1. #1861
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    While the zones have mostly concluded their stories they still have some stuff left that could be explored. Especially if the idea is that they need to become truly whole again to create a new sigil.

    Venthyr still has story to tell regarding the Dreadlords, and by extension the light.
    Necrolords still needs to find new Margraves. And we still have no real idea what that means, or whether it requires completing a trial or even if it gives a power boost like some of the Margraves seem to imply.
    Kyrians need to decide on the whole memory matter, but more importantly because of Uther the story is not ended until we find Arthas.
    Night Fae could be about dealing with Tyrande and hte power of the Night Warrior.

    In hte end we have to see how it all plays out, but there is always room for more story.
    If we view it from that perspective, every expansion could have way more lore attached to them. But all of that was deemed a side story and simply not important enough - and that’s the feeling I get from everything you mentioned. It’s just stuff that exists and most will be left out because it doesn’t matter for the overarching plot. Major storylines like the Tyrande stuff will get resolved, but something like the Margraves really doesn’t matter at all from our perspective.
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  2. #1862
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    How the fuck can you call Kyrestia more powerful than Denathrius when she was getting slapped around by Devos? She had the Spear of Bastion sure, but even beforehand, she and Kyrestia were equal in power, and we still kicked her ass. Denathrius at the very least was a challenge for us.
    I don't really think you can apply this kind of logic here. Devos shreking Archon was for the purpose of having her as a final Spires boss. It was done for the gameplay reason and dramatic effect, with Kyrestia helping us during it and all.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2021-04-22 at 07:28 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  3. #1863
    Quote Originally Posted by Kereberus View Post
    So Sylvanas DOES NOT die at the end of the raid, was this datamined or just assumed?
    There’s a Sylvanas novel coming out in November, it makes no sense that she dies in game before that. So yes, it’s just an assumption, but that she was ever going to die was highly unlikely.
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  4. #1864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    There’s a Sylvanas novel coming out in November, it makes no sense that she dies in game before that. So yes, it’s just an assumption, but that she was ever going to die was highly unlikely.
    And here we have Black Widow movie coming out soon.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #1865
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    There’s a Sylvanas novel coming out in November, it makes no sense that she dies in game before that. So yes, it’s just an assumption, but that she was ever going to die was highly unlikely.
    To further iterate on this: if anything fatal or conclusive happens to Sylvanas, it will most likely happen the earliest in 9.1.5. Why I say that? Because it could fit the November date. Otherwise it could potentially happen in 9.2 which comes out at the earliest in December, more likely next year though.
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  6. #1866
    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    Denathrius was the only of the 4 that wasn't anima starved, the opposite actually, he was fully juiced with plenty to spare.
    He did have his power split between the Medallions of the Harvesters. I would say he was far from being at full power.
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
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  7. #1867
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    There’s a Sylvanas novel coming out in November, it makes no sense that she dies in game before that. So yes, it’s just an assumption, but that she was ever going to die was highly unlikely.
    Hmm, I don't know, the blurb says its her complete story after all. Meaning there's likely an end for her.

  8. #1868
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    If we view it from that perspective, every expansion could have way more lore attached to them. But all of that was deemed a side story and simply not important enough - and that’s the feeling I get from everything you mentioned. It’s just stuff that exists and most will be left out because it doesn’t matter for the overarching plot. Major storylines like the Tyrande stuff will get resolved, but something like the Margraves really doesn’t matter at all from our perspective.
    Well in this case it is the story that is still unresolved within this expansion.
    Obviously one could always fabricate new story, but as you said that can be done for any story.

    The Venthyr/dreadlord connection does need to be resolved somehow though. Even if that just means that they run away to fight another time.
    Same with the Kyrian and Bastion story, each one needs some sort of resolution before the expansion ends, the Uther/Arthas connection most of all.

    The Necrolord thing I mentioned is definitely the least important of these, and could easily be left to the player to assume. (Vashj becoming new Margrave of the House of Eyes, Mograine becoming teh new Margrave of the House of the Chosen etc.) But it is still an unresolved plotline that should at least be given some token resolution, especially when the Necrolord campaign hammered in that you need all the five houses to cooperate.
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  9. #1869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Hmm, I don't know, the blurb says its her complete story after all. Meaning there's likely an end for her.
    Also, let's not take too literal a promo material piece.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  10. #1870
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Also, let's not take too literal a promo material piece.

    But let's not take the book's existence as proof that she survives, either. Entirely possible to release it afterward.

    Anyways, unrelated question - on the PTR, can you transmog the appearance of the legendary armor pieces? I know the recolors are used for the armor from the raid but it would be nice to have the color set of the legendary ones too.

    (Also hopeful because I already made a complete cloth set in hopes to transmog it one day)

  11. #1871
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I don't really think you can apply this kind of logic here. Devos shreking Archon was for the purpose of having her as a final Spires boss. It was done for the gameplay reason and dramatic effect, with Kyrestia helping us during it and all.
    She literally helps us with 1 mechanic. The rest was from our doing. And do NOT bring up something that's in the lore as "mere gamplay" shit. Devos with the Spear wounding the Arbiter happened. It's not just gameplay shit. She was going to be the final boss either way.

  12. #1872
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    She literally helps us with 1 mechanic. The rest was from our doing. And do NOT bring up something that's in the lore as "mere gamplay" shit. Devos with the Spear wounding the Arbiter happened. It's not just gameplay shit. She was going to be the final boss either way.
    Yes, it happened. For the dramatic effect, because what would be the other purpose of it when we immediately defeat Devos anyway? We can see them fighting entire dungeon run. Gameplay reason do happen.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  13. #1873
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    Story stuff seems a lot more interesting than bfa story stuff imo. It might not be an amazing story but its a lot better than bfa.

    The Korthia zone looks trash though. Its still just 4 daily quests with almost no rares or events. Hopefully, they add more, but im not getting my hopes up.

  14. #1874
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Story stuff seems a lot more interesting than bfa story stuff imo. It might not be an amazing story but its a lot better than bfa.

    The Korthia zone looks trash though. Its still just 4 daily quests with almost no rares or events. Hopefully, they add more, but im not getting my hopes up.
    I think what worked well in BfA was the story of the zones. Not the overarching story arcs, they’ve been trash tier from start to finish. But Zandalar‘s story was great in my opinion. Kul‘Tiras was okayish.

    Shadowlands... I don’t know. The overarching story seems way better, but not sure about the other stuff. I think the biggest problem with BfA‘s story was just the butchering of many beloved characters and that nothing made sense.
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  15. #1875
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I think what worked well in BfA was the story of the zones. Not the overarching story arcs, they’ve been trash tier from start to finish. But Zandalar‘s story was great in my opinion. Kul‘Tiras was okayish.

    Shadowlands... I don’t know. The overarching story seems way better, but not sure about the other stuff. I think the biggest problem with BfA‘s story was just the butchering of many beloved characters and that nothing made sense.
    BFA could have made a good story imo. Azshara could have framed Sylvanas, and that could have justified her for being pissed off and starting an actual war.

    Sylvanas marches to claim Teldrassil. Azshara burns it. Alliance thinks Sylvanas did it so they march on Undercity. We still get the whole BFA war, but with a better story imo. Now that would mean a not evil Sylvanas and Shadowlands doesn't happen, but IMO that would have made BFA a lot better.

  16. #1876
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    And here we have Black Widow movie coming out soon.
    It's a bit different, since there isn't a successor Sylvanas Windrunner played by (insert equivalent of Florence Pugh), though.

    I mean, I fucking hope not.

  17. #1877
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    BFA could have made a good story imo. Azshara could have framed Sylvanas, and that could have justified her for being pissed off and starting an actual war.

    Sylvanas marches to claim Teldrassil. Azshara burns it. Alliance thinks Sylvanas did it so they march on Undercity. We still get the whole BFA war, but with a better story imo. Now that would mean a not evil Sylvanas and Shadowlands doesn't happen, but IMO that would have made BFA a lot better.
    How to make BfA‘s story better within 5 minutes, lol.

    I‘m still waiting for the explanation why Sylvanas had to burn Teldrassil (when most Night Elves weren’t actually at home). But do I want to know in the end? Most likely not.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    It's a bit different, since there isn't a successor Sylvanas Windrunner played by (insert equivalent of Florence Pugh), though.

    I mean, I fucking hope not.
    Hey, Void Alleria is right around the corner.
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  18. #1878
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Hey, Void Alleria is right around the corner.
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  19. #1879
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I think what worked well in BfA was the story of the zones. Not the overarching story arcs, they’ve been trash tier from start to finish. But Zandalar‘s story was great in my opinion. Kul‘Tiras was okayish.

    Shadowlands... I don’t know. The overarching story seems way better, but not sure about the other stuff. I think the biggest problem with BfA‘s story was just the butchering of many beloved characters and that nothing made sense.
    Bfa had some strong story elements going on, but the execution and trying to force the horde vs alliance war is kind of what made other stories suffer.

    Azshara, zandalri trolls are main examples, but they felt rushed and they could have done so much more with it.

    Many feel like these elements were wasted for other narratives such as the war or Sylvanas that felt out of place and I agree.

    I am still bitter at Rastakahn and Azshara for that matter.

  20. #1880
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    I think BFA should have ended with Azshara. We wasted Nzoth for a shitty raid with no zone. The biggest disappointment in WoW history. More disappointing than Deathwing IMO. Also, does anyone else feel like we had a harder time-fighting Deathwing?

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