Has anyone speculated yet that the 2nd song is Dynamis. I mean, The power of friendship. I mean, Emotion?
Last edited by bruxx; 2022-01-28 at 06:13 PM.
I had taken that to be in regards to Z'rali but the Court of Harvesters definitely aren't the enemy of all (nor is Death in truth) so that would actually make more sense. Interesting.
There's also the Everliving Statuette talking about how the 7th covets what the 6 hold onto.
I don't think the 7th is Azeroth, it seems like a malevolent force. Firim's notes seem to indicate that too.
I'm getting the feeling this whole construct is actually a locking mechanism/seal designed to either keep something away from the 7th force or keep the 7th force away. So either a sort of safe or prison. The 7th Fonon force would be some other power on a similar level to the First Ones. Not necessarily something fundamentally different, just with designs that are incompatible with the known universe's existence. You know, like the presence of a seal on a door being incompatible with your desire to enter the room.
Would be interesting. Each creator race would need some kind of reason to create the systems that are currently in place. An evil First One is the obvious choice, but I would like if there were more than one.
And now that you reminded me of Tales of the Abyss I think I need to find some way to play it once more.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Imagine if 10.0 isn't actually about dragons and Dragon Isles or world revamp, blizz must be shitting their pants hoping they get a good reception on their theme
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
Oh I agree, and whatever theme they decided on I believe will be great as long as its not an unknown cosmic realm thingy. I was just wondering what might be going through their heads about reception
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I wouldn't be opposed to that. WoD let us see Draenor before Outland, I would like to see the old megacontinent. Story was sucky at parts but the main letdown was cut content which was not due to it being a time travel expac
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
I bought into Ybarra's tweets hinting at something big announced this week and convinced myself we would see a big wow update xd
It was Dragon Isles, Death and Revamped Northrend (since before then SL was just the shadowy version of Azeroth where we go when we die). Global warming Northrend was popular to raise awareness for climate change xD But yeah based on the BfA sylvanas stuff it was mostly death stuff people thought, even some "leaks" combining revamped northrend with dragon isles nearby
But that was based on BfA story. In SL we have nothing hinting at dragons except what I remember some text in draconic in Zereth Mortis (and maybe Wrathion showing Anduin what real domination is).
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread