1. #19821
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    They are totally gonna involve Medivh in First Ones shenanigans.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  2. #19822
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    If you had, you'd know not to ignore certain aspects and accentuate others to extreme.
    So none of the other themes in that logo matter because you think you see a bow?

    Night elves and Dragons go a long way back.

    If we're talking about Old Gods and Dragonflights, then there are the elements which appeared heavily in Cataclysm.

    If we're talking about the font, then it has nothing titanic in particular. If you're looking for Titanic involvement, there could definitely be some, as a Titanic Homeworld expansion is due.
    Uh why would we be looking towards the Titan homeworld? Wouldn't the titans be involved if Azeroth is threatened by the Old Gods, the very thing they empowered the dragons to stop in the first place?

  3. #19823
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    All i see is a Naaru themed border with a purple cosmic void background.

    Where the fuck you people see night elf bows and titan aesthetics is an absolute enigma for me.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #19824
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    All i see is a Naaru themed border with a purple cosmic void background.

    Where the fuck you people see night elf bows and titan aesthetics is an absolute enigma for me.
    Someone on reddit said it looks like the Sapphire Skyblazer. I don't necessarily agree with that take but I can see the elven elements perhaps people see in the bow.

    It would be pretty funny if this ends up being another expansions themed around elves.

  5. #19825
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    All i see is a Naaru themed border with a purple cosmic void background.

    Where the fuck you people see night elf bows and titan aesthetics is an absolute enigma for me.
    To be honest at the sides I see two arrowy things, no idea about the titan aesthetics

  6. #19826
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    All i see is a Naaru themed border with a purple cosmic void background.

    Where the fuck you people see night elf bows and titan aesthetics is an absolute enigma for me.
    The thing is that it is easy to confuse Naaru for titan because they are "alien" tech. However, the straight lines moving into the more curved elements are definitely titan. Also Naaru don't have anything to do with dragons, while the lore of dragons and titans are intertwined, as is the lore of titans and old gods. Also the background wouldn't be cosmic, it would be Twilight or Old Gods (ala "Domestic Void), because that is the theme that lines up with Dragons and directly threatens Azeroth.

  7. #19827
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    The thing about a dragon expansion is that it can basically be anything. Out of all precedents for retcons and new expansions inventing new ideas or shaking up past lore, the dragons have been doing it longer and more consistently than almost anything else.

    Even in Classic we had Nefarian creating the Chromatic dragonflight, and experimental or mutated flights would be introduced almost once an expansion since then. On top of those, Wrath of the Lich King introduced the proto-dragons as their original forms. Legion introduced Storm Dragons. Shadowlands gave us feathered Veilwing Dragons.

    While the easy guess for the Dragon Isles is something like a zone for each of the original flights and fleshing out the dragons we know, the sky's the limit. Awhile back someone speculated on the possibility that Elune may not just have a fondness for Ysera specifically, but be the origin of the dragons as a whole. I feel like some sort of newly revealed history of the dragons like that is basically guaranteed in any dragon-themed expansion.

    Something like "Empire of Dragons" could reveal that Galakrond was one of many colossal proto-proto-dragons before he came to Azeroth and sired dragonkind as we know it. This Empire could exist to this day on the Dragon Isles, or the other side of Azeroth, or some mythical place on the border between the cosmic realms of Light and Void. If Elune really does have something to do with the dragons, her established creation of the Prime Naaru could easily connect the dragons to the Light, and even Void.
    Yeah, we had new dragons each and every expansion:
    - Vanilla: Chromatic Dragons
    - TBC: Nether Dragons, Inifnite Dragons
    - WtoLK: Proto-dragons, Twilight Dragons
    - Cata: Stone Dragons, Storm Dragons
    - MoP: Cloud Serpents
    - WoD: Fey Dragons
    - Legion: Storm Dragons, Nightmare Dragons
    - BfA: Void Dragons
    - Shadowlands: Feathered Dragons

    So it's not crazy to think they could add new kinds of dragons, like, Sea Dragons, Light Dragons, or whatever they want.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Lol, I just realized that it would have the same initials as the GW2 expansion.

    Yeah no I doubt that.
    We had WoW: Shadowlands at the same time that FF14: Shadowbringers. Sharing inititials with the new GW2 expansion feels like a minor problem after that to me.

  8. #19828
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Someone on reddit said it looks like the Sapphire Skyblazer. I don't necessarily agree with that take but I can see the elven elements perhaps people see in the bow.

    It would be pretty funny if this ends up being another expansions themed around elves.
    I can smell some high elf vibes here.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  9. #19829
    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    Yeah, we had new dragons each and every expansion:
    - Vanilla: Chromatic Dragons
    - TBC: Nether Dragons, Inifnite Dragons
    - WtoLK: Proto-dragons, Twilight Dragons
    - Cata: Stone Dragons, Storm Dragons
    - MoP: Cloud Serpents
    - WoD: Fey Dragons
    - Legion: Storm Dragons, Nightmare Dragons
    - BfA: Void Dragons
    - Shadowlands: Feathered Dragons

    So it's not crazy to think they could add new kinds of dragons, like, Sea Dragons, Light Dragons, or whatever they want.
    Night Dragons.

