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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Narwal View Post
    Am I wrong in saying that Blizzard moved away from raid buffing classes long ago? Something about bring the player not the class? Not to mention, in the play-style of wow today, single-player, very few would want to play an under-powered dps class.
    That happened because of essential buffs, not competitive utility damage. If an Enhance Shaman can do half the DPS of a Boomkin but also adds as much to others (or more with skillful play) to equalize a Boomkin, they'd be interesting and viable (and not essential). The biggest problem is that people, both Blizzard and players, have this huge focus on raid logs and damage meter numbers. Rarely is a dungeon/raid going to see the sub-par damage of an Elemental Shaman and then also check the healing numbers. Chances are, that Elemental Shaman threw a lot of healing toward someone and their damage suffered from it, but it saved a group from wiping. I remember doing that many times in Cataclysm, but very few people would recognize it. Because of this, people (probably) stopped utilizing their utility (heh), and just did all the damage they could.

    Utility has no real metric. That's why certain classes, like Shaman, have shifted toward their given role; because players want to see numbers, and Blizzard wants to make players happy as they cry out for class changes. It's a sad reality that players nowadays can't enjoy the game as much; it actually makes sense why people may be excited for Vanilla (despite it's glaring faults and flaws, lol).

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    First, it seems like you're swapping SS out for LL and trying to buff them. Obviously you go a bit more in depth, but it doesn't really affect the play style enough in my opinion.
    That's right I'm swapping them, but changing just enough so you're satisfied using both spells whereas today you're not happy when using lava lash. As you've said, I'm trying to keep part of the core gameplay because I don't feel like it should be changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    As for Mastery, seems to stick with the proc-play style while adding a burst button. /shrug.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    Utility wise, removing Frostbrand hurts PvP (damn mages...).
    It becomes a talent actually if you really want to play with frostbrand. So no real loss there.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    Ghost Wolf is too iconic as a travel-form to be altered like that (seems like this would be more useful as Elemental, as Enhance doesn't seem to need that kind of movement having instant skills).
    I sure do agree with you, it's never nice to change or take away iconic flavor spells. That's why I decided to tweak it a bit. Change seldom feels nice but I honestly don't see people happy with the current state of ghost wolf. In fight you loose a GCD and damage for a +30% movespeed. It is a great outdoor spell and Pvp though.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    Healing Surge being instant is why it's used at all for me. Putting a conditional on it makes me really sad, as I do enjoy being able to help out whenever, instead of saving a cool down for it (that probably won't be used in many situations otherwise).
    healing surge today is only instant if you have maelstrom, so you already have your conditional there I'm just shifting to another one that doesn't hurt your dps. Which is a decisional that has been hurting a lot of shaman in every scenario. Usually I'm really up for this kind of dicision making scenari but if you pvp you know damn well that a focused shaman cannot do anything. We do not have enough damage reduction/absorb tools to help our healer when he's controled, so we ruin our damage ouput with our heals.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    Keep it up though; the only way things change is feedback [that isn't ignored by Blizzard for the 10020349829384th time..]
    Even though it seems like you're not that familiar with the current or past state of the enhancement shaman, it's really nice to have taken the time to answer in depth to my design!

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    If the main goal is to make Lava Lash more appealing, do you think buffing it's damage and tweaking Hot Hand could achieve similar results? Even though Lightning Shield does more damage, I prefer Hot Hand because it adds more things to do (though I don't consider it nearly enough to make the playstyle fun at all, sadly). If a talent row can be number crunched to say "It's almost always better" then it's bad design, I'd imagine. That being said, there are times (which I'm sure are rarer than I think) where Hot Hand procs a bunch and Storm Strike likes to...never proc xD.

