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  1. #21
    Stood in the Fire buddhapunch09's Avatar
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    How can anyone argue or say this is a good thing? These people are losing their homes and livelihood... If they were to even get compensation for their land I still dont think its right. They did nothing wrong and now they have to uproot and change their whole life!? Its sooo evil.
    "You can't make the judgement of prostitution simply by observing an exchange of goods." - Quetzl

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by your mother View Post
    no it doesnt, look at the annexation of kuwait, it got reversed as soon as it happened, and now the fuss with crimea is the same
    Because Iraq wasn't able to fend off NATO troops. They couldn't hold the land, therefore they couldn't keep it.

    Ukraine, on the other hand, can't do a fucking thing about Russia, because no one except perhaps China can, and therefore the Crimean peninsula is under Russian control.
    Cheerful lack of self-preservation

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    We've known that they were trying to pass this since Spring, but they're now going through with it.




    Congratulations on becoming a safe haven for the far right MMO champion, worst moderation I've ever seen.

  4. #24
    SA did a official report of those with mass land ownership, what they flag as white of course was #1, numerous other though are also on the land list area Asians, Indians/Pakistan, Africa, etc. in the list ironicly not SA blacks

    yes not SA blacks are on the list for confiscation.
    Last edited by pinkz; 2018-12-09 at 08:21 PM.

  5. #25
    In the current state of political correctness in the world i can just assume that most reta... people would agree that this is a good thing.
    "Herp derp bad things happened to black people in the past so white people should be shamed for that forever and ever".

    I just hope that the ones in support of this are somehow punished in the future...

  6. #26
    The Unstoppable Force Theodarzna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prabog View Post
    It appears that @Theodarzna was correct in her prediction.
    One should also point out that in order of arrivals the Afrikaaners have lived in South Africa longer than most of the Bantu speaking Zulu who arrived after the Boers.

    I mean, if we are going by whom was where first, than that would be it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    i think I have my posse filled out now. Mars is Theo, Jupiter is Vanyali, Linadra is Venus, and Heather is Mercury. Dragon can be Pluto.
    On MMO-C we learn that Anti-Fascism is locking arms with corporations, the State Department and agreeing with the CIA, But opposing the CIA and corporate America, and thinking Jews have a right to buy land and can expect tenants to pay rent THAT is ultra-Fash Nazism. Bellingcat is an MI6/CIA cut out. Clyburn Truther.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by fultwope View Post



    Congratulations on becoming a safe haven for the far right MMO champion, worst moderation I've ever seen.
    A thread stating the truth is now considered to be indicative of "a safe haven for the far right"? Sounds like you want this place to become ResetERA, where discussions are shut down when the truth doesn't align with what the admins want to believe.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by fultwope View Post



    Congratulations on becoming a safe haven for the far right MMO champion, worst moderation I've ever seen.
    Whose burner are you?

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomzy View Post
    That mod doesn't really seem like they are shutting it down because of a political viewpoint, but because the thread got derailed.
    Read for yourself!

  10. #30
    There seem to be no official source from this aside from game forums and right wing nutter websites.

  11. #31
    Stood in the Fire steristumpie's Avatar
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    South African here.

    It sux terribly. First farm up for confiscation is some dude who used a bit of inheritance to put down deposit on some farmland he bought in 2003, like basically a decade AFTER the end of apartheid.

    It really sux. What most us really want now, is that if we’re too white to be South Africans and we are no longer welcome in this country, for our ancestral homelands to take us back. No white South African alive, nor our fathers, nor our grandfathers, and in most circumstances further back, chose to be born South African. We’re just here. I feel our cousins / brothers / kin in Holland, France, Germany and UK where our great great grandparents originally came from owe it to us to return our citizenship. If you’re prepared to take thousands of middle eastern and North African refugees based on economic difficulties, how about taking back those who originally came from your countries who’s very lives are in actual danger.

    Edit: If you have any questions on this shoot, I’m neither a lefty nor a righty. I’ll give you my best impartial answer

    Edit 2: Sorry if my grammar is an abortion, English isn’t my first language.
    Last edited by steristumpie; 2018-12-09 at 08:39 PM.

  12. #32
    I laugh then they use white as a determinator, so if I sunbathing hard can I keep my farm? What if I can prove that I have "black" blood in my veins? What if I am a 100% "black" but is also a albino? What about Mulattos? (or what is the political corect word, thinking half-bood sound worse) some can be very white or very black and still be full siblings.....

