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  1. #21
    Retribution Paladin during Isle of Quel'Danas. Seal of Blood was OP. The entire class was OP. Steamrolled everything and everyone.

  2. #22
    Herald of the Titans Marxman's Avatar
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    Most: MoP
    Least: BfA

    The gutting of the ABC (Always Be Casting) playstyle, the removal of Survival Hunter, and just how much slower and clunkier every spec feels is a real bummer in BfA. Barbed Shot is an archaic, pointless maintenance buff. It feels absolutely awful to use compared to building focus with Steady/Cobra Shot in previous expansions.

  3. #23

    Warrior - just bloodthirst and whirlwind, and some slams from time to time, top dps.

    Good old times.

    PS. Worst had to be cata - they overloaded the warrior with so much stuff I literally couldn't play it properly.

  4. #24
    Fire Mage, pretty fun during Legion. Not so fun now. Shadow Priest ditto. Blood DK pretty fun during Mop, hated it when they changed Deathstrike to cost runic power though.

  5. #25
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Used to main Paladin.

    Now I main Warrior. Warrior feels better in everything. Better DPS and better tanking. I have more mobility, more cooldowns and fewer dead zones (though I do play fury and there's the occasional dead zone.) Prot has a lot of buttons but I feel like I have a better means of keeping my active mitigation up, with Shield Block, Ignore Pain and Intimidating Shout. I have better AoE tanking (which is stupid, paladins were AOE tanking kings) because my AoE abilities aren't stupidly tied to consecration. As a Fury warrior my damage is more consistant, as a Ret paladin, it comes in bursts.

    I'm not saying I do more damage as a warrior, but I am saying I'm preferring the warrior play style as both tank and dps over paladin, which was my main since 2008.

    So I'd say paladin is least fun to play now. Most fun in Wrath when I still had anti-undead abilities (wtb Exorcism, pst, willing to sell first born son and maybe a leg.)
    Putin khuliyo

  6. #26
    Hunter. Best in MoP, worst in Legion/BFA.
    'Words do not win wars. That is a tragedy.'

  7. #27
    Well, to do a couple of classes off the top of my head, not including the old times where some specs weren't taken seriously as PvE options (looking at you Disc/Frost/Sub/Demo):

    Hunter: I never got to do Steady Shot spam, so the least fun was probably having my DPS be dependent on having a Ret Pally (or at least a second Paladin) in WotLK. Most fun, probably MoP. Loved the Aimed->Chimaera combo.

    Warlock: Most fun probably MoP, especially Destro with KJC. Least fun Cata. It was a clusterfuck of abilities, and the MoP remake was absolutely warranted.

    Warrior: Most fun overall probably in Legion, but for Prot spec it's definitely Wrath. Least fun, probably WoD, or whichever expansion it was that destroyed the Arms rotation.

    Shaman: Probably MoP for most fun overall. Definitely for Enhance. Elemental probably Legion since I love Stormbringer. Resto has always been fun, except for Firelands. Worst tier ever for Resto Shaman

    Druid: Legion definitely, and BfA is similar. They finally figured what the hell to do with Balance, Resto got fun toys, and Feral got some more nice options too

    DK: Unholy is awesome right now; never had more fun. Hated having to do MasterFrost to be viable.
    "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
    -Louis Brandeis

  8. #28
    Tbc and Wotlk hands down most fun I've had playing this game, honorable mentions for MoP and legion though, as I did enjoy a few months of playing with the revamped specs.

    Every other expansion was dull for me personally and obviously vanilla was vanilla so i can't really rate it , it did get me hooked and was a lot of fun but I did not enjoy it as much as I did tbc.

  9. #29
    Survival Hunter
    Best MOP
    worse (Legion and onwards)

  10. #30
    warlock - most fun, legion. least fun, bfa.

    paladin - most fun, wotlk. least fun, cataclysm.

    shaman - most fun, either cataclysm or WoD. least fun, either legion or bfa(legion started the trend of enhance being incredibly squishy, bfa continued it)

    death knight - most fun, wotlk(blood dps). least fun, bfa.

    those are the four i've played the most. DH was definitely more fun in legion, but it's not that badly changed in bfa compared to other classes.

