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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Daedius View Post
    Any Single Boss raids would qualify as bad. Ruby Sanctum is probably the most forgotten one of them all.
    I strongly disagree. Onyxia is and was beloved by many even tho it was a single boss raid. Even ruby sanctum got farmed on the servers I played on. The winner already is crucible of storms. Nobody gave a fk about that raid...we cleared every mythic raid since WOD but skipped this one. And so did almost every guild on my server.

  2. #62
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fawkess View Post
    So I was inspired by @taishar68 thread on best/worst questing zones so I thought I would pose the same question but with raids? What do you consider to be your favorite raids as well your least favourite raids per expansion?

    Best: Zul'gurub
    Worst: Molten Core

    Burning Crusade:
    Best: Karazhan
    Worst: Battle of Mount Hyjal

    Wrath of the Lich King:
    Best: Ulduar
    Worst: Trial of the Crusader

    Best: Firelands
    Worst: Dragon Soul

    Mists of Pandaria:
    Best: Throne of Thunder
    Worst: Heart of Fear

    Warlords of Draenor:
    Best: Hellfire Citadel
    Worst: Highmaul

    Best: Nighthold
    Worst: Emerald Nightmare

    Battle for Azeroth:
    Best: Battle for Dazar'alor
    Worst: Eternal Palace
    Pretty much agree with everything here, except for WoD and BfA.


    Best: HFC - a lot of really good bosses, excellent art direction, plus I'm a real sucker for everything related to demons/Legion.

    Worst: Highmaul. It wasn't actually "bad", but it had to compete with two of the best raids ever, BRF and HFC.


    Best: EP. Except for the last fight, all bosses were quite enjoyable, and at times it felt as if it was the cancelled Abyssal Maw raid in Cata.

    Worst: BoD. While it was quite nice from a mechanical standpoint, I really, REALLY hated how the Alliance waltzed into a massive Horde stronghold (without any outside help, unlike SoO), killed the Zandalari king and got out pretty much scot-free. Jaina vanishing away felt particularly cheap, the plot armour was some crazy titanforged !@#$ there - almost as bad as Nathanos soloing Tyrande and her hubby in Darkshore.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  3. #63
    WotLK: Best, begrudgingly ICC. Worst, Ulduar.

  4. #64
    Best: Zul'gurub
    Worst: AQ40

    Burning Crusade:
    Best: Karazhan
    Worst: Serpentshrine Cavern

    Wrath of the Lich King:
    Best: Naxxramas
    Worst: Trial of the Crusader

    Best: Firelands
    Worst: Bastion of Twilight

    Mists of Pandaria:
    Best: Throne of Thunder
    Worst: Heart of Fear

    Warlords of Draenor:
    Best: Hellfire Citadel
    Worst: Highmaul

    Best: Nighthold
    Worst: Emerald Nightmare

    Battle for Azeroth:
    Best: Battle for Dazar'alor
    Worst: Crucible of Storms
    MMO-Champion Forum

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  5. #65
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    Best: Onyxia
    Worst: AQ40

    Burning Crusade
    Best: Black Temple
    Worst: Mount Hyjal

    Wrath of the Lich King
    Best: Ulduar
    Worst: The Ruby Sanctum

    Best: Firelands
    Worst: Dragon Soul

    Mists of Pandaria
    Best: Throne of Thunder
    Worst: Mogu'shan Vaults

    Warlords of Draenor
    Best: Hellfire Citadel
    Worst: Highmaul

    Best: Tomb of Sargeras
    Worst: Antorus

    Battle for Azeroth
    Best: Battle for Dazar'alor(by process of elimination)
    Worst: Crucible of Storms
    Subarashii chin chin mono
    Kintama no kami aru

  6. #66
    Bear in mind I only played casually in TBC and I had a break late cata - early legion so opinions are based on soloing for some of it.

    Classic: Best - AQ40
    Worst - Molten Core

    TBC: Best - Zul'Aman
    Worst - Gruul's Lair

    WotLK: Best - Trial of the Crusader
    Worst - Naxxramas

    Cata: Best - Bastion of Twilight
    Worst - Dragon Soul

    MoP: Best - Throne of Thunder
    Worst - Mogu'Shan Vaults

    WoD: Best - Blackrock Foundry
    Worst - Hellfire Citadel

    Legion: Best - Nighthold
    Worst - Antorus

    BfA: Best - Battle of Dazar'Alor
    Worst - Ny'alotha

  7. #67
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    I'm only doing the expansions I did:

    Best: Karazhan. Loved the atmosphere and the whole raid
    Worst: SSC. Trash slog.

