View Poll Results: Have you enabled WM as Alliance in 8.1?

170. This poll is closed
  • Yes

    91 53.53%
  • No

    39 22.94%
  • Not worth it

    40 23.53%
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  1. #41
    The Unstoppable Force Super Kami Dende's Avatar
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    I haven't enabled it since release on my Alliance. Mostly since I got sick of dealing with mongoloids on PvP servers long ago and moved to a PvE server for a reason.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Sevyvia View Post
    Yeah, for leveling. Turn it off at max level.

    Edit: And if I'm on a stealth class, sure, sometimes I'll turn it on at max level if I feel like a bit more of an adventure out in the world. But that's 2% of the time.
    Quoting myself only because, in the last week, I've been playing with it on at max level as a Rogue, and been having a ton of fun. I've been cruising around incursion zones with a MM Hunter friend, mostly avoiding the Horde zerg raid, picking off a straggler here and there. Actually getting assassin for both of us despite being massively outnumbered. We've both had a ton of fun.

    The 30% bonus was important for getting me to level with WM on, but I genuinely don't care about it now. I think both factions should just have the "kill 25 opposing faction players" quest. Anyway, the point is, it's been so much fun that two more or less PvE-focused players have, due to the 30% bonus, been converted to lovers of war mode. They could remove all they implemented to boost Alliance participation right now and I would still use WM.

    It has even motivated both of us, after burning out on M+ and raids, to care about gear again. After fighting someone who has double our health, we have motivation to get gear through whatever means. I'd almost go so far as to say that it has given the game a new lease of life, for me.

    Should be said, though, that I'm on an RP server. I don't see a lot of Horde most of the time.

    TL;DR: Yes. Turned it on due to bonuses. No longer care about bonuses, but keeping WM on regardless.
    Last edited by Sevyvia; 2019-01-04 at 11:32 PM.

  3. #43
    Nope. Never did, never will. My realm is infested with hordes. As soon as you active warmode you can't complete two world quest straight without being ganked by at least two. They'll never attack you 1v1.

    Plus, I hate world pvp, so for me warmode was a god's send to finally be left alone on open world. I did activate it with my latest leveled alt, since in the alliance maps you have pretty much a easy time and the 30% bonus xp is great. As soon as the toon hit 120, I turned it off. Not even that free 370 for the weekly quest on the boat it's worth to turn it on.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Nfinitii View Post
    I always played on pvp server, so i keep it on. But I usually play on horde. But since I’ve seen all the crying from alliance I’m lvling a lightforged Draenei to experience the imbalance.
    there is no faction imbalance whatsoever in warmode now(only if you are in their terrain close to a big faction base, you can expect more players from the other faction doing those WQs near on average), many turned it on, due to the reward increase and that new alliance only quest weekly that gives 370 gear for 25 player kills.

    The sharding is unbalanced. You can expierence in 1 shard a raid to camp an area with flight path or WQs. And all you can do, if that happens is shard out of that shard.

    You cannot form a big raid on your own and kill all those assassins of the other raid previously availible in that zone.

    Once you got a big counter raid, the other factions raid simply dissappears from your current shard.

    The shard mechanic is pure cancer for wpvp, so far...

    Devs looked into it but its still not balanced, when multiple raids try to from in a shard in warmode.

    other than that, doing quests like farming the darkmoon bosses and several people have warmode on/off, and become invisible to each other, feels like playing a broken game.

    But compared to 8.0, Alliance, has only benefits now, other than random bgs, it got much worser in BfA since this is the first addon, alliance loses epic bgs on a regular basis, bgs, that are exclusive to random ques, and cannot be done in rbg, whoever made the recent changes to IoC/AV, must play horde.

    Its rather sad, tbh.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SilenceRedo View Post
    Nope. Never did, never will. My realm is infested with hordes. As soon as you active warmode you can't complete two world quest straight without being ganked by at least two. They'll never attack you 1v1.

    Plus, I hate world pvp, so for me warmode was a god's send to finally be left alone on open world. I did activate it with my latest leveled alt, since in the alliance maps you have pretty much a easy time and the 30% bonus xp is great. As soon as the toon hit 120, I turned it off. Not even that free 370 for the weekly quest on the boat it's worth to turn it on.
    its completely worth it to turn it on, try use changing shards, i actually saw a lot of horde ganked by alliance raids everywhere i moved and did my WQs.

    Also as alliance you will love any turtle seeker flight point.

    If you don't turn WM on you just lose out of many benefits only alliance has, and would be better off playing horde.(much higher win rates in bgs and the better pve faction)
    Last edited by Tyrannica; 2019-01-06 at 11:01 PM.

  5. #45
    The point is, i'm not interested in playing horde and even less interested in world pvp. I'm on a guild that clears content on Alliance, I will play alliance until not a single mythic guild is left on the blue side. I struggle to find a single thing I like from the horde outside of blood elves, and even then, I love my goaties more.

    30% bonus gold/rep/Ap it's not worth it for me when I can clean the the six maps in less than an hour without warmode. Warmode on only makes me waste time which is a big no for me. Plus I'm a lone wolf, I hate to have to groop up to do stuff outside of raids. A guildie of course, if someone is farming ap at the same time as me, but I never liked to depend on groups. Even worst to group up through the finder. I just press the eye on elite quests, kiil the mob, and leave.

  6. #46
    I play horde and my shard always seems outnumbered by 30+ alliance any given WQ...clearly there is a sharding issue.

  7. #47
    i actually am trying it on my hpaly right now.

    Mainly cause I can lul bubble hearth

    Hpaly is also insanely fun in small group (5-10) pvp

    If I could do Ashran all day, I'd probably do Resto Sham
    Last edited by Nasuuna; 2019-01-07 at 07:56 PM.

  8. #48
    Pandaren Monk Huntermyth's Avatar
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    an impressive 57 alliance players turned wm on. way to go boys !

    seriously though, i never, and i mean it, NEVER saw an alliance since like a week. i couldn't even complete the quest last week. go figure.
    war does not determine who is right, only who is left.

  9. #49
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradu View Post
    I had it on before as well. Only for the extra rewards, though, which I don't think should be there in the first place. WM should be for people who actually want WPvP for WPvP's sake, and thus shouldn't need an extra incentive.
    I kind of agree with this mentality. Though I would change it just a bit. PvE content provides rewards, PvP content should as well. However, any incentive specifically for having Warmode on, should be related to PvP in my opinion. I'm someone who really loves the idea of warmode and I was ecstatic about it when it was announced and have turned it off exactly twice since launch (both times to join a friends group who had it off). I love pvp, and wpvp even more so.

    So when I go out with WM on, and I am told I'm getting extra <whatever> for doing it, I honestly don't really feel like it's a reward at all. A bit more rep, gold or AP? meh. I basically ONLY pvp, most of the reward I get for playing with WM on does little more than save me some time I didn't care about saving in the first place because only the hardcore PvE community is in any hurry to have those things. (Top tier PvPers are too in some cases but that also does not apply to me).

    I think they should really adjust the rewards to appeal strictly to PvPers. Currently, the only (that I recall right now) reward specifically for PvPing in PvP mode is hunting assassins. Sure there's the Call to Arms but incidentally, this feels like it's actually encouraging me to gank low levels in <insert target zone> just to make sure I can complete the quest before reset, which should be indicative that it's a faulty system. (I actually genuinely feel bad for the unlucky lowbies who happen to be leveling in the CTA zone at the time. I've actually spoken to a few void elves I've run into explaining that it's just for the quest and I'll be gone. Funny story: One time one such void elf told me where a few max level alliance were hanging out and I was all too happy to go fight them for my kills instead, that made me chuckle.)

    I think instead of getting more rep, gold, AP, whatever; playing with Warmode on should make player characters lootable. Looting a player gives some kind of token that can be turned in. Turning it in gives Rep with the war campaign group and some amount of conquest points toward the weekly cap. It doesn't have to be a huge amount, but the point is that there are already a large number of ways for PvE players to quickly get rep with that faction; and the additional bonuses literally only appeal to PvP players. Not to mention conq is how we get our weekly chest and gear piece, which is the only way for a fresh PvPer just getting into the game (pvp game) to get themselves to a point where they can start working toward the achieves that PvP groups often require to get an invite or at least contribute enough to be noticed and thus invited back to groups, etc.

    All that said I will say though that the invasions have been pretty dang fun with WM on. I've been getting alot of lag lately but when that isn't an issue it's a blast running through those invasions when there's a whole bunch of Alliance to contend with, probably the first time I've actually felt the faction war all xpac.

    (Sidenote: XP bonus for WM though is fine imo and is a fair trade off particularly since the change allowing you to turn it off at any rest point- my above rantings are specifically for max levels)
    Last edited by AcidicSyn; 2019-01-07 at 08:25 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minikin View Post
    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never....BURN IT"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    You are kinda joe Roganing this topic. Hardly have any actual knowledge other than what people have told you, and jumping into a discussion with people who have direct experience with it. Don't be Joe Rogan.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by NERDZILLA View Post

    This is really fun and enjoyable gameplay.
    On a positive note, I like that UI you have there kind sir.

  11. #51
    Not really. Just turned it on a couple of times to kill 25 then turned it off. Imo it's nothing but a waste of time and time is more valuable to me than 30% extra rewards.

  12. #52
    Herald of the Titans
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    For leveling, yes. That XP bonus is too good to pass up. At 120, nope. I have zero interest in any form of pvp.
    I'm a crazy taco.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    Where is the option "yes, only while leveling"?
    Exactly lol. This the only real time I have it turned on. I would say out of the 30ish fights I have been in so far with WM on under 90(highest alt) I have been killed by 120s around 20 times. Mostly because I afk from time to time and because they just see a lobie and see easy kill.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by tacoloco View Post
    For leveling, yes. That XP bonus is too good to pass up. At 120, nope.
    So true. They add warmode to encourage world pvp as part of the lore of this xpac, but it's kinda stupid. World pvp has never been balanced and never will, specially with the sharding.
    Tarren mill pvp died for a reason.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaramas View Post
    It doesn't bother me when other people pvp. I never said it did.

    If there was a pvp-less version of the game then PVE would not be nerfed for PVPs sake. Also there wouldn't be quests that lead you into PVP areas. I want to mlm play WITH people, not against them.
    when did u start playing the game? cuz you objectively played it wrong depending on your answer. also would love to hear what exactly was nerfed for PVP's sake that fucked PVE, cuz theres only 3 cases of this, and they were all in TBC and Vanilla, the Wrath example was complete bullshit and so was the cata claim. after that they balanced the two seperately.

    You said u wanted to play with people, not against them, but that just once again goes to show that you're, excuse my french, talking out of your ass.
    Why was vanilla and TBC so much more social than onwards? because of a lot of reasons, mainly its inconveniences, difficult quests, unable to do certain things as certain classes, long travel times, etc. all of these things forced u to play with people and made the game an MMO, unlike BFA where the game is a co-op RPG more than an MMORPG. one of the main factors together with elite quests and dungeons that made people talk, group up, and play together was the threat of the enemy faction. STV is a great example of an area a lot of people grouped up for because of the high amount of Wpvp.

    you aren't looking at the bigger picture... just like the wow Devs. Have a nice day

  16. #56
    one of the main factors together with elite quests and dungeons that made people talk, group up, and play together was the threat of the enemy faction. STV is a great example of an area a lot of people grouped up for because of the high amount of Wpvp.
    Many of us played back then in spite of that, not because.

    I hated world pvp with all my heart since day one. Not the thing that got me into wow. Dungeons and raids were. I kind of understood wpvp in vanilla, because of the honor system it had. But after tbc lunch and forever after I never did, "what is the point of doing something in game that does not progress your character?" I always played wow with that mentality, and always will. So no, no fucking warmode ever, I finally got rid of every annoyance on the open world.

  17. #57
    Bloodsail Admiral Leodric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilenceRedo View Post
    Many of us played back then in spite of that, not because.

    I hated world pvp with all my heart since day one. Not the thing that got me into wow. Dungeons and raids were. I kind of understood wpvp in vanilla, because of the honor system it had. But after tbc lunch and forever after I never did, "what is the point of doing something in game that does not progress your character?" I always played wow with that mentality, and always will. So no, no fucking warmode ever, I finally got rid of every annoyance on the open world.
    If you hated it so much, why didn't you play on a PvE server?

  18. #58
    I started playing the game a few weeks after launch in the EU. My first server was a std PvE server, but i quickly discovered that i care about immersion and lore far too much to be willing to accept the horrible character names of i went RP PvE and been there ever since.

    For me, the COMPLETE removal of wPvP from "my" shards was the only upside of the Warmode-Change that i was looking forward to. Only to then learn that, no, the legacy PvP flag is not going anywhere and you can still grieve players who have absolutely no interest in wPvP by camping questgivers, vendors and service-NPCs. It was a big let-down. I have no problem with people who like wPvP and who find it exciting to land in a settlement only to find every NPC dead on the's just not what I want from the game. When i land in a settlement like this i am excited to find out what happened storywise...only to then see a single bored lolipop max-lvl player of the other faction jumping in circles with his thumbs up his rear. No thanks. That simply kills all enjoyment of the game for me.

    So the keeping of the legacy PvP flag was the first major let-down of this feature. It would have been very easy to just flag everybody who enters PvP by any means with warmode and be done with it. Yes, that would have meant sometimes people who explore would get flagged and then have to travel back to SW/Org to switch it off....big deal. I would have prefered that SO much over having two different PvP-flags in the game.

    As for's not for me. And that's fine. There are plenty of things in the game that are not. And if there are players enjoying it...more power to them. What i am NOT fine with is that they shoved many fun and unique abilities into the PvP-Talents, so classes feel worse whenever you are not having PvP talents....which is 100% of the instanced PvE content of the game, which i would argue more players participate in than any and all kinds of PvP.

    Fucked up classes are a weak spot of this expansion. And i feel PvP talents contribute to that. My class should not feel better and play faster when doing Worldquests with warmode than when i clear M+ dungeons or go raiding. That's just my oppinion on it.
    Last edited by Nathasil; 2019-01-16 at 10:19 AM.

  19. #59
    would have cared a few months earlier when i was doing things in the world :P now i just login to do m+

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Leodric View Post
    If you hated it so much, why didn't you play on a PvE server?

    Because the best raiding guilds have historically been on pvp servers. PvE servers were always second class realms. Plus I didn't play solo, I had a group of people and we choose a server with a large enough spanish comunity (this was before the spanish servers opened in late tbc on the americas region).

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