1. #1

    Suggested Hotfixes for Arena.

    This post is a collection of the thoughts from many different players who have been calling for changes in the PVP community, I agree with these suggestions and I have compiled them and my hope is that someone in the dev team will see this and take them into consideration or implement some hotfixes.

    Vitality Conduit

    Option 1: Disabled in PVP settings. (Optimal) – The reasoning behind this – as arena players we pride ourselves on our knowledge of all class abilities in addition to playing our spec as its optimal level while trying our best to outplay our opponents collectively as a team to achieve victory.
    The problem with Vitality is it completely ruins the class fantasy that is resto shaman, giving every healer that chooses to take it as their main essence, access to a personal spirit link on a 45 second cd that nobody can kill through regardless of what CC you have landed or if you have locked them out of their school of healing. This is bad for the game and every stream I have tuned in to, every group I have played with in arenas has complained about vitality conduit to the point where it has become a meme.

    Option 2: – Attach it to all schools of healing so that if locked out by a shear, counterspell, pummel, etc. It cannot be cast. Multiple times I have landed a timely lockout on the enemy healer and they just press vitality conduit and the go is now over and my teams crowd control and resources are waste effectively making the game go longer than it really needs to.

    Option 3: Credit to Borngood’s (R1 Holy Paladin) suggestion to warcraftdevs on twitter. Vitality conduit’s effectiveness is reduced by 50% in all PVP situations.

    Lingering Psychic Shell

    Remove its active ability of 80% damage reduction. This is simply unfair to the classes or specs that cannot loot it without having to pay for a loot funnel. Either this or reduce its effectiveness by 50% in all Arena situations as far as the damage reduction and shield amount is concerned. There was once a glorious time in arena history where PVE trinkets did not work in PVP and going into shadowlands and the pre-patch I wish to see this happen sooner rather than later.


    Where to begin with these guys. I am not a class developer nor do I actually play the spec that is Destruction Warlock. I’ve heard cries from every corner of the community calling for nerfs or tuning. Most of the problems seem to come from their passive, soul leech, which on a normal occasion will do about 50% of their healer’s amount in healing for themselves. That probably needs to be reduced by 50% as well. Haste amps on warlock does not make them sacrifice survivability as they can launch multiple chaos bolts at you and you can die in a mortal coil if you don’t have trinket available. If this is the case, you expect players to actively line of sight until their trinket is available in order to engage with a warlock in arena which again does not seem fair. This is why you see double destro lock rampant on the ladder in all brackets. I have been slightly impressed with the hotfixes this expansion by the developers when it comes to things that need tuning (Conflict & Strife change etc.) but with warlock they seem to have been overlooked for many patches now and to me that seems a bit like negligence simply because the ENTIRE COMMUNITY is crying out for tuning on literally every social media platform and streaming service. Haste amps probably need a 33% reduction like versatility has received to make it more balanced.

    Ineffable truth Paladins

    Again with my opening statement, we as PVPers do our best to pump damage during windows of crowd control, or when the enemy healer does not have cooldowns to deal with the damage. Holy Paladins who have hand of sacrifice every 30 seconds or TRINKET on a 45 second timer while ineffable truth has procced is completely ridiculous. We’ve all seen the clips of where Hpals have been hojing over their hoj, and in some extreme cases, stunning a target more than twice in a 30 second window. Additionally, Hpals do not sacrifice any survivability to stacking ineffable truth because vitality conduit will save them every time. There probably needs to be an internal cooldown on ineffable truth so that it still does what it is intended to do while not making the game impossible for an enemy team who chooses not to play with a holy paladin.

    Corruption Vendor Rotation

    The entire community is crying out for a vendor with no rotation. The main reason behind this is that most people cannot play WoW for 12+ hours a day during the windows to farm echoes to get their corruptions that they desire. If they are unable to farm the echoes in these windows, they will have to wait too long before it is on the vendor again in order to stay competitive with their desired spec.
    Gushing wounds

    Although it already received a sizable nerf, it still needs to go further. A full stacking gushing wound class on the damage breakdown will reveal that their top damage is gushing wounds with it accounting for 30-40% of their total damage dealt. The community recommends another 33% reduction to gushing wounds in all PVP situations.


    Vitality Conduit – Attached to all schools of healing so when locked out, it is unable to be cast. Optimally, disabled in arena altogether or reduced effectiveness by 50% in all PVP situations.

    Lingering Psychic Shell – Effectiveness reduced by 50% in all PVP situations (effect remains unchanged in world PVP)

    Haste corruptions reduced by 33% in arena

    Destruction warlock soul leech passive is now reduced by 50% in all PVP situations.

    Ineffable truth now has an internal cooldown of 1 minute in all PVP situations (effect remains unchanged in world PVP)

    The corruption vendor now sells all levels of corruption with no rotation.

    Gushing wounds damaged is reduced by an additional 33% in all PVP situations.

    Thank you for reading and again I have simply compiled thoughts from active arena players in the WoW community that have all recommended these changes.

  2. #2
    I respect the time you put in but you have to understand that if they havent significantly changed BFA PvP in over a year and a half i HIGHLY doubt they will a month before prepatch.

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