Thread: Poor Rastakhan

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  1. #41
    Brewmaster CasualFilth's Avatar
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    Probably this questline was meant to be introduced after Rastakhan is killed. There's 0 mention of him anywhere, considering this is one of the most important troll-related questline.
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  2. #42
    Banned Wildberry II's Avatar
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    It's a pity that Rastakhan's getting offed in such an unceremonious way, I actually liked him as a character.

    One of the few characters in the Warcraft Universe that actually makes mistakes, has faults and then has to pay the price for it.

    Of course, we can't have that, instead we're blessed with Talanji, an non-compelling mary sue who has some of the worst voice acting we've seen in years.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by McCulloch View Post
    Rastakhan was just a name up until BfA. He wasn't a well-established character.
    By that logic, so was Sargeras. He was "just a name" for, oh, 6 expansions?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Feanoro View Post
    In classic, he was emperor only of the Zandalari, which all other troll tribes respected, as they were the leaders of the ancient troll empire. When we finally get to see him, they make an idiot out of him. Somehow this is ok, not a disappointment.
    Because we already knew he was a layabout. "King Rastakhan did nothing" is pretty much all we learned about his rule in Mists. Blizzard has been very consistent with his character, and he never was this image of the perfect king some people seem to have. He was always complacent and weak, ruling over a crumbling empire. Of course he's also a compelling character in person, but that doesn't mean he cannot be a sloppy ruler. And it kind of makes sense, he's alive long, long past what a Troll should live, which would affect his judgment.

    The one Zandalari character that I feel was actually mishandled is Zul, who started very strong but eventually became a generic ragemode villain who merely suffers a setback.

  5. #45
    Merely a Setback Trassk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mixxy Scratch View Post

    And Nathanos.

    Lordy lord is this expansion about goddamn Nathanos. He's fucking everywhere. On both sides.

    And he's basically the only character actually succeeding at everything.
    Well he's sylvanas' man-bitch so he's pretty much indoctrinated to the point of being a hand puppet.
    He's got no personality outside of worshipping her decaying ass.

  6. #46
    That second part was absolutely terrible. First part was good, not terrific but good.

    Second is a total mess.

    - We find Vol'jin with a simple seance, whereas the Loa of DEATH couldn't.
    - First thing he talks about is G'huun. Not only it was totally random but Vol'jin knows all about G'huun and talks about it as if it's the Zandalari's arch nemesis, whereas the Zandalari only kinda found out about G'huun themselves like a month ago.
    - Vol'jin suddenly becomes a spiritual mentor to Talanji, whom he presumbly had never met or heard of, pushing her to be the leader of her people whith hom he fought against last time. He doesn't at all speak to his fellow Darkspears, and he was holding his tribesmen dear to his heart hiw whole life.
    - Talanji is pushed to be a "leader to her people" disregarding the fact her father is alive. You'd think that since he is back he could use the time to actually speak to Rastakhan while he can.
    - he randomly poofs out afterwards.


    It would be much better if the initial ritual would fail, and if it would be someone's idea to put the glaive to G'huun and THEN see what happens.
    So by and empowering his glaive with blood of the most dreadful and vile enemy around therefore making the connection more possible.
    Then Vol'Jin would say that he is still too weak and he needs time to "attach himself back to this world" but by being shadow hunter he would notice a great disturbance that G'huun would cause.

    And it would be great if afterwards he would say something to Rastakhan warn him or anything and then mention that Talanji will make a great successor one day.

    It would be much less disrespectful than was was given.

    And then both Talanji with her father beside her would show to the people of their victory.

    I miss Mists of Pandaria

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