All right so the new character creation screen clearly shows that there are no longer slots for AR's and I'd like to throw out there one of my recent favorites!

The Kelfin!

Why? Well I'll tell ya!

1.: First and foremost they helped the Horde and worked with us in Nazjatar. Obviously right? They certainly wouldn't go Alliance.

2.: They work well within the Horde's framework. By that I mean they're survivors, scrapping together to reach their shared goals. At the same time they're not quite like their Goblin brothers and sisters on land, nor are they exactly like the Vulpera we have recently just had added.

3.: They wouldn't be a major drain on the Horde's resources and in fact would help immensely. Imagine a Horde with ready Kelfin marines able to quickly disembark their vessels and strike at the Alliance. Imagine how much faster and effectively they could assist in repairing the Horde's fleets. Not to mention the Kelfin don't come with just Gilgoblins. They bring Makrura, virtual shock troops, and Sea Giants, literal siege weapons themselves. While they have little of a home themselves they could easily make a new one along the coasts of Durotar or Aszhara and be right at home.

4.: Their look is much more than a recolored Goblin. Blizzard could give them seaweed like hair, various shell adornments and other aesthetic options to change how they look to be unique. Not to mention they're an aquatic race that neither the Alliance or Horde has at the moment. This could literally change the way the two forces engage.

The Kelfin should be an AR and would be a wondrous addition to the Horde!