  4. #24
    Dreadlord Metallourlante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lythelia View Post
    I don't necessarily agree on the idea of just changing our how our DPS is delivered. I think enhancement should lean far more into the fact that Shamans are in fact a hybrid class. What I'm about to say is borderline blasphemous but.. what if our DPS was only average but our entire focus was about enhancing the combat capabilities of our allies? Make us a truly invaluable spec and give us the ability to act far more like a support spec.
    Not blasphemous at all, as a former Enhancement Shaman main I would love to play something like that. A true "support" class if you will, it would feel amazing being in a group and playing like that imho, especially as a person who don't necessarily love to top the damage meter (mainly because, to me, is boring and feel old pretty quick) but rather change your playstile in order to maximixe the damage and healing of the team and for the team. I can only hope someday enhancement will evolve into this, I would play it for sure and I bet I would have tons of fun while doing it.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Metallourlante View Post
    Not blasphemous at all, as a former Enhancement Shaman main I would love to play something like that. A true "support" class if you will, it would feel amazing being in a group and playing like that imho, especially as a person who don't necessarily love to top the damage meter (mainly because, to me, is boring and feel old pretty quick) but rather change your playstile in order to maximixe the damage and healing of the team and for the team. I can only hope someday enhancement will evolve into this, I would play it for sure and I bet I would have tons of fun while doing it.
    Not going to happen, or they should create druids/paladins or some other classes also to be able to be a supportish class. If the enhance shaman is going to be support spec it is a must have for the raids even 5 man groups if they give like 3 auras/buffs or something to the spec that are a big dps/utility increase.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butser View Post
    Not going to happen, or they should create druids/paladins or some other classes also to be able to be a supportish class. If the enhance shaman is going to be support spec it is a must have for the raids even 5 man groups if they give like 3 auras/buffs or something to the spec that are a big dps/utility increase.
    Yeah, I know it's never gonna happen sadly. But it's a cool idea nontheless, it would add some variety but like you said it would be mandatory to have one and maybe in the end would create more harm than good.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Butser View Post
    Not going to happen, or they should create druids/paladins or some other classes also to be able to be a supportish class. If the enhance shaman is going to be support spec it is a must have for the raids even 5 man groups if they give like 3 auras/buffs or something to the spec that are a big dps/utility increase.
    That's one way to look at it, given Blizzard's philosophy and past. But it's actually feasible, if it was an ACTIVE support class that played like everything else. If a utility support class added similar DPS to a party/raid that a DPS class would, it wouldn't be an auto-inclusion, just a choice. Like, if Enhancement was similar to a Discipline Priest, but more active and more about focusing both targets AND players. Of course, it may be an auto-inclusion because of e-peen needs and raid logs, but overall numbers would be equal. For an example of what a skill like that could look like, I defer you to my first comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    What if Enhance had an ability that Enhanced others, and utilized them for your own skills? Player interaction, wut?
    Frostbrand: (45s CD) "Enhance a friendly target's skills with frost for 30 seconds. Their skills slow their target by 10%. Additionally, whenever they use a skill that does damage, your Frost Shock damage is increased by 25%. Stacks 20 times." Something like this is more an "Enhance" play style, adds an interesting interaction to DPS players, and adds a "when should I use this?" element.

  8. #28
    The Lightbringer Ragnarocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metallourlante View Post
    Not blasphemous at all, as a former Enhancement Shaman main I would love to play something like that. A true "support" class if you will, it would feel amazing being in a group and playing like that imho, especially as a person who don't necessarily love to top the damage meter (mainly because, to me, is boring and feel old pretty quick) but rather change your playstile in order to maximixe the damage and healing of the team and for the team. I can only hope someday enhancement will evolve into this, I would play it for sure and I bet I would have tons of fun while doing it.
    I loved this playstyle. I don't recall which expansion it was (maybe even early Legion?) where you would "buff" your party members as you attacked and you'd be throwing lightning all over the place to your allies which gave them little boosts to damage. I think it still "counted" as your damage though when you would look at something like Recount. In any case it was fun to think you were contributing to the raid's damage as a whole.
    “The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarocket View Post
    I loved this playstyle. I don't recall which expansion it was (maybe even early Legion?) where you would "buff" your party members as you attacked and you'd be throwing lightning all over the place to your allies which gave them little boosts to damage. I think it still "counted" as your damage though when you would look at something like Recount. In any case it was fun to think you were contributing to the raid's damage as a whole.
    If you remember, do tell! I feel like, since I skipped MoP through Legion, I missed out on some pretty cool stuff and am now in this void of BfA where they're trying to salvage anything fun. Recently checking MMOC for 8.1 upcoming changes, I saw something about Bloodlust lasting longer on Shaman via a talent. I was like oh..interesting. Then I saw this and got sad. Truly the darkest timeline.

  10. #30
    Dreadlord Metallourlante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarocket View Post
    I loved this playstyle. I don't recall which expansion it was (maybe even early Legion?) where you would "buff" your party members as you attacked and you'd be throwing lightning all over the place to your allies which gave them little boosts to damage. I think it still "counted" as your damage though when you would look at something like Recount. In any case it was fun to think you were contributing to the raid's damage as a whole.
    Yeah that was amazing imo, I think you are referring to stormlash right?In Legion it was triggered automatically by your attacks it was so fun, especially with the "enhanced" pvp version of that talent.
    In MoP we had the stormlash totem, did pretty much the same thing if I recall correctly, except well it was a totem with a cooldown but the feeling of enhancing your raid/party was the best part of the class for me.
    Last edited by Metallourlante; 2018-11-01 at 04:26 PM.

  11. #31
    Just throwing some ideas primarily based on theme around. I dont play anymore so I'm largely out of touch as the numbers game is concerned.

    Totems started out with tons of restrictions to balance out the huge versatility they brought to the table (vanilla - bc). With homogenisation though, totems became a liability and steps such as removing buff totems became necessary. The almost complete removal of totems though to me was testament that blizzard didn't know what to do with them.

    I really would love for totems to become more important again in several ways:
    1) More variety again. They are supposed to be our swiss army knive
    2) Independent of each other. no fire/water/wind/earth totem brackets, no restrictions in numbers either.
    3) Each totem has it's individual rules. No universal rule of being immobile, attackable/5hp, being placed at one's feet etc. One totem could be mobile (searing/magma totem) but have low range, one could act like a pet and move around (totem golem), but killable without much trouble, one could be invisible and work like a trap (stasis totem) but be hard to aim, one could be used like a grenade, but requires you to pick it up again for later use, another could work like a warlock's gate (sentry), but is instable and has low duration. One could summon a wall (stone bulwark) which could work like mei's frost wall (overwatch) and serve as a cover/bridge/lift/catapult/squashing device, one could deflect incoming missiles/projectiles (wind wall), but it would deflect heals too, one could work like a barbarians grim ward (d2). Totems present endless unique possibilities, and making them fundamentally different from each other would go a long way.
    They are our utility belt. Do you want batman without his utility belt? Of course not! Do you want shamans without theirs? Of course not!
    BECAUSE WE'RE.... BATMON!!! (troll shaman)

    Good totem placement should be an indicator of a good player. It should matter and make a lot of a difference if you can hide certain totems behind a pillar, protect them otherwise or place them when an enemy is incapacitated or not paying attention.

    The ancestral/spectral/spirits of the wild archetype of the class is underwhelming.

    1) It'd be nice to have a shaman version of the perma water elemental option, but for feral spirits (not as a highest dmg talent choice, obviously). In addition to damage, it could add utility in form of healing, having the wolves' old stun and fearing howl abilities. Instead of having two perma wolves, it could summon one single big wolf, which could be additionally avaiable or be a replacement for the regular feral spirits. You could even allow mounting that wolf, which would make it the first companion/pet that serves as mount too, unique and awesome.
    2)More options for race specific feral spirits (would include the sole big feral spirit/mount as well) would be cool as well (spectral lion for tauren for example)
    3) Spectral flying form would be awesome!
    Tauren get eagle, orcs get wyvern, trolls get bats, zandalari get terrodaxes, dwarfs get gryphons, mag'har orcs get rylaks...
    4) Some many years ago I dreamed about a spectral worgen fighting form, similar to what druids had with claws of shirvallah talent. Would fit with "enhancing" yourself and be bloody cool.

    Still too little in the form of frost (damage).
    1) Wether as single target, cleave or aoe dmg, I would like more, especially visiually-wise. We always lacked frost dmg, but with Frost Shock gone, even more so now.
    2) I could also see a frost based totem, that would make enemies slip, like with Ahune's frost patches.
    3) There should be more frost based armor. Outside of the little we've got in wotlk, shaman's have been starved for frost themed equipment. Especially WoD (frostwolves) would've been a good opportunity for that, but alas...

    Bring fire nova madness back. It was glorious. Make it a little bit less annoying in setting it up though (it required lava lash and flame shock and also incorporated unleash elements), which, combined with a low cd, made for very annoying gameplay. The result was dope though.

    Remove mana. At least on all non-healing and non-purge spells. I can understand healing/purge being spammable to be a concern, but otherwise, remove the costs. With the low mana pool enh has had for a while now, it feels dumb to not be able to play totems because you oom-ed through heals/purges. It makes no sense in the first place imo that you cant physically "drop" a totem, which I imagine was imbued with magics beforehand.
    Last edited by mmoc593e7db3da; 2018-11-01 at 05:57 PM.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Omanley1 View Post
    I like the idea of totems as pseudo-minions, to be honest. Your points about totems all being one archetype is rather glaring. I mean, obviously the idea and flavor of a totem is that...they're totems. They do totem things, ie. never move and have an effect. Once they stop doing totem things, they aren't really totems. In that regard, Blizzard would have to rethink the spell identity. The word Totem pretty much inhibits creativity, and gives Blizzard an out for saying "Well it's the class flavor, and totems don't do these things" so they get to work within certain confines. Breaking out of that is a lot of work, and doesn't ever seem feasible for the foreseeable future, especially with how simple class design has become.

