1. #5861
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoBisque View Post
    any leak that says wow is being put on maintenance mode with no more expacs is just immediately and obviously fake

    blizzard hasn't released a new game in 5 years, a majority of their profits are from wow

    deciding to kill that cash cow without having even seen how their other new projects are going to do (OW2/D4) would be the dumbest move imaginable unless you are someone invested in wow/blizzard's failure and are just posting what you want to happen
    Yeah, it's pretty silly to think they're going to stop doing expansions and rely on consistent subscribers when the expansions are selling better than ever before and subscribers are less consistent and more cyclic than ever before.

  2. #5862
    According to Towelliee 9.1.5 will have alot more changes the community has been asking for for years, and that Blizzard haven't announced yet.

  3. #5863
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I seriously don't understand why they won't do it. it's like the perfect space solution because you can vertically stack areas. No need to add an "island" for Mechagon off the shore that for some reason was hard to find when instead you can make that same space in a cave under your existing landmass ezpz.
    My hope is, should we get a Dragon Isles expansion, they do exactly this - have the islands be suspended among the clouds for whatever reason above existing zones.

  4. #5864
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    What is Fate of Eternity even supposed to mean? The whole title makes no sense. What's next? WoW Destiny of Limbo?
    Fate is a commonly used word in SL, it's close to being this expansions equivalent of "Savage". If the Jailer wins then that is eternal, the infinite dragonflight is also mentioned at times in the expansion.
    So exrtapolating then Fate of Eternity would be a more flowery way of ssaying "End of all things".
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  5. #5865
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    What is Fate of Eternity even supposed to mean? The whole title makes no sense. What's next? WoW Destiny of Limbo?
    Its meant to sound grandiose, is all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyrja View Post
    According to Towelliee 9.1.5 will have alot more changes the community has been asking for for years, and that Blizzard haven't announced yet.
    I am completely unsurprised. But I am curious.

    Hope the ability to solo Legion raids is one of them because I'm jonesing to do it (well, I can already do LFR and normal but I'd like to do more).

  6. #5866
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Its meant to sound grandiose, is all.

    I am completely unsurprised. But I am curious.

    Hope the ability to solo Legion raids is one of them because I'm jonesing to do it (well, I can already do LFR and normal but I'd like to do more).
    I really hope they make old content easier farmable with 9.1.5. I don't even need to be able to solo it .... just make it easier than in BfA lol. It's quite sad that you don't even see more than 5 groups listened for old content because it's quite frankly harder to clear BfA raids now than it was before the Prepatch ...

  7. #5867
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyrja View Post
    According to Towelliee 9.1.5 will have alot more changes the community has been asking for for years, and that Blizzard haven't announced yet.
    Ahh yes, the streamer who attempts to build a fanbase around being in the know tries a desperate attempt at a non-answer that could mean anything.
    I mean honestly, this would be true for pretty much any change that's coming.
    More souls? Blizzard listened.
    Intro skip? Blizzard listened.
    Brawler's guild returns? Blizzard listened.
    Stormwind Skybox changed? Blizzard listened.

    This is about as revolutionary as claiming that 9.1.5 will give classes a long-needed tuning pass. The parameters set are so vague, and the odds of general tuning is so high that only something completely out of left field would void the claim.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #5868
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Fate is a commonly used word in SL, it's close to being this expansions equivalent of "Savage". If the Jailer wins then that is eternal, the infinite dragonflight is also mentioned at times in the expansion.
    So exrtapolating then Fate of Eternity would be a more flowery way of ssaying "End of all things".
    It’s insanely suspicious that the Infinite Dragonflight got a new model (albeit with pirate stuff glued on it) before ANY of the other Azeroth associated flights. I’m pretty sure the last patch of SL, whatever it is, will tie in the Dragonflight to either the Jailer or the First Ones as our dragon-themed tie to 10.0 which will definitely be associated with dragons (see: Cata 2 vibes and the Dragon Isles tease)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    My hope is, should we get a Dragon Isles expansion, they do exactly this - have the islands be suspended among the clouds for whatever reason above existing zones.
    I’m thinking it’s likely based on the hints that there will be flying involved (winged monkeys, bird dragons in SL, new bird model in 6-month), as well as the complaints about the endgame zones in Cata being so disconnected.

  9. #5869
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagawithlegs View Post
    I’m thinking it’s likely based on the hints that there will be flying involved (winged monkeys, bird dragons in SL, new bird model in 6-month), as well as the complaints about the endgame zones in Cata being so disconnected.
    If Blizzard could somehow design zones that actually move relative to the ground beneath then that truly would be amazing.
    I would be happy with a solution in which the Dragon Isles are in a separate instance, but falling off them lands you in a random zone on Azeroth. Sure it would be slightly annoying and probably more work than its worth, but damn if it wouldnt be fun.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  10. #5870
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I seriously don't understand why they won't do it. it's like the perfect space solution because you can vertically stack areas. No need to add an "island" for Mechagon off the shore that for some reason was hard to find when instead you can make that same space in a cave under your existing landmass ezpz.
    Because the engine can't actually do that. You cannot stack regular terrain in it. Any flying islands are doodads.