    Best: ICC and Ulduar (tie)
    Worst: Ruby Sanctum

    Best: Blackwing Descent (FOR SCIENCE)
    Worst: Dragon Soul (Stabbing Deathwing's chin and toes wasn't exactly my idea of "epic")

    Best: Terrace, short and sweet
    Worst: Heart of Fear
    (didn't see ToT or Seige)

    Best: Eternal Palace. Fuck off, the Queen Azshara fight was fun
    Worst: Crucible
    Putin khuliyo

  8. #68
    Classic: Best- BWL ("Let the games begin" Love this line, and I love this raid)

    Worst- AQ20 (Bugs n shit but without C'Thun. Yikes)

    TBC: Best- Black Temple (As much as I love Kara, BT just hit different, man)

    Worst- Serpentshrine Cavern (Very forgettable raid tbh, even with the Vashj fight)

    WoTLK: Best- Ulduar (ICC is a very close second, but Ulduar's Music, the Yogg fight, and literally everything else just hit different, y'know? The LK fight alone, while brilliant, can't topple all the shit I mentioned in Ulduar. I'm sorry)

    Worst- Obsidian Sanctum (Fuck this shitty excuse of a "filler" raid. Worthless)

    Cataclysm: Best- Firelands (This is a top tier raid that's both chaotic and awesome. Love it)

    Worst- Dragon Soul (Terrible fights, mediocre ending to a rather ok expansion, and outside of the final fight (NOT THE SPINE OF DEATHWING! JUST THE MADNESS OF DEATHWING), this raid was just forgettable all around. It still is, to this day)

    MoP: Best- ToT (Aesthetically, this raid is a masterpiece, the boss fights are fun but not insane y'know, Lei'shen is one of the best WoW fights ever, and the whole Ra'den thing was actually very mysterious yet badass at the same time. So many Y'shaarj and N'Zoth hints there)

    Worst- Heart of Fear (Bugs, forgettable fights, more bugs, BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ THIS RAID IS NOTHING BUT FUZZ FUZZ FUZZ. Fuck this stupid ass raid)

    WoD: Best- BRF (Blackrock and Roll is the best WoW Track ever and I'm so glad Blizzard remade it. The remake is the best fucking thing in the history of Warcraft. LISTEN TO IT! Also, the fights, the looks of the raid, all around just glorious. Highly suggest new players give this raid a look, for if they want amazing Solo content as level 120's, or level 60's if you start playing during Shadowlands)

    Worst- HFC (Good raid, but that ending was hilariously bad. Holy fuck)

    Legion: Best- Antorus (Literally one of the best Raids in WoW, with some of the best WoW fights out there, some of the best looks ever in a WoW raid, with brilliant Music, the Seat of the Pantheon is fucking glorious, that ending Cinematic was the coolest thing ever (OMFG SARGERAS HOLY SHIT), and it ended Legion in a satisfying way that also left you craving for more (Sargeras and Illidan are returning, most likely in 10.0 with a potential Light and Shadow expansion...maybe?)

    Worst- ToS (Not the worst raid ever, just kinda boring to look at, with the fights not being the best. Though, they are good. KJ is a great fight when he's not absolutely terrifying to fight on Mythic (SERIOUSLY, HOW IS HE THIS BADASS IN BFA?!), and overall, idk. The raid just didn't hit as hard as the others. Even EN kinda gave me more feels than this (Then again, I always wanted to see the Emerald Dream/Nightmare. So, maybe that's why). This isn't a bad raid though. The fights are still ok (Not good nor great, just ok), and final Cinematic is a masterpiece (Poor KJ)

    BFA: Best- Battle for Dazar'alor (The fights are good, the ending of the raid felt satisfying but also cliff-hangery in a good way, I love how you get to see things from both Alliance/Horde perspectives, Jaina and Rastakhan were amazing fights, and overall, the raid was just good)

