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  1. #1

    A Noob Question - What Class?

    I have a TL: DR for your convenience.

    So I have never touched WOW. Heard about how retail has strayed away from the original point of vanilla and classic is bringing the 'glory days' back. Either
    way, I want to give it a go. But the only thing I know about the classes comes from videos that discuss these topics.

    I am interested in three things when talking about classes. 'The best character' doesn't interest me at all; only care about these criteria.

    1. PVE Orientated - PVP doesn't interest me at all. I already have Mordhau, which is solely PVP Orientated, so don't want to focus on PVP for my first character at least.

    2. Ease of use - I'm garbage cause I haven't even cared about WOW ever apart from the last month. Don't know my lefts from my rights. So I want a class that will help me ease into the mechanics the game has to offer, (from what I hear, Warrior is terrible in this regard because of the slow levelling experience).

    3. Viability in a raid - Specifically the likely hood I get into a raid. I do not care about the role the raid requires me to fill, only care about the chance to participate in some jolly cooperation, (I think the rogue sucks eggs in this regard, could be wrong, as a large portion of the community uses rogues, yet aren't highly sought after in raids).

    Thanks to whoever replies, I appreciate any responses.

    TL: DR I have never played WOW. Want to pick up the classic version. I don't care about PVP and want a class that has a good balance between ease of use and ability to perform in a raid, specifically what class is requested heaps in a raid. Thanks for answering.

  2. #2

    Easy to play, not important role(DPS) so fits for newbie and wanted in groups.

    Hunter is bit easier to level but not really wanted at end game. Usually one or two for 40man.
    Last edited by Thokri; 2019-09-16 at 02:26 AM.
    Working customer support really has made me support genocides.

  3. #3
    Brewmaster Outofmana's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2009
    Mage or Warlock, easily best choice for you. Warrior teams too tryhard, Druids currently very hard to get raidspots for, list goes on. Caster is a safe bet for everyone really, can't go wrong with it.

    If you don't mind healing, a paladin is by far the easiest to get into too, and very easy to excel simply by being active while raiding.

  4. #4
    Sounds like you're not going after the min/max guilds anyway, so getting a raid spot should be rather trivial as long as you spec properly, play with a brain and are a nice person in general.
    Ease of use, hunter is #1 here I'd say. Pet doing the tanking and you can sit back and keep firing. Feign death as the "oh crap" button is sweet to have too. Yes, your damage will scale poorly with gear, and in an optimal raid there's not much need aside from 2. However, as long as you keep clear of minmaxing guilds, you should be just fine.
    Warlock would be a good 2nd there in my opinion, however the raid spot question is similar to hunters.
    Mage, warrior and priest are the most raid stacked classes likely, but also quite represented. Warrior is painful to level solo, just be aware of that. Mage and priest (as shadow) are decent solo levelers, but bear in mind that in raids you'd be desired as holy, which is god awful for soloing anything.

  5. #5
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Warrior, paladin and mage. The reason i wont recommand warlock is because after all my 15 years in wow i have always sucked at playing warlock. But i guess that is just me.

  6. #6
    Mage, easy to use, difficult to master.

    Warrior is also easy to use given that you support yourself with food/bandages/consumables, or you have a friend to level with.

    Warlock is easy to use but they have a lot more intricacies compared to mages. They have to spend a lot on their minions but they do get a free mount. Ultimately you can just send in your voidwalker and spam shadowbolt.

  7. #7
    I'd say mage because of their versatility in most situations.

  8. #8
    God damn, I knew WOW for having a pretty decent community, but some of you guys responded within minutes of me posting. My plan was to come back from work to see maybe a couple of responses. Thanks a lot for the added info, now I've got to pray no one stole my name.

    Thokri, do you frequently answer questions on forums, or did you pass my post by chance? Seriously wasn't expecting a reply that fast.

  9. #9
    I would say Warlock or Mage.. You can easily do stuff alone and you are a valued asset to group-activities.

    Hunter is your best choice as a new solo-player.. But endgame might be hard group-wise.

  10. #10
    Pandaren Monk
    5+ Year Old Account
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    Jul 2018
    I'd say +1 on warlock. Warlocks are nice because you get a tank pet pretty early and have other pets for just about any situation. Respectable DPS, good utility, and fun to play, and you'll certainly be raid viable. All of the class quests are fun and memorable. Also free level 40 mount, which will save you a ton of gold.

    Warriors are very strong (and very much in demand for all types of content) at 60 when you get geared, but getting to that point on a warrior is a long road. They're a pain in the ass to level. "NOT ENOUGH RAGE" and "YOU ARE DEAD" will get burned into your screen.

    I can say that after I leveled a warrior to 60 then rolled a warlock as my first alt, the warlock felt like easymode to me as far as leveling went. I was able to more easily get through a lot of things that made me struggle on a warrior, and I had a lot more "oh shit" buttons for when I accidentally pulled too much or when things just got bad.
    Last edited by avitush; 2019-09-16 at 06:20 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Struckd View Post
    Mage, easy to use, difficult to master.