    Probably somehow related to Elune's darker powers.

  10. #19830
    Quote Originally Posted by RoshuanEU View Post
    I read that people made a remark about the shine coming from the letters in the EoD logo. What if it is a still from an animation, I could see some light animation coming from the letters. I am not claiming it to be true though, just a thought I had.
    It could explain the rays on the bottom frame and the starry effect on the WarCraft letters.

  11. #19831
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    People think that looks like a Night Elf bow?

  12. #19832
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    That name makes as much sense as Shadowlands, Warlords of Draenor or Mists of Pandaria made sense.

    By the way, going "inside" Azeroth which supposedly is a (female) sleeping Titan will not be a thing due to various reasons.
    How do those names not make sense?

    "Shadowlands" is self-explanatory, the expansion takes place in the realm known as Shadowlands.

    "Warlords of Draenor" refers to the main villains of the expansion, the Warlords of the world "Draenor" who formed the Iron Horde.

    "Mists of Pandaria" refers to the magical mists that surrounded Pandaria for 10000 years, the expansion happens because of their disappearance.

    "Empire of Dragons" doesn't make sense, unless the dragons randomly decide to start an empire.

    Which is out of character for them because, in case you didn't know, empires are built on conquest and bloodshed. By definition, an empire is a collection of conquered kingdoms. I don't see Alexstrasza and co. randomly starting to conquer people. That would certainly make them no better than their nemesis N'Zoth.

  13. #19833
    Dreadlord MabusGaming's Avatar
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    Not sure why everyone keeps debating the empire of dragons logo. The person who posted it continues to read this thread and hasn't said a word about it since they posted it. Was also the first and only source of the image. Just put it to rest already lol
    The above post should never be taken seriously in any shape or form. Failure to do so might result in laughing matters.

  14. #19834
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    I can smell some high elf vibes here.
    Highborne for me!

  15. #19835
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    People think that looks like a Night Elf bow?

    I mean, yeah?
    It looks like wood with stylized pieces of organic metal shapes.
    There are afterall elven bows with even more metal pieces.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MabusGaming View Post
    Not sure why everyone keeps debating the empire of dragons logo. The person who posted it continues to read this thread and hasn't said a word about it since they posted it. Was also the first and only source of the image. Just put it to rest already lol
    Because we are not arguing whether it's real. That debate is basically pointless given we have absolutely no reason to assume it is.
    The debate is whether it could have the potential to be real. Would anyone be surprised if it ended up being real, which is a debate worth having given the Shadowlands logo was leaked way back, and it looked even more fake than this.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #19836

    This looks great. 1000x better than the awful Unreal Engine renders of "next-gen" WoW zones.

  17. #19837
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    How do those names not make sense?

    "Shadowlands" is self-explanatory, the expansion takes place in the realm known as Shadowlands.

    "Warlords of Draenor" refers to the main villains of the expansion, the Warlords of the world "Draenor" who formed the Iron Horde.

    "Mists of Pandaria" refers to the magical mists that surrounded Pandaria for 10000 years, the expansion happens because of their disappearance.

    "Empire of Dragons" doesn't make sense, unless the dragons randomly decide to start an empire.

    Which is out of character for them because, in case you didn't know, empires are built on conquest and bloodshed. By definition, an empire is a collection of conquered kingdoms. I don't see Alexstrasza and co. randomly starting to conquer people. That would certainly make them no better than their nemesis N'Zoth.
    You sure on that definition? Merriam Webster within it's multitude of definitions for Empire (source) lists one definition as "a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority." While empires have largely in history been due to conquered kingdoms, it isn't necessarily a requirement. To a certain extent, the Iron Horde could be considered to be an empire run by Grommash even though he did not conquer the other clans.

    To have an empire, all the dragons would need to do would be to follow a single sovereign authority and act as one. There are plenty who could fit the bill to lead such an empire...perhaps a single flight takes leadership, or perhaps a Titan returns and gives new instructions to the dragonflights. We might find a lost leadership setup in the Dragon Isles, who knows what might've happened there? We may not currently know of a dragon empire, but we didn't understand what the mists were for Mists of Pandaria until we discovered more of the story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post

    This looks great. 1000x better than the awful Unreal Engine renders of "next-gen" WoW zones.
    Agreed. It fits the art style of WoW much better for obvious reasons & would likely work in the current game as opposed to the Unreal Engine shaders/textures which would likely limit the amount of lower end PCs that could play WoW.
    Last edited by AngerFork; 2022-01-24 at 06:41 PM.

  18. #19838
    You know we're deep into the drought when someone takes out the Merriam-Webster.

  19. #19839
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MabusGaming View Post
    Not sure why everyone keeps debating the empire of dragons logo. The person who posted it continues to read this thread and hasn't said a word about it since they posted it. Was also the first and only source of the image. Just put it to rest already lol
    I thought it was originally posted on 4chan?

  20. #19840
    Empire of Dragons is fake because it's such a comically bad name that there is no way that Blizzard would think of anything bad like that.

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