  11. #31
    The Patient Sneaksies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostsoup View Post
    Warlock was most fun in MoP, and least fun in Legion
    agreed. destruction during 5.4 was amazing

    edit: not a warlock, but i do play them and can agree on this

    For me I played hunter until legion i went dh

    DH was the best for demon hunters

    And personally I liked hunters before their rework in i think legion, where the survival melee class was added. old survival was better

  12. #32
    For Feral I would pick the ICC patch of WotLK. The rotation was engaging without being clunky (Bloodtalons, I'm looking at you) and you could get Armor Pen capped and top the meters. Only time in my entire time playing WoW that I was consistently #1 in my 25 man raid group in dps. It was a really good time to be melee of any type really... ArPen was kinda broken as you approached the cap.
    Also during this time Feral AOE was pretty good b/c Swipe hit pretty hard (might have been the ArPen but w/e) and every other trash pull you could spam it when Tiger's Fury was off CD.

  13. #33
    I'd say the most fun I had with feral was during the mid/end of wotlk.

  14. #34

    In PvE, probably start of Legion. I loved the Subtlety Rogue rotation. It was fluid, slightly dynamic, and felt really strong. I liked not having to worry about losing my combo points.

    In PvP, Cataclysm. Subtlety Rogue was at it's peak strength (My favorite spec), self healing was really strong, and I felt like other classes struggled to kill me. You actually used Backstab in PvP, too. I hit my highest arena rating ever this expansion.

    For leveling, start of WoTLK. I absolutely fucking LOVED 31/0/30 (turned into 31/0/40 at 70). Cheap Shot was only 30 energy with Overkill, Hemorrhage would only cost 25 energy with Overkill for 6 seconds after leaving stealth, and I'd do 10% more damage for 6 seconds. I could also use swords, which are my favorite weapon. The burst potential was absolutely insane, especially with premed being a 20 second cooldown and Coldblood being an option. This didn't work at 70 due to higher armor classes being able to negate too much damage, but I don't think I ever felt more Rogue-like than start of WotLK. Really strong in stealth, and really strong for a short time right after leaving stealth.

    Death Knight:

    In PvE, pretty much all of WotLK as Blood DPS. Rotation constantly changed based on what resources you had, and it was the first class I played with an actual AoE rotation. Diseases -> Spread -> DnD -> try to Heart Strike as much as possible. It felt so rewarding if you could get 3-4 Heart Strikes in during all that. I spent a lot of time figuring out the best DPS spec as Blood and settled on 44/0/27 (I think it was?) so I could get the ghoul.

    In PvP it's hard for me to get an opinion. I didn't play DK at the start of WoTLK, so I missed when it was OP. It was really fun to play in Cata I suppose, even though it was probably the weakest of any expansion. It was incredibly strong with the Gargoyle out, and had great self-healing potential. It was a refreshing change to play in arena, as it played completely opposite of how Rogue did. I felt strong against healers, which I didn't on my Rogue.

    For leveling, also probably Unholy in Cata. Self-healing was strong, gargoyle made elites easy to solo, and that fast GCD/Movement speed in Unholy Aura made the class feel fluid. I believe I leveled 2 DK's to 85 in Cata, on two different servers.

  15. #35
    The Insane Thage's Avatar
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    Arms: Most fun was Mists of Pandaria, easily, at least for me. The spec had a strong sense of flow between skills and I really felt like a master of my weapon, like the massive sword in my hands was an extension of myself, as opposed to the surging berserker that is Fury and the stalwart guardian that is Protection.

    Least fun, without any question, was Warlords of Draenor, when the spec lost all sense of flow, rage was a consistent problem due to losing the rage generation on Mortal Strike, and I felt like I was spastically swinging my arms about in short bursts of competence as opposed to someone who was in constant control of my weapon. I never hope to see WoD Arms show its face again.
    Be seeing you guys on Bloodsail Buccaneers NA!

  16. #36
    The Insane Syegfryed's Avatar
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    for me = warrior arms was most fun in mop, and less fun in every expansion after mop

    especially legion and bfa, fuck those

  17. #37
    Bloodsail Admiral Micronetic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostsoup View Post
    Warlock was most fun in MoP, and least fun in Legion
    Yeah my Warlock was most fun in MoP but least fun in BfA.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    for me = warrior arms was most fun in mop, and less fun in every expansion after mop

    especially legion and bfa, fuck those
    WHOA! were you the other guy playing Arms in MoP? I thought it was only me. Arms was AMAZING in mop, and yes, all warrior specs for me PERSONALLY have got worse ever since, although i did enjoy the Active Mitigation system mixed with Prot in WoD.