    That being said, they can EASILY break out of the totem dynamic with something like this (here comes a random far'fetched new idea):
    Totems is your POWER (not Maelstrom), like how DK had different types of runes. You have 1 Totem for each element (4 or whatever), and can utilize different abilities depending on which Element you invoke. Think Invoker from Dota 2.

    So let's say this new Shaman ENHANCES their Elemental Power utilizing the Totems on their back, calling the Elements into them, then Invoking that power. For instance...You have 4 different base weapon abilities representing the elements. Some talents to reset cooldowns or focus certain elements, whatever. Some way, you're able to manipulate your Totem Power. You get a skill from 1 Fire, 1 Lightning, 1 Earth. You can wait and add another Fire to increase its damage, or another Earth to increase its AoE, or Lightning to add a DoT, or a combination of the two. If you add an Ice, though, it invokes a different skill. Then those totems go on cooldown relative to how much of that element was used.

    ...or just make Totems less Totemy and allow them legs or arms or something, haha.
    Last edited by WorldofWorkcraft; 2018-11-01 at 07:00 PM.

  13. #33
    I dont think the term totem in and of itself is restrictive.
    That totems are stationary or destroyable, that was a design philosophy since vanilla, yes
    What was also a design philosophy since release?
    warrior stance dancing
    hunter dead zone
    paladin 5minute blessings
    group limited totem buffs
    2h shamans

    And many more. All removed/changed. So clearly it comes down to wether or not they (blizzard) would be willing to do this, nothing else.
    Totems have elemental energy channeled through them. You could argue that they are even possessed by tiny elementals. And when a totem can summon an earth elemental, it should also be able to summon one that carries the totem, allowing it to be mobile.
    In fact, in a lot of high fantasy settings, golems are animated by their core, a totemy item embedded in their bodies. A totem could form golems/elementals around themselves np.
    A fire or wind totem could also produce hot winds and with them updrafts that keep them floating
    Another totem could be like the hearthstone totem golem (i.e., it is a wooden golem in totem fashion, animated by the elemental energy channeled into it.
    Throwing totems has been around for a while already. The manner of how to place individual totems already has variables.
    There've also been totems with more than 5 hp (elemental totems, stoneclaw...), so there is nothing set in stone in terms of hp number either.
    Sentry totem has been usable across large distances, so range is also not a required constant.
    There were talents in place for a short while which allowed the placement of 2 totems of the same element, ergo we do not need elemental restrictions

    As far as I am aware, the only totemy attribute about totems that we cannot compromise about is... that they are totems => elementally(could be widened to introduce spirit-themed totems) imbued primal tools, used in various ways to further our goals. There has never been a spell identity which totems HAD to follow, or they would lose their identity.

    Your idea about different abilities linked to different totems(as a recource) sounds interesting, but impossibly hard to implement, if it includes both totems (utility) and damage rotation. If your totems (recource) are on cd because of your dmg rota, would you be unable to use totems (utility tools)?
    It looks like an ability cluster to me, a term I came up with long ago to describe the restrictive nature of shaman design, present in old shocks, elemental shields, elemental totems, old totems, old maelstrom weapons proc, old feral spirits, old shamanistic rage, weapon imbues, unleash elements (with different imbues active).
    Blizzard moved away from ability clusters for the most part, as shamans are concerned and i'd prefer it to keep that way.
    Last edited by mmoc593e7db3da; 2018-11-01 at 07:52 PM.

  14. #34
    The Lightbringer Ragnarocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    I like the idea of totems as pseudo-minions, to be honest. Your points about totems all being one archetype is rather glaring. I mean, obviously the idea and flavor of a totem is that...they're totems. They do totem things, ie. never move and have an effect. Once they stop doing totem things, they aren't really totems. In that regard, Blizzard would have to rethink the spell identity. The word Totem pretty much inhibits creativity, and gives Blizzard an out for saying "Well it's the class flavor, and totems don't do these things" so they get to work within certain confines. Breaking out of that is a lot of work, and doesn't ever seem feasible for the foreseeable future, especially with how simple class design has become.

