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  1. #1

    When was your class the most and least fun to play and why?

    I'm sure this thread pops up every now and then, but, with classes being worked on in Shadowlands, when (during WoW's 15-year lifespan) was your class/spec (or any other class that you enjoyed playing) the most fun?

    And to have a good amount of negativity (just to balance everything out), when was your class/spec the least fun to play?

  2. #2
    Warlock was most fun in MoP, and least fun in Legion

  3. #3

    Vanilla: Ok
    TBC: Affliction super fun, demo and destro shit
    Wotlk: All specs great through the expansion
    Cata: Demo awesome, affli ok, destro bad
    Mop: All specs perfect
    Wod: Demo really good, affli ok, destro unplayable
    Legion: All specs ok
    Bfa: Only demo is somewhat tolerable to play

  4. #4
    The most fun I had in the game as a Paladin was in Vanilla and Burning Crusade. I played Ret in Vanilla and though it was far from optimal, I had fun pushing the spec as far as it would go and it was actually quite useful to have a DPS who could spot heal in dungeons when everyone didn't out-gear them. Burning Crusade I switched to Protection which is probably the most fun I've had in the game. Once again, we weren't optimal for high end raiding but nothing was better for heroic 5-mans than an aoe tanking prot pally who'd tuned his stats properly. Really had a blast in those days.

  5. #5
    Warrior - most fun to play during WotLK, because there were so many cool tools and I could take on anything as Prot spec. Least fun to play during Cata, because they took away almost everything that made warriors interesting and fun.
    How joyous to be in such a place! Where phishing is not only allowed, it is encouraged!

  6. #6
    rogue was most fun during wod pvp ashran, least fun from legion to currant live.
    “Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life” “Logic will get you from A to Z; Imagination will get you everywhere.”

  7. #7
    Paladin was worst to play in Vanilla when I was forced to go healing to raid after tanking 1-60.

    I would say WotLK on it was good for both Prot and Ret. Although I was pretty unkillable in PvP in Cata.

  8. #8
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Warlock most fun with Tank mode and AOE Life drain

  9. #9
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Warlock was definitely best in Mists. I thought it was fine in Legion, but definitely a step down, and I haven't really played it in BFA yet. I really miss the permanent Infernal pet. I don't know that I would say the current implementation is worse than Classic or BC, though. I always thought it was a fairly boring class before Wrath.

    I loved playing rogue in Classic back when you could oneshot cloth wearers in PvP. I really didn't like the feel of the class in Wrath and never really played it a ton after that. I think it's fine now, but I'd rather play Demon Hunter.

    Demon Hunter is my current main. Definitely was more fun in Legion but I don't think BFA changed things that much.

  10. #10
    As a priest, it really depended on spec.

    As shadow, I think I had the most fun in cata. Dragon Soul to be exact. Worst, probably legion, especially early on, during the StM times. End of wod with dot weaving was not fun as well. And obviously BFA is just the same as legion, so not much to say.

    For disc it's hard to say. I don't think I ever really "loved" the spec, so I can't say what was the best time. Wrath was fun, but kinda brain dead, same for cata. Maybe mop? Don't have much memories of that expansion, and they are mostly bad, but I do remember having no issues with class design. Worst is probably legion and now, as I refuse to play the spec.

    Holy was pretty good most of the time. At least I've always enjoyed it. I think BFA has the best version of holy so far, if only it would also fit with the end-game design. Can't really say what was the worst time, it generally just meant that you would switch to disc if holy was not that good, but it never felt bad, not even during the chakra days .
    Last edited by Echeyakee; 2019-11-16 at 02:01 AM.

  11. #11
    Blood: WotLK - Blood DPS was amazing in my opinion.
    Frost: WotLK - Hungering Cold + Deadly Chill + Howling Blast was super fun
    Unholy: Never found any fun in this spec.

    Balance: Legion I guess, but I've always found Balance simple.
    Guardian: before it was feral: always. After it became its own spec: never.
    Feral: after maining it since vanilla, MoP and last patch of Legion.
    Resto: I've barely played this spec, so I can't give an appropiate answer.

    Hunter: never. I have never had fun with any version of any spec of this class.

    Arcane: Legion
    Fire: I'd say legion as well.
    Frost: never found anything interesting about this spec.

    Monks: MOP. I loved this whole class at release. Then next expansions with all the pruning and less customization I kind of lost interest in it.

    Holy: only played it for mage tower, can't say.
    Protection: MoP was interesting.
    Retribution: WotLK. So many tools, so much power, no Holy Power... I loved it. Then they added HoPo and it kind of ruined the spec for me.

