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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiroh View Post
    I'm not gonna play classic because I don't have the time nor the patience for it anymore. But if I did, I wouldn't want such an "unclassic" AddOn to exist. I find it weird that people who want to play classic are whining about having this AddOn removed.
    It existed in vanilla so...

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by caninepawprints View Post
    Looking for people for dungeons is not going to be a fun experience.
    It will be fine, just as it was back then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    People who cried for convenience are the ones who shifted this game ever to what is now. Cries of convenience in Classic should not only be ignored but bannable offenses from the game.
    ^^^^^^^ this

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by melodramocracy View Post
    It will be fine, just as it was back then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    ^^^^^^^ this
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    People who cried for convenience are the ones who shifted this game ever to what is now. Cries of convenience in Classic should not only be ignored but bannable offenses from the game.
    So everyone who used this addon in vanilla should be banned because #nochanges applies only to things you like?

  4. #204
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naitsade View Post
    LFG ruined the social dynamic of the game. Make friends and uphold a good reputation and you don't have to pug. That's how we did it.

    This is a factually incorrect statement. If anything both the LFD and later the LFR expose what the real community. The community did itself in, all these features did was helped to expose what many had to endure and few like yourself got to largely ignore. Some people had their little clicks and niche groups of people and rarely strayed from them.

    When I started, I was not a good skilled player, frankly, I sucked. That opened the World of Warcraft at every level to me from the people that loved to cause problems and issues to the ego-driven people that we're incapable of extending a hand to a newer player. Throttbot was the best information at the time and it was at best incomplete. Asking questions of strangers in various chats led to being marginalized like some sort of plague. Course over the years of keeping an eye on these various chats, like trade chat, people got worse and far nastier over time.

    If anything the LFD exposed the shortcomings of the community. People only saw what they wanted to see, not what the bulk of people like myself had to largely endure from both sides spectrum. I became a better player over time, though at no point did I stop helping people that were mostly marginalized like when I first started to play WoW. I remember well how the guild leader, in my first guild, treated me in the first dungeon run and I have never forgotten how that felt ever since that was over 13 years ago.

    That dirtbag did me a favor, as a result of being a dickhead, I went looking for another guild. As it turned out the guild I joined was amazing it led me to join its sister guild as well. Which allowed me to help and interact with people of all stripes from questing and farming players to PVP, raiders, and dungeon grinders. Both guilds like many others were maxed out with people that helped one another out and were able to do so because they check their egos for the betterment of the guilds.

    Had it not been for both guilds I would not still be playing WoW today. I knew there were still good people playing, even though at every turn there was another in a long list of dirtbags to deal with in my path. No, the LFD is probably what saved many from continuing to play this game. The bulk of two guilds I mentioned were nothing more than a shell of their former selves by the end of Wrath. At the beginning of Cata, the leadership structure of both simply stopped playing. I eventually moved on to another realm and another one after that. What is sad about both those guild is the fact they formed at the beginning of Vanilla.

    I have seen the good and the bad of this game and I can say without a bit of hesitation that your statement is factually wrong! People like yourself saw what you want to see. The LFD opened up the door so you could see what I was seeing since I started playing this game. I remember well the legions of people complaining how bad people were when the LFD was first introduced. I will give you the lack of communication, but as for the social aspect. Even back then there was enough of a population of scumbags from both ends of the spectrum that treated people like garbage.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Lollis View Post
    LFG wasn't global in Vanilla.
    yes it was...

  6. #206
    I love the tribalism that Retail/Classic has brought to WoW.

  7. #207
    I know this sounds totally absurd, but how about you just make ten or so friends? Not every group has to be with a bunch of random people that bail for one reason or another.

    Besides, with a few exceptions many of the low-level dungeons simply are not worth doing unless you have all the quests and a solid group right at that moment. Itemization is all over the place in classic and often times a BoE green can easily fill the place of that shiny BoP blue for a few levels. Later on with UBRS, BRD (ony attunement), scholomance, and stratholme you might hit a snag depending on where the server is at progression wise, but people are always leveling alts and it shouldn't be too hard to find a group if you made any contacts leveling.

