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  1. #1

    WoW All-Stars Racial Leaders

    Choose who you think would be the ideal racial leader. This is pure fantasy so you are not bound to timelines and death. Just try to imagine the cream of the crop all in current WoW leading their respective races.

    Horde Warchief and Orcs racial leader: Grom Hellscream
    We got a glimpse as to how Grom might have led the Horde when his son did. People like to glorify Grom, but AU Grom, for better or worse, showed Grom was not much better than his son as far as being a warmonger. HOWEVER... I'd like to think MU Grom might have done things differently, and I would love to see Grom sitting in Grommash Hold with Thrall as his advisor to reel him in.

    Trolls racial leader: Zul'jin
    He's just the most badass troll ever, in my opinion. I know, he hated blood elves, but we know Blizzard ramped that up just to turn him into a raid boss. For the survival of the Amani trolls, Zul'jin would lead an united troll empire as part of Da Horde under Warchiief Grom, one-eyed, one-armed and all in all his badassery.

    Tauren racial leader: Cairne Bloodhoof
    Let's pretend it was Baine, and not Cairne who died in some sort of honorable duel to prove himself to his father, and we would have never gotten the Baine we had, but kept the greatest Tauren that ever lived. Enough said.

    Undead racial leader: AU Ner'zhul
    I am way thinking outside the box here, so bear with me. Sylvanas' fate unravels as it's supposed to. Garrosh'ed, exiled, becomes Goddess of Death, or simply its puppet, what have you. The Forsaken need a leader. Who does Grom turn to? Perhaps one of the darkest casters he has ever known, and where does he get the body? Alternate Draenor. With the Forsaken's identity no longer tied to Lordaeron, they are now represented by a council led by Ner'zhul. This is due to AU Ner'zhul's gross underuse in WoD.

    Blood Elf racial leader: Kael'thas Sunstrider
    We all know he went mad for no good reason. It should have never happened, and I still yearn to see what the Kael'thas of Warcraft III would be like leading his people in a post-Lich King Azeroth.

    Goblin racial leader: Gallywix
    He is perfect and does not need to be changed!

    Pandaren are such a non-presence, I don't feel the need to appoint two racial leaders that would make much difference.

    Obviously I won't include fantasy allied racial leaders as it's a relatively new concept and they're just alternate flavors of their main counterparts.

    Alliance High King and Human racial leader: Varian Wrynn
    Everyone knows killing Varian was the biggest mistake of Legion and it served no purpose. Anduin should have died instead, and it would have been the noblest thing he ever did. Alliance keeps its flawed but great war hero and Anduin becomes a legend instead of an annoyance.

    I would keep the Council of 3 Hammers, I like it.

    Night Elf racial leader: Illidan Stormrage
    Enough! The night elves will no longer be a joke! After Tyrande and Malfurion die an agonizing death, the night elves seek out Illidan, the savior of the cosmos and jailor of Sargeras. The night elves begin a new chapter, weaponizing the fel from the knowledge Illidan imparts by plucking Sargeras' toe nails one at a time. Tree huggers need not apply. Druids accept this new destiny, expanding their ranks with fire druids and fel druids who can shape shift into animal demons and fel trees who run around with fel flame on their burning bushes.

    Gnome racial leader: Gelbin Mekkatorque's Head
    During the process of becoming a cyborg, a tragedy occurs; only Mekkatorque's head and brilliant brain is salvageable, being placed in a cybernetic spider walker. As the mind of the alliance, and now simply a head, he begins inventing twisted machinations to aid the alliance in crushing the Horde.

    Worgen racial leader: Tess Greymane
    When her father is killed in combat, Tess leads a joint effort with Varian to re-take her father's land, contracting the Worgen curse and reclaiming Gilneas for the alliance. She's going to be a badass worgen in tight leather pants and introduce Bards to the Alliance: rocker edge lords who use guitars to blow out their opponents' eardrums and buff their party with wicked guitar riffs.

    Velen remains leader of the Draenei.

    Imagine all of these ingredients boiling in the same pot of modern day Azeroth, it sure would make for a better faction war. I dare you to fantasize better.
    Last edited by Kyphael; 2018-11-28 at 07:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Horde Warchief and Troll racial leader: Vol'jin
    Vol'jin stepped up in a big way and just seemed to hold all the right ideals for the Horde and what makes them the Horde. Not whiny and wimpy like Thrall became but also not bloodthirsty like Sylvanas; he just seems to strike the right balance and evoke the strength I want to see in a Warchief.

    Orc racial leader: Saurfang
    Clarification - pre-BFA Saurfang. In his current state I'm not exactly sure he's the same character we've come to know over previous expansions. I can't see the orcs being led by someone who isn't a seasoned veteran, and you don't get more seasoned than the guy who's been the subject of Chuck Norris-like jokes. He's got a good balance thanks to all the things he's seen and endured to make decisions wisely and would complement Vol'jin really well.

    Tauren racial leader: Cairne Bloodhoof
    Agree with you on Cairne. Baine honestly just hasn't done anything to make him interesting to me, so far at least. Side note, we could probably use some more significant tauren characters since I really can't think of all that many.

    Undead racial leader: Thrall
    Crazy and complete insanity, right? Here's my reasoning: For one, I can't think of any existing Forsaken that aren't somewhere on the evil and/or irresponsible spectrum. The Forsaken are the consistent stain on the Horde's reputation and seem to ally with the Horde out of convenience more than anything else. The Forsaken need to prove their allegiance and earn trust. Until they do this, someone that will actually keep them in check needs to be in charge. Thrall is the perfect person for this for a few reasons - one, it's a mess he allowed to fester so he should be responsible for cleaning it up. two, his strength has always been getting people to work together and building trust. Eventually I'm sure there would be a good Forsaken to put in charge, but rather than puppet leadership, I'd just put Thrall there until they're ready.

    Blood Elf racial leader: Lor'themar
    This guy stepped up during MoP and deserves his position as leader. He makes for a good addition to the Horde leadership "council" since he appears to be one of the strongest diplomats Hordeside.

    Goblin racial leader: Gazlowe?
    Struggling with this one. All I know is absolutely NOT Gallywix. Leaving him in charge when Thrall invited them to the Horde was a terrible idea and should have been fixed ages ago. Gallywix is a terrible faction leader who literally enslaved his own people.

    Agree on Pandaren, but it would be nice if they made them relevant.

    Alliance High King and Dwarven racial leader: Muradin Bronzebeard
    Humans have had their time, it's time for them to listen to someone else for a change. This is highly personal preference of course; I'm weary of human-dominant fantasy settings and I think the dwarves make for a good race to step up. Ditch the council of 3 hammers because the faction leaders are a council of sorts anyway and it's just a level of complexity that doesn't need to persist. I'm sure this will piss of Moira but, oh well.

    Night Elf racial leader: Shandris Feathermoon
    Tyrande seems to care more about Malfurion than her people, so she can gtfo. Shandris is clearly hardcore military, but I think it makes sense for the night elves to be lead by someone like that right now, in light of the loss of Teldrassil. Give them someone who has dark edges and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty to reinvigorate them into a force to be feared (and separated from druids).

    Gnome racial leader: Gelbin Mekkatorque
    Fine as is, no strong opinion tbh.

    Worgen racial leader: Tess Greymane
    While I'm not so sure about your bard angle (hehe), I like this idea a lot. Genn needs to go.

  3. #3
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Chen Stormstout for Pandaren racial leader!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Chen Stormstout for Pandaren racial leader!
    Yeah but for which side? =P

  5. #5
    I am Murloc! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Warchief of the Horde: Rexxar

    Orc racial leader: Some original and new character who has had competent character development

    Undead racial leader: Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Archbishop Faol as a council type thing (a la Council of Three Hammers) with each member checking each other. Of course this would mean Nathanos would have to stand against Sylvanas, but not outright betray her.

    I play Horde so meh.

  6. #6
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post
    Yeah but for which side? =P
    Both sides. The Pandaren are just having a big, fun brawl, that's all.

    EDIT: I think Rexxar would be a great Warchief, IMO.

  7. #7
    Orcs: totally Thrall. Saurfang serves no purpose but dying of old age and the Death of Dranosh and his Yolo style of MUH honor make him a burden at this point.

    Goblins: since Gallywix is the worst on every standard you can pull, give the job to our buddy Gazlowe. He has honor and even makes discounts for friends.

    Trolls: Vol'jin. Because duh? There was no reason to kill him off in the first place.

    Undeath: Sylvanas but without the REEEEEE Mode about mass killing all. She works best scheming in the background without all of this massive world War crap.

    Tauren: Cairne, stormsong grimmtotem or Tagar Ragetotem. Baine is just an embarrassment at this point.

    Blood Elves: KAEL'THAS !!! Just a wasted character whose only purpose was dropping epic loot.

  8. #8
    Dreadlord saintminya's Avatar
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    Orcs: Thrall. He's just a genuinely great guy.

    Trolls: tempting to say Vol'jin, but I have to agree with Zul'jin. He is the great one after all.

    Undead: Fullheartedly agree with Ner'zhul. He was a pioneer of undeath, and sorely wasted in WoD. At least he got to be a boss, unlike poor Orgrim.

    Goblins: Jastor Gallywix. There never was a truer Goblin. Should something happen to him, I'd gladly put my lot in with Gazlowe.

    Tauren: Ordos. That badass Yaungol worshipped like a god.

    Sin'dorei: Kael'thas Sunstrider. As cool as Lorthemar is, he pales in comparison to the glory that was Kael.

    Pandaren: Chen Stormstout.

  9. #9
    The Lightbringer Fullmetal89's Avatar
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    Orcs: Bring Garry back and kill off Thrall already.
    Trolls: Don't care, revive Zul'jin or something. Trolls all sound retarded and I never cared about their lore.
    Tauren: Chief Thunder-skins.
    Undead: Sylvanas, lets face it she's Blizz's waifu she's not going anywhere and she makes ally and furries mad and that's a good thing.
    Blood Elves: Like OP said there was literally no reason to make Kael'thas turbo evil. He should have remained the Belf faction leader.
    Goblins: Don't really care, Gallywinx is fine.

    Pandaren: Chen? Taran Zhu? Some THIC fempanda?

    Humans: Bolvar Fordragon because Anduin looks like Justin Bieber and isn't cool enough to be faction leader.
    Dwarf: Ragnaros possessing the body of Magni Bronzebeard (Diamond).
    Nelf: Literally anybody but Tyrande/Malfurion those two are long past their expiration date and the quest chain in Val'shara was actually worse than rescue Thrall arc in Cataclysm.
    Gnomes: Super-computer with Mekkatorque's brain inside, something like the boss of Fallout 1.
    Draenei: Yrel because Velen has outlived his purpose in the story and alliance need somebody on their faction the horde can cry blood murder about.
    Worgen: Don't care they can all yiff in hell.
    "I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. "
    General Jack D. Ripper.

  10. #10
    Orcs - Orgrim
    Tauren - Cairne
    Undead - Sylvanas
    Trolls - Vol'jin
    Blood Elves - Lor'themar

    Humans - Bolvar Fordragon
    Night Elves - Maiev
    Gnomes - Mekkatorque
    Draenei - Yrel
    Worgen - Darius Crowley
    Dwarves - Gotrek Gurnisson

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by LoaThaFett View Post
    Warchief of the Horde: Rexxar

    Orc racial leader: Some original and new character who has had competent character development

    Undead racial leader: Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Archbishop Faol as a council type thing (a la Council of Three Hammers) with each member checking each other. Of course this would mean Nathanos would have to stand against Sylvanas, but not outright betray her.

    I play Horde so meh.
    Current Nathanos is the worst character in wow history.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    Current Nathanos is the worst character in wow history.
    Nah, Gallywix is worse.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Fullmetal89 View Post
    Tauren: Chief Thunder-skins.
    lol who?

    Humans: Bolvar Fordragon because Anduin looks like Justin Bieber and isn't cool enough to be faction leader.
    Dwarf: Ragnaros possessing the body of Magni Bronzebeard (Diamond).
    Haha, Justin Bieber. Also, the Ragnaros possession angle would be sweet, though I suppose it would be a bit similar to Ragnaros/Thaurissan, so why not Therazane? They haven't done anything with her and she's like, the Earth elemental.

    Draenei: Yrel because Velen has outlived his purpose in the story and alliance need somebody on their faction the horde can cry blood murder about.
    Been seeing Yrel a lot as Draenei leader. I thought of her but as Lightforged leader.

  14. #14
    Orc: Thrall
    Tauren: Cairne
    Troll: Vol'jin
    Undead: Nathanos
    Goblin: Gallywix
    Blood Elf: Anasterian

    Stormwind: Anduin
    Night Elf: Tyrande
    Draenei: Velen
    Dwarf: Magni
    Gnome: Gelbin
    Gilneans: Lorna

    Pandaren: Shaohao

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    Current Nathanos is the worst character in wow history.
    That would be Varian.

  16. #16
    Orcs: Eitrigg or Garrosh after getting a battle rez

    Trolls: Rokhan or Loa'Jin

    Tauren: Anyone pls, baine is such a shame for the Taurens that I bought a race change and also because of the lack of lore, heck some bastard of Magatha Grimtotem could work

    Undead: Arthas, seriously the horde needs powerhouses and someone that could actually looks like a fucking undead forsaken, also I want him to give the beat of his life to Anduin Bieber and being a snark ass with Jaina every chance he gets

    Belves: Kael being the warlock leader with some grudges with Arthas, Theron is fine but he will shine more if he were the field commander while Kael'thas does the paperwork and fights every while when the situation is dire

    Goblins: Gazlowe is more useful than Gallywix but the latter is more fun to interact and fulfil his role as gag character

    Stormwind: Varian or Wyrmbane, those dudes were morally back in wotlk and recently in zandalar with killing exiles

    Dwarfs: The council works fine but I would love for Moira to take a more active role with her dark irons into doing the dirty work of the alliance, this dudes already has their reputation, better get an use of that

    Gnomes: Gelbin is fine but I want him to take a more aggressive stance with the horde and even assimilating some philosophy from the mechagnomes about how to deal with "vermins"

    Nelves: Maiev or Illidan at charge, seriously these elves are becoming into a joke, they need some badass that will put in their place any idiot that dares to harm them and Illidan will pretty much be the counter of Arthas

    Draenei: Yrel, I want the brown orcs and green skins to cry about genocide and how they got their feelings hurt because of these draenei chick, seriously send Velen to some spiritual journey or retirement, he needs to rest since his storyline is over

    Worgen: The Genn of the second war or replace him with his ruthless daughter, this guys were the promised forsakens of the alliance and they have yet to display that

    The allied races leader are fine but I will suggest to give a bit more of edgy to the alliance side and the horde can get the most honorable part with the new ones
    Quote Originally Posted by Varitok View Post
    No, she is my waifu. Stop posting and delete this thread immediately.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    Voted Baine because... Well, Baine. Total nonsensical character, looks like World War II Italy, nobody really understands what role he's supposed to fill, not even himself

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Rathbourne's Avatar
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    Human - Anduin Lothar
    Dwarf - Modimus Anvilmar
    Gnome - Gelbin Mekkatorque
    Nightelves - Tyrande Whisperwind
    Worgen - Genn Greymane
    Draenei - Prophet Velen

    Orc - Thrall
    Troll - Zul'jin
    Tauren - Cairne Bloodhoof
    Bloodelf - Kael'thas Sunstrider
    Golbin - Gazlowe
    Forsaken - Sylvanas Windrunner

    Pandaren: Shaohao
    Last edited by Rathbourne; 2018-11-29 at 05:21 AM.

  18. #18
    Don't really get the Thrall love tbh. Yeah he's a nice guy, but he's made several terrible and costly decisions as Horde leader. I'm not even sure I'm happy that I gave him a spot on my list

    Quote Originally Posted by Grazrug View Post
    Nah, Gallywix is worse.
    At least Gallywix acts like you'd expect a goblin to act, remotely tries to be a team player, and generally treats others with respect.

    Nathanos treats ONE person with respect and serves it with heaps of bootlicking and fawning nonsense. Meanwhile he acts like everyone else are no better than peons that are really bad at their jobs. His characterization is over the top and absurd and honestly there's no clear explanation why he's even in the position he's in. The dude was basically a hermit with some pet undead dogs and now he's the right hand man of Sylvanas? Yeah, he's crap.

  19. #19

    Human - Bolvar or even Jaina tbh.
    Dwarf - Magni
    Gnomes - Gelbin
    Night Elves - Tyrande (before 8.1 questline (Dark Warrior) I'd say someone else... but dayum )
    Draenei - Yrel/Maarad
    Worgens - Sylvanas (get it? )


    Orcs - WC3 Thrall
    Trolls - Pfft dunno... never cared for them that much. Let it be Vol'Jin.
    Taurens - CAIRNE!
    Undeads - Sylvanas!
    Bloof Elves - Lor'themar
    Goblins - Gallywix

  20. #20
    If you want to make a sensible all star list, you have to write Varian, Cairne, Velen, Sylvanas, Genn, Magni, Gelbin as a must. But if we are looking for alternative strong leaders, here we go:


    Human - Anduin Lothar
    Dwarf - Kurdran Wildhammer
    Gnomes - Millhouse Manastorm (just a useless alternative)
    Night Elves - Illidan Stormrage
    Draenei - Akama
    Worgens - Darius Crowley


    Orcs - Grom HELLSCREAM (too many alternatives Orgrim, Gul'dan, Thrall, Garrosh)
    Trolls - Zul'Jin (the only troll that really has a point)
    Taurens - Huln Highmountain
    Undeads - Darion Mograine (with his corrupted ashbringer)
    Bloof Elves - Kael'thas Sunstrider (rightful king!)
    Goblins - Gazlowe (just a useless alternative)

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