1. #3901
    Field Marshal hipolnalrt's Avatar
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    I'm sticking with my theory of a time-based theme for next expansion based on the interviews. From the interview:

    A note in Tazavesh mentions a possible seventh cosmic force. Time will tell whether the scribe has lost their mind. or if it leads to something more substaintial!

  2. #3902
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    You gotta love those replies all shitting on retail WoW's awful story. This might be the only place in existence that still gets excited for this shlock.

  3. #3903
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    You gotta love those replies all shitting on retail WoW's awful story. This might be the only place in existence that still gets excited for this shlock.
    Compare that to the excellent story of TBC. Not to mention, they need to bring it back to Azeroth's traditional Gothic Fantasy routes, not like the Science Fiction-influenced High Fantasy it is now. I am glad that TBC's story was in such an excellent place and it really allowed us to see the full, traditional fantasy of Azeroth in a classically fantastical, yet down-to-earth, setting, and where the old characters were so deeply-respected.

  4. #3904
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    You gotta love those replies all shitting on retail WoW's awful story. This might be the only place in existence that still gets excited for this shlock.
    Can't you do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and not waste your time on a franchise you clearly despise?

    Formerly known as Arafal

  5. #3905
    Quote Originally Posted by hipolnalrt View Post
    I'm sticking with my theory of a time-based theme for next expansion based on the interviews. From the interview:

    A note in Tazavesh mentions a possible seventh cosmic force. Time will tell whether the scribe has lost their mind. or if it leads to something more substaintial!
    Would maybe have more impact if it wasn't a common turn of phrase. You've probably invested magnitudes more thought into this than the person that said it.

  6. #3906
    Field Marshal hipolnalrt's Avatar
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    To all the people upset about the story being about the cosmos, literally every expansion has expanded on our understanding of the cosmos.

    BC - Burning Legion, and the Light
    WotLK - Ulduar and the Titans and the void
    Cata - Old gods, void, some Emerald Dream stuff
    MoP - Titans and old god/void
    WoD - Burning Legion and some void and light stuff

    You get it.

  7. #3907
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Can't you do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and not waste your time on a franchise you clearly despise?
    When one is utterly infatuated with a product to the point of obsession, balanced regard for it must look like utter hatred and contempt in comparison.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Compare that to the excellent story of TBC. Not to mention, they need to bring it back to Azeroth's traditional Gothic Fantasy routes, not like the Science Fiction-influenced High Fantasy it is now. I am glad that TBC's story was in such an excellent place and it really allowed us to see the full, traditional fantasy of Azeroth in a classically fantastical, yet down-to-earth, setting, and where the old characters were so deeply-respected.
    Binary thinking is pretty funny to witness, despite its commonality. The herd is getting agitated again.
    Last edited by Edward Wu; 2021-06-27 at 03:58 PM.

  8. #3908
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    utterly infatuated with a product to the point of obsession
    Pot meet kettle

  9. #3909
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    Pot meet kettle
    he's just a neutral, dispassionate observer that happens to hang around forever with a product that he's deemed trash

    no emotional attachment at all, yep

  10. #3910
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    Pot meet kettle
    Let's be real here, you've never had a pulse on me or any cogent point at all and are only mad because I'm ruining your safe space.

    S'okay, just be honest about it instead of playing the midwit.

  11. #3911
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Compare that to the excellent story of TBC. Not to mention, they need to bring it back to Azeroth's traditional Gothic Fantasy routes, not like the Science Fiction-influenced High Fantasy it is now. I am glad that TBC's story was in such an excellent place and it really allowed us to see the full, traditional fantasy of Azeroth in a classically fantastical, yet down-to-earth, setting, and where the old characters were so deeply-respected.
    ......Rofl no TBC's story was hitting scif-i levels. Once you go to other planets you are touching science fiction, no ifs about it. Also Illidan's story was turned around acted like he was the bad guy. Legion actually fixed it instead of "I AM INSANE CAUSE I LOST TO ARTHAS."

    Killing Illidan like in TBC was a big waste. He was used mostlY "RAID BOSS OF A WCIII character."
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  12. #3912
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    Let's be real here, you've never had a pulse on me or any cogent point at all and are only mad because I'm ruining your safe space.

    S'okay, just be honest about it instead of playing the midwit.
    This isn’t a “safe space”. We also hate the plot and are perpetually bitching about it. We just bitch about anything in particular instead of going on nonsensical and entirely circular NPC rantings. Your contributions to this forum could be exceeded by a bot, and it would likely have more developed argumentative skills than you do.

  13. #3913
    The WoW community has really imploded into terribleness lately. Content drought + COVID is a bad combination.

    I've never seen the community this bad and troll-y, not even during BFA or WOD. What is happening that is causing so many people to lose their shit?
    Last edited by Nagawithlegs; 2021-06-27 at 05:53 PM.

  14. #3914
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    This isn’t a “safe space”. We also hate the plot and are perpetually bitching about it. We just bitch about anything in particular instead of going on nonsensical and entirely circular NPC rantings. Your contributions to this forum could be exceeded by a bot, and it would likely have more developed argumentative skills than you do.
    He says as he proceeds to prove me completely right by becoming immediately defensive and mad and resorting to playground insults.

    Love it! You're doing just great.

  15. #3915
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    ......Rofl no TBC's story was hitting scif-i levels. Once you go to other planets you are touching science fiction, no ifs about it. Also Illidan's story was turned around acted like he was the bad guy. Legion actually fixed it instead of "I AM INSANE CAUSE I LOST TO ARTHAS."

