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  1. #101
    All you guys that dont like this system should band together and stick it to the MAN!!! Show Blizzard who is boss by canceling your subs.

  2. #102
    Worst part about it is 370 - 385 azerite gear drops only in raids (LOL only 5 pieces in a whole raid) and m+ weekly.
    Azerite stuff gives a huge dps increase.. its annoying as hell

  3. #103
    Badges should come back.

    There should be a bad luck protection system to replace BLUE ITEMS.
    Because its the most infuriating thing ever...still having a random blue item.

    So in my opinion dungeons should drop badges with at least ilvl 335 epics just to replace those pesky blues.

    I think this is the only problem and the only place where the badge system could work.
    Having raid level gear in badge vendors is a bad idea IMO. Didnt like it in WotlK.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    I agree the badge system is 100% the better system

    Leaving everything to RNG is insanity

    I was pretty lucky this expansion though and managed to replace all blues in a blink of an eye in 2 characters
    I think a better system would be getting Ilvl increase drops that you can choose which slot to upgrade up to a certain iLVL per tier. Appearance is tied to something else.

    You still grow in power just have a little more control over which items.

  5. #105
    Well, you might get a good item soon, so better stay subbed and chase that carrot!

    This expansion is just one big social experiment.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Logwyn View Post
    I think a better system would be getting Ilvl increase drops that you can choose which slot to upgrade up to a certain iLVL per tier. Appearance is tied to something else.

    You still grow in power just have a little more control over which items.
    Humm....badges and raid level gear....isnt it a bit too much?

    I agree with badges to replace those pesky blue items you still have.

    But a badge system with raid level gear...isnt it a bit too much? Like it was in WotlK?

  7. #107
    I had something similar, when Alliance EU finally got warfront scenario access, i spammed them, hoping for a weapon, i got a belt for the quest (Suppose a 370 weapon would be a bit much to ask for :3 ), then a belt as 340 reward, next one: another belt, next one: gloves, one after that: downgrade helmet, and then finally a 340 weapon, yay me!

    Warfronts are kind of fun though, more so than doing yet more world quests anyway (Exalted with 2 reps, over halfway from revered to exalted on the rest), so it makes for a welcome change of pace.

  8. #108
    its funny how players dont realize this is just another form of time gating, when they say there arent a lot of a time gating in the game. Since instead of buying what u want with ur earned currency, u chase the chance of getting what u want.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex86el View Post
    yeah i had. i distinctly remember having to run UBRS 52 times to get the devout shoulders.
    but i was 18 atm and a nolifer gamer. now it's different.
    i'm not saying its a bad system, most mmos have this system.
    i\m just saying, it's not for me anymore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    i keep all the highest ilvl items i get, to be able to join stuff early.
    but in most cases the best item is one with a lower ilvl. so i wear it.
    i use the "pawn" addon.
    Ok, show me a 340 cloak, wrists or shoes that are supposedly worse than your 300.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by cronotose View Post
    Not quite the same really. In the old days you could easily target specific pieces by what content you were playing. You would need to get the shoulders from a particular boss, so you would run that dungeon until the shoulders dropped. The only RNG was which run it dropped on, and there was no limit to how many times a day you could run the dungeon. Nowadays you're not just running RNG for whether or not you get the loot, but you're rolling RNG for what piece it is, whether it warforges or titanforges, and if it's azerite gear, whether or not it has the right traits. That's 2-3 extra layers of RNG over classic WoW, and your sources of loot are more artificially timegated than classic WoW.
    1. The dungeon gear in the past was generally blue quality gear, far behind anything that dropped in raids and therefore only relevant for a small amount of time (besides in Vanilla where it had a longer life span).
    2. Raid bosses dropped far less loot per player in the raid during WoW's first 7-8+ years than they do now.
    3. There was no guarantee the item you wanted would drop even if you ran the same normal/heroic 20 times, and the drops today are most likely more common than they were in the past based on number of dungeon runs made (since we get about the same amount of loot drops being 1-2 per boss for the group as whole and we get no unequippable loot like in the past).
    4. If you choose to run dungeons for warforged/titanforged gear that's your choice to gamble, it's not like you should be expecting your average item to upgrade as most items neither war/titanforge or roll tertiary properties.
    5. Azerite traits are entirely fixed from everything besides random loot chests (warfront, M+ chest, Emissary chest etc where the item is random but the traits are still fixed per item). If you run raids or M0 for a specific azerite piece it will always have the same traits on the same piece, there is absolutely no RNG to it what so ever.
    6. Heroics were on a daily lockout in the past just like they are now (obviously Mythic0 is on a weekly lockout), and until the ICC patch in WotLK (3.3?) there was no dungeon finder to repeatedly queue for them meaning one attempt per day.

    Do I need to go on? Gearing nowdays is infintely quicker than it ever was in the past, and anyone disputing that either did not play in the past or does not play now. There are so many sources for loot that we're literally swimming in it and still people spew their "it was better before rng" bullshit. There's always been a high amount of rng in WoW and if anything we have it much better nowdays when it comes to loot acquisition than we've ever had (pre-Legion vs now).

  11. #111
    You're not the only one who's gotten hosed off RNGesus.

    My first week of being top level, barely crossing the Mythic threshold I only needed to update anything but my Shoulders and pants.

    Got shoulders, for 6 heroics. Got me all salty.

  12. #112
    The game needs a performance based loot system, im fucking sick of doing everything right in mythics ( not aggroing, keeping my cc up, doing good damage ) and not getting shit while timmy the mouth breather dies on every trash pull, is last on dps and gets showered with loot

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashtronaut View Post
    Yes definitely think they should re-introduce some sort of badge system, in addition to what we have now.
    I don’t know why they ever got rid of it?

    It's pretty damn well documented that the RNG system of dropping loot causes the same type of chemical and social reaction that gambling/slot machines create in casinos. It's addicting. Blizzard knows this. Activision knows this. They're both masters of controlling hype and using player psychology.

    RNG systems and lootboxes are so prevalent in gaming these days because of that effect. It all comes down to money. And while WoW is still a very high quality game with a lot of fun in it, the effect of that money is creeping in more and more. Blizzard isn't interested in giving us a loot system that's fair or that promotes/supports player agency because every piece of player agency they can shift to their control allows them to better predict and control their own revenue. They're definitely interesting in creating and promoting the ILLUSION of player agency, however.

    I know I know...this is where I get accused of tinfoil hat bullshit. But it's just the level business is at currently. It's funny to me that companies like EA get absolutely CRUCIFIED for their loot boxes, but Blizzard gets a pass on RNG. The only reason I can think of is that people don't see the similarities between direct sale loot boxes and monthly sub-based RNG loot boxes. :/ Either way you're still paying for loot. One is just doled out more subtly over time.

    I mean...come on! This is the same company that researched matchmaking tech to group players that weren't buying paid loot with people who DID buy them, in order to create an environment where people would be encouraged to make in-game purchases after seeing how well the paid people performed/looked.

    You think a company that's willing to take it to that level is above optimizing the loot systems in their flagship game to make as much money as possible?
    Last edited by SirCowdog; 2018-09-22 at 04:35 PM.

  14. #114
    Im more frustrated with getting insanely good rewards.... for my offspec. Like today. I see kings rest dungeon WQ is up and drops a fucking 340+ two hander, but im protection. Feels fucking BadMan

  15. #115
    The problem is that the modern game tries to make "alternate content" feel as rewarding as only raiding for endgame progression by over saturating the game with loot based on RNG. This is to make that "alternate" content always feel relevant throughout the game. In Vanilla, the ONLY endgame was raiding. Questing was a one time thing done while leveling and once you finished leveling,, there was no need for questing. Now, the quests are basically on a rotating schedule tied to RNG loot in order to give players the "chance" for a minor upgrade. The fact that you are doing the same quests over and over does not make it "better" than previously when the only end game content was raiding. And basically now that they have added warfronts and Island expeditions it only becomes more boring because the new content doesn't really feel meaningful in and of itself. Whereas when raiding was the only end game progression, those raids were designed to really feel epic and challenging and contained a lot of good storytelling. Yes it was repetitive and had RNG, but it was something done in chunks, maybe once or twice a week. Now, you get the same RNG treadmill multiplied across raids, dungeons (M+), world quests, island expeditions and war fronts, where you are spending MORE time per week doing many different "alternate" forms of content but having relatively little overall improvement in gear throughput.

    You only dilute the content when you keep duplicating the same formula on more levels, with minimal "chances" for gear upgrades thrown in. Players in the past complained that end game was too focused on raiding and that the bar to entry for raiding was too high so this is why things are how they are. But now that you have that alternative content there has to be a "compelling" reason to rerun that content over and over, which historically was all about gear progression. If you can get to a fairly decent item level quickly in modern wow with the progression curve getting a lot more gradual and incremental after that (outside of raiding) then of course some folks will just do the content and just unsub as there is really no reason to keep doing the treadmill for slow micro upgrades. And really the only thing keeping the treadmill going is the idea of "artifact power" or as they call it now "azerite power". Because other than that gear itself is easy to get.
    Last edited by InfiniteCharger; 2018-09-22 at 05:07 PM.

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex86el View Post
    alright, warmode is nice. mythics are nice.

    i went through all the boring repetitive chore, of doing the exact same daily checklists every day or three.

    but i get more and more infuriated every day by this crap loot system.
    i dont have the most time inthe world.
    i try to get gear... but the game keeps trolling me.

    i get no loot, and i constantly get duplicates or non-upgrades.

    now, immagine this....
    you got all blue gear, under 300, and one epic 340 a belt...
    first drop/reward.. 340 belt, second.. 340 belt... fourth 340 belt... while the rest of your items are crap.

    now, repeat that with pants, 5 times.
    f**ck this shit, i cant take it any more.

    everything needs to reward currency. according to it's difficulty, and then have a vendor.
    it's only fair.
    no one likes to gamble with their invested efforts.

    cya guys, and have fun.
    We're still clearing heroic atm... we're 6/8... this week my loot has been 2 x cloaks. Neither were an upgrade. When we did mother... about 5 people got the same ring.


  17. #117
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Are you sure? We keep getting them and I don't see anyone getting the hammer out to clean them away.
    They have been shut down before, many of them. The thing is, there is many reports of various threads and each part of the forum is divided for attention.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  18. #118
    They probably adopted D3's "RNG" system, which is hardly random.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by A Chozo View Post
    Never seen this happen before, OP. Twice? Sure, but getting only 5 Epic Itens after all this time playing, and all those itens being Belts?

    Someone is telling you to buckle your pants.
    It happened to me as well. Needed either shoulders or chest from the azerite cache because I already got a head piece. Got head pieces in every cache and drop from dungeons for like 4 days. It was SUPER annoying.

  20. #120
    Well, They must fix that damn RnG, wiping in raid and mythic and at the end I get no loot or same piece, and other 95% of them will not trade, they really need it, off spec, disenchant, transmog, and we are fu..d up because of RnG, if there something will make me quit its RnG.

    120 from 1st week and still using some blues.

    xXx English is not my first language xXx

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