1. #1

    Hard stuck Bronze KEKW

    I'm legit finding it impossible to climb in this god forsaken game.. I've playing Tryndamere as much as I can top lane and I'm using Foggedftw's google spreadsheet to study my matchups etc... It's taken me awhile but I've realized that hitting every single cs ISN'T the win/loss of the game, I can afford to chill and let the wave push into me to farm up and I can get ahead with full fury trades.. I've finally started winning lane against hard counters, however, the issue I'm having is, EVERY other lane seems to feed their absolute t!ts off.

    So I'm top vs Pantheon, he has me on poke and I can't really farm, but eventually he leaves lane and I re-take position, trade him to 5% a few times and get complete control of top. I get a herald on me, I get a 3 man dive on me, I die, but I don't lose my turret because I manage to clear the minions before I die, that's fine.

    However during this 3 man dive, my bot and mid somehow died in a 3v2, I then look at the scorecard and my bot is 1/6, mid is 1/6 and jg is 2/7...

    I'm baffled, this is happening in literally every single game I play.. Even games I play bad, my entire team is also playing bad. The games I win are purely because I have a half-decent jungler or mid laner that don't feed their t!ts off, but if they're average, or typical bronze, then it's a hard loss every single time.

    How the hell do you guys climb rankings? do I have to literally hit 6 then roam 24/7 to try and help my lanes out because my jungler is always complete garbage?

    Rant over, but this game legit puts me in a seriously bad mood after 1 game due to how utterly garbage people play. I'm bad, I'm not even saying I'm good, but I've learned wave management, lane management and when to engage or not in a fight, it seems however everyone else just wants to kill minions ASAP and push as hard as they can all the time. Like.. I see the enemy jgl bot, I ping bot and spam back in chat, they still die under the enemy tower half a minute later...

  2. #2
    I only play ARAM o.o 2400 hours of league and i only played aram, unless there are other game modes like one for all or URF.

  3. #3
    I stopped playing ranked almost entirely, masters promos last year, to hard stuck plat this.

    its a 30/30/40 spread

    30 are auto win
    30 are auto loss

    Gotta be able to carry that last 40, but the snowball matchups can just make that 40 fall into auto losses (see cass top into darius)

  4. #4
    >playing ranked
    >not chilling with Aram

    The fuck is wrong wth you?

  5. #5
    One tricking is questionable for lower elo, especially a "run them down" champ like Trynd. If you're set on playing top grab a couple 1v9 champs like illaoi and darius, stomp your lane plus anyone dumb enough to try and gank you, then run around the map murdering everyone while your team licks walls and wets themselves.

    That's not to say Trynd is a bad champ to climb, but pre gold you're always going to be at the mercy of your teammates. Just a touch of outplay potential makes all the diff.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  6. #6
    Just play yuumi man

    I was stuck in bronze since like forever, then I mained her and the game practically wins itself, and her braindead abilities are very very powerful. A yuumi and a fed anything can easily wipe an entire team. Yuumi Singed us dusgusting.

    Its so easy infact that I watch movies on the monitor and do other things and have reached gold. A guy reached diamond or masters or something with yuumi by playing with his feet
    An'u belore delen'na

  7. #7
    stop stressing - play aram

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