    Besides, remember that the world is heavily compressed, and Mechagon was actively defended from anybody but Gnomes. It probably wouldn't actually be visible from Kul Tiras if the world was accurate to lore.
    It's easy to understand why, though; if the world was lore accurate, flying from Borean Tundra to Howling Fjords in Northrend would take the better part of a day (around 15 hours). Never mind traveling such distances on the ground. You'd spend a few play sessions just traveling for every quest.

  11. #5871
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Because the engine can't actually do that. You cannot stack regular terrain in it. Any flying islands are doodads.

    Besides, remember that the world is heavily compressed, and Mechagon was actively defended from anybody but Gnomes. It probably wouldn't actually be visible from Kul Tiras if the world was accurate to lore.
    It's easy to understand why, though; if the world was lore accurate, flying from Borean Tundra to Howling Fjords in Northrend would take the better part of a day (around 15 hours). Never mind traveling such distances on the ground. You'd spend a few play sessions just traveling for every quest.
    It doesn't need to be direct terrain. Look at Undercity, Caverns of Time, Siege of Orgrimmar, Neltharion's Lair, AQ40, etc. Large-scale underground spaces are entirely possible in engine. I was not complaining about the distance to Mechagon being unusual, but rather that the entire issue could have been side-stepped with an underground space.

  12. #5872
    Zovaal and Murozond somehow working together wouldn’t surprise me at all. Or maybe not working together, but sharing a similar goal. This would be kinda neat and a great interlude to - if it will come next - a dragon focused expansion that’s more based on stuff we already know and less on cosmic travesty. I already see the next Covenants coming with the Dragonflights being exactly that.

    Other games did have flying continents and I cannot understand why this should be impossible for WoW. Final Fantasy XIV did it back in 2015 and it worked, in 2022 it would work for sure if they’re dedicated to it - and hell, make flying a mandatory part of the expansion where it’s basically required to travel from the moment you set foot there.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  13. #5873
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I already see the next Covenants coming with the Dragonflights being exactly that.
    So do I, but I would honestly probably quit entirely if that were announced. My dedication to WoW is running on fumes, and a couple of those fumes are hopes for a draconic class and/or playable race. Such a system would quash those hopes.

  14. #5874
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Zovaal and Murozond somehow working together wouldn’t surprise me at all. Or maybe not working together, but sharing a similar goal. This would be kinda neat and a great interlude to - if it will come next - a dragon focused expansion that’s more based on stuff we already know and less on cosmic travesty. I already see the next Covenants coming with the Dragonflights being exactly that.
    It’s been noted that Nozdormu hasn’t made the chance to Murozond in the timeline yet, and it was previously cited to happen because of Old God influence. Considering all 4 are dead it has been posited that there may be a new reason for his change OR Xalatath is waiting to corrupt him at the right moment, who we last saw on Azeroth.

  15. #5875
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagawithlegs View Post
    It’s been noted that Nozdormu hasn’t made the chance to Murozond in the timeline yet, and it was previously cited to happen because of Old God influence. Considering all 4 are dead it has been posited that there may be a new reason for his change OR Xalatath is waiting to corrupt him at the right moment, who we last saw on Azeroth.
    Or the Old Gods are not completely dead. The influence of Yogg-saron still infests Ulduar, and the whole deal with N'zoth is difficult to decide conclusively.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #5876
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    It doesn't need to be direct terrain. Look at Undercity, Caverns of Time, Siege of Orgrimmar, Neltharion's Lair, AQ40, etc. Large-scale underground spaces are entirely possible in engine. I was not complaining about the distance to Mechagon being unusual, but rather that the entire issue could have been side-stepped with an underground space.
    Those are all enclosed with limited view distance, though. And most of them are instances anyway.

    And what issue? There is no actual issue, that only comes from the game world being out of scale and Blizz deciding that most people probably wouldn't want to spend half an hour flying over empty ocean to get there. Besides, Mechagon city is underground. The only people living on the surface are the Prince's resistance forces.

  17. #5877
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Those are all enclosed with limited view distance, though. And most of them are instances anyway.

    And what issue? There is no actual issue, that only comes from the game world being out of scale and Blizz deciding that most people probably wouldn't want to spend half an hour flying over empty ocean to get there. Besides, Mechagon city is underground. The only people living on the surface are the Prince's resistance forces.
    ????? How would an underground space not be enclosed, hello?

  18. #5878
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Or the Old Gods are not completely dead. The influence of Yogg-saron still infests Ulduar, and the whole deal with N'zoth is difficult to decide conclusively.
    Just remember Y'shaarj. Simply killing them isn't remotely enough to get rid of theír influence.

  19. #5879
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Or the Old Gods are not completely dead. The influence of Yogg-saron still infests Ulduar, and the whole deal with N'zoth is difficult to decide conclusively.
    Ulduar is a good point and may tie into the Wrath theme of SL, but the devs seemed to make it clear that Nzoth was dead/reforming in his original plane. He could have some of him in the Xalatath dagger though, which he was eager to acquire and disappeared after Wrathion stabbed him.

  20. #5880
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    ????? How would an underground space not be enclosed, hello?
    Missing the point. Being enclosed mitigates some of the issues of building them that way. A flying island would be a whole different issue - there's a reason they had to leave Crystalsong almost entirely barren and put Dalaran over open water in Legion.

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