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Sensa1 View Post
    you got the right answer on the Channel...the difference between patch 1.11 and 1.12 was you were automatically entered into the channel in 1.11 and in 1.12 you had to manually join the channel by typing /join LookingForGroup.

    on your other point we are closer to agreement than you may think..I'm just saying the same type of issues surround doing certain types of content at certain times in both versions of the game...just in Vanilla / Classic the process was manual (you had to do the asking / owe the favour) while in Retail Blizzard does it for you with a combination of incentives / LFG tools but the end result is the same - people are asked/bribed to do content they don't really need to do...the one benefit of the Classic system is that's it Server community only and you might actually meet new people and make new friends as opposed to the completely random and basically anonymous result you get through CRZ where you end up playing with people you may realistically never see again and who you didn't have to interact with while forming the group and thus are missing out on a very social element that was a significant part of the appeal of Vanilla (though admittedly some people hated it but that's what Retail for).
    Yeah I think we want to say pretty much the same things but you're on the Vanilla side of thing and I on retail. And we both agree that CRZ and phasing are what really kills the community.

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by keymil View Post
    Wait. Didnt classic lovers long for the days when you had to manually look for people, spamming trade chat and making friends? LFG Addon goes completely against that.

    Yet again you people prove how this project is a failure, you never wanted the classic experience to begin with, you just got blinded by your rose-colored glasses. I cant wait to see where this classic will be after 6 months, probably close to abandoned.
    the people complaining about losing this addon are not classic lovers they are retailers that are just jumping on the bandwagon even though they dont even care for classic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Retailers should stay off classic if this triggers them. Keep feeding your addiction to gambling with the garbage roulette game known as BFA. You obviously want to stay there anyways.

  10. #210
    didnt vanilla have similar addons anyway?

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Apexis View Post
    This is a factually incorrect statement. If anything both the LFD and later the LFR expose what the real community. The community did itself in, all these features did was helped to expose what many had to endure and few like yourself got to largely ignore. Some people had their little clicks and niche groups of people and rarely strayed from them.

    When I started, I was not a good skilled player, frankly, I sucked. That opened the World of Warcraft at every level to me from the people that loved to cause problems and issues to the ego-driven people that we're incapable of extending a hand to a newer player. Throttbot was the best information at the time and it was at best incomplete. Asking questions of strangers in various chats led to being marginalized like some sort of plague. Course over the years of keeping an eye on these various chats, like trade chat, people got worse and far nastier over time.

    If anything the LFD exposed the shortcomings of the community. People only saw what they wanted to see, not what the bulk of people like myself had to largely endure from both sides spectrum. I became a better player over time, though at no point did I stop helping people that were mostly marginalized like when I first started to play WoW. I remember well how the guild leader, in my first guild, treated me in the first dungeon run and I have never forgotten how that felt ever since that was over 13 years ago.

    That dirtbag did me a favor, as a result of being a dickhead, I went looking for another guild. As it turned out the guild I joined was amazing it led me to join its sister guild as well. Which allowed me to help and interact with people of all stripes from questing and farming players to PVP, raiders, and dungeon grinders. Both guilds like many others were maxed out with people that helped one another out and were able to do so because they check their egos for the betterment of the guilds.

    Had it not been for both guilds I would not still be playing WoW today. I knew there were still good people playing, even though at every turn there was another in a long list of dirtbags to deal with in my path. No, the LFD is probably what saved many from continuing to play this game. The bulk of two guilds I mentioned were nothing more than a shell of their former selves by the end of Wrath. At the beginning of Cata, the leadership structure of both simply stopped playing. I eventually moved on to another realm and another one after that. What is sad about both those guild is the fact they formed at the beginning of Vanilla.

