Hi guys. just have few a quick questions about raid lockouts.

i saw a topic on icyveins last week about bringing alts into a raid lockout to bypass straight to the last boss for raids like ulduar and icecrown to farm mounts.

and i've been thinking about it and now that i'm on course for a full 9 days of leave from work i'm gonna try it this week.

but back to the point.

bear in mind i've got no clue if any of this will make sense but i still have to ask

my first question is this: lets say for the sake of argument i were to clear through to the last boss in a raid (say Ulduar). and the i did trick for bringing alts into my raid lockout. then once the alt has the raid lockout saved, i kick the alt from the group. and then on that alt. i extend the lockout past the weekly reset. after the reset, would i be able to bring other alts into the lockout of the original alt for that raid?

next question: would the raid lockout trick work for raids like Karazan? I'm mainly asking about this one because i want to avoid doing the chess game more than once on each faction so that i can bypass the chess game to aim for gorehowl.

last question: lets say for the sake of argument i were to take some characters into the Karazan raid to kill atumen for the fiery warhorse mount. would i be able to bring those characters into a raid save that has progressed further into Karazan or would they be locked into their own progression?