Originally Posted by
Buliwyf the Omen
The Classes wouldnt end up this bad if Blizzard didnt intentionally butcher them starting from WoD and going specifically into Legion with their horrible Spec focus.
You're making it sound like endgame content suffers because there is not enough varied casual content? Currently you can do pet battles, transmog farming, alt leveling, professions and all the available endgame content like PvP, BGs, Arenas, Raids and Dungeons aswell as the Covenants. I dont really see why there needs to be more.
The problem is that the endgame content is straight up shit. Who enjoys running into the Maw every day, Korthia, Torghast, the horrible Legendaries exactly? And around that you have poor Class design, and to top it off, PvP is an absolute nightmare that is by now completly ignored by Blizzard and the Raids and Dungeons are as dull as ever.
And you want to tell me, this is fixxed by housing and NPC dating, and similiar things like that?