    That being said, they can EASILY break out of the totem dynamic with something like this (here comes a random far'fetched new idea):
    Totems is your POWER (not Maelstrom), like how DK had different types of runes. You have 1 Totem for each element (4 or whatever), and can utilize different abilities depending on which Element you invoke. Think Invoker from Dota 2.

    So let's say this new Shaman ENHANCES their Elemental Power utilizing the Totems on their back, calling the Elements into them, then Invoking that power. For instance...You have 4 different base weapon abilities representing the elements. Some talents to reset cooldowns or focus certain elements, whatever. Some way, you're able to manipulate your Totem Power. You get a skill from 1 Fire, 1 Lightning, 1 Earth. You can wait and add another Fire to increase its damage, or another Earth to increase its AoE, or Lightning to add a DoT, or a combination of the two. If you add an Ice, though, it invokes a different skill. Then those totems go on cooldown relative to how much of that element was used.

    ...or just make Totems less Totemy and allow them legs or arms or something, haha.
    Oh man, it's funny you mention this I was working on an "Invoker style" Elemental Shaman concept the other day.

    I think that'd be a really cool way to do things.

    I know that's Elemental and not Enhancement though lol. But the idea is that you could buff each element and unleash a big finisher.

    Edit: Don't judge me too harshly. I know it feels OP or too complex at the moment xD
    Last edited by Ragnarocket; 2018-11-01 at 11:48 PM.
    “The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”

  15. #35
    Is there any other direction for my main (enhancement) to go, except this universal forum feeling "I buff the raid -so it makes me a valid member of the group"-niche? It used to be our thing back in the day, I understand. Totem dropping really makes people happy? OP has some nice points tho.

  16. #36
    The Lightbringer Ragnarocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorbus View Post
    Is there any other direction for my main (enhancement) to go, except this universal forum feeling "I buff the raid -so it makes me a valid member of the group"-niche? It used to be our thing back in the day, I understand. Totem dropping really makes people happy? OP has some nice points tho.
    I mean I wouldn't call that the ONLY thing I've seen. Some people just wanna feel like they are hitting things with lots of lightning and fire with their melee weapons and crushing enemies with elemental damage. The buffing thing is just something people are saying COULD be a direction.
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  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarocket View Post
    I mean I wouldn't call that the ONLY thing I've seen. Some people just wanna feel like they are hitting things with lots of lightning and fire with their melee weapons and crushing enemies with elemental damage. The buffing thing is just something people are saying COULD be a direction.
    A moderator. I welcome you Sir. Not the most positive position in these forums, I assume.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Lythelia View Post
    I read through your post. I very much agree with the design philosophy.

    "When you're playing this class, you should feel why it is called enhancement! This should not be a question and totems, ancestral powers, and elements should come into play with this feeling!"

    I don't necessarily agree on the idea of just changing our how our DPS is delivered. I think enhancement should lean far more into the fact that Shamans are in fact a hybrid class. What I'm about to say is borderline blasphemous but.. what if our DPS was only average but our entire focus was about enhancing the combat capabilities of our allies? Make us a truly invaluable spec and give us the ability to act far more like a support spec.

    As it stands we can harness the four elements, totems, and the powers of our ancestors. So, to start keep Enhancement similar to how it is now where we have some abilities, we build Maelstrom. Perhaps expand what we have access to and give us healing rain and chain heal as well. As we spend Maelstrom we gain stacks of some kind of buff (We'll call it Shamanistic Knowledge) at X stacks of Shamanistic Knowledge we can use a full bar of Maelstrom to transform our abilities. When we hit this button we are presented with how we want to alter our abilities and how we want to support our allies.

    From there we can choose to either bolster our allies offensive capabilities, or bolster their defensive capabilities, or gain personally improved offensive capabilities, or be a clutch support healer. Depending on what we choose our abilities alter for 15 - 20 seconds, giving us a window to perform whichever role we need to fill.

    What does that look like in practice? So, Johnny Awesome hits his Shamanistic Knowledge and chooses to boost his raid's DPS. For the next 15 seconds, Flametongue can now be capitalized on by all of his allies who are gaining additional DPS from their hits. Stormstrike now increases all magic damage taken by an additional X%. Everytime the Shaman uses RB the raid gains X% amount of additional resources for 5 seconds. Capacitor Totem now not only stuns the target but also acts like CS Totem and deals X% of damage being done to the targets by the Shaman's allies.

    What if he decided to buff their defenses? CL now gives allies a bonus to Avoidance for 10 seconds, WR Totem now grants a boost to Dodge while allies are under it's effects. ES and LS now is applied to your allies, TT grants a bonus to Vers while it's active.

