside of BGs. Only reason I didn't switch to a PvE server was that my friends were on the PvP one. But I never understood why people have fun ganking and doing the things you described. To me that sounds extremely unfun.
    Ganking - i.e. higher level player rampaging through lower level players - sucks, and yea unfortunately it's very common on PVP servers.

    Still, some of the most fun PVP situations I've had were specifically due to playing on PVP servers. Being killed by 2 players of similar levels, then somehow managing to surprise them afterwards and kill them myself. Rivalry with players of similar level - since leveling was slow, you often stayed in a somewhat similar level range as your enemies, and you'd encounter them several times over weeks, always resulting in great fights. Or even just the thrill of leveling when you suspect some stealther might be around the corner.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TheUnrealDonald View Post
    Ganking - i.e. higher level player rampaging through lower level players - sucks, and yea unfortunately it's very common on PVP servers.

    Still, some of the most fun PVP situations I've had were specifically due to playing on PVP servers. Being killed by 2 players of similar levels, then somehow managing to surprise them afterwards and kill them myself. Rivalry with players of similar level - since leveling was slow, you often stayed in a somewhat similar level range as your enemies, and you'd encounter them several times over weeks, always resulting in great fights. Or even just the thrill of leveling when you suspect some stealther might be around the corner.
    I guess I understand what you mean, but I never experienced it in this way. I was just annoyed when someone killed me and didn't even remember a single name from the opposing faction. I only wanted to level without getting disturbed I guess and remember logging off and doing something else when someone killed me and obviously stayed where I wanted to quest.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
    I honestly was just annoyed by PvP outside of BGs. Only reason I didn't switch to a PvE server was that my friends were on the PvP one. But I never understood why people have fun ganking and doing the things you described. To me that sounds extremely unfun.
    This was my experience as well. PvP servers were just generally unfun. They got considerably worse in TBC, due to flying. And even worse in Cataclysm when high level people could camp level 10s. I remember it not being as bad during Classic, simply because leveling and then moving about was much harder. If you stuck to Alliance zones, you were generally safer. I remember leveling two characters at once, swapping to my alt once my main was being camped...
    “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
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  8. #8
    I hate world PvP. Every time I got killed while leveling I just logged out and started the "1 hour no play zone", meaning I would just get on a max level and kill everyone leveling for 1 hour. This was not during vanilla, it was starting with WotLK. It got really good in Cata, with flying and phasing. That's when I got my first "I kill you irl" threat, which I playfully forwarded to Blizzard

    In vanilla on private servers I had the same tactic, but it was a little harder to avoid the other high levels, due to long cooldowns. But I will never forget the two poor fuckers that decided to kill me while casually going past them doing my own business. It was in STV, near the rebel camp, little did they know that as soon as I dropped dead without a fight, I was already logging on my 57 rogue, camped near by just in case of retards. What followed was an hour of fun killing them over and over while trying to teleport. Even funnier was when one of them logged on his ally alt and started to say things like "yeah, real man, killing someone 20 levels below you". Nevermind that two 35+ motherfucker killed a single level 30 dude that was just passing by

  9. #9
    Yea that was a lot of fun. At that day, I still remember some epic laughable scenes. For example when guards weren't a combination of superman and wolverine and you could kill someone in town (like and make an epic escape. Guys trying to avenge themselves and being jumped by 5 guards (when they became killer robots).

    The thrill during leveling, when people are talking about a rogue in the zone you're pexing and you're making some preventive demoralizing shouts just in case.
    Coming across a player who screwed with you a few days ago, waiting for him to to engage a mob and jumping on him with that big feeling of satisfaction.
    Revenge could also take a whole other dimension with entier raids getting revenge on another one, like on Kazzak. Games masters had to intervene because of how hopeless the situation was. Good times.

    (Just uploaded that video taken by a former guildmate. I apologize for the weird tunes.)
    Last edited by Healasouhait; 2018-07-16 at 09:45 PM.

  10. #10
    You guys remember when seeing someone with a lvl 60 on follow (his main, two account)?

    I always engaged them (when same level), even when 100% sure his main would kill me after killing his alt (or trying too). Just the joy trying to mess him up, before his main killed me, was worth running back in ghost form. Would even do a /dance after killing his alt

    He camping me on his main for the next 30 minutes was not always fun though

  11. #11
    Nope, I hate PvP servers. For every one "revenge" you get, there are at least 10 "ganked by roaming group of enemies" and similar frustrations.

