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  1. #21
    Err am I seeing ghosts or wasn't there four days ago the message that azerite knowledge is maxed now for season 2?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Mendzia View Post
    350$ for that face? Oh, god...
    Just horrible and not really similar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post
    black people have no power, privilege they cannot be racist since they were oppressed
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Men are NOT suffering societal hardships due to being male. That doesn't exist in most 1st world countries.

  3. #23
    I don't buy "collectibles", but there are some magnificent pieces out there.

    This one isn't one of them.

    And it's a damned shame, for such an iconic character. The pose is is just as bad as the face. The hooded pose from warbringinger would have been gorgeous. This looks like a generic mobile game female caster pose, like they took 3D clip art and morphed Jaina stuff onto it - and forgot the face.

    Seems to be a theme with Blizzard these days - build you up with hype...and then let you down in a soulkilling manner.

  4. #24
    The statue would look better if they HAD outsourced it to some Japanese company to make it. They pump out hundreds of high quality figures every year.

  5. #25
    This is no a Jaina statue. This is a statue of someone wearing Jaina's clothes. And it is not a cosplayer either because they do better job with makeup to resemble the character. This face has different jaw line, mouth, eyebrows, eyes and nose. Aka all the main features of a face. Jaina doesn't even wear lipstick.

    Incredibly disappointed because if this looked like Jaina at least a bit, I would buy it. She is my favorite character.
    Last edited by Trumpcat; 2019-03-30 at 03:09 AM.

  6. #26
    Seriously, an editor validated her face ? I mean, com'on, it's beautiful, but that's not Jaina, simply as that.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    Err am I seeing ghosts or wasn't there four days ago the message that azerite knowledge is maxed now for season 2?
    If you were to read the announcement, you would notice that they speak of extending it beyond its original deadline after considering feedback and evaluating the current azerite levels in the community. So it was scheduled to end this week, and then they decided to extend it. How is that so confusing?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    Err am I seeing ghosts or wasn't there four days ago the message that azerite knowledge is maxed now for season 2?
    that was on our end, we knew it was ending based on code in the game it was set to end this week for along time, but entering this week they noticed alot of people are still under leveled and are going to keep increasing it
    blizzard then today said "oh yeah its going to continue" as they are going to add morte levels

    i just hit 47 with no like "days of doing islands" so im all fine 1 more level then ive got all my traits

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you were to read the announcement, you would notice that they speak of extending it beyond its original deadline after considering feedback and evaluating the current azerite levels in the community. So it was scheduled to end this week, and then they decided to extend it. How is that so confusing?
    Ok, thanks, but no idea what announcement you read, it's not that which is quoted in the news.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    Ok, thanks, but no idea what announcement you read, it's not that which is quoted in the news.

  11. #31
    it looks kinda awesome but her face doesnt look like jaina AT ALL.

  12. #32
    Holy fuck, that's ONE UGLY ASS STATUE OF "JANIA" It look like someone is in her clothes... What the fuck is this? Nothing's like jania..... 350 dollars for that? I could get better deal large pounds of weed over this. Just no, maybe 3.50 dollars for that statue and throw in trash when it arrive in my mail.

  13. #33
    Did anybody at Blizzard look at the face on that Jaina statue? Anybody who was familiar with Jaina anyway. It would be an awesome statue if it looked like Jaina. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

  14. #34
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    It's not a bad statue it's just not Jaina

  15. #35
    Jaina's face. What the hell Blizzard?

  16. #36
    How did that statue get passed QA?

    oh, wait..

  17. #37
    I mean it is in line with Jaina and Sylvanas in the other media of Blizzard lately. Each artist just artsies his own version, no matter how different. Why should a statue be diffrent, this ones arist just used brigitte nielsen as a model. He/she was probably scared disney would sue their ass if they kept cloning elsa.

  18. #38
    Always easy to be the critic and say that sucks but not so easy to be the artist. To the people who are saying the statue looks like crap, can you honestly do better? Why not show your statues if you think you can do better?

    That said, I can't say I'm a fan of the statue myself. The hair looks like they brushed yellow (blonde) over a white base coat making it look splotchy. The face is also off significantly. The Sylvanas one wasn't too accurate, either, but it eventually made it into cinematics so it had use. This Jaina statue is not what we see even in cinematics. I was going to preorder it after seeing it showcased at Blizzcon, but now I think I'll pass. I own the Sylvanas statue and was impressed by the quality, but not so much this one. I'm hoping for a Varian or an Anduin statue, but I'm hoping they'll be better than this one. Likely won't see one for another 2-4 years, though. A horde statue will likely be next.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by guardian_titan View Post
    Always easy to be the critic and say that sucks but not so easy to be the artist. To the people who are saying the statue looks like crap, can you honestly do better? Why not show your statues if you think you can do better?
    I get where you're coming from, but that face is too far off the mark for a high-end $350 product. If it was something cheaper then it'd get more slack, but not for 350.

    Artist Credits:

    Ehren Bienert (Sculpt)
    Laurel Austin (Paint)
    Special thanks - Glenn Rane, Chris Robinson, Ely Cannon
    Marco Sipriaso (Graphic Design)
    Blizzard Consumer Products
    Blizzard Animation
    World of Warcraft Development Team

    Note: Each statue is hand painted, there may be a slight variance in the final production piece.

    Ehren Bienert might have some better works out there, this one was a miss though.

    Edit: Here's his/her artstation, seems to be employed in-house

    Dva statue turned out great, the face made this one a miss though. Ehren was probably focused on a certain emotion from Jaina when making the face, like making her unwavering/confident, but as someone who buys a lot of statues, I prefer a recognizable face. Just my two cents. Not saying your opinion is invalid or anything. I know it sucks to make something as an artist and then see it trashed, but I do think Blizzard should have told her to change it internally before the final product (since she's in-house)
    Last edited by MrExcelion; 2019-03-30 at 02:35 AM.

  20. #40
    Costs too much for the quality.

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