    Worst- Ny'alotha, the Waking City (What. A. Fucking. Joke. The raid LOOKS amazing, don't get me wrong, the Music is nice, and the fights are kinda good, BUT HOLY FUCK! What a way to waste the entire fucking Black Empire. That ending was Kerrigan Xel'naga levels of trash (LIKE, LITERALLY, THE PLAYER GOES FULL BLOWN KERRIGAN THERE, BUT INSTEAD OF AMON, IT'S N'ZOTH, WHO'S JUST DIMENSION AMON JUST SMALLER). Also, how dare you fucking waste N'Zoth like that. Idc if he can still Whisper and do shit post BFA (All Old Gods do that when they're dead, apparently. Doesn't mean shit). Man spent years hyping this shit up, his MINION got an entire expansion dedicated to him, but as soon as he's released, he's dealt with in 1 patch by the Player Kamehameha'ing his ass down? SERIOUSLY?! Ny'alotha also fucks off like the Eye of Sauron. WHY?! OH MY GOD!!! Seriously, fuck this trash ass expansion)

  9. #69

    +Black Temple
    -Mount Hyjal

    -Trial of the Crusader

    -Dragon Soul

    +Throne of Thunder
    -Terrace of Endless Spring

    +Blackrock Foundry
    -Hellfire Citadel

    +Tomb of Sargeras

    +Ny'alotha sans N'zoth

  10. #70
    Skipping Vanilla and BC since I didn't play then.


    Best - ICC. I missed raiding Ulduar as current content. I enjoyed it while overpowering the bosses with later gear. But ICC was everything. It was the culmination of the Arthas story. The art and gear was great looking - seeing Marrowgar for the first time was crazy. The bosses were fun. Even the story/voice acting was good. It was also the first time I did any sort of progression raiding.

    Worst - RS. The bosses weren't fun. The art was mostly recycled. The loot was garbage.


    Best - Firelands. Fun mechanics and bosses. Classes were fun to play at that point.

    Worst - DS. Almost entirely because of the last two bosses. Both were awful mechanically, both were dumb ideas, and the ending to the story was awful.


    Best - ToT. Solid fights. Higher difficulties were both challenging and fun rather than a chore.

    Worst - Tough choice. I'm going with ToES just because Lei Shi's voice and mechanics are the things of nightmares. That boss alone makes ToES worse than HoF.


    Best - BRF. Contender for best raid period. Mechanics were fun. Even the weaker boss fights were still fun fights. Nearly flawless.

    Worst - HM. Only picking it because its not as good at the other two raids. WoD was a weak expansion, but the raids are all great. I'd put all of them in a top ten list.


    Best - Nighthold. All solid fights. Art was good. Elisande was a top tier fight.

    Worst - EN. A smidge worse than ToV but still a decent raid.


    Best - Ny'alotha. Tough choice as most of the raids were equal. Not super great, not awful with one exception. None compare with WoD or Legion raids.

    Worst - CoS. Overtuned fights. Purple abilities on purplish ground with purplish effects kinda made things a bit more difficult needlessly. The timing of the raid's release was bad. Not remotely puggable.

  11. #71
    Bloodsail Admiral Moggie's Avatar
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    Best- Naxx40
    Worst- AQ40

    Best- BT
    Worst- Toss up between Gruuls Lair or Hyjal. With GL prolly getting the spot.

    Best- Ulduar
    Worst- ToGC

    Best- BoT (sorry, loved the varied boss fights here!)
    Worst- Toss up between Tot4W or FL with FL prolly beating all others.

    Best- ToT
    Worst- HoF
    (The whole time gated to hell first tier of xpac holds super bad memories)

    Best- BRF
    Worst- Highmaul

    Best- Antorus (really enjoyed NH but still preferred Antorus)
    Worst- Hated ToV but really hate ToS more

    Best- BoD
    Worst- CoS

  12. #72
    Best: Naxx
    Worst: Molten Core

    Best: Karazhan
    Worst: SSC

    Best: Ulduar
    Worst: VoA

    Best: Firelands
    Worst: Tot4W
    (cata one is purely astetic, i didnt play that expansion)

    Best:ToT(Also my best overall raid)
    Worst: Terrace(could have been HoF but terrace had worse bosses but better astetics. HoF wins on better bosses).

    Best: Highmaul
    Worst: Blackrock Foundry(yeah i know this is not meta, really didnt like the astetics)

    Best: Antorus
    Worst: ToV

    Best: No strong feelings on the best here. Uldir/boD/TEP are all decently above average raids to me
    Worst: Ny'alotha. Bosses on normal/hc are mostly devoid of interesting mechanics. Almost nothing is changed from lfr - hc. Horrible for the last raid of an expansion + that cinematic.