    99% of "world pvp" is just unfair ganking, whether being attacked when you're fighting a mob, or smacked by someone 10+ levels higher than you, or smacked by a group of 3+ enemies.

    If I wanted to PvP I'd join a battleground.

  12. #12
    Legendary! Deficineiron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgp43 View Post
    Farming in a zone and get jumped by a retarded rogue when mining a node - he laugh and kills you again when you respawn, just because he can. He might even spit and /sit on your face

    I remember the joy, when spotting that f*cker later on and killing him on sight (because you could actually remember nicknames) and camping him until he escape. I also remember the embarrassment, when trying to kill him (even got the opener) and failed.

    Revenge was a lot of fun - can't wait.

    this video (not mine at all) comes to mind

    Don't Make Me Get My Main
    Authors I have enjoyed enough to mention here: JRR Tolkein, Poul Anderson,Jack Vance, Gene Wolfe, Glen Cook, Brian Stableford, MAR Barker, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, WM Hodgson, Fredrick Brown, Robert SheckleyJohn Steakley, Joe Abercrombie, Robert Silverberg, the norse sagas, CJ Cherryh, PG Wodehouse, Clark Ashton Smith, Alastair Reynolds, Cordwainer Smith, LE Modesitt, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt, Stephen R Donaldon, and Jack L Chalker.

  13. #13
    This seems to be a cross realm problem more than a Warmode problem.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
    I honestly was just annoyed by PvP outside of BGs. Only reason I didn't switch to a PvE server was that my friends were on the PvP one. But I never understood why people have fun ganking and doing the things you described. To me that sounds extremely unfun.
    Story of my life.
    The amount of griefing and the length that assholes can go just for the "fun" of being a pain is staggering. You'd think the entire meaning of their life is to ruin those of others.

  15. #15
    Immortal Nnyco's Avatar
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    how many times happened that tho? the opposite side are just faceless nobodys to me considerin how big servers were
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  16. #16
    Gotta admit the revenge kills can be amazing. One simple gank could lead to be a very big rivalry. For me it generally would crack me up when people would get their vengeance back on me. I remember ganking people in timbermaw hold that would skip the rep grind and just try to make it to winterspring or moonglade, then all of the sudden when I left the tunnel I had a warrior charge me, a big red hunter pet in my face, and a priest smiting me all at once lol.

  17. #17
    Greatest triumphs were that back when you could not have both factions on same server that person either deleted character/or bought another wow or his friends started to whisper cuss and beg to stop ganking.

    And having posts on realm forum whining about you. Oh the times.

    With cross-realm it is no fun and with sharding you almost never see same people. Killed pvp for me. Arena and BG has no passion like old pvp had.

    It was pure joy seeing familiar name and once they noticed you instantly started to hs.

    I loved to gank in EPL and that graveyeard in wpl. And killing people outside dungeon portal in BRM. Prime time and you were with your gank party taking down raiders <3 Throwing them in to lava with mind control and so on.

    Heck even sometimes most of guild killing certain opposite faction guild for rivalry/revenge for hours during raiding times.

    Fond memories, don't do any pvp nowdays however which is weird(Only few accidentals while doing daily or something and mistake them for npc or they attack me). Perhaps I grew up or wow pvp without emotion/close-knit community is shit.
    Last edited by Thokri; 2018-07-23 at 02:45 AM.
    Working customer support really has made me support genocides.

  18. #18
    What up with all the crying "I hate world pvp"? This does not exist on PvE servers and yet everyone here seems to have been "forced" to have no-fun because they ended up on PvP server. What's the point of playing then to begin with? If you have no fun on a PvP server while having your friends, then you should move to PvE server (without your friends) and start having fun there.

    I do agree with Thokri tough that cross-realm and sharding did ruin it. There used to be warning signals when you saw a nickname at time you knew what's gonna happen (and adjust to that). The thrill of additoinal danger while leveling/farming. In general getting revenge was fun as well.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Akka View Post
    Story of my life.
    The amount of griefing and the length that assholes can go just for the "fun" of being a pain is staggering. You'd think the entire meaning of their life is to ruin those of others.
    For a lot of people that was the entire game. When regular players were out farming for gold and consumables they were out ganking "for the lols" and that's the way they played for the entirety of vanilla and never accomplished anything significant.

  20. #20
    I think what's also missing from the posts I've read is that it makes the world, feel like a real world, with real Horde/Alliance enemies in it. No flying away, so no way to avoid it.

    It is the World of WARcraft

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