1. #1

    Fury Warrior Covenants and Soulbinds.

    So as a Fury Warrior, I've been reading through all of the covenant abilities and soulbind options and I haven't really figured out which one seems to be the best option so far. The Night Fae ability seems like it could be useful, but you know...fairy warrior. I think Venthyr MAY be the one to lean towards, but I just don't have enough data to tell.

    I was just wondering what everyone else's thoughts are on them all so far. I don't have beta access so I can't test anything at the moment.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Necrolords looks pretty damn strong, with an upto 30s long party-wide group buff of 50% attack speed & 20% haste - that's actually huge. Venthyr, though... Oof. That animation, the damage. Surely it must come out on top in single target raid encounters, otherwise why would you pick it over 2 AoE talents & a party-wide super buff?

    It's probably going to be between those two for me, as someone that does a mixture of everything but mostly enjoys raiding & some decent level dungeoneering.

  3. #3
    I really want Necrolord to be the best, or at least not far behind. The aesthetic behind them is just so good. I think the Necrolord soulbinds look pretty good also, but we'll have to see throughout beta.

    At first glance the Venthy one looked super strong, without question. And their soulbinds also seem really strong. I'm excited to get a chance to play around with it.

  4. #4
    Necrolord is my favourite aesthetic as well, and the buff just feels like it's going to be too much to not take it. If I had to guess, overall DPS (including raid members getting buffed by it) would be Necrolords. Best individual damage buff will likely be Venthyr, and the other two will both do well in dungeons/AoE scenarios.

    If any of the above ends up being untrue, then something is clearly off. If NF/Kyrian do more ST damage than Condemn then Vanthyr is pretty damn pointless (although the teleport is obviously still giga). If Condemn does SO much damage it out performs Necrolords DPS even accounting for the damage buff other people get, then what is the point of Necrolords when Venthyr also has the teleport on top of it?

    So long as it's either Venthyr/Necrolords for raiding (which I fully expect it will be), I'm completely fine with it. If I had to choose, I'd go with Condemn, but we'll see what the very smart numbers people say.

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