I am not sure how you would make tiersets return without immediately getting an outcry against forced gearslots like what we had for Domination Sockets.
I guess maybe it will kinda blow over since you tended to want 5 domination socket items, whereas you only want 4 Tier set pieces. However you could be damn sure the players wouldnt let Blizzard get away with simply readding a feature players wanted back.
The world revamp dream will never die!
In the same style as artifact weapons, but this time you get a class specific tier set. They would have to revamp looting (aka no armor drops as there were no weapon drops in Legion), but this isn't a problem at all, it would even solve a lot of the looting issues we've experienced since Legion. Removal of master loot would facilitate this as well. The tier set has different visual designs and with each new raid tier there are new ones added, akin to artifacts in Legion. Special activities give you special skins. You could have major and minor tier sockets, e.g. chest / helmet and legs give you major sockets, gloves, braces, belts and shoulders give you minor sockets. Minor sockets are like minor artifact traits, major ones are like conduits from Shadowlands or the gold dragon traits from artifact weapons. Each content patch adds new traits on top of that. I mean it's basically artifact armor.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
No thanks.
Locking out 9 whole slots is too much.
Formerly known as Arafal
I guess that could in theory work, i guess at a stretch it would also not have the same problem as Legion did with being restricted to a total of 6 unique weapons for the entire expansion, given you only played a single spec of course.
Tier sets are great and all, but what transmog lovers like me really love is mixing stuff to make something new, so you would still need a variety of appearances available to everyone, and not just class specific ones.
In theory i love the idea though, especially if it gives a more balanced version of the Legion artifact talent tree. Just think it would need some rethinks in regards to non-class themed sets.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Unless they actually do something surprising: If everything gets wrapped up nicely, yes, sure. But if the conclusion sets up the next expansion, the expansion reveal would spoil that: For example, The Sylvanas Loyalist Cutscene (8.2.5) actually set up the next expansion more than anything in 8.3. But in Shadowlands there are *SO MANY* unresolved plotpoints.
Basically if the next expansion literally comes out of nowhere, they can just reveal it at any point. Maybe gamescom.
But if like the last 3 expansions, the next expansion's premise is the direct consequence of the events of this one, they'll likely hold off on the reveal until february. For example, what if we beat the jailer but Anduin still manages to remake the shadowlands? Or what if any major characters die? If it is a light expansion the reveal trailer would probably show Turalyon as the new king of Stormwind. Spoilers abound.
So I rolled an undead to see just how badly fucked up the Cata zones are at this point VS Classic and VS newer expansions.
In the first 3 levels I've been re-taught about an event no longer in the game (the Wrath Gate) and twice had to escort an annoying NPC around instead of just playing the damn game.
Like I knew 1-60 needed a revamp again but I forgot just how bad, and frankly outdated, some of these experiences are.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
Pretty sure you can still do the Wrathgate questline.
It's the battle for undercity that's not availble anymore.
Formerly known as Arafal
Okay if we're going to get pedantic about Wrath Gate VS Battle for Undercity.
Yes, you can still watch Putress bomb the Wrath Gate. BUT
1. The questline aborts immediately after that, you don't get to see the resolution of Putress' arc in BfU.
2. To even view it at this point you have to think to do questing in Dragonblight, which most players won't do unless they are Chormie Timeing into Northrend.
3. It's literally never been followed up on again since being the entire focus of the opening cinematic for Undead. To the point that a chunk of the team has just forgotten a coup ever happened.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
No! The worst thing about the Heart of Azeroth was that they took the bad things from Artifact Weapons and threw away the only good things - the skins and loreheavy background. I never want a noname legendary ring/trinket/neck without any visuals anymore. Whoever thought that the stats/effects of a legendary are the reason people liked them pre-MoP was probably also the person who thought it would be good to do M+ without any unique rewards at the start of Legion (especially after two expansions with CM gold rewards ...).