  19. #39
    Havoc Demon Hunter:
    Both Awesome in Legion and BfA, best in BfA. It didn't really change that much from Legion to BfA but adding Immolation Aura felt good because of lore-reasons, and it added a button(which is a talent mind you) that had good interaction with the spec, giving fury and damage. I miss Fury of the Illidari though, but Immolation Aura seems to me to be a good "replacement". But we can have both, come on blizz. Overall I really love the Demon form build better, and I feel thematically it's a step up in BfA.
    Worst: All the expansions before

    Hunter: Marksman
    Legion. The best spec ever, of all the specs in the history of WoW. AoE was so fun, popping Trueshot Aura and then have massive Marked Shot procs, got the stack up for the legendary belt, then shoot Aimed Shot. Magnificent. MM built around Trueshot was very cool. Single Target had some RNG to it, but for me that was just minor. Yes, you had some spikes with no proc and that sucked, but generally it was very rewarding, especially before the change. Then...

    Worst: Destroyed it in BfA. The worst iteration of the spec in the history of WoW. Aimed shot on charges, proc here, proc there, it was playing like a ranged ret paladin which I hate playing, so I don't.

    Hunter: Survival:
    Best: BfA. I really like the melee aspect of it, but the trap part of it not so much, so the change in BfA was good because it also changed how it played from Legion, less buffs going around with short timers and it have a better flow in BfA.

    Worst: WotLK. Using 5 seconds to do the same spell twice and nothing between is just terrible gameplay. Really hated it and played it just for a really short time.

    Arcane Mage
    Best: Cataclysm and Legion from 7.1.5. I had a lot of fun with it in Cata. It had a good pace, it was build around a very powerful cd(as is the trait of Arcane) and the little things like Mana Gems etc was cool. Same in Legion, I think the Arcane Artifact weapon was very nicely built with the traits, and the Artifact Ability was a good little cd which didn't only do damage, but gave mana back so it interacted with the spec nicely. I can understand why they didn't bring it to BfA because of the story, but I am sure they could have made it with some changes. I feel BfA is missing that kind of thing, and the GCD really makes Arcane Power suffer. Though saying that, the Arcane Mage(s) is the spec I play the most in BfA together with my DH. I mean Arcane Mage is one of the specs that has changed the least during the years. I love the playstyle, and have done so since I started it in WotLK. Legion gave it a bit of fresh air with Aluneth, and that was nice. Except...

    Worst: Legion from launch to 7.1.5. WTF were they smoking. Making a spec play where you don't cast for a good amount of time is just terrible gameplay. I didn't like Quickening being so strong and so dumb at the same time. It was stupid. Then they changed it, and it become good old Arcane again.
    Last edited by Doffen; 2019-11-16 at 11:00 AM.

  20. #40
    FUN because of...

    Rogue, in the first 6 months, WorldofRoguecraft came at the fun was over
    Hunter, gearing, raiding, pvp, farming everything was 1 tier above the rogue class
    Priest, wanted more fun in PvP, this was the right choice and TBC prep
    Priest, MVP for raiding, no class/spec ever broke the class balance this much
    DK, new main, perfect mix from my previous mains - hybrid / energy-combo-dot mix / optional pet.
    DK, worst time to play this class, pvp turned into 1-shot-lolz and WotLK nerfs hit this class at the same time, the fun was over
    DK, the fun is back again, MVP in challenge modes, utility in raiding, pvp after heavy rogue/mage nerfs is great again
    DK, even more fun in raiding, stackable raid class in progression, again great in challenge modes, great last tier with ring+arbiter
    DK, worst class for the first 6 (SIX) months, worst legendarys, worst in every aspect of the game, most unfit raid class for encounters, Mythic+ with a tanking role is the only survival niche for DK mains, horrible expansion for this class, the class population goes into extinction in the last raid tier, "LF DK @Aggramar" is the biggest meme for the last 6 months
    DK, sadly #nochanges, Mythic+ survival niche got deleted after only 1 season, overall class population drops so much, that even niche SPECS are played by more people

    Overall the shift from "bring the player, not the class" to "play FOTM, because class changes are not gona happen between expansions" is really killing the RPG part of the game. There is no RPG left when you have to change your main class like your socks.
    Last edited by Ange; 2019-11-16 at 12:24 PM.

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