I don't think I wrote that, and you failed to quote me, but if I did, I have the feeling you cut off important context.
Is it really
that hard for you to produce links instead of having me guess where you took your quotes from?
Unfortunately for you, I found the actual quote, which you
altered: "Since the Liches showed unswerving loyalty to their master, Ner'zhul granted them control over the furious elements of the cold north. Now, Liches wield frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells." [1][2]
You changed "Ner'zhul" to "Lich King", which makes a huge difference.
And why not?
Considering I never claimed "every dark caster is a necromancer", I fail to see the relevance of this red herring.
Dude, stop acting obtuse. I'm not going to repeat myself.
Actually, "nature" is not defined, considering lightning, wind and earth are all "nature magic". A rock to the face has the same damage type as a gust of wind and a lightning strike. Think about that.