    Killing Illidan like in TBC was a big waste. He was used mostlY "RAID BOSS OF A WCIII character."
    That’s the point. It’s sarcasm. I hope that it has made an introduction to you.

    Yes, I was pointing out how the plot has always been both bad and prone to spacey shenanigans. I advise you develop the bare minimal EQ to comprehend sarcasm without the necessity for audible tone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    He says as he proceeds to prove me completely right by becoming immediately defensive and mad and resorting to playground insults.

    Love it! You're doing just great.
    Make a cognizant argument. It is much easier to do so than just whinge incessantly and produce snark.

  16. #3916
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Make a cognizant argument. It is much easier to do so than just whinge incessantly and produce snark.
    "I demand to be taken seriously!"

    Before that, ask yourself why you warrant any effort on my part, first. I have absolutely no desire to engage with internet randoms in pointless debate when I can simply amuse myself and point out absurdities in your replies, instead. Doubly so with people who've already entered into a bad faith argument with me from the get-go.

  17. #3917
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    "I demand to be taken seriously!"

    Before that, ask yourself why you warrant any effort on my part, first. I have absolutely no desire to engage with internet randoms in pointless debate when I can simply amuse myself and point out absurdities in your replies, instead. Doubly so with people who've already entered into a bad faith argument with me from the get-go.
    There are no absurdities in my argument to point out. You are making nonsense comments entirely divorced from the matter at hand.

    Add to this how, if the consensus among people who otherwise seem to agree with you remains that you are still obnoxious and utterly inane, you are probably obnoxious and inane. Eventually, there’s a point where you’ve got to admit that it’s not that everyone else is conformist sheep, but that you’re just the outlier. Drop the Ben Shapiro shtick, you’re the one spouting absurdities.

    Firstly, you simply can’t make claims without supporting them. If you have even the most passing education in critical thinking, you should be able to produce a pretty simple argument. I’m not asking you to debate me, I am asking you to give me the framework—even a single sentence—to support your claims. Obviously, if you do nothing but spout hearsay in the most obnoxious possible tone, people will expect you to support your claims.

    Add to this, we’re on an Internet forum. If you are on a forum, that rather naturally implies a willingness to engage in discussion. This isn’t a blog. You are expected to engage in discussion on a discussion forum.

  18. #3918
    Seems like the latest interview makes it clear beyond any reasonable doubt that Sylvanas is going to survive the end of the raid. I guess then the only question left is whether she will have a redemption arc now or later.

    Personally I hope she gets away to an increasingly tenous relationship with the Jailer. Would be fitting punishment for her character who prides herself on being in control, even compared to a threat like the jailer to be forcibly humbled, potentially even having ot swallow her pride and accept judgment to get even close to her ideal version of events.

    For a curveball twist going forward I am going to predict right here and now that it will be Sylvanas that is instrumental in helping us find and free Arthas. If Sylvanas should get anything close to a redemption then she should be able to prove it by helping Arthas.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  19. #3919
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Seems like the latest interview makes it clear beyond any reasonable doubt that Sylvanas is going to survive the end of the raid. I guess then the only question left is whether she will have a redemption arc now or later.

    Personally I hope she gets away to an increasingly tenous relationship with the Jailer. Would be fitting punishment for her character who prides herself on being in control, even compared to a threat like the jailer to be forcibly humbled, potentially even having ot swallow her pride and accept judgment to get even close to her ideal version of events.

    For a curveball twist going forward I am going to predict right here and now that it will be Sylvanas that is instrumental in helping us find and free Arthas. If Sylvanas should get anything close to a redemption then she should be able to prove it by helping Arthas.
    Well, that would have a bit of a peculiar message in it, wouldn’t it? Add to that I simply couldn’t feasibly imagine Sylvanas doing anything good to do with Arthas, even though I may be putting too much faith in Blizzard.

    It would be nice to see Sylvanas sidelined, given how egotistical she is. I would say that if they give Sylvie some buildup to betraying the Jailer, it would be quite a helpful alteration of the current sequence of roller coaster plotlines where everything happens at once. However, it should simultaneously be kept in mind that Blizzard does seem to prefer the roller coaster, specifically focused on the “oomph” moments. I do figure not having Sylvie betray the Jailer after her fight in SoD could reduce the oomph of the aftermath of the fight.

    Then again, I must emphasize I still prefer the latter, despite the latter seeming more Blizzardesque. If it were the former,
    that could indicate a positive alteration in Blizzard’s general collective skills of story composition. Overall, the current lot have surprisingly improved from their prior state circa 9.1., so I have some (minimal) faith in the writers.

    Conversely, I still could feasibly see them doing a redemption in which the victim of a genocide is forced to forgive the person responsible for her genocide to make up for her own genocide. Although it would give some relatively sufficient equivalent exchange for her potential redemption, it would still be pretty awkward, which sadly isn’t far off from Blizzard’s usual standard.

  20. #3920
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Seems like the latest interview makes it clear beyond any reasonable doubt that Sylvanas is going to survive the end of the raid. I guess then the only question left is whether she will have a redemption arc now or later.
    I honestly don't think she'll get a redemption arc. From the sound of that one Alleria fairy tale, the Sylvanas we know isn't "the real one" because the Jailer has her soul shard.

    Maybe this version of Sylvanas dies and is something like Uther, a bad half? It would explain why the Sylvanas that comes back from her suicide is almost purely negative/spiteful. The "future of Sylvanas" could be that other half of her.
    Last edited by Nagawithlegs; 2021-06-27 at 07:11 PM.

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