    Warrior is also easy to use given that you support yourself with food/bandages/consumables, or you have a friend to level with.

    Warlock is easy to use but they have a lot more intricacies compared to mages. They have to spend a lot on their minions but they do get a free mount. Ultimately you can just send in your voidwalker and spam shadowbolt.
    Unfortunately the voidwalker will lose aggro about half a second before the first shadowbolt lands

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by GuyCalledRed View Post
    I have a TL: DR for your convenience.

    So I have never touched WOW. Heard about how retail has strayed away from the original point of vanilla and classic is bringing the 'glory days' back. Either
    way, I want to give it a go. But the only thing I know about the classes comes from videos that discuss these topics.

    I am interested in three things when talking about classes. 'The best character' doesn't interest me at all; only care about these criteria.

    1. PVE Orientated - PVP doesn't interest me at all. I already have Mordhau, which is solely PVP Orientated, so don't want to focus on PVP for my first character at least.

    2. Ease of use - I'm garbage cause I haven't even cared about WOW ever apart from the last month. Don't know my lefts from my rights. So I want a class that will help me ease into the mechanics the game has to offer, (from what I hear, Warrior is terrible in this regard because of the slow levelling experience).

    3. Viability in a raid - Specifically the likely hood I get into a raid. I do not care about the role the raid requires me to fill, only care about the chance to participate in some jolly cooperation, (I think the rogue sucks eggs in this regard, could be wrong, as a large portion of the community uses rogues, yet aren't highly sought after in raids).

    Thanks to whoever replies, I appreciate any responses.

    TL: DR I have never played WOW. Want to pick up the classic version. I don't care about PVP and want a class that has a good balance between ease of use and ability to perform in a raid, specifically what class is requested heaps in a raid. Thanks for answering.
    With that criteria, id go with mage. Easy leveling, Godteir in dungeons.
    In raids they are the topteir choice for ranged dps but are a step behind rogues and warrs overall.

    Their dps rotation singletarget is braindead easy and they have a bunch of nice tools for aoe but nothing too annoying.
    None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are.

  13. #13
    I'm also going to say "mage" as it fits all your criteria.
    I'll just warn you that due to this, there are actually a lot of mages in play, and so it could be a pretty overcrowded class in the end.

  14. #14
    Priest - Leveling is decent, you'll always get into groups as a healer and you'll be highly sought after in raids

  15. #15
    Think of it this way. When WoW launched many people have never touched an mmorpg before.

    So the game teaches you pretty well how to play any class.

    Play whatever class you feel is interesting. You’ll pick it up during the way. It’s much more fun than playing a recommended class.

    All classes are viable to raid. Maybe not all specs but that’s just how it is.

  16. #16
    Dreadlord Rageadon's Avatar
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    If u like casters Mage, Warlock and priest.

    Mage gives you portals (teleport around the map)
    Warlock has tanking pet and "free" mount at 40
    Priest is overall good (damage and healing)

    Melees, u have warrior, rogue, feral druid(you shapeshift into a cat and a bear), enhancment shaman and paladin.

    Warrior is like playing dark souls "wheelchair class" until you hit 60 and get gear, then you're a god

    Rogues is stealth and damage.

    Feral druid? If u want to tank pick warrior, dps pick rogue.

    Ench shaman, fun in pvp, not so in pve (rng is a bitch and you generate a lot of treath)

    Paladins are the other class that get free mount at 40, but if you dont want to heal, pick warr insted.

    If you like to heal you can pick paladin, druid, shaman or priest.

    I would recommend warlock or mage for someone new

  17. #17
    Takes max 1-2 hours to level a character to lvl10 and in most cases you get a taste how it plays. At least you can decide whether you prefer melee or ranged classes, not everyone likes to stand still and cast, so don't listen to all those mage suggestions by default.

  18. #18
    Ill just jump in and say this. Not mage. Theres a massive bloat of mages ingame currently its insane. Playing one myself and beginning to regret it.
    Desktop: Zotac 1080 TI, I7 7700k, 16gb Ram, 256gb SSD + 1TB HDD
    Laptop: Zotac 2070 MaxQ, I7 8750, 32gb RAM, 500gb SSD + 2TB SSD
    Main Game: Warcraft Classic

    Haters gonna hate

  19. #19
    it's simple - druid
    you can do anything with druid - tank, heal, melle dps, ranged dps, stealth and also good for pvp but the downside you can't do those things better than the pure classes :P
    i have tried all and got bored of all classes except druid

  20. #20
    I hate to say it as it just makes things worse but for Classic you want to play mage. Frost mage. For PVE it's difficult to make it easier that that. It is pretty easy mode as well in pvp if you ever want to do that.

    You will run into countless issues if you do not run the meta class unless you know friends in wow to carry you.

    Potencial alternative is Warlock. But you will not be as much desired / performing as Mage.

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