  13. #73
    I can really only speak for WotLK But:

    Best: Ulduar. ICC was great but Ulduar had a great aesthetic and variety in the fights. Not to mention you could "unlock" the hard modes instead of simply selecting them.
    Worst: Ruby Sanctum. Felt like a half backed idea, barely was a raid. ToGC was the worst actual raid though I still enjoyed it when PUGs weren't being PUGs.

  14. #74
    Best - Throne of Thunder. Strongly themed yet varied, had a strong story around it, main boss fight is my all-time favourite.
    Worst - Terrace of Endless Spring. One area, a boss per step. Quite dull.

    Best - Hellfire Citadel. Varied and some of the bosses were greatly executed. Also liked their recurring broadcasts in Tanaan overworld to signify something was up in their domain. Tyrant Velhari is one to remember.
    Worst - Blackrock Foundry. Dull aesthetics and theme.

    Best - Nighthold. Loved the theme, surrounding story and boss fights. Especially Trilliax.
    Worst - Emerald Nightmare. Otherwise true to its theme and an interesting event to explore the Nightmare, but the way it's built is frustrating.

    No opinion on Classic, TBC, Wrath and Cata, because I didn't explore the raids when they were current. BFA I've largely gone through in tourist-mode, exploring each previous raid only once and the latest one not at all. None made an impression, I barely remember what Uldir was like.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  15. #75
    Best - Naxx
    Worst - Molten Core

    Best - Black Temple
    Worst - Serpentshrine Cavern

    Best - Ulduar/ICC
    Worst - Trial of Crusader

    Best - Bastion of Twilight
    Worst - Dragon Soul

    Best - Throne of Thunder
    Worst - Mogu'Shan Vaults

    Best - Hellfire Citadel
    Worst - Highmaul

    Best - Nighthold
    Worst - Halls of Valor

    Best - don't know really
    Worst - Uldir

  16. #76
    ill rate raids i actually did, because there wasn't that many of them.

    Firelands - solid 7/10, a bit short but a fun raid with many unique encounters
    Dragon Soul - meh 2/10, not only a lukewarm raid at best but also very long lasting. Spine was a nightmare.
    Mogushan Vaults - 5/10, not anything spectacular. Mediocre fights except Elegon
    Heart of Fear - 3/10, rather miss in terms of aesthetic, Amber Shaper fight was bad. Not because I was bad but because the vehicle mechanic could land on a really bad player and ruin the attempt.
    Terrace of Endless Springs - 8/10. Actually, one of better raids. Didn't wasted your time with endless trash grinding. Nice 4 boss straightforward instance.
    Throne of Thunder - 9+/10. Ye this one is really good and most people like it. It wasn't perfect, positioning loot pinata bosses near the end and hard ones at start but overall very solid raid.
    Siege of Orgrimmar - 6/10. I'm taking 3 points off because it was hilariously long lasting. 13 months and that's not even counting the pre-patch. I hated Galakras because you could not skip this 10-minute slog and gear didn't made it any better.
    Highmaul - 6/10. This time i'm taking 2 points off because it was way too short lasting. Mere 2 months before Blackrock Foundry came out and completely invalidated it.
    BRF - 10/10, I think this is my favorite raid out of everything I played. Good fights on mythic. Well the furnance could use improvement but that's really looking for problems.
    HFC - 5/10, by this point I was kinda sated with orc theme and to top it off, this crap lasted even longer than Siege of Orgrimmar.
    Emerald Nightmare - 4/10, meh. Undertuned and annoying with the AP grinds coming before it.

    then there is a long break, im not reviewing stuff that I did only on LFR

    Ny'alothe - 7/10, about as fun as firelands. Doesn't really stand out and idk how long it will last. If >10 months then it will drop 2 points from this score.

  17. #77
    - Best: AQ40
    - Worst: Molten Core

    - Best: Zul'aman
    - Worst: Gruul's Lair

    - Best: Ulduar
    - Worst: ToC

    - Best: Firelands
    - Worst: Dragon Soul

    - Best: ToT
    - Worst: HoF

    - Best: Blackrock Foundry
    - Worst: Highmaul

    - Best: Nighthold
    - Worst: Emerald Nightmare

    - Best: Dazar'alor
    - Worst: Ny'alotha
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    The only lies here are the bullshit coming from you. RBG appears to be immortal.

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