1. #1

    To a Layman why all the hate towards Diablo Immortal?

    To a Layman why all the hate towards Diablo Immortal?

    I barely played through Diablo 2 even though i shouldve done so so i know about the game its just i never gave it much thought afterwards until now and it seems the whole internet is exploding thanks to Diablo Immortal and i wanna know the reason why?

  2. #2
    Basically, last year they made a blogpost saying not to get hyped. That was fine, if a bit sad. This year they made a blogpost saying they're working on multiple Diablo projects and are excited to talk about them at Blizzcon, but:
    "We know what many of you are hoping for and we can only say that “good things come to those who wait,” but evil things often take longer."
    The only real way to read this is that they're not ready to talk about Diablo 4(or whatever it ends up being called) yet, because that's what "many of you are hoping for". Then the big(and only) announcement regarding Diablo is... a mobile game at a convention for PC gamers(because that's what Blizzard has always focused on primarily, even Hearthstone, their big "mobile" title has a PC version).
    Their PR department completely fucked up the time and place for that announcement, especially because there was no Diablo news for the actual Diablo playerbase, instead only sharing news regarding a title that's very clearly aimed at the Asian mobile game market. "Do you guys not have phones?" was also a pretty bad thing to say on stage when asked if there'd be a PC version.
    And now the "gaming media" idiots are all coming out of their holes crying about how Diablo fans are entitled, racist, sexist and whatever else they can come up with, which isn't helping.

    TL;DR: Announced mobile game at a PC gaming convention, after hyping up the PC playerbase (some of whom paid like 1k USD to be there in person) that there'd be news relevant to them.
    Last edited by Tradu; 2018-11-05 at 09:18 AM.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  3. #3
    Closing. There are multiple threads discussing Diablo Immortal already.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

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