    Discipline: Legion definitely.
    Holy: only played it for mage tower... can't say.
    Shadow: Legion.

    Assassination: MoP maybe.
    Combat / Outlaw: Legion. I've always hated rogues with fierce passion but this spec made me change my opinion.
    Subtlety: Only played it for mage tower, can't say.

    Elemental: Legion definitely.
    Enhancement: I've always felt a mix love and hate for it. Gonna say Vanilla because I could play it with 2H (and not in PvP) and it was so much fun, even if the spec was shit, but I'd say Legion made it very solid.
    Restoration: MoP.

    Warlocks: MOP. Destruction was (and will be) the best spec ever created in this game, followed very close by Demonology.

    Arms and Fury: Legion.
    Protection: Gladiator stance era.

  12. #12

    Ret Pally and BM Hunter MOP on...

    Least Demon Hunter. I can't stand it. Rotation and abilities seem wonky and clunky to me.

  13. #13
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Monk master class always fun to play!

    WoD did kill some of my joy in healing but still fun enough to keep it. Brew and wind were good.

    Legion All 3 specs were fun.

    BFA windwalker is a little bleh after losing some of the artifact weapons “talents”.

    But MoP was the funnest for Mist and especially windwalker. Everything was strong and it was all new.

  14. #14
    Herald of the Titans MrKnubbles's Avatar
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    Prot Paladin was the most fun for me during the end of Mists when I could solo tank Garrosh and wasn't as fun in Warlords and the start of Legion before the artifact weapon was maxed out and before legendaries. Then it felt worse once then artifacts got disabled. Now it's still just meh.
    Check out my game, Craftsmith, on the Google Play Store!

  15. #15
    Having played Feral since MoP, I'd say either currently (AoE) or late Legion (single target). The AoE feels much better now that we have an actual AoE finishing move in Primal Wrath, but for single target, there was something fun about rushing out finishing moves to maintain Tiger's Fury with Behemoth Headdress.

  16. #16
    Dreamstate spec druid during TBC was thee most fun spec I ever played.
    Feral druid during Cata was pretty fun.

  17. #17
    The Lightbringer
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    Wrath Ret was the highpoint of the spec by a mile. Torturous, slow and bad as it was in Vanilla, it was a product of its time. BC improved that a lot but still left it very slow and bad. Wrath improved on it and it had far FAR more interactivity, smoothness and fun than it has ever had since, even with traits and Essences and legendaries and other bullshit tacked on. Wrath Ret was the zenith of the spec.

    Conversely, Cata introduced Holy Power and killed it overnight. There have been many manyyyy times when Ret was weak, bad or a joke and yet Cata was the worst of them all. Holy Power being the weakest and worst it ever was in addition to existing in the first place, alongside terrible things like Inquisition in the form it was then, contributed to the death of the spec from which it would not recover. Pandaland at least smoothed out Holy Power a little bit and Warlords added some actual speed and interaction to the spec but Cata had gutted it too much. Legion made it okay with the Ashbringer and tier sets and legendaries and so did BFA with traits/essences. The core spec is terrible and designed badly on purpose.

    A return to Wrath will sadly never come. They will never allow another Day of Ret.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  18. #18
    Survival hunter ranged spec was the best thing i ever played and felt fluid. Now all those changes, i had to juggle up bm vs mm vs survival for the best dps performance with tons of simc/theorycraft. The least i played is shaman cuz no change for enchantment is that good anymore.

  19. #19
    Disc Priest was most fun in MOP, atrocious in WOD and not what I signed for at all when they redesigned it in Legion as a complete new spec.

  20. #20
    I've played Arms warrior since vanilla and I had the most fun with it in Cataclysm

    Reason: I felt like I had a very full arsenal of abilities and utility to be able to deal with anything (this is from a PVP perspective).
    Stance dancing was legit the most fun thing ever. I've never had as much fun in all of WoW as I did in patches 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 for arms warrior pvp.
    Further, I was specced Arms / Prot for Gag Order which was a 3 second silence on heroic throw which was a ranged silence I had as a warrior and was hardly played by anyone but it was lethal in 2vs2 at the time.
    Finally, charge used to apply a stun and could also be used as a ranged focus interrupt.... Damn good ol' days. So much in the warrior arsenal.

    Least favourite: BFA Arms unfortunately :'(
    Reason: I felt very weak after the first few patches of nerfs and the combat was really dull and slow.

    Very much looking forward to the return of Shattering throw at least.

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