1. #1

    Change !keys weakaura to reply in whisper

    Hi I'm sure some of you are using a m+ !keys weakaura to list people's keys. If not check this https://wago.io/BJrJYDfuX

    Since my guild is quite actively using these it floods the guildchat with key spams. So, I'm looking for help to change some of it's functionality.
    I'm unfamiliar with LUA, so if anyone can help me out

    What it does currently:
    - person types "!keys" in guild/party chat
    - other people with the WA auto-reply with their m+ keystone in guild/party chat.

    What I want it to do:
    - person types "!keys" in chat
    - other people reply with their key in a whisper to the person who typed "!keys"

    This should keep the guild chat somewhat more clean.

  2. #2
    everyone in our guild just has astral keys instead, you can see everyone's key on or offline in guild and on your friend list (as long as they have the addon)

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