1. #6841
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    So yeah: you don't need a budget increase. You just want one without having to sacrifice aforementioned nonsense pork projects.

    The Armed Forces has more than sufficient funding. Get better at living within your means, Chiefs of Staff.
    Remember when you guys were bitching for more than a hundred pages about the idea of not having budget increases?

    It feels like it was almost yesterday...

  2. #6842
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    It’s almost like having some budgetary increases are acceptable while others aren’t. Weird.
    I look forward to the continued push for fiscal responsibility. Keep up the good work!!!

  3. #6843
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    I’ve heard plenty of stories over the years.

    I would still prefer that the troops get better pay even if it means maintaining the waste.
    I agree they need better pay. But remember these are the same people who got caught burying a report showing how they already wasted 25 BILLION a year they could save without firing anyone or cutting wages before they got 130 billion more.

    These are the same people who made the news when Obama came into office and gave them a billion to upgrade their systems Veteran Affairs to speed up their disability claims only to have them turn around and spend 500 million of it on new furniture for the higher ups so they could more comfortably ignore their jobs.

    I have no disagreement about better pay for the soldiers. But they NEED outside oversight of their budget at this point.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  4. #6844
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Thanks. I’ll continue to push for shifting to prioritizing spending that benefits society over corporations. Let me know when you get on board, we’d love to have you.
    Now, if only people actually gave a shit about budgets...

  5. #6845
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Not even a denial. Corporations first for Machismo.
    It is very entertaining watching people turn on a dime, in order to justify their complete and total hypocrisy on such issues.

    But hey, if it means budget cuts, I'm all for it. Stay inconsistent!!!

  6. #6846
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Nobody has turned on a dime. Nice try though.
    Nah, I fully support your push to decrease the budget. I think it's a sound idea. Thanks for taking my advice.

  7. #6847
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Not even remotely related to what I was saying. Nice try though.
    So, how big of a cut do you think they should make?

  8. #6848
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    To the military? Let’s start with half. Catching up yet?
    Sounds great, let's do the same for the rest of the government. I fucking love efficiency!!!

  9. #6849
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Nope. I will never agree to cutting necessary social programs. Sorry, I’m not down with your austerity corporatist genocide plans.
    Some people think all that defense spending is necessary... looks like you guys keep arguing against yourselves.

    I mean, you are the one who said you didn't want those darn public-sector employees out-earning the corporations and the private sector.

    Man, I would love to see big cuts to Medicare and Social Security, and finally put this country on a path of prosperity. Glad you're on board.

  10. #6850
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Some people like to claim they aren’t corporatists because they oppose all regulations. It’s always transparent and hilarious to anyone with the ability to reason.
    I'm not the one trying to make sure corporations get their fair share.

    Here's to hoping Biden embraces fiscal responsibility, and starts to push to balance the budget!

  11. #6851
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Yes you are. You’re the one arguing they should get MORE than their fair share, simply because they have more money. You have never even tried to deny it. Keep up.
    Nah, I think we need to keep the government spending down, let's get rid of all those Medicare contracts with those corporatists. Why do people want asshats like Rick Scott walking away with hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars?

  12. #6852
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Nah, you think we need to empower all the corporations by letting them own all the infrastructure and politicians. Stop masking shit. While also limiting access to basic necessities, like healthcare. Go on about that genocide kid.
    No thanks, I see no reason to keep spending more and more taxpayer dollars into programs that just line the pockets of corporations and their executives.

    It's weird how many people support such things these days.

  13. #6853
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Some people think all that defense spending is necessary... looks like you guys keep arguing against yourselves.

    I mean, you are the one who said you didn't want those darn public-sector employees out-earning the corporations and the private sector.

    Man, I would love to see big cuts to Medicare and Social Security, and finally put this country on a path of prosperity. Glad you're on board.
    Please don’t derail this thread with more of your libertarian dystopia that you pretend is progress.

    I really don’t want to have to eat another infraction just to save this page again.

    Yours views on this are circular at best and have been throughly debunked, just stop....
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  14. #6854
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Right, you just want those corporations to own and run society. See, I want SOCIAL programs owned by the people. They aren’t corporations. Weird you still haven’t figured out the distinction... then again, you’re pushing for a corporatist society. So obfuscation is a necessity.
    No, no I do not. That's just a straw man on your part.

    But hey, at least you're finally coming around to the idea that spending less taxpayer money is a good thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Please don’t derail this thread with more of your libertarian dystopia that you pretend is progress.

    I really don’t want to have to eat another infraction just to save this page again.

    Yours views on this are circular at best and have been throughly debunked, just stop....
    I'm just happy that the Biden supporters are finally open to the idea of cutting spending.

  15. #6855
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Nope, it’s a statement of fact based on previous posts and your inability to counter the argument. Want me to link examples? You know I have them ready...
    Evidence for that, please.

    I'll wait. You have plenty of my quotes to choose from.

    Meanwhile, it would be a refreshing surprise to see Biden, and his supporters, finally embrace some fiscal responsibility.

  16. #6856
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Remember when you guys were bitching for more than a hundred pages about the idea of not having budget increases?
    Remember when all budget increases went to the same ends? No?

    Then shove off with this silly gotcha. It is not a matter of 'fiscal responsibility', it's a matter of pouring money into things other than infrastructure and public services.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  17. #6857
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Remember when all budget increases went to the same ends? No?

    Then shove off with this silly gotcha.
    it looks like people are finally opening up to the idea of cutting government spending, even if they previously showed concerns that doing so would slow the overall economy.

    I'd call that progress.

  18. #6858
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    it looks like people are finally opening up to the idea of cutting government spending, even if they previously showed concerns that doing so would slow the overall economy.
    Then you need to get your eyes checked, because what people are calling for is using that money for other public projects.

    People disliking military bloat doesn't mean anyone agrees with whatever ancap nonsense you're pushing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  19. #6859
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Then you need to get your eyes checked, because what people are calling for is using that money for other public projects.

    People disliking military bloat doesn't mean anyone agrees with whatever ancap nonsense you're pushing.
    But, how do Biden and his supporters plan on paying for all of this?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Here you go, both are corporatist policies. Let me know how you refute them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Reduced military spending with appropriate spending on things like healthcare, infrastructure, and education. We’ve been very clear.
    So, that's not what you claimed to be a fact... do we need to go over the difference between a fact and an opinion?

    I'm literally supporting free speech, and you equate that to something else.

  20. #6860
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    But, how do Biden and his supporters plan on paying for all of this?
    Again: get your eyes checked.

    using that money (i.e. bloated military funding) for other public projects
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

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