    I have seen the good and the bad of this game and I can say without a bit of hesitation that your statement is factually wrong! People like yourself saw what you want to see. The LFD opened up the door so you could see what I was seeing since I started playing this game. I remember well the legions of people complaining how bad people were when the LFD was first introduced. I will give you the lack of communication, but as for the social aspect. Even back then there was enough of a population of scumbags from both ends of the spectrum that treated people like garbage.
    I'am not saying there weren't any douchbags back in the day. I don't even believe the amount douchbags has either increased or decreased since then. What I am saying is that because of how it was structured you cared an awful lot more about who you played with and how you wanted to be perceived. If you meet someone awful, you didn't want to play with them and took the necessary precautions to not do so. Just as you described. Lets say you found a good, smooth pug. Chances are someone in that group would suggest you should hit up another dungeon rather then go back to your capital to maybe to find a new group to join. If you teamed up with a bad healer you taught them how to play since the time it would take you to leave Shadowfang Keep to go back home to find a new one to bring back would probably take the same amount of time. You will remember that good, smooth pug, and the players you played with the next day, and they might bring another friend they found in another pug they did some night before.

    I played guildless for three expansions and this how I remember it. I can't remember ever having any issues finding groups with a large selection of friends. There sure were awful people in the game. But if you knew they were awful, chances are the people around you (or at least the people you cared about) thought so as well.

  12. #212
    So instead of questing in ungoro und use the tool to find a group - i have to stay in IF and spam the trade chat. How on earth is this a "improvement"?
    Last edited by Mirabai; 2019-08-24 at 11:17 PM.

  13. #213
    I find this absolutely hilarious.
    First, "BfA babies/tards/addicts" or whatever is the current buzzphrase don't want anything to do with Classic because "they can't handle it".
    Now, apparently, "BfA babies/tards/addicts" went through the trouble of creating an addon for the game to use as they play, or just to sabotage the game, according to the ever so astute Classic fanflags.

    Hohoho, sweet summer children. Gonna be hilarious to read all the ways in which they'll use mental gymnastics to blame anything faulty or bad about their community, on Retail players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mirabai View Post
    So instead of questing in ungoro und use the tool to find a group - i have to stay in IF and spam the trade chat. How on earth is this "improvement"?
    It's Classic.

    Simple as that. Not sure how anyone ever believed that this addon would be allowed, but here we are.

    Although, nobody playing Classic as a purist should be using Discord. Lest they be hypocrites.
    Last edited by Queen of Hamsters; 2019-08-24 at 11:29 PM.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by Shammyrock View Post
    didnt vanilla have similar addons anyway?
    Not looking for group where you just que into groups. God no.

    You actually had to go out and find people to do the group with. In an MMO.

    Scary thought huh!?!?

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostile View Post
    So BFA tards tried to ruin their vanilla experience back when this addon first emerged?
    This addon emerged a few days ago, its the creation of BFA tards who are bad plebs and should stick to retail

  16. #216
    Good, I'm glad they are on top of stuff like this.

  17. #217
    Pit Lord Beet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker1 View Post
    Well said sir! going to be funny seeing the crying tears 6 months later when people barely play classic.
    Why do you get such a hardon against people who prefer something you don’t? Do you feel threatened or something? You shouldn’t. BFA may have nothing going on but the next expac announcement will take the focus back to retail. Stop being a prick who gets joy from others mistery.

  18. #218
    Oh noes, people will need to TALK to each other in order to go to dungeons. The horror!

  19. #219
    Warchief vsb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirabai View Post
    So instead of questing in ungoro und use the tool to find a group - i have to stay in IF and spam the trade chat. How on earth is this a "improvement"?
    Don't worry, mate. Developers are bluffing to calm down mob. They can't disable this addon, it's not possible. You'll be able to find groups for dungeons without that stupid spam which is apparently a cornerstone of socialization.

  20. #220
    Scarab Lord TriHard's Avatar
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    FF14 > WoW. Not an opinion, that's facts.
    Good, LFG tool was for salty retail players. Stay the fuck in BFA and don't touch our game with your shitty post-classic features, thx.

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