    Healer? You essentially get AG active for this duration, any totem you have also acts as CB Totem(only one totem can serve this function at a time).You get one use of NG that can work for anyone in the party. Instead of SS procs you get procs that give you a free HS, HW, or HR. AP Totem now temporarily brings back all fallen allies for 10 seconds and allows them to fight for that duration.

    Then if he wanted to just do more burst damage he can choose to essentially gain Ascendance.

    I mean, my ideas are all bad and I should be ashamed but I really do think the idea of just being a Fury Warrior except with fire is just boring and uninspired.
    Yea, i like this idea a lot. I've always said there should be a class that's pure buffs. Say the DPS shaman pulls are below average or even just plain pretty crap, but make it so the play style is we do rotations to buff the raid. I feel like this can also help with class distribution or having to bring a certain number of healers and what not.

    The only "bad" thing I see with this is Blizzard will inevitably tune the encounters with this in mind, and it'll just be the same thing all over again. What? Shamans can let the raid do 10% more DPS? Then let's work that in so they HAVE to be getting the buffs to down this boss. Stuff like this makes the game both challenging and old real quick.

    There's been classes that's pure buff only in other games and they seem to work out real well.
    Last edited by op3l; 2018-11-02 at 08:20 AM.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Lythelia View Post
    I read through your post. I very much agree with the design philosophy.

    "When you're playing this class, you should feel why it is called enhancement! This should not be a question and totems, ancestral powers, and elements should come into play with this feeling!"

    I don't necessarily agree on the idea of just changing our how our DPS is delivered. I think enhancement should lean far more into the fact that Shamans are in fact a hybrid class. What I'm about to say is borderline blasphemous but.. what if our DPS was only average but our entire focus was about enhancing the combat capabilities of our allies? Make us a truly invaluable spec and give us the ability to act far more like a support spec.

    As it stands we can harness the four elements, totems, and the powers of our ancestors. So, to start keep Enhancement similar to how it is now where we have some abilities, we build Maelstrom. Perhaps expand what we have access to and give us healing rain and chain heal as well. As we spend Maelstrom we gain stacks of some kind of buff (We'll call it Shamanistic Knowledge) at X stacks of Shamanistic Knowledge we can use a full bar of Maelstrom to transform our abilities. When we hit this button we are presented with how we want to alter our abilities and how we want to support our allies.

    From there we can choose to either bolster our allies offensive capabilities, or bolster their defensive capabilities, or gain personally improved offensive capabilities, or be a clutch support healer. Depending on what we choose our abilities alter for 15 - 20 seconds, giving us a window to perform whichever role we need to fill.

    What does that look like in practice? So, Johnny Awesome hits his Shamanistic Knowledge and chooses to boost his raid's DPS. For the next 15 seconds, Flametongue can now be capitalized on by all of his allies who are gaining additional DPS from their hits. Stormstrike now increases all magic damage taken by an additional X%. Everytime the Shaman uses RB the raid gains X% amount of additional resources for 5 seconds. Capacitor Totem now not only stuns the target but also acts like CS Totem and deals X% of damage being done to the targets by the Shaman's allies.

    What if he decided to buff their defenses? CL now gives allies a bonus to Avoidance for 10 seconds, WR Totem now grants a boost to Dodge while allies are under it's effects. ES and LS now is applied to your allies, TT grants a bonus to Vers while it's active.

    Healer? You essentially get AG active for this duration, any totem you have also acts as CB Totem(only one totem can serve this function at a time).You get one use of NG that can work for anyone in the party. Instead of SS procs you get procs that give you a free HS, HW, or HR. AP Totem now temporarily brings back all fallen allies for 10 seconds and allows them to fight for that duration.

    Then if he wanted to just do more burst damage he can choose to essentially gain Ascendance.

    I mean, my ideas are all bad and I should be ashamed but I really do think the idea of just being a Fury Warrior except with fire is just boring and uninspired.
    Quiet possibly the best Idea of enhancement shamans I've ever read. I'd happily be a mid table class if my class was desired because of its raid utility. Not just a buff that last an hour or something, but something specific that is part of our rotation that greatly improves our raid effort.

  20. #40
    i just want to be an elemental warrior so to speak.. i like the current version way more than these suggestions honestly. i'd just like to see the rng toned down,hailstorm baseline and have the damage be spread more evenly among the abilities.. else what's the point in having anything other than stormstrike?

    also maybe not shoehorn in almost all survivability to ghost wolf.
    I had fun once, it was terrible.

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