  13. #33
    Merely a Setback Trassk's Avatar
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    The generations down should not have to pay for the crimes of their ancestors

  14. #34
    Africa has whole is a mess and trash, so not really surprised really.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by steristumpie View Post
    South African here. I’ll give you my best impartial answer
    How do you determen who is white? Is there a national register who say this citizen is white or black? Was thinking that stuff ended after the fall of apartied.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by zebreck View Post
    Land actually belongs to whoever can hold it. This has always been true, and remains true today. The fact that you live in a society that has a state monopoly on the use of force and simultaneously has some rules about how that force aught to be applied has zero bearing on the fundamental truth. If the government of SA decides that's how the land aught to be distributed, then so be it. Their land, their country, their decision. You don't like it? Revolution (democratic or violent are equally effective) or emigrate. The end.
    Violence or violence is a third world solution. Civilized nations use laws and diplomacy.

    On the surface, you're right. But that's a Machiavellian approach to politics. From that perspective, a dictatorship is a perfectly legitimate form of government.

  17. #37
    Oh no, if only someone had warned us and maybe even done some research on the subject... how fools have we been to not see this coming..

  18. #38
    Stood in the Fire steristumpie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a77 View Post
    How do you determen who is white? Is there a national register who say this citizen is white or black? Was thinking that stuff ended after the fall of apartied.
    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and imagine they’ll scan ownership based on last name. If it’s not an African sounding last name they’ll probably send a representative down to see who you are. They’ve only just voted on passing the amendment to the constitution, they will be sorting the mechanics and process out by March 2019, so no idea how the official criteria will be worded.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Trassk View Post
    The generations down should not have to pay for the crimes of their ancestors
    Thats not how this works lol. Feudal type policies when it comes to land are v bad for the country and specially to those that dont own land. Doing away with it there is always going to be losers on that.

  20. #40
    The Undying
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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    We've known that they were trying to pass this since Spring, but they're now going through with it.

    And to anyone who says that this is what should've been done...

    The moment you start talking about how people should return "stolen lands", you've suddenly de-legitimatized every single nation on Earth, yours included. Oh yeah, you could take the land that was "stolen" by colonizers and invaders and return them to the people who were previously there... who in turn had killed the people who had lived there before and took their lands, and so on. Under that premise, you're going to punish the children of dead ancestors by taking the land that they've grown up on and have poured their lives into developing and give it to the descendants of the dead people further down the chain who arrived at that land first, who were either wiped out, or whose blood is now mixed with the conquerors who came later. "Native Americans" wouldn't receive "their" land back, most Africans alive today wouldn't receive "their land" back. Punishing people for the sins of their fathers and trying to right a wrong with another wrong that benefits the wrong party? Is that the kind of world you want? Yeah, I thought not.

    Land belongs to no one but the person living there.

    The current nation of Israel was established in the wake of a British territory, which was established after the British took the land from the Ottomans, who took it from the Egyptians, who took it from the Mongols, who took it from the Crusaders, who took it from the Arabs, who took it from the Byzantines, who took it from the Romans, who took it from the Macedonians, who took it from the Persians, who took it from the Babylonians, who took it from the Israelis, who took it from the Caananites, and so on.

    Are you going to kick "white, South African" farmers off of their land and give it to uneducated, "black, South Africans" who may or may not have the skills required to farm and maintain the land, simply because colonialist powers two hundred years ago took the land from the tribes that were there? Oh, but wait, those people were living on land that was stolen from the Khoisan people by the Zulus! Will you return the land to them?

    Great Britain? The Normans invaded Britain, which belonged to the Saxons, who killed the Celts, who overthrew their Roman overlords, who took the island over from the Celts. Are you going to give the Britain to the relative few (compared to the people currently living in Britain) with the most amount of trace Celtic DNA?

    America? The colonists settled along the coast peacefully, as the Indians had no semblance of "ownership of land". Several decades later, Americans wanted to push past the Appalachian Mountains, resulting in some tribes being paid to move and others fought against. Oh, did I mention that the tribes were killing each other for thousands of years?

    We have name for this. It's called racism, where you judge people not by their actions, but by their skin color and the history of their race. Is that what you want to support?
    You're aware that the timelines in South Africa are SIGNIFICANTLY shorter than American colonists and British Saxons/Whatevers, right? I mean, you get that this happened recently. The only example I can see you've brought up in defense of your point is Israel, and that is a different issue than South Africa. You get that too, right?

    And please tell me you know the history of South Africa, and it's immense racial divides in recent history. Where the white population took everything from the black population and ruled on high.

    You understand that calling the taking of white lands, that recently belonged to black farmers, isn't racism, right?
    Last edited by cubby; 2018-12